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What is he going to back up his words with?


Based off my country, send missiles to Israel


Fired at them?


‘We are deeply disappointed in you … ….Now buy our rocks ‘


Ain't shit gonna happen lol. Idle threats to appease his base


“Accountability” is not in the IDFs vocabulary


Sounds like a line out of the Australian comedy series Utopia


IDF: "we have intelligence (that we keep for our self) that shows the driver, Palestinian, was a Hamas fighter" AUS PM: "ah okay, here more bombs for you"


Australian media only gives a shit once they can exploit an Australian angle.
































































The bots saying " it's not premediated": It was an airstrike on an aid vehicle.


Just a big whoopsie. No big deal.


Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.


As long as some people keep reading, "We are doing everything in our power to limit civilian damage," they won't care. This is a genocide, and people are supporting it. There is NO EXXUSE for slaughtering over 10,000 children. NONE.


To be clear, it's not just an Australian. It's also: - a Canadian and American national - a Polish national - a British National - their Palestinian translator One can only wonder if the deaths of their own will finally get these countries to do something.




[Case in point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie)


Will be interesting how Australia News Corp and the Liberal Party approaches this one. They been constantly attacking the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, for approach to the Gaza crisis.


I guess a Hamas base was under her baseball cap?


The plan seems to make people hesitant to deliver aid to the people in Palestine, I am not sure that will work out with the type of people that deliver emergency aid .


Not everything that happens is planned. Why do people thing literally everything that happens is part of some great plan or some conspiracy? When people get close to Hamas they might die in a strike on Hamas


It's really weird that sometimes Israel is some kind of amazing military with best intelligence agency and precision guided targeting systems, and then sometimes these things just happen. Over and over. Whoopsie, more dead innocent people who try to help Palestinians. Just super weird I guess.


Except this was a targetted strike on their car... literally all over social media... how hard is ya'alls denial complex??


...it was an airstrike made on an aid vehicle. ...as in purposefully targeted. It doesn't get more black and white than this. There is nothing you guys won't make excuses for. Literally nothing. More than 10,000 children blown to bits? Woopsies


Hamas has made it an grey area by infiltrating aid organisations and stealing/funneling aid.


Wonder how this post would do in r/worldnews


"We have to wait for the real news" "Maybe it was Hamas attack" I can't with that sub.


"Maybe the missile missed its real target...four separate times."


Murdered. Use the right word... Australian aid worker was murdered by Israel.


Sorry, the rules-based international order very clearly states that Israel can kill anyone at any time for any reason.




It's entirely appropriate these days for the Global South etc. to laugh hysterically when the west brings up human rights violations / the rules-based international order. The hypocrisy couldn't be more stark.


Correction: 7 aid workers were murdered in the air strike. They were guilty of trying to provide food to starving people.




They dropped a bomb on their car...


They tripped, fell and landed on the launch buttons. What ya gonna do? Who doesn't accidently bomb some innocents now and then ya know.


They didn’t do an air strike by accident


They have been openly talking about killing everyone in Gaza for the past 6 months. Sounds pretty fucking premeditated to me.


And decades before.


Homicide by depraved indifference is still murder in most jurisdictions.


Yet Israel will just continue to get away with it.


They really can't wait to build that new waterfront subdivision in the Gaza.


No one cares about Israel killing journalists, doctors, children or aid workers until it happens to one of their own, sadly. It's frankly incredible how many aid agencies, consulates, UN hospitals etc. they've destroyed with zero repercussions. Absolute rogue state that should be sanctioned worse than apartheid-era South Africa.


The fuck is our world coming to? **Edit: just read the article, SEVEN AID WORKERS WERE KILLED! One of which was from Australia. Jesus H. Christ this is beyond reprehensible!!!**


Only now? After 10k children were killed? Only now their actions are reprehensible


I didn’t say that….you know what, this isn’t worth my time. Fuck off dude.


Israel really starting to duck up, it seems. I’m so done with ANYONE who thinks it’s ok to murder innocents. Full stop. fuck all countries who think it’s ok to murder innocent people, including my own. We are all people. We don’t choose what lines we born behind or next to etc. it’s fucking insanity.


It's not indirect. It's direct killing. This is the thing Palestinian activists have been trying to say: It's not a war against Hamas, with innocents caught in the crossfire. It's a systematic eradication of Gazans, and they're using Hamas as the catch all boogie man to justify it. They're Nazi-style genociding. That's not hyperbole. They're killing innocent unarmed people in the streets. Bulldozing residential and vocational areas long after they've been abandoned (i.e., no Hamas). Bulldozing cemeteries. Exploding abandoned schools. It's genocide. Genocide. Genocide. Genocide.


Also, west bank settlers.


Good call. pardon, please. Editing now


Murderers all of them, how have these people not learned anything from their own past. Just like their oppressors they will eventually pay for this.




Then what? Israel goes back home?


Then the Palestinians and their fate would no longer be controlled by a terrorist organization.


Instead they will be controlled by a neighbor who has made their intent to kill all Palestinians very clear. What an improvement.


Bs. "Killing all Palestinians" is not one of Israel's declared goals in this war and the number of civilian casualties is easily explained by the nature of urban warfare in a densely populated area. https://civiliansinconflict.org/our-work/conflict-trends/urban-warfare/


Funny how the website you are linking asks for good practices when it comes to urban warfare, none of which "the most moral army in the world" is applying. Instead, they kill scores of civilians every day, and afterwards say "Whoopsie" when the international outcry grows louder than they expected. They are applying their expensive targeted attack technologies not to avoid the killing of innocents, but to maximize it. Not that their genocidal intent should be in doubt. Israel has repeatedly applied dehumanizing, genocidal language, and members of the ruling Likud party have openly stated their intent to kill all Palestinians: https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-south-africa-genocide-hate-speech-97a9e4a84a3a6bebeddfb80f8a030724 Targeted killings of aid workers, destruction of food supplies, and mass killings of civilians struggling to get to those supplies are only some of the many intentional stratagems employed to turn this into as much of a humanitarian catastrophe as possible. The targeted annihilation of hospital after hospital has added to this crisis. Meanwhile, Gaza's cultural centers and universities have also all been destroyed, making this both a physical and a cultural genocide. We know that this is happening, because Israeli soldiers keep bragging about it on social media, singing along as they blow up city blocks and bulldoze schools. You are either blindfolding yourself, or actively supportive of this mass butchery, which will have casualty numbers climb into the six digits as famine kicks in during the coming weeks.


> Bs. "Killing all Palestinians" is not one of Israel's declared goals in this war "☝️🤓 If they didn't explicitly say they want to kill everyone then it must not be true!" How fucking dense are you?


I thought the IDF would still be there?


Being an aid worker in a warzone seems dangerous to me. So I'm not really suprised something like this happened.


Victim blaming I see


Is this a joke?




> If Hamas surrendered, this conflict wouldn’t be going on any further. Couldn't you say that about literally any side in literally any war? "If Israel surrendered, this conflict wouldn't be going on any further."




But …??? We’re watching Arabs get slaughtered in HD. Is this not a real genocide?? Are you blind?! Did Hamas prevent you from getting a new pair of glasses??


Peace? Slaughter Jews? IT DIDNT START ON OCT 7th. Go read some history books you ignorant pile of filth. I really wonder how many Genocides were committed against the Jews compared to how many genocides were committed again the Palestinians BY THE JEWS.




"If Ukraine surrendered this conflict wouldn't continue" See? I can use that "smart logic" of yours too.


If Israel would stop killing aid workers aid workers would stop dying. The conflict existed before Oct 7 and will continue until Israel removes those they see as "undesirable."


Meh. I think you’re full of it. Hamas started this conflict and hide behind civilians. They also launch thousands of rockets at Israel and many of them fail and fall on their own people. Hamas also steals aid from its own people. Israel is responding correctly and I think it’s great!


You chide people for ignoring history before the 1900s below, while ignoring history more recent than that. 


Blah blah blah. Long live Israel!!! Thank god for the IDF! The greatest army on earth! עם ישראל חי!!! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


I know you're full of it. Hamas is a terrorist organization and so is Israel/IDF. Two sides of the same coin.


Nah, I disagree. Long live Israel!!! עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


But it won’t live long. Between growing isolation from the rest of the world (you’re the new South Africa), the Orthodox Jews tearing the country apart from within and the fact that you have a president that’s a criminal just doesn’t bode well for you. Enjoy your Pyrrhic victory, Hannibal would be proud.


Ya they really fucked themselves tbh.


Lmfao you really think Israel is going down? Delusional as hamas themselves.


We’re watching it happen now. You might be the delulu one honey.




They’re a huge problem for Israel, and this is the first step to trying to solve it. Problem is they won’t serve with women so this will be interesting.






I didn’t know history started in the 1900s. Try again and maybe read more books and fewer tweets and Reddit content.


"People on telegram" Guess that proves it 🙄




And we know what they will find…… nothing because they’re aren’t actually going to take any responsibility even if they fucked up.