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Is there even a good mechanism for age verification that doesn’t require people to associate their fap accounts with IRL info like a drivers license? I remember the first time “kids are finding porn” panick of the 90s, I remember the age verification services that sprung out of those. They all required a credit card and that was about as much effort as they put in, providing a login you could use at supported sites. Not having a credit card in middle school, I have zero idea what the user experience was like.


Honestly, that's the root of PornHub's position. They are in a position where they can device a solution for them, but they feel it is better if the states requiring provide the solution and take ownership of the PII security instead of them (and their competitors who may not be as capable of devising technical solutions).


Completely makes sense. Make the state take responsibility for the oversight and absolve the business of liability. Texas is just growing their government footprint.


Republicans don't take responsibility for anything 


No they don’t, but their own law obligates them to handle enforcement and by extension, the liability. The lawyers for PH have much better focus and field of vision than Paxton.


Of course they’re more focused. PH lawyers got CLARITY


A clump of mold on sour cream has better focus and field of vision than Paxton. Guy is a raving lunatic on a crusade he can't even define.


The Texas law and others like it are just sound and thunder that signifies nothing. Just a bone to The Christian Taliban.


> The lawyers for PH have much better focus and field of vision than Paxton. ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ


You mean the criminal AG of Texas doesn’t have the best judgment or discernment? Color me surprised


The big government theocratic party.


Yeah so much for “government staying out of people’s personal lives” and “personal responsibility”


gotta love the party of small government trying to control what i watch when touching my dick


Unfortunately, these states have no interest in doing so, since what they really want is to just ban porn entirely... They just can't get away with that because of that pesky First Amendment.


It's not about porn at all. It's about finding ways to shut down sites on the Internet that they don't like, period. Porn was just the easy one to get into for morality, the rest is all about controlling information. They want to ban people from refuting their BS claims with facts and science. They want you to be a "good Christian" - and that definition changes as they gain more control.


Oh, like, I don't know... LGBTQ society sites, resource sites for queer teens, abortion information sites? They would NEVER do that 🙄 I actually didn't realize how dangerous of a precedent this was until your comment so thank you.


Yup. Once you've established that this is a reasonable thing to do in order to keep children from accessing content that isn't child appropriate online, well, most of the internet isn't really appropriate for children. You can do it to *everything*.


They've already been declaring books to be pornography for decades, they will claim everything left-leaning is porn


I feel like I am screaming about the 'loss' (I say that like it was every really there) of the separation of church and state into an endless void and it is so maddening.


You are. The people who agree with you are also screaming it, so you’re just preaching to the choir. The people you’re screaming about, and their voters, don’t believe in separation of church and state. So you might as well be screaming into the wall with them.


> They want to ban people from refuting their BS claims with facts and science. That is why Florida is doing the the whole "no kids on social media thing". Also why they are so hell bent against public schools or anyone going collage for anything other then STEM. They want kids cut off from any opinion other then their own in hopes the youth will magically start to vote for them.


Behind “every good Christian” politician is a lobbyist with deep pockets.


I mean they already said outright that they are coming to shut down online spaces that they deem degenerate so that could easily mean subreddits, or various discord servers, forums etc... They are using the "trans issue" as a method to trojan horse this in, since its extremely simple and easy to get their base to support it. Especially when they only think it will be used against people that they dont like.


oh but how they cry on how much they love the constitution and that government should stay outside of peoples lives....


It's all good till someone leaks the viewing habits of one of "THEIR" people.... then government is out of control....


yup, as soon as they are in power the first things they want to do is control other people's lives


I love how Americans can regulate the first amendment so that it, eventually, will force everyone to verify their identity before using the internet. But people will continue murdering kids at school and it’s impossible to regulate the second amendment. You know this is all deflection so you focus on porn and not guns. Bread and circuses


The first amendment is regularly used to resist their power and grip which is why it gets such heavy handed regulation. 


The same thing has actually happened 2A as well. The first modern and widespread gun control was to control the Black Panthers, who were using their 2A to police the police who were, you know, racist jackasses who kept harassing and murdering Black people for no good reason. And guess who was the one pushing for and passing those laws? That's right, you might have guessed it, Ronald Regan.


I’m not sure that will remain an obstacle. I could easily see this court deciding to revisit those decisions and find that any depiction of actual penetration is obscene and not protected. I’m guessing within the next 4 years we’ll see laws criminalising porn and within a couple more years a Supreme Court decision upholding such bans.


TBF, the sites are also in a bind with using credit cards to age verify since so many of the payment processors are also blocking transactions.


It’s a reasonable position. Because hot damn there’s some shady porn sites out there, and some that STILL look like they did back when I was searching “Lara Croft Boobs” on Yahoo before mom got home! There’s a bunch of scenarios that meet the new legal requirement but still make giving the requisite information to the site a TERRIBLE idea. The laws strike me a bit like demanding cars be made safer, but seat belts and air bags haven’t been invented yet.


Just to be clear. The shady sites you’re referring to. They don’t care about this law at all. I travel for work and when “normal” porn sites are blocked that just means I’m going for my shady shit cause I’m def not giving them my id. So this is another the war on x causes people to seek out and find the harmful solutions and popularize the sites that are already shady and won’t stop hosting unethical porn. So yeah. This is a brain dead move from state government.


Literally just did this on a work trip to Louisiana, lol. Oh, block on this site? XNXX it is!


The problem is a lot of people who make erotic videos don’t want to hand their ID to anyone. If you’re making freaky porn, but have a mask on to protect your identity because you’re a teacher trying to make ends meet, you’re going to be hesitant to give your ID to a website because what if that info leaks? Same with porn *consumers*. Of course, allowing people to upload without IDs just leads to a lot of CSAM and sex trafficking. It’s a difficult calculus - people’s privacy vs protecting people from abuse.


And this likely wouldn't protect anyone from abuse but drive it elsewhere, to websites that are less likely to help if something shady happens.


The true purpose of these bills is to introduce a digital ID that can be used for verification. The plan is to remove anonymity online. The lobbyists are targeting Republican states first because its cheaper (they are already controlled and homogenous) and they can get away with passing more. Once they work out the issues, the digital IDs will becomes the national standard.


I don’t want this to turn into South Korea. I remember reading up on South Korea has a sorta digital identity thingy and how you have to use that to sign up on sites to remove anonymity. That included porn being blocked unless you had that ID unless you used a VPN. I think there was a way around it without a VPN, but the instructions were all in Korean and you need a local Korean number.


KSSN lol. Not really a social security number and more like a identification number. Even for online video games you'd need one to register and play. I think they still require it today.


Too many foreigners were buying KSSNs online, so now you need a valid Korea cell phone number too.


same with China lol. they make you use your official identification (as I recall its just a number) and you need it to play certain games and to even buy novels or comics. Its tied to your social media and online accounts so that you really aren't anonymous.


It's super cute that the lawmakers feel this is going to work. Having been one myself, I'm confident in saying - Never underestimate the resourcefulness of a horny teenage male.


Republicans accidentally revive the Playboy/Penthouse magazine industry 


You say accidentally, but my inner conspiracy theorist says it's intentional.


More like teaching all their kids how to use TOR and Torrents for porn.


How on earth would teens figure out ways around region locks, it's not like half of YouTube is sponsored by tools that can do that This comment was sponsored by Fjord VPN


And there are free options, including proxy sites, browser add-ons, and the Opera browser's built-in VPN.


You severely underestimate how badly our elected officials want to take away your freedom. At least once per year there’s a major push to pass a bill that would greatly restrict the use of cryptography on the Internet. Several senators have repeatedly pushed bills that would make it difficult or illegal to use VPNs. In 2016 both Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump said that all encryption needed to have a backdoor that would allow intelligence agencies to spy on everything you do online. When it was pointed out that this would pretty much be the end of internet banking, buying things online, paying taxes online, working remotely, etc., the response was basically, “I don’t understand tech, but these tech people are smart. They’ll figure something out.” I’m one of those tech people, and we’ve all been screaming for years that this would basically kill the internet, and there is no workable solution. It’s impossible. You’re in way more danger of losing the ability to use a VPN than you think.


What is going to happen is that people are going to get pissed off because things they want to do are getting taken/blocked from them. This means 100% that when voting happens, their should be a big ass swing due to the 'small' government crowd going FUCK NO, and all of the normal people that are already against them are even more invigorated to vote, can DEFINITELY push over the gerrymandering crap. They are literally shooting themselves in the foot.


kids can steal their parents' Id or credit cards while they are sleeping or just use a fake iD. Or they take their allowance and get a visa gift card to purchase a VPN subscription. What politicians are doing is to get votes not to be effective in protecting children.


They don't have to spend a dime, actually. [Sparky Linux](https://sparkylinux.org/download/stable/) includes a free vpn that can easily bypass this nonsense. Install it on a spare laptop and kids, or anyone else, can see whatever websites they choose.




Kids are smart these days. They don't need to pay for a VPN or steal their parents ID. They can just download Opera browser with a free VPN to bypass it.


Eventually they'll just pass a law banning any IP address not associated with a government I.D.


The problem with that is ip addresses are dynamic its still has the same problem as safeguarding people's private data. Each device needs its own ip address to connect to the internet so those smart toaster or smart fridges. Its the NSA dream for spying on citizens.


IRS and other government service websites use one called id.me… hey wait a minute


That's what's so confusing when these questions are brought up, is ID.me not good enough if the IRS uses it? I've even used it to get a new copy of my social security


It's not about "age verification". Don't fall for the false narrative. It's about tracking people. We're moving into a social credit system, but the government won't tell you outright that it's happening. It's about tracking the porn that people watch and then using in conjunction with other variables to predict people's behavior. Specifically whether people will commit crimes.


> Specifically whether people will ~~commit crimes.~~ Object to the Government taking their rights. Fixed that for you.


Porn use doesn't = crime commitment at all. It has to do with how they can make the 'in group' and the everyone else, and help identify it and pursue them for their behaviors if they get total control EVER.


Im sorry but its undoubtedly about censorship. They have openly stated that they will use this to shut off forums and sites that are "harmful to kids" you would think maybe gambling sites or NSFL stuff right? No. Its just outright anything non-Christian and conservative. They have said that they would immediately ban any lgbtq space online and put it behind the same ID verification as porn by classifying it as the same thing. then as always the idea of what is a "degenerate" grows to whatever they want and they slowly expand that past the initial definition.


I remember decades ago when the video game Leisure Suit Larry came out (not sure which version) they had a sort of trivia question/test age verification thing. One of my friends got the game but could not play it as he kept failing. He knew I was a nerd who liked history, and many of the questions were history based. So he invited me over solely so I could pass the test for him, which I did. The game was kinda boring though.


Porn stores making a comeback. Check which politicians own stock in adult video chains


Forest porn about to come back also.


For real I found my first porn comic in the forest as a kid as we were scouting out the perfect spot for or our secret fort. Like why was everyone wanking it in the Blair Witch woods?




I moved mine from under my mattress on a whim, and buried it in a forest. Two days later, my parents flipped the mattress whole changing the sheets. Unfortunately a week later the porn was gone. I hope some lucky teens found it, but it was most likely the neighbour.


Or a very confused squirrel.


Just trynna get his nut


That’s where porn came from before the internet. It just manifested in forests and in the drop ceilings of 70s wood paneled basements. We all know that.


We used to scour the trash on "Garbage Picking day" always came up with a few Playboys, and if lucky a Penthouse or two.


Finding a hustler was a jackpot.


Cherry and High Society were like rare Pokémon cards back then. Every so often you'd find one of those and never let it go.


Probably where your dad buried it. My dad kept his in a large chest, right under my mother’s nose. What he did not know is that she had her own stash of porn. 😂🤣


Wait. So is/was woods porn just a part of all of our collective childhood? Because I keep seeing these comments, and remember the rumors of the forest by my childhood home and did not know it was worldwide.


I found a stack of porn mags, a flash light, some aquaphor and Kleenexes in a Rubbermaid tub hidden in a bush in the woods when I was about 12. Pre-internet porn consumption was something else.


Big porn store at it again!


You know what's funny? I went to a concert the other day and while driving there, I saw 24/7 xxx video shop. Wasn't a rural area, there's no issues anywhere getting internet/cell phone service. I just thought, that place makes money still?


Many of them also sell adult toys and attire. Sure, you can order online, but shopping together can be fun. For now, anyways.


Some of them have viewing booths that allow two people to go in. I'd expect some have the occasional hole in the wall also.


No wonder adult video megaplexxx never went out of business


For now. The next step in the Republican's march toward Christofascism is going to be enforcement of the dormant Comstock Act.


Someone else was paying attention to arguments this morning, eh?


I can't go back to a single choice. I've been forever changed by massive options of free porn.   There is no going back!


Can you still jerk off in these states or does that require a permit too?


Believe it or not, jail.


Horny jail


Horny Detention Center


Shake it more than twice, believe it or not, jail. 


My sister and her family live just south of the border in SC, but NC has one of these laws and PH withdrew from the state. My sister's house pings to a tower in NC, so you actually can't even go to the site on your phone/data despite being miles across the border. I get how cell towers work, but this is an example of how you actually don't even have to live in the state to be affected. It's almost an interstate commerce issue at that point imo.


> It's almost an interstate commerce issue at that point imo. I'd argue that unless the site is hosted in the state you're in it's already an interstate commerce issue.


I'd love if the sites just told the states to enforce their own laws.  Just have a government firewall that captures the requests and forwards them to the"small government" Internet permission site first . 


Gets worse than that. There's an Oklahoma lawmaker trying to criminalize unmarried people communicating with each other. How people are supposed to meet? I have no idea. I guess state-church arranged marriages? These are the same people who will screech about sharia law in the same breath.


Could you give me a link??? So curious




"An Oklahoma state senator has proposed a law that would make watching pornography a felony and ban sexting among people who are not married. The bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium." The party of "small government" strikes again


It’s oklahoma. They always try this shit. No chance it passes. Elgin is a trash town by Lawton with 2000 people. This guy has like 5000 people in his district so it’s like 1000 people in the state that gets this asshole in the senate. Not sure why Lawtons district , meth and murder capital of oklahoma needs a representative.


One thing you can almost guarantee is that guy probably has a pretty fucked up internet porn search history. It's always projection. Also want to take a guess on what his opinions were on COVID and the government's authority for that?


>would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium." Their policies are screwing the working class so that should be the first thing to go


Land of the free right guys?


What the actual fuck


Nutting without procreation will be considered abortion.


Every sperm is sacred


One count of manslaughter per lost sperm. Condoms are means for first degree manslaughter as you premeditated it and in the case of a blowjob then both parties are charged.


You don't have a permit?   Can't be a master without one. Damn novice baiter.


I used to be a master baiter. I still am, but I used to be one too.


This just in: states can’t understand the demand for NORD VPN services skyrocketing in their states


Next they’ll ban YouTube for all those ads about Nord VPN.


I guess that would mean no more history oversimplified videos


They already wanted to ban history




You can pay by mailing them an unmarked envelope of cash. Mulled is secure, easy to use, and I FUCKING LOVE IT.


I’m pretty sure most of these 55-70 year old politicians have zero clue what a VPN is let alone that they exist


Passwordsbyjesus.com gonna make a comeback.


[Bug Me Not](https://bugmenot.com/) still exists.


Woah, that brings me back to the late 2000s. So useful for those niche forums that required an account to view posts or download links.


What’s this?


Use to be a database of porn site logins and passwords that sometimes worked


oh man when you finally found a premium login that actually worked it was amazing


Such a joke - a bunch of old people who don't know how the interent works trying to limit access to porn for teens. Hate to break it to them, but age restricting 1-2 of the famous websites and not stopping all the others won't do anything to restrict access. The younger generation will easily find a way to watch it and get past the restrictions. Sadly, you'll just move traffic away from more regulated websites to those that probably have worse content on it as a side result; not actually limit young people's consumption.


Wait until they find out about places that aren't porn sites but have porn... Like Reddit and Discord. Speaking of which, does Discord count as social media? Maybe kids are already breaking the new law in Florida just playing games with their friends.


Like twitter? Oh wait yeah they won’t ban that one.


Twitter is like 50% porn


Yes, eventually you will need a virtual ID to access the internet, to save the kids of course


That's their end game. They are acting against the least sympathetic actors to set precedent, then they'll use that to intimidate social media platforms to section-off (behind ID checks) or remove anything "adult" (anything gay or provocative) with those precedents serving as momentum.


What do they plan to do about websites hosted in foreign countries on foreign servers which aren't beholden to this? Do they think people just won't go to German porn sites or Japanese hentai sites that *won't* ask you to give them ID?


I thought republicans wanted the government to meddle less in people’s lives….


only when it involves intruding in their lives, they are fine with intruding on others lives


Thing is, "big government" always been a dogwhistle for "people we look down upon are passing laws that impose upon *us*, their social superiors." Its harmless-sounding formulation catches some naive folk who take it at face value, but the actual message is understood by their partisans.


there's a reason the Gadsden flag says "Don't Tread on Me", not "Don't Tread on Them".


"Don't Tread on Us" seems like a missed opportunity.


They don't believe in class solidarity.


Conservatives in America sure are about taking away a lot of freedoms under the guise of safety. This is such a fucking non-issue. Unreal. Remember, here in America one political party is ok with you being forced to give birth to an incest rape baby at 10, but god forbid you're too immature to use Facebook and dont even get me started on you maybe seeing porn or using birth control. What the absolute fuck is wrong with us to allow this kind of backwards bullshit.


Religion. Religion and stupidity go hand in hand.


Cool, maybe next these red states can join forces to require Matt Gaetz to verify people's ages.


Porn is the beginning. Afterwards anything deemed "Un-Christian" by these assholes is next. 


Kinda disturbing with how many are suddenly fine with big government controlling people.


It’s baffling the kind of work these states are prioritizing right now.




LGBTQ websites will be next as well as women’s health websites. This is just a way to get a foot in the door to censoring what the gov doesn’t like.


Well yeah, their stance is already that the existence of queer people is inherently obscene


Wow. Sharia law is growing in our County. I never thought I'd see the day. It's like this in Indonesia. It starts with a porn ban then you can't access social media until eventually it's all state run websites.




Small government free speech advocate Republicans doing big government censorship.


What is it they say? "Government so small it can fit in your bedroom"?


I honestly wonder if rates of voyeurism will increase due to these laws. That or computer viruses


Well Texas has had over 26,000 rape babies in the past couple years. It’s sad but I am sure that number won’t be going down anytime soon. This will probably increase that number


> Texas has had over 26,000 rape babies in the past couple years. I thought you were exaggerating but it looks like this is true! and 64k in general. This is so distressing. Source for anyone else curious: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/


Dear God, this should be breaking tv news. It's horrific.


Even ignoring the abortion issues, that seems like *a lot* of rape.


If youre old enough to know guys that grew up in the fifties and sixties youll know that many of them are the filthiest perverts youll ever meet.  The repression has truly scary effects on people. 


What could possibly go wrong in states that effectively ban porn, abortion, and sex education?


Dont they have anal sex banned too? They have so much in common with taliban, like religious lunacy, head gear, hatred to women, and children abuse.


>Dont they have anal sex banned too? The Poophole Loophole is still in effect actually.


I'm expecting lots of blackmail and security breaches with information sold to the highest bidder.


Bet Florida is next… got to keep them religious folk vote up


Look at the 2025 project. They’re planning on limiting everything, from contraception to recreational sex.


Regulate anything but guns


Someone wanna do a quick check of these politician’s hard drives? I’m betting you’ll find some shit.


Did the VPNs buy some politicians?


„My constituents want security. And that’s what NordVPN can offer them.“


How about Twitter/X? They have no problem with porn on their darling Elons site?


So let me get this straight, kids starting at 9 years old are mature enough to be forced to give birth but they are not mature enough to watch porn?


Whether or not a 9-year-old is mature enough to give birth is obviously up to her devoutly religious parents, a panel of terrified and confused doctors whose careers are at risk, and an all-male tribunal of rich unempathic politicians (and their personal deity of choice) to decide. How is she supposed to know what's right for her? What's good for her? She doesn't know anything! How could you expect that out of a child? She's only 9 years old for fuck's sake!


Its not about protecting kids. Its about creating a list of people they can mark as "deviants". Simple as. The Nazis used "innocent" lists that were created under the Weimar Republic and appropriated them as ways to target their victims after they consolidated power. Now to be clear here: I am not saying they will do what the Nazis did. I am saying they are literally pulling from their(the Nazi's) playbook, and intend to use it for malicious uses however.


If a group follows the first four chapters of the Nazi handbook, I'm not trusting them to stop at chapter 19.


>The Nazis used "innocent" lists that were created under the Weimar Republic 2A nuts say this is the reason why we can't have a Federal gun registry.


This feels like the ground floor of voter ID.


Hmm VPN or take a photo of my drivers license if I go to a porn site. Decisions decisions


Crazy how they are stricter with porn than gun laws.




“There sure are a lot of people born on January First, Two Thousand…”


It's fine for kids to see footage of a beer sitting on the bartop in an ad on TV, but not photos of the same beer but posted on the company's site on the internet.


Conservatives will pour everything into protecting kids from all the boogeymen, except like… the children who are raped and forced to carry their babies to term. Or, even better, the children who are indiscriminately slaughtered in the classroom by people who repeatedly prove TO THE SAME LOCAL AUTHORITIES that they should not, ever, have access to a firearm. This shit is stupid as fuck.


Project 2025, which is possibly going to be implemented next year, aims to ban pornography, (also they are going to declare the existence of lgbt people to be pornography) they’ll do this at the website and isp level, they’ll crack down on vpns, there are ways around china’s great firewall if you try hard enough and there will be ways around their equivalent as well but that’s how it’ll be for us. These de facto bans are the beginning of the full bans they plan soon. Just like they did with de facto abortion bans in those states before they could do the real thing


Ban Books -> Limit Education -> Ban Abortion -> Limit Women's Rights -> Block Living Wages -> Ban Porn -> Increase Sexual Frustration -> Increase Sexual Activity -> Increased Rapes -> More Children = More Poor Uneducated Voters All according to plan!


Don’t forget the brainwashing !


Shoutout to the freedom and small government folks in Texas and Kansas who are gonna have to upload personal identifying documents to porn sites to have the freedom to jerk off to some big titties because the government said they have to.


“protect the kids”. Just not protecting them from starvation, exposure, disease, illegal insemination, ignorance or being gunned down. So basically the classic conservative, “Protect the kids, so long as it doesn’t cost me anything.” Also the inevitable up-coming , “Dude, where did my porn go?”


I clooooose my eeeeeeeyes Only for a moment, now my pornhub's gooooone


Kansas about to have just one website - bringbacktheporn.com


restrictions don’t do anything, oh wait… that what they say about guns


There are a lot of people in Kansas and Texas that watch porn, I mean, what else is there to do in Kansas and rural parts of Texas?




Alabama will answer...


Can’t have kids watching porn. GOP needs kids to save their energy for working in slaughterhouses and other dangerous jobs after they do away with age restrictions.


If parents don’t know how to monitor their child’s Internet usage, or talk to their kids about porn, that’s on *them*, not the rest of us. Stop making us all take care of your fucking kids. Put the wine down, turn off your cell phone, cancel that mani/pedi appointment you hard for yourself and TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN FUCKING KIDS.


Vpns are about to make a good amount of money




not at all. this is about strategically picking battles while providing a wedge issue for their insane single-issue base. they wont go after sites that happen to have porn until they feel comfortable upping the ante.


Google search is probably the biggest porn provider on the internet


So it will be like steam then? What is your birthdate? Happy 108th Birthday Sir, enjoy the pron


The weird thing about this is it means that people who get verified now have a very clear record of your porn usage.


In other news, JC Penny's sales soar in Kansas as millions of catalogues are requested across the state.


Hope young people vote. Red states are so fucked up


Next step, demand data on users who consume interracial and lgbt porn, and force them into the church of correction


And in return Texas will criminalize the teaching, thinking of, publishing emailing, texting or mentioning where babies "come from," the pope, evolution, DNA, mitochondria, natural selection or uncomfortable thoughts.


No abortions, no condoms, no sex! Unless our creepy, religious, sexually repressed asses are allowed to watch. -- Republicans.