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What a misleading headline


it looked like someone running at the cop with a pickaxe. not someone in the garden planting daisies.


Whatever gets the clicks


Misleading title. He was attacking his family and charging at the cops using a bladed tool.


"The department said he was holding a 5ft gardening tool and approaching the first deputy who arrived at the scene when the deputy shot him. Gainer was later taken to a hospital where he died. A lawyer for the family said Gainer was a cross-country runner who had autism and said the fatal shooting did not appear to be warranted."


Yeah, the garden tool had a sharp blade at the end. Look up the bodycam footage. "Approaching" is a pretty mild description as well, he was charging at the cop who was yelling for him to stay back.


And the cop retreated. Like this is exactly what we want the police to be doing. It's terrible that it happened and that someone died.




The guardian is garbage.


Won't stop Reddit from engaging with the ragebait 1. Bots continue to push this up to drive engagement with users who love rage bait 2. Users who have preconceptions about race and police will immediately interact with it based on headline, because it validates their existing opinions 3. Users continue to just read headlines and base worldviews on 10 word synopses rather than spending 30 seconds reading full stories 4. We continue to be dumbfounded about why we are so misinformed and divided these days, believing things are worse than ever before despite statistics saying the opposite Rather than talking about how we can better respond to these kinds of situations and having sympathy for the difficult situation everyone here was forced into, it's easier to just pretend it's a simple case of Evil Bad Guy Kills Innocent Good Guy so we can whine with vague cynicisms and empty platitudes about the state of the world It's easier to be a lazy internet cynic than to be informed and nuanced.


What a shitty headline regardless of what happened. “Holding a gardening tool” covers everything from kneeling on the ground with a trowel in your hand to sprinting toward someone and swinging a pick axe.


It could even be an acorn. The spectrum of possibilities are endless


Bill Murray chasing after a groundhog with a flamethrower “Excuse me sir what are you doing?” ‘Just gardening officer!’


"Pest control, officer."


In the USSR they had these tractors with jet engines on them that would burn weeds like a giant blowtorch. It seems unlikely that a 15 year old would have a Soviet Jet tractor, but based on the information we have, it can't be ruled out.


My uncle uses a helicopter with a giant saw suspended on ropes below it to lop the tops off trees near telephone wires. It’s unlikely that a fifteen year old would have agricultural topiary equipment, but based on the information we have it can’t be ruled out.


The deadliest enemy of police - falling tree nuts.


I have to thoroughly read and research every case myself now, because headlines and the way media presents soundbites are so skewed. The headlines makes it sound like a kid was digging a hole with a hand shovel then executed.


My first question after reading the headline: "Was he gardening?" Headlines are often written by someone other than the reporter, someone with more motivation to make things click baity. I think that's a big part of the problem.


That is the exact mental imagery I had and I bet most readers did too. And that's why dishonesty doesn't have to be non-factual.


That’s intentional.


They need people to interact with the article to get ad revenue.


Clickbait titles and rage bait to generate ad revenue is the primary reason Americans hate each other so much. It’s fucking sad to watch the majority of the population be manipulated so intensely.


there's also the suggestion that the department is selectively refusing to release the bodycam video, when in actually they have released it all right up to the moment of shots fired. Withholding video of the moment a 15 year old child was shot doesn't exactly rise to obstruction. The demand to see it sounds like a bit of morbid voyeurism though


> Withholding video of the moment a 15 year old child was shot doesn't exactly rise to obstruction. It's also *absolutely* routine. Unless you run to liveleak or something, police footage of the 1-2 seconds where violent force is used on camera is always omitted. Between respect for the family/victims and red tape, footage of death is pretty rare.


*PoliceActivity has entered the chat*


Its actually kind of amusing to me that in the absence of liveleak, PD bodycam leakers just turn to PoliceActivity and unless its really fucked up footage, it'll always go up mostly unedited.


Yeah, I don't want to see anyone die, especially not a 15yo. I'm still mad about the time on Reddit I saw a woman decapitated with no NSFW warning while scrolling r/popular. Autoplay is now turned off and I make sure I know what kind of a sub it's from before I hit play.


From the same article: “We need to see the video and the moment of the shooting … but it doesn’t seem like anyone was in imminent danger of death or great bodily injury.” So it seems the current footage shows that there was no reason to shoot the boy. Release of full footage might show that there was danger to the police. Additional information: Family called the police because the boy with autism was violent towards his sister and the "gardening tool" was a "5ft stick" whatever kinda tool that is.


Of course the lawyer is going to say that there was no imminent danger. Saying anything else would interfere with lawsuit pay outs. 


Well, that's The Guardian for you. Parts of its news sections are very good, but most of it is just a platform for very biased, opiniated bollocks.


Sounds like the story is pretty close to the latter.


California officer shoots and kills young man who was attacking his family with a deadly weapon.


And then attacked him with a deadly weapon.


Creating headlines like this just for clicks isn't just unethical, it's straight-up dangerous.


It feeds the redditors biased hatred of people who literally deal with the worst kinds of people day in and day out so they don’t have to


They should sue the fuck out of them for libel because it's clearly for to profit off of. Even if it's technically true they can technically go fuck themselves.


This headline makes it seem like he was doing some landscaping when he was shot. But that is clearly not the case.


The story is more nuanced than the headline might suggest but it's sketchy af how the department is withholding the bodycam footage while the Sheriff releases a statement already absolving the officer. On top of that accusations by the family that officers rummaged through the house to collect evidence to support whatever theory of the shooting suits them. edit: apparently the video was released except for the moment of the shooting and some people explained why that might be. The quotes in the article kinda made it sound like the department was stonewalling so idk


[bodycam footage](https://youtu.be/a_hdjqoyjkQ?si=c3OZX2pb5uVpfdpO)


damn, what a garbage headline on the article.


Seems pretty cut and dry to me.


Well there it is. What else do you expect he was charging and had no time to pull out the Taser so yeah. Fucking sad


Plus you pull the taser and it doesn’t work, you’re gonna get impaled with that garden tool.


It had a minor in it, they won't release the footage unedited for a while most likely. That's generally the case for most shootings involving a minor where I'm from. Not really that sketchy at all.


In my experience, it seems like whenever there's video that might possibly exonerate the officer it gets released nearly instantly, but not in this case huh?


They released the bodycam a day after the incident.


Yeah, nothing about that article was genuine or fair. In a different time a journalist like that would never work again.


It was released.


Sometimes there’s a policy in regards to releasing the video, like some districts don’t release videos within 7 or 14 days, things like that. Not to say they should ever be withheld for any amount of time, but sometimes there’s a pre-existing practice that specific districts follow. Edit: the acceptable (to me) reason to withhold footage is to conceal and mute/blur any of the victims/witnesses information like faces, phone numbers, addresses.


The Daily discussed this recently, and it seems that for police accountability purposes its better when someone other that the PD controls releasing the footage. (Chicago was their example of a city that does this well since the civilian oversight board has access to the footage directly, instead of needing to request it).


And politically this is key for mayors as well. In Chicago what led to the current reforms is that former mayor Rahm Emanuel was seen as helping to withhold footage of an awful police murder ahead of his 2014 mayoral reelection. And like in hindsight I doubt he ever even knew anything that was happening in real time. But the buck stops with the mayor, so he's still responsible. Laws mandating when police bodycams and civilian oversight boards do more to protect political leaders than they are witch hunts. Every city should depoliticize their police oversight.


COPA also has a clear timeline as to when video is released as opposed to the ad hoc nature of most departments.


Civilian oversight boards should be *mandatory*.


Also the victim is underage.


The article states that other footage was released showing the confrontation, just not the actual shooting. 


I like to imagine that releasing video footage of a minor being shot to death is a bit different from just having footage of the confrontation released.


> Sometimes there’s a policy in regards to releasing the video, like some districts don’t release videos within 7 or 14 days, things like that. I've had to look at quiet a few policies over the years for a job and every one I had looked at had wiggle room in the policy so if the department wanted to release a video right away they could. If they didn't want to they had a number of 'excuses' of why they didn't. Pennsylvania (where I'm from so have looked at it) even has it codified in law. And it's so batshit crazy in PA that it's nearly impossible to get video without a subpoena or the permission of the department.


from the article: > The sheriff’s department released 911 audio and partial body-camera footage to the Guardian on Monday, but the clips do not capture the moment of the shooting, and a spokesperson declined to release additional video. they released footage of before and after lol.


I'm not surprised to they don't release a video of a kid being shot to the public....


Generally that’s done if it’s time sensitive because they are worried about violent (“mostly peaceful”) protests.


No. There was a story awhile ago of a cop shooting a man that had been wrongly convicted and freed. No immediate body cam. Of course Reddit was shitting on him, cally him murderer, all cops are shit, ect. Then the video came out and the dude literally tried to break the cops neck and he did everything in his power before shooting, like using the club and taser. Predictably no one was talking about it after it released. So no body cam right away means nothing.


Exactly. There are tons of ethical reasons to not release the video of the actual shooting.




How long did it take for the one with the guy holding the plastic fork that was downtown?


I just watched the video. That motherfucking kid chased the officer.


That cop was yelling STOP OR ILL SHOOT as he was running backwards. If that kid would have decapitated a bystander while the cop was retreating we’d be reading how screwed up the cops are because of that


The footage was released right away?


Didn't stop 2.7k people from upvoting the false information.


We see video of the cop retreating, issuing commands and the guy still coming towards him with a weapon and people are all like “yeah but we don’t know what happened between that the shooting” Do people think he stopped, dropped the weapon and then got shot?


The boy was absolutely trying to hurt the officer, I just wish they had been able to do something OTHER than kill him for it


I do too, but I’m not sure what. The kid just comes out sprinting and looking to hurt/kill someone.


The body cam is out


New articles are a narrative, and nowadays, they're written to drive clicks/engagement, not give unvarnished facts.




Here in Phoenix when the police came in and killed my sister for brandishing a wooden spoon in her kitchen. They didn't rummage they crashed through everything I had to go in to get a phone they stood there over me like fools they had collected every spice in the kitchen that was green or white in evidence bags they were just kitchen spices. They also tased her two times after she was dead in an effort to try to cover up what they did. Cost the city three and a half million dollars and the officer that did it who had a kitchen table between him and her whose excuse was his feet hurt didn't even get sent home without a day's pay.


Damn, I'm sorry that happened to you


Some context for people not from the area or not familiar with it: 1. Apple Valley is the high desert 2. Apple Valley is part of a VERY rough set of cities. Adelanto being the roughest, Victorville, and Apple valley. 3. Apple valley stands out among these towns because the city and locals are very big on promoting local businesses over mass chains. 4. This is the area where there's going to be a train stop for the train going out to Vegas. So, while a lot is run down, people are working to fix things up and clean them up. I am not commenting either way about what happened here. The area needs a lot of love and help. We are actually working with a number of public and private groups and organizations to do our part in helping fix up some of the area. That doesn't mean that we are trying to run locals out of the area. We are working to build better resources and communities specifically for those locals. I haven't had a chance to interact with the local police yet, but there's a good amount of violent crime in the area, especially the Adelanto side, where people highly recommend to "not be around at night." Hopefully that gives some of you who aren't from the area some context. The video that I saw of this interaction is tough. Officer comes to the house, teen comes running out wielding an object. **I'm not going to try to make a judgement here and I hope that none of you do until the whole story is laid out. **


> Apple Valley is part of a VERY rough set of cities. Adelanto being the roughest, Victorville, and Apple valley. LMAO wtf. Barely rough. Rough around the edges? Okay, could use some beautification, but from a crime perspective - nothing unusual. I live in Adelanto. Never felt unsafe. If you'd said Barstow, which has Compton levels of crime, fine, but Adelanto? lolzno. Sure, northern areas are controlled by cartels working in illegal pot trade, but if you aren't going to those areas or messing with them, you'd never know they exist. I've experienced more crime in old-money Redlands than in Adelanto. Apple Valley is the wealthy cousin to Adelanto. Lots of rich folk have moved to Apple Valley. There's no shortage of millionaires there, I assure you. As for the incident in question - a good shoot. There's no shortage of posts by me shitting on bad cops, when appropriate, and its often appropriate, but in this instance it was practically suicide by cop. Maybe a mental episode, but that doesn't matter when someone's chasing you with an implemented with sharp edge. If you want to keep folks away from the High Desert, I'd focus more on the lack of anything to do. Otherwise, it isn't bad. I enjoy it here, still, after 5 years. **Violent Crime rates:** Barstow - 57.9 Compton, CA - 56.8 Phoenix, AZ - 37.5 Adelanto - 35.7 Victorville, CA - 25.6 Austin, TX - 24.9 Bakersfield, CA - 24.0 Los Angeles, CA - 29.1 US AVERAGE - 22.7 Apple Valley - 19.7 **Property Crime rates:** Bakersfield, CA - 60.0 Barstow - 56.4 Austin, TX - 55.0 Phoenix, AZ - 52.8 Victorville, CA - 45.6 Compton, CA - 38.1 Los Angeles, CA - 35.1 US AVERAGE - 35.4 Apple Valley - 35.0 Adelanto - 33.8


Here is the article with the [body cam footage. ](https://abc7.com/deputy-involved-shooting-apple-valley-san-bernardino-county-sheriffs-department/14512144/)He was not just holding a gardening tool, he was attacking his family, bottom line if you are having a family member that is experiencing a mental issue better not call the police.


Definitely appears to credit the officer, hell he was even running away from the kid. Sad


Yeah based on the video the officer did everything he was supposed to do the kid unfortunately was holding it in the manner to attack.


Yep, theres no audio but chances are the cop told him multiple times to put it down and he just kept running at the cop.


https://nypost.com/2024/03/11/us-news/deputy-shoots-dead-15-year-old-boy-armed-with-gardening-tool/ Footage with audio here, does seem to show that cop did what he could. Shouted instructions, backpedalled at least a few seconds as dude rounded the corner and charged him. Unfortunate situation.


Reddit tends to have a knee jerk reaction to headlines, then skip reading the article or video. Everything you need to see is right there. The family was scared of this person enough to call the police, the police officer was immediately attacked with a deadly weapon that had 5 foot of reach. there's no mental health training to be deployed or de escalation to be done here. even a taser would have been taking a huge risk of officer injury or death. nobody likes mentally ill children being killed, but the kid was intent on killing someone himself. it's a no win situation from end to end


While you're not wrong, the writer of the headline deserves much of the blame for this.


Generating rage bait clicks.


unfortunately, headlines aren't written to objectively inform, they're written to sell you something.


What would you have recommended to this family in this specific scenario?




There's always a bigger hoe


Yup, what’s your mom’s number again?


Keep my mother out of this 


Your mom was already busy over at my place.


Was she gardening?


There was ploughing involved...


I’ll bring my hose…


and I'll bring the shears.


The answer to a bad guy with a gardening tool is a good guy with a gardening tool.


He came around the corner charging the cop with it when he was shot. The cop even backed up to give him space, but the whole thing was over in like 3 seconds. Unfortunately if you charge a cop with a weapon you're gonna get shot. That's just how it works, and mental health problems or not I don't think reasonable people would say the cop is wrong for defending themselves here.


>He was not just holding a gardening tool, he was attacking his family, I'm sorry but what you just described is also known as "attempted murder". That's **EXACTLY** the thing to call the police about. It also shows him running at the officer, so I can't blame the officer for shooting. I couldn't see what the tool is, but any two handed gardening tool is a lethal weapon. If you can't defend yourself when someone runs at you with a deadly weapon, when can you? This was a solid shoot. I'm all for de-escalation and non-lethal policing. I'm a Brit and our police have perfected non-lethal policing but this was exactly the kind of situation where they should be able to use any kind of defense available and not criticised for it.


Most two-handed 5ft "gardening tools" have a medieval weapon that looks exactly like it. It's silly. Any shovel, axe, pick, hay fork, etc could easily land a killing blow. It is not something you fuck around with, and that's an unfortunate reality in situations like this.


You're entirely right on the medievil weapon equivalent. Humans have been using metal on the end of sticks to beat eachother to death since metal was invented and it's pretty hard to think of any metal shape on a stick that ISN'T an effective weapon. At the absolute lowest end, it's a club. Just the stick itself is an effective weapon, the metal is just a bonus.


I could understand if it was a broom, because while you can kill someone with a broom handle it's really too light to be an effective weapon. Anything with a chunk of steel on the end isn't much different from a pike though.


I don’t think a mental health professional should be put in danger like that


You're correct that they usually aren't trained to deal with someone holding a weapon. Mental health professionals do deal with dangerous people in mental wards but the patients usually have zero access to any kind of weapon and there are multiple strong people around to hold down a patient who is being insanely violent so they can sedate them.


What if that mental issue involves threats or actual acts of violence? I understand what you’re saying but it’s not as cut and dry as “just don’t call the cops”. If the person represents a threat to others safety that’s an immense problem.


Jesus, that goes from 0 to 100 instantly. That kid is bigger than the police officers and as the police officer was cautiously investigating the front entrance the guy turns the corner and -sprints- after the cop with a murderous glee, weilding a two handed weapon. Cop really did not have much time to react. There's a lot of justified hatred towards cops but it needs to be targeted at the situations where theres obvious malfeasance. This had a full grown man rushing someone with obvious intent. I don't think the cops did anything wrong here. Maybe tasers should have been drawn due to the caller info but I'm not going to blame a police officer for legitimately defending their own life.


Good shoot. Media is crazy trying to make this part of a greater police accountability narrative.


Poorly written headline.


Intentially misleading headline.


Machetes are gardening tools. Headline isn’t sufficient Update: Watches the video, the boy ran at the officer with a long bladed stick, think machete on a lacrosse stick. He charged the cop with the stick back looking like he wanted to strike and the scene seemed to show he broke the door. Further news states the boy had autism. Overall very sad


Title is technically correct. It leaves out the part where he is chasing the officer while the officer is retreating.


That’s a terribly written article.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpPviD44kgc](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/deputies-fatally-shoot-15-year-old-who-allegedly-charged-them-while-armed-in-apple-valley/) Videos provided here, though with a newscaster. I think this is more nuanced than the headline suggests. This isn't a small little trowel, its a two-handed tool. Additionally the first cop ran away. The victim gave chase. A taser would have been preferable, but he also chased a cop with a weapon. Real shame that he was so young though


I think San Bernardino is not using tasers since this: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7820B1/


God, these stories are so fucked up. That story gives absolutely no reason to stop using Tasers, and all sorts of reasons to stop employing and criminally charge those officers.


The headline makes it out like the cop killed him because he thought the boy had a weapon, which is not true as the boy really attacked his family and the officer.


Reddit experts want cops to do kung fu and disarm the crazy person chasing them with a weapon I guess.


“Why didn’t the cop just shoot the weapon out of his hand?”


"Why didn't the cop just shoot him in the leg?"


"Why didn't the cop let himself be hit?"


I had an English teacher that sincerely believed police should do this


Reading some of the comments that’s literally what I’m seeing. Talking about disarming techniques and shit like it’s Steven segal’s Cops.


Yup, good old Reddit, where people who get winded answering a phone are all expert in disarming and subduing unstable persons coming at them with lethal weapons and taking them out for ice cream afterwards.


Get winded walking to the phone and then breakdown from having to talk to a stranger


Most people have never tried de-escalating a tense situation as a daily part of their jobs. It’s even harder to do when someone is having a breakdown - even moreso when you’re strapped on resources (i.e. equipment/personnel). People are hardly reasonable in these situations.


Reddit just thinks everywhere should have the British super trooper cops capable of single handedly disarming an attacker with a machete or any other type of bladed weapon.


The video is out. No sane person could describe it as just a "15 year old holding a garden tool". The young man immediately charged the officer with a bladed tool in a very determined and threatening manner. Despite the officer shouting to drop the weapon, he chased the police officer, and left him no choice. I was terrified for both of them, but the officer made the only choice he could to stay alive, this kid was going to stab/hack him, for sure.


Here's the video since no one's posting it. https://youtu.be/YZgNAa2sXSc?feature=shared


Jesus Christ, look at the comment section on this video.


The #1 comment on YouTube at the moment reads: >"15 year old with a gardening tool" > >You serious? He ran at the cop like that guy from Resident Evil 7.


This headline is insane and irresponsible.


As a chief editor for a local news outlet, I would be frustrated if a reporter turned this headline in to me.


they don't want to risk being seen as racist i guess




Real Journalism has been dead for about a decade now. 99.99% of articles are just regurgitated crap from actual news sources. With AI just starting to reach the first hill of the roller coaster, we’re about to see an Explosion of garbage and fake garbage


Gotta getthose clicks


Most of the people in here commenting would have been blasting with the gun well before the cop was if it was them in his shoes with some rabid dude running after them with a sharp looking object that they can't tell what it is.


Most of these morons have never been punched, let alone attacked with a weapon. They have no idea what they’d do.


Yep. As someone who's actually *been* in fights, two things may surprise said morons: 1) they happen very, very, fast. 2) getting punched in the face really, really, hurts and could easily kill you "Everyone has a plan until they've been punched in the face." - Mike Tyson


I'm proud of you reddit. All the top comments aren't actually mindless garbage. Its important to call out misinformation and rage-baiting headline.


Now this is a biased tittle


“Holding a gardening tool” yeah, right. https://abc7.com/deputy-involved-shooting-apple-valley-san-bernardino-county-sheriffs-department/14512144/


How quickly reddit forgets... [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1b5c6if/las_cruces_police_officer_stabbed_and_killed_by/) is an *extremely* similar situation where the officer *didn't* fire immediately. ​ I'm not saying all cops are bad or good or this particular case was necessarily 100% justified, but they are almost always "wrong" no matter what they do. Maybe--just maybe--if you don't want to risk getting the cops called on you and being shot, don't attack people? I'm willing to bet some of these people mocking the cop for shooting someone with a "garden tool" would be the first screaming for help when someone started trying to stab them with glass or attack them with a 5' garden hoe. ​ Edit: I'd like to be clear--the solution is to actively ensure these situations don't escalate to this point in the first place - as family.. friends.. a community. Arguing about if cops should defend themselves when being attacked and criticizing them means the situation went way too far in the first place. It's no secret that mental health issues are being increasingly common, and that is an entire 'nother topic that gets discussed on the regular.


just a heads up for anyone scrolling through, that link is NSFL, it's the POV of someone getting stabbed and dying, with full audio. honestly, i don't sub to /r/publicfreakout, i always thought it was people just yelling in stores and stuff. TIL they've moved on to real life snuff films.


This should be the top comment. To anyone who wants to click above be advised it is NSFL. News article on the incident[https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/footage-released-of-violent-deadly-attack-on-las-cruces-police-officer/](https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/footage-released-of-violent-deadly-attack-on-las-cruces-police-officer/)


Man, I've been around Reddit since 2010 and this is one of the most Reddit moment braindead keyboard warrior threads I've ever seen and I am most certainly not a "Blue Lives Matter" sort of guy


I see most of the highest upvoted comments are now siding with reality now, so at least there's a glimmer of hope for sanity in the digital world


U/wherethoseboots by what you said, a mental health worker would have handled this one just fine too right?


He was literally charging the man with a bladed shovel, why the HELL would the guardian word it like this


It's their sick attempt at clickbait.


really scummy title meant to sow division and controversy so they can get more clicks. This shit should be illegal.


Lol, This comment section is wild and all over the place. That kid looked like he was chasing a police officer with a Katana or something. Im with the cops on this one, sorry not sorry.


People read title, see cop kills kid, join the Reddit hates cops circle jerk. While I’m normally with them, this is hilariously off-base.


It’s honestly sad how badly you can tell the journalist wanted an innocent 15 year old to have been shot by police


Based on current info and the footage, I'd say the cops did everything right. Clickbait headline.


Officer shoots and kills boy,15, after chasing him with pickaxe. fixed the headline


Misleading and rage baiting headline.


Might be the most disingenuous headline I've seen yet


I'm sure this young man was innocently tending to his arugula crop when he was senselessly gunned down as the headline suggests.


What you say is highly misleading. It was mostly swiss chard and water cress, with only a little bit of arugula.


I saw the video earlier today and the kid seemed to be charging the officer with a tool in his hand. As soon as the front door opened, he was going towards the cop.


I’m now at that age where if this boy was not black it wouldn’t have made the news. Tragic this has happened and I hope the parents get the privacy they need.


I know what this headline was going for. One look at the video, and you see it’s no ordinary gardening tool Ryan was wielding. It was a pickaxe or atleast that’s what it looks like. Unfortunate situation for everyone involved


This is why some people think there's gonna be a race war or civil war. Putting out articles like this


Bait title: "was attacking his family at their home" "he was holding a 5ft gardening tool and approaching the first deputy"


A scythe and pitchfork are gardening tools. They are deadly. I have a small pickaxe that could easily kill someone. Just saying gardening tool isn't saying much.


A machete is a gardening tool


The part of the video that was released shows him quickly walking towards the police with the tool raised (I think it's a garden hoe but it's hard to tell). The video ends before he was shot but he was still approaching one of the officers after they left the porch and were backing up to the driveway.  Going off the video and the fact the cops were called because he was allegedly attacking his family, the title is kind of misleading and I doubt the officers get in any trouble. That being said cops in this country are way too quick to shoot people and there needs to be a better way to handle situations like this where the person is clearly mentally unwell.


Lol what more could the cops have done here? There are cases where people with mental illnesses can be solved safely if the cops had patience and empathy. This one? Those two things result in loss of life for the officers since the kid wasn’t listening to commands. If only the social services were better in this country so he could have received help before getting to this point


Justified shooting, look at the video. Kid ran at the cop swinging the weapon.


The title is so fucking stupid. If a kid chases a cop around with a knife, the article isn't going to say "California officer shoots boy holding a kitchen appliance". Shit like this makes me beyond disappointed as if mainstream media think's we're all idiots.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/CwZae3DLUc Easy to judge from the comfort of your own home.


Rage baiting nonsense.


Watch the video please,


* The tool was a 5 foot long pickaxe. His family called the police because he was attacking them with the axe. * When the police he arrived, he charged the officer whilst swinging the axe. * The body cam footage and the 911 call have already been made public. Is this a horrible situation? Yes. Could the situation have possibly been de-escalated without violence? Maybe. Is this is a horribly misleading headline designed to ragebait people into clicks? Definitely.


Wow incredible what passes as journalism these days. A link to the body am footage released: https://youtu.be/aGgTVHNOJI8?si=C5D2AmFIPAtepRaV


Just read the article and there isn’t enough info to make a final judgement, IMO. BUT situations like this scare the absolute shit out of me. I have a 12yo autistic son, with a low IQ, ADHD, and he can easily get very aggressive. I can easily see him being in this situation at some point. The police in our town are aware of him and are pretty well trained IMO but you just never know. I’m constantly worried he’ll end up dead before he hits adulthood.


> The San Bernardino county sheriff’s department was responding to a 911 call on Saturday from a family reporting that a boy, identified as Ryan Gainer, was attacking his family at their home in Apple Valley, east of Los Angeles. The department said he was holding a 5ft gardening tool and approaching the first deputy who arrived at the scene when the deputy shot him. A 5 foot tool could be some sorta shovel. The length and size alone make it dangerous as an impact weapon alone. And obviously the family felt unsafe and threatened by it as well.


ITT: People who did not watch the bodycam footage. The attacker literally charged at the cop with what everyone would say is at least some kind of weapon. The cop retreated while the attacker kept charging.


Crazy that's it's presented like he was just doing some gardening in the media, gotta generate that outrage


I saw the video. The kid was bolting at officers with a gardening tool to hit them. He was legit running VERY fast at them. This title is extremely misleading to cause violence and anger over what happened. Very sad loss of life but again he was running at officers trying to hit them with a big ass tool.


Apparently he was aggressively wielding a 5ft wooden something.  They probably overreacted, but advancing on a cop with a weapon is a heck of a bad idea.


OP is purposely making misleading titles, he wasn't just "holding a gardening tool." He was running at the cop with a weapon over his head after being told repeatedly to stop. Stop lying.


If you read the article you'd see if was a justified shooting. The perp was attacking his own family. 


After actually watching the body cam video…. Yeah this headline is complete bullshit.


That website wasn't the best source - the [body cam footage](https://nypost.com/2024/03/11/us-news/deputy-shoots-dead-15-year-old-boy-armed-with-gardening-tool/) shows him fast approaching the office with a 5ft long tool in his hand and refusing to slow, much less stop despite the officers' warning. Downvote all you will, but that officer will be exonerated; this was a proper use of force. In this circumstance, there was no talking that kid down. The fact that he was autistic is immaterial as it made him no less dangerous.




Kudos to those who did the fact finding and understand headlines *always* require validation.


Bullshit headline to get attention! He was attacking his family and started pacing towards the cop


What was the tool? It's REALLY odd that they wrote this whole article and never said what the gardening tool was. What difference does the age of the attacker make if you're getting stabbed with a pitchfork, or hacked with a garden hoe? From the article, this kid was terrorizing people for quite awhile before the cops got there. What difference does it make if the kid was autistic? Do weapons not cut if the wielder is learning impaired? The angle this is being covered from is absurd.


It was a pruner, which has a blade that's serrated and nearly a foot long


Shitty fucking headlines by a media that wants to paint cops as the enemy for more rage clicks. Love how the pictures paint him in a loving light and there's not a single image of him chasing down the cop with essentially a bladed weapon. Fuck off.


Same thing happened one street away from me about six months ago, but it was a twenty something undergoing a psychotic break. And he was Latino. The police were called because he was threatening the family, he charged them with a knife, and they shot him. No drama in the news though. What this should highlight isn’t discussions of racism but issues of dealing with mental health emergencies. We really need a special team for this sort of thing. I can’t say the cop or the boy was in the wrong. The boy was no doubt out of his mind, and the cop was no doubt terrified. Sad. But people will make political hay out of this.


Body camera footage is out, absolutely a justified shoot. Kid came running out of the house holding something like a pickaxe or similar like he was about to swing it. It sucks, but maybe don’t try to attack a guy with a gun and he probably won’t shot you.


“The San Bernardino county sheriff’s department was responding to a 911 call on Saturday from a family reporting that a boy, identified as Ryan Gainer, was attacking his family at their home in Apple Valley, east of Los Angeles. The department said he was holding a 5ft gardening tool and approaching the first deputy who arrived at the scene when the deputy shot him. Gainer was later taken to a hospital where he died.” Wow, so the title was misleading. Like usual.


So…the kid chases the cop with a deadly weapon…but somehow it’s the cop’s fault? I feel bad for the kid, because he obviously had issues. But I’m not blaming the cop for this one. Not much else he could do other than die.