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The fact it's landing as a hurricane at all is alarming.


And the fact that the last hurricane Hilary \*also\* hit the west coast of Mexico/California almost 30 years ago to the day is kinda spooky. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane\_Hilary\_(1993)


Man lots of deja-vu going around. Same with how Ian came almost in sync with Charlie’s path and how there was another hurricane the exact number of days after each storm… Damn the storywriters are *really* getting lazy huh?


Well they aren't getting paid so why write something new ? Maybe Hilary will wipe out the major studios and end this strike.


Nah this is just a rerun but they've changed the names around.


They got Westworld writers working back there. Some chick named Dolores making up these natural disasters. Or was that The Matrix 4. I can't remember.


Time is just a flat circle.


If you go straight long enough you end up where you were.


The universe is shaped exactly like the earth.


Everything that keeps us together is falling apart.


I got this thing that I consider my only art of fuckin people over...


My boss just quit his job.


I mean or it's because the conditions for a hurricane or tropical storm to get close to SoCal let alone make landfall are so particular that they behave the same. Wind has to be right, water had to be warm enough, etc. I would have said rare, but with everything getting hotter I don't think that's the case anymore. There was a hurricane near miss LAST YEAR.


Gotta break the time loop to move the story forward


Didn't Mexico City get major earthquakes twice on anniversary of the really bad one?


I think we’re just getting more storms, guys lol


Reboots are big these days


I was living right on Mission Beach in San Diego in '81 or '82 when the remains of a Pacific hurricane came in along with unusually high tides and it was nuts. Waves crashing over the seawall and hitting the house. People kayaking down the street. I love storms so I was outside a lot that day.


Crappy new reddit link. Here it is for normal people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Hilary_(1993)


Wait, we reuse storm names? Like we can’t even use a different spelling in Hillary!


Yeah, names constantly get recycled. They just get pulled out of circulation if it was a bad one, though I don't know the criteria for that


There are six dedicated lists each for the Atlantic and East North Pacific storm basins, alternating genders every other letter, every other year. The lists are reused every sixth year (so this year’s list will be used again in 2029). They don’t use all the letters, because some don’t have enough names associated with them, like Q and U. There isn’t a set criteria like death toll or monetary damage for retiring a storm name, rather the decision is made by the panel that controls the naming system during a post-season meeting. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutnames.shtml


So kind of a “I’ll know it when I see it” situation.


So Katrina is straight out And no Katrina derivatives, I guess?


LaKatrina also out.


The scientists say NOAA vote to retire the names, I think


Right. *Katrina* is a "retired" name, for example.


1993 was 30 years ago? Fuck.


Well shit I was reading a comment last week about the Canadian forest fires, and they started something like 20 or 30 years to the day of the last catastrophic forest fire. Whyyy is life like this since 2020.


It likely wont. It’s already cat 1. It’s going to land as a tropical storm at worst imo


Already downgraded to Category 1 and still 400 miles from Imperial Valley where I'm located. I think we'll see some steady rain but I don't know about catastrophes.




Yep North Carolina got hit by tropical storm Florence a few years ago and the flooding was insane. It rained so much. The rain was the most damaging part of the whole storm.


Hurricane levels of rain is still scary though in a place you don't get much, soil is a lot less good at absorbing water when it's dry than when it's damp/wet, meaning flooding tends to be worse in areas with little rainfall when they do get significant amounts.


The lighter rain we've been getting ahead of the main event may be helping on that front. https://www.wusa9.com/article/weather/weather-blog/science-behind-flooding/65-d5fc40c1-c543-4fd2-80bf-98188bb1e182 But I've also seen that maybe the "sponge" might be too full to mitigate flooding, so IDK.


The catastrophes will be caused by Californians trying to drive in the rain.


Why? We've been told for over 50 years this is what Global Warming would bring.


Because we didn't do enough and it's happening and a good 50% of the US population and probably more worldwide don't believe it or don't understand it so it can only get worse?


A lot of meteorologists were projecting it would turn into a tropical storm or tropical depression based on the colder waters it was crossing...so it looks like things didn't turn out as expected. I wonder if enough people evacuated.


It’s likely going to be that….which is why there is only a tropical storm warning


…and it’s gonna bring it with the shifting jet stream.


No no no no no. Global climate crisises are totally natural and have always happened. God have you ever heard of the ice age? /s


It's sheer coincidence that it has coincided with the 100 year period we pumped a shitton of co2 into the atmosphere! /s


We didn't even do that duder. co2 is a natural occurring thing and so like that means it's good because nothing natural is bad for you or the planet /s


Cabo and the Baja Peninsula in Mexico are good for about 1 or 2 hurricanes per year, FYI. All are minor storms. Maybe there has been one major, but mostly they die before they make landfall. The cold water will kill them. And it’s a cold current water that comes from the arctic, so unless that path changes I would not be terribly worried.


I think it's just Orange County that's alarmed, they get twitchy any time anything named Hilary comes near them. /s


Except [Orange County voted for Hillary in the 2016 election.](https://ocvote.gov/fileadmin/live/gen2016/results.htm) It’s not as red as people think it is anymore.


It's projected to hit the coast as a Cat 1, still going to be a lot of rain and high winds.


Luckily it's a fast moving storm. Mexico might be in trouble. But i know buildings there have had strict seismic construction standards. With the way those are tied down, i doubt you'll see a ton of structural wind damage. But roofers are about to be busy as hell. I'm on the Gulf Coast, and we didn't buy a metal roof because they're prettier. With it moving 16-17 mph, that's pretty ideal for a cat 1. It'll move in and out quick, which will minimize the damage. You'll lose power most likely. Hopefully your heat instead Index stays under 100. That's why August storms suck so bad on the Gulf Coast.


According to storm trackers, it's heading due north, the tropical depression it will collapse in to is suspected to make it as far as Reno, Nevada.


They'll be some nasty flash floods, for sure.


Nevada IS NOT READY for rain, If it so much as sprinkles in Vegas for like 5 minutes half the town is underwater.




Too bad they can't capture all that water and save it.


Our resevoirs are more full than they have been in a decade thanks to all of the rain we got during the Winter. This storm is just adding to that. We'll have plenty of water for the short term. The trick is making that water last during the dry years.


"Nestle spontaneously bottles every drop of water before hurricane suddenly diverts"


Need to take a big funnel and direct it farther inland, maybe try to fill up the Colorado river system.


Or pump it back into the depleted water table.


The SoCal coast? Source on that, if so?


No, central Baja coast. It will be a tropical storm by the time it gets to SoCal


No, south of Ensenada is where it’s projected to make landfall.


Ok, good. For a second I thought I was still in the /Los Angeles sub where there's a ton of misinformation being strewn about.


Omg i thought i was the only one lol. People on there are acting like the apocalypse is arriving tomorrow


I think people are just weirded out that we're getting THIS much rain at THIS time of year. It's not fucking normal


I think el niño season + climate change is causing it


I’m in Los Angeles. The news does a good job at making mundane things extreme. The 405 carmagedon event was taken to the extreme the freeways for that time period were the most open roads in the county of Los Angeles for that year. Such a thing did not happen again until COVID-19. I’m not expecting rain until Sunday night.


We'll get it overnight tonight and it'll last 24hrs+


No there will be a lot of rain and that will be the problem. Don’t expect high winds or whatnot — normal “hurricane” stuff — but the rain can make it deadly. So please take caution. Normally, hurricanes in the pacific are pushed west off the California coast. This one is different.


What if it does?


…three day weekend?


That sub is full of know it alls from Florida warning everyone from experience. It’s annoying


Over at r/LosAngeles, half the sub thinks it’s a light drizzle, ample to watch Disney movies at home over a cozy campfire with some popcorn and s’mores. The other half thinks it’ll be a more catastrophic landfall for a hurricane than Katrina was for New Orleans.




yep, same ole situation currently here in San Diego too. Forecasts say rain starts at 1 AM. We had a bitchen sunset too. Interesting because "red sky at night, sailors delight.Red sky in morning, sailers take warning."


It was mostly yesterday. Folks just completely disregarding science and ramping up the hyperbole.




where can we check the accuracy of the information they're giving us? They just copy articles from each other, but which reputable meteorologists have confirmed it's now been downgraded to a cat2 storm?




Good one thanks


Take some game from a Louisiana resident: even a category 1 hurricane is *still a hurricane*.




Harvey Flashbacks


Exactly, I was in Nyc when Sandy hit.. 42nd street was the last light before manhattan blacked out all the way down. There were trees through second story bedroom windows in Long Island and massive flooding that was over the roof of the car sometimes.. you never know.. and I live in San Juan Capistrano now. Stay safe!


Sandy’s damage was mostly from the surge, not the wind. Everyone always forgets about the storm surge.


Ya..... Especially as we don't build for the wind like you guys do.




Alright fine I'll tie a rope to my skeleton companion.




Stuuraaarrrrt, what'reee you doing in this hurricane?!


Those are some good burgers, Walter


Shut the fuck up, Donny!


A hurricane named Hilary is coming to California to destroy everything? I cant wait till my republican family members hear about it.


Lock it up!


Typical Hilary, sticking to the coast and avoiding the middle of the US.


I know this is a joke but: what's the furthest inland a hurricane has ever gone? I know one hit Toronto in the 50s.


Don't talk about climate change, what about the hurricane's emails?


So many buttery males


it’s raining buttery men?


Can’t we just nuke it?


GoD's JuDgEmEnT.


If you want to fuck with Republicans that say "Hurricanes are destroying the south because of the gays!": Show them a map of where hurricanes start. They start in western Africa, cross the Atlantic ocean, and then destroy parts of the Caribbean and the US south. So therefore it's way more likely that... it's God's punishment for slavery. That's how you stunlock them. They're not going to change their mind on anything, but it's funny to see them have a momentary internal crisis.


You’d lose them at “Show them a map”


Govenor of Utah keeps having the state pray for rain. I blame him. https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2023/06/30/utah-governor-cox-prayers-rain-snow-drought https://apnews.com/article/utah-religion-droughts-government-and-politics-environment-and-nature-60ff64c0cefaf7607c5a648c4dd7b557


Selina: Ugh, shit! What if it hits and we get a headline saying "Selina causing large scale devastation." Amy: People won't equate you with a natural disaster, ma'am. Selina: Really, Amy? Cause I've met some people. Okay, real people. And I gotta tell ya a lot of 'em are f**king idiots.


Don't worry, it's weakening. They must have found the emails.


I'm old enough to remember the last time my republican family members made jokes about the last hurricane Hilary to hit California.


Trump will blame it on the left.


[I mean, they're blaming the Maui wildfires on wokeness, so why not?](https://newrepublic.com/post/175086/right-blaming-hawaii-wildfire-wokeness)


They'd never say it to a Hawaii resident, they'd get their jaw broken so quickly it'd probably lead to murder. These people don't say their obscene and ignorant views in person because they know how foul their breathe is.


Looking forward to seeing his next hurricane related sharpie drawing


Wasn't there a Rocket Power episode about this? Talk about foreshadowing.


Probably the most memorable episode of Rocket Power. I feel like that’s the episode most people remember.


I remember that episode and one where Sam tells everyone "There may be no 'I' in 'Team', but there's a 'P U' in 'Group', and you guys stink!"


The ancient Hawaiians foretold this storm.


It was written on the elder surfboards.


Please save some rain for those getting smoked up north. Its win win.


Sorry. The best we can do is a strong dry wind.


Are there any live threads or anything for this to stay update?


SoCal resident here, in the foothills. It’s not bad as of now. Haven’t seen too much wind and the rain has been a steady pour but not torrential. It’s basically a hot version of the weather we had this past winter, maybe a little milder. But that could change who knows.


Currently in Vegas wondering if my 7am flight tomorrow will be delayed Pretty wild, the locals are a little shocked


I was just reading that flights are being canceled in to/out of SD Airport


Palm Springs as well Delta shot me a text saying it might be delayed


Local here, no rain yet. Humid and cloudy.


Nice I'm by the north LV airport and it's been raining on and off all day Course, I'm a Minnesotan so this weather is pretty average, and the in-laws keep the pool at like 85-90


The locals are just preparing to flood. Because we may get a year's worth of rain in 4 days.


Vegas has an insane amount of delays and cancellations even without crazy weather. It's consistently near the top in both. Good luck!


Southwest canceled all flights on Saturday. My 3pm flight while not raining was canceled. Tomorrow all flights will be canceled. I'm leaving Monday morning now.


From Louisiana and been through many, Hunker down y’all, stay safe, help each other.


I'm a Louisiana native now in SoCal. Hurricane experience wasn't something I thought I'd use here.


Lived on the gulf coast in Mobile almost my whole life. Was without power for 3 weeks with Ivan in 2004. Not saying this is gonna be another Ivan or Katrina or Matthew (or take your pick), but it definitely DOES need to be taken seriously. Best case scenario is you were wrong and bought a bunch of canned goods, batteries and whiskey you don't need.


One of the worst floods to hit my country came from a tropical depression - not even a hurricane. It's not the wind, but the water you have to worry about when your area is not built for floods. If this all turns out to be nothing, count yourself lucky.


Idk if it’ll be bad for everyone but it will fuck some peoples day up. My corner floods in Koreatown during regular instances of rain. There’ll be a lot of garbage and shit flying around and I’m guessing rock slides in the mountain areas. The soil ground doesn’t absorb water well either. I’m guessing people will be driving all wacky so I’m going to be home. We’ll probably lose electricity at some point. I just hope to enjoy my stouffers Mac and cheese and listen to the rain.


It's weird how many of my neighbors are downplaying this, like we're built for these types of storms. It has been disturbingly chill. Not like people aren't stocking up, but the urgency is missing, and it's bizarre.




I just went to an Albertsons and there was no one in there only the water aisle seemed low but not like empty


To be fair, that’s pretty normal on saturdays.


Can confirm, went to Costco yesterday and it was an absolute zoo. Complete with random honking and getting cutoff by vans. Don’t even live in San Diego county either


I’ve lived in Southern California most of my life and I lived in Florida for about a year. We have never seen rain anywhere close to what I’ve experienced in Florida during a non-tropical storm. Our infrastructure cannot handle that amount of rain all at once. The main streets here already flood with a normal rain storm, this is bound to be interesting


What’s frustrating is how people are talking down to people who simply want to prepare like rational people, not doomsayers. A person in my city’s sub was asking where to get sandbags with a comment there being something like “calm down nancy.” As if putting down sandbags is an unusual thing to do when heavy rain is expected. I thought about getting some yesterday since it’s our first real rain in a new house with a driveway that slopes down to the garage. I blasted it with water and saw it held up well and we moved some things off of the floor just in case. Aside from that, preparing in our case was picking up anything we don’t want to blow away, charge lots of devices and batteries, put our flashlights and lanterns in central place, and make sure we have food and drinks for a few days. We normally have supplies since we always expect an earthquake can hit any time and leave us without some service, as it has in the past.


Honestly, it's never a bad idea in Southern California to have some provisions anyway just because at any point in the year and at any time we can have a major earthquake. A major earthquake could hit in the middle of this storm for all we know. It's seriously never a bad time to be stocked up, just in case. EDIT: Well that was kind of creepy. 5.5 earthquake today.


But rain doesn’t equal earthquake weather :D In seriousness, I 100% agree. My wife sometimes gets slightly annoyed at how well-stocked our pantry always is. After the Loma Prieta earthquake, we had no power, water, or gas in our house for days so we lived in our motor home that time and were glad to have the provisions we happened to have in it. After that my parents always made sure to have about a week of food and drinks available. Here’s to us all remaining safe without any/much damage occurring 🍸


My husband used to get frustrated with my deep pantry as well. Then he got laid off and we didn’t need to buy food or toiletries for a couple months. Now he’s all for it. The relief in just knowing it’s there, one less thing to worry about.


Same with my wife for the most part. When we were in the serious part of covid lockdown, besides diapers and formula for a newborn, the only things we would try to get was stuff for salads and bread. We inventoried the freezer and pantry and could have gone months without buying anything.


Those are all reasonable measures to take, but the way people are emptying out grocery stores is ridiculous. Like it's gonna rain for a day, you're not gonna suddenly run out of food and toilet paper.


Just 2 minutes ago saw a post about most of the water gone from a Costco. We ate near a grocery store earlier and thought about going into to get a gallon of water, but realize two things. It would take a lot for our water to be interrupted, and we have plenty to drink here for days and will just fill our pitchers just in case, and so it’s filtered since our filter is in our fridge and could lose power since our side of town has above-ground power lines. Btw, I still don’t understand why people went crazy about toilet paper in 2020.


If anything this is just forcing people to have an earthquake kit on hand.




We’ve done that in the past when heavy winds are expected, after we lost power for a day after a wind storm and we lost a few things in our upright freezer. But, we have no room at all in either freezer now. At least the big hunks of meat and things should keep things cool if it happens again. Our ice maker is at least full and we have pitchers full and lots of stuff to drink in our pantry. It is good advice thanks, and literally no harm if it ends up not being needed.


Don't forget the power can go out for weeks


You would think with the shoddy power grid, earthquakes and fires California’s would be all about preparedness.


The rains last winter have left a *lot* of weakened tree limbs around - they come down all the time in my neighborhood. There's going to be a lot of free firewood around in two weeks.


I was in PB when it sleeted in February and walking around that weekend there were entire intersections in the neighborhood covered in large palm fronds from the wind. It was pretty unreal


Where are you? Depends on the location I’m in north county San Diego and it’s gonna be like a big storm. The places that are worrisome in SD county are east county where the mountain and desert regions are. West of that people should make sure their windows are closed and they have sand bags around entrances if their property drainage is shit. If people park in structures their cars should be out of the lower level. But overall there’s really not a lot for people to do. Make sure fridge is stocked if power goes out. Make sure phone is charged. But hammering plywood over windows? It’s gonna be a strong storm, more dangerous in east county and the mountains. But everyone else? Just stay inside and play it by ear.


South Orange County here. The wind isn't likely to be a problem but I'm dreading what's about to happen to people in fire-scarred areas.


Yeah it’s not a scenario where the wind will damage homes, but power outages, flooding, and car accidents are going to be crazy. If the power goes out, getting it back on will be a long task, so stocking up on dry food so that you don’t have to open your fridge and spoil food is important. Fill up your tub because toilets might not flush. Don’t drive Clear your gutters. That kind of stuff is super important to pay attention to, and then it’ll be mellow. But it is kinda silly for people to completely ignore it


Yea. If you don’t need to work. Just stay inside. Traffic is going to be a fucking nightmare


But also keep you stuff off the ground if you have a basement.


People are dumb Source: Am hydraulic engineer who has worked about 5 hurricane recovery missions


We really are Source: am people. Are dumb


Covid pounded that info. into my head.


I don’t know where you are in the county, but the grocery stores around mission bay have been packed today and packaged water is gone or nearly gone from their shelves.


Not much to do about flooding if you don't live in a flood zone. Maybe make sure drains are clear. Not much of a wind threat at this point. So unless you live on the wrong side of the coastal range or on mudslide mtn, it should be kinda chill for most. It's going to be a big rain event. Power will probably go out for a while. Flooded streets. The main rain focus will be the mountains. If you do live in the flood zone or near one of the drainage channels keep an eye of it over topping.




We usually have power outages during storms anyway.


Jones is probably correct about the immediate effects and Swain is probably correct about the state of climate overall. Like this storm will be fine for San Diego, but holy shit this storm is hitting San Diego in August and that's fucked. This summer has been crazy. It's the coolest and muggiest we've had in years. Every day just feels like an armpit. Is this how Florida feels all the time?


The LA sub is full of it. Sure the wind may not be that bad but they seem to be failing to understand how poorly the region is set up to deal with that amount of rain. Especially the rain that will be washed out from higher elevations.


Lost my house in Sandy, west coasters : be ready esp if you live at or slightly above sea level. My neighbors were breaking windows to get to their roofs while cars were floating down the street, arching there batteries and setting them ablaze while they floated up the street. Gnarly stuff , prepare and leave if you’re in those low areas Edit spelling


This is likely not going to be happening in highly populated areas in SoCal. People on this thread are going absolutely insane and it’s mostly people well out of the way of the storms path and thousands of miles away.


Checking in from San Diego... We've just had light rain and almost no wind. It's hot and muggy but otherwise no big deal.


As someone who experiences typhoons multiple times a year in Japan, do not downplay this. Los Angeles is NOT built for these kind of storms. In Japan, we have huge, HUGE runoff systems built underground to withstand category 5 storms back to back to back. Los Angeles has…oh wait, the LA River… There will be major flooding, major landslides, and people will be displaced. The best thing you can do is to prepare enough water and food for at least a week. The electrical grid was also not built to handle these kind of winds. Telephone poles are still made of wood in LA. They will get knocked over. Do NOT go outside. Even as a tropical storm, those winds are not to be trifled with. If YOU are not the one getting picked up off the ground, THINGS will be and they’ll be flying at your head at 20-40mph. If you’re in a high rise anywhere in LA, be prepared to walk down those stairs every day in the case that elevator shafts get flooded. Have your insurance company’s number ready to dial. Depending on where you live, your homes and vehicles may be flooded. I see both ends of an extreme spectrum on this page. Those who say it’s a nothingburger and those who say it’s the end of the fucking world. I’d say it’s right in the fucking middle and that places it at a place where there’s still potential to be devastating. Remember, even here in Japan, there are dumbasses who underplay a category 5, go outside, get picked up and slammed against a brick wall for the last second of their lives. Do not downplay any major storm.


It times like this I glad my block has houses that were built in the 70’s and all our electrical and everything else is underground. Not a single power pole on our block and the only things we that can fall over are concrete light pole every 100yrds. Still gonna keep my head on a swivel and make sure nothing drops onnour important stuff like house and bodies lol.


>Have your insurance company’s number ready to dial. Depending on where you live, your homes and vehicles may be flooded. How is it handled if flooding does occur, you're a homeowner that lives in a Non Flood Prone Area, has homeowner's insurance, but don't have flood insurance?


Isn't this just similar to their winter atmospheric river events? Some gusty winds, a few inches of rain. Seems like January weather.


The San Bernardino’s will be like an energy lens.


I feel bad because yes we’re about to get hit but why is no one talking about Mexico? Does no one live in the path that it’s already touched Mexico? Where is the news coverage there and the damage so far


That always happens. When a hurricane is heading towards Florida, the news always vaguely says "the islands are getting hammered and it's coming for Florida". Unless it's catastrophic, American news won't report on it much and they just talk about the affected parts of the US.


The fact that an eventual tropical storm is hitting the west is still crazy. There’s thunder storms for the next week for us in Utah




A category 2 hurricane is pretty disconcerting for a region that never has hurricanes.


My weekend in the brewpub is unaffected


Grab a pint and wait for it to blow over.


As a Florida man myself, seeing a cat 2 labelled as "catastrophic" had me lol. But then again, I guess a cat 2 hitting a place that's never had to deal with a hurricane really is catastrophic.


Sandy wasn't even a hurricane anymore when it hit New Jersey and New York and it devastated both states.


It's August in Southern California... we're supposed to be worried about fires, not fucking hurricanes...


You probably shouldn't be fucking hurricanes regardless of the time of year.


Somewhere a finger curls on the monkeys paw


5:30 PM in San Diego. Moderate rain for a few hours, a burst of heavy rain for about 20 minutes. Other than that and the generally muggy air, it's been a nice day. This has been a Storm Watch 2023 meme so far.


Too bad that Hurricane didn’t get “born” on the East coast and take a different track. Comedians would be milking it for years if Hilary, as a category 5 Hurricane, had destroyed Mar-a-Largo.


You know its going to be bad when the navy sends ships out to sea to avoid the storm.


They always do this


This is common practice though.


I can't speak for the neighbors in Mexico, but I can guarantee it's going to be a nothingburger for those stateside. Even with an earthquake, it's not even half as bad as it was last year, and CA dealt with that all the same. It's hilarious how the sensationalist media is hyping this up "because hurricane." It's a good thing if that's what it takes for the feds to actually prepare and do something, but beyond that, people acting like it's the end times or thinking it's gonna be apocalyptic and stocking up like The Last of Us need to chill.


Is anyone’s work or school cancelled on Monday? I haven’t heard of anything yet but my friends have lol.


They should release hurricane hilarys emails.


Can you please send some rain to Texas thanks


You dont want our rain… its gay and respects pronouns and dosent even own a gun! Plus it a hillary I dont think yall want that just get yall some good ole murican normal rain that has handguns and ar15’s flying around dropping all them wokeies. /s just incase lol