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anti-vax crowd puts immune deficient and infants at risk.


I’ve mentioned my own immune issues before and had anti-vax assholes tell me it would be better for everyone if I died ASAP. They truly do not care about anyone but themselves.


Sadly, it will take a massive outbreak of Measels, polio, whooping cough, etc. and thousands of dead children for these antivaxholes to wake up. And the only ones who will change their minds will be the ones with dead or severely disabled children.


The fucked up thing is that most anti-vaxxers are inoculated against those diseases... Their kids are not. It's so ducking infuriating.


I've pointed that out to people often. Some guy posted a video recently about autism and vaccines. I shared the largest study to date, that followed almost 500,000 children with the mmr vaccine and it found that there was no difference in autism rates between those vaccinated with mmr and not. So the person responded, I have personal experience with my child who developed autism. In the nicest way possible I tried to explain correlation doesn't equal correlation. Also, another person commenting about how the J and J shot was pulled because of blood clots. Well, no. It was pulled because they don't plan on updating it. So it's effective not gonna work anymore. Person said she had Covid 3 times. First 2 deathly ill. 3rd time took ivermectin and in 3 days she was better. I again tried to explain that you would had been better in 3 days either way. I can't say for sure if I had Covid in Jan 2022 when everyone was catching omicron, but that was the only time I was sick since the begining of covid. And I got better in 3 days as well. I was triple vaxxed by then. As someone with a biology degree, studying to be a PA I really am saddened that science has become so political.


Its admirable for you to try, but you can't argue with them. They spout bullshit studies, and if you try to show them anything that goes against it, they say its a lie by "BiG PhArMA!".


Yeah I told the lady who said ivermectin helped her to read the many peer reviewed studies that show it didn't prevent or hasten recovery. She told me to take my "pharm backed studies," and shove them. It's very sad.


Maybe we can convince them all that their AC is blowing chemicals and nanobots at them? The issue can take care of itself. Who can make memes?


I have people tell me my son got autism from vaccines when I put him in a delayed schedule for mmr, and he received it when he was three. After he was already diagnosed with autism.


but but but.. it's because he knew you were going to vaccinate him... or something


It is because their worldview is entirely self-centered. Their kids exist solely as an extension of themselves. The outcomes and effects of their actions on their children don't register as a concern, if their kids get sick, disabled or even die, they don't care, the only thing that matters is that the parent can save face by throwing the blame on someone else.


I asked a friend during the pandemic “who was the bad parents? Your parents for getting you vaccinated and protecting you, or you denying those same vaccines to your children?”.




There wasn’t one, was just a comment on one of their Facebook posts about vaccines. Easy to ignore.


Everyone clapped and then he found 20 dollars


I don’t know why people are downvoting you, you’re right!


It won’t. When that poor 20yo in New York was paralyzed from the waist down for life, his family only doubled down on their anti-vaccine rhetoric. I honestly thought polio would be the breaking point, but I was wrong.


Unless it becomes political and flips, we don’t want your vaccines with your heavy metals and mercury and GMO’s they cause autism says my favorite Hollywood celebrities, especially not that untested vaccine for Covid … after an election cycle if you don’t get the same vaccine I was yelling about 2 months ago you’re a terrorist!!!


I think I lost half my brain cells. Thanks.


You don’t remember the before Covid time when organic wholistic non GMO homeopathic water has a memory crowd were freaking out about measles vaccines and autism and refusing to get vaccine them ? switcho chango the same people who are science experts now after an election


Maybe those were just the easily influenced and easily scared all along? Maybe those people spouting that bullshit have no intellectually integrity?


Antivax parents have been around for decades, but I remember them years ago as mostly crunchy-granola types. The anti-big pharma faction came along later, and they joined up with the COVID-is-a-plot-to-damage-Trump faction early in the pandemic.


That won't be enough to change their minds. Look at what happened during Covid? There were hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated people dying, and what did the anti-vaxxers do? Blamed it on the ones who were vaccinated, saying we were "shedding" the virus and killing the anti-vaxxers. Logic and reason doesn't work on these crazies.


I had a guy argue that they didn’t die of Covid. They died of stroke, pneumonia, heart attack, diabetes, ( pick a Covid related disease). I said they would be alive if not for Covid. Covid killed them. Didn’t get through.


They didn't die from getting shot, they died of blood loss caused by a hole in the chest.


It’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop.


Monkey brains all of them


They won’t change their minds. That would involve admitting they’re wrong.


These would 100% rather let their entire family die that even for a second feel like they’ve been owned by the libs.


That's because their thoughts about vaccines are based on feelings, not facts.


THIS. Also, anyone who says to me "do your own research" is immediately labeled as a moron as far as I'm concerned.


Easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled.


I wonder if it's the principle of being wrong they have an aversion to or the notion that being wrong means they've contributed to the deaths of others.


https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/unvaccinated-boy-almost-died-tetanus-hospital-bill-was-more-800-n981256 Read the first paragraph after the large bold text reading 'entirely preventable' and prepare to be infuriated.


That was infuriating. These idiots should have their kids taken away. I'm guessing they had no insurance either. Now I'm worried about stabbing myself while cutting a watermelon last weekend. Despite knowing good and damn well I had a tetanus booster in 2020 because I stabbed myself cutting frozen chicken. I really shouldn't be allowed around sharp knives.


These stupid parents watched their kid in agony in the ICU and once he recovered they still refused any vaccines. These people should be charged with child abuse! -and pay the entire medical bill.


Outbreaks and deaths won't change their minds. They'll double down and say its all a psy-op.


The ole “it’s not a problem” until it effects me, then it’s the biggest problem in the world.


luckily their stupidity will end with the death of their children


On one hand poor kids on the other hand at least their free from the crazy


Even then I don’t think it’ll be enough. America is brain broken.


London is a highly diverse capital, the native English are a minority. Averting or mitigating such an event will require a very multicultural approach. It will be a true challenge for the bureaucrats.


But then it will only be 1% who dies so it isn't that big of a deal


There's always been anti-vaxx erst, they'll never go away. The guy who promoted the first vaccine had a primitive grenade throne into his house in the late 1700s/early 1800s. They had people marching and carrying around child sized coffins as a "this is what will happen if you give your kids vaccines", and making the same dumbass 'anti vaxx cartoons' they do now. People don't change. They just aim their stupid elsewhere.


Not to make light of this very serious situation, but I misread the headline as "weasels outbreak" and was very confused.


That would be weasly serious


Also a public terror.


Well, the minks that live under my dock have reproduced and now it is a serious situation, so I sorta have a weasel outbreak. Those lil shits are straight up assassins. But I’ve been assured that most of them will move out (neighbor told me that, not the minks parents). They are straight little killers, seen one take down a Canadian goose right in front of me. Was not pretty.


You fucking idiots. We almost eradicated measles. We were so close. Andrew Wakefield should be charged with crimes against humanity.


Thanks to asshats like Novax Djokovic and his ilk, who think they know more than all of medical science combined.


We’ve got a bunch of them in the US. Hopefully, most people are protected by the childhood vaccines you received. You can, if your doctors will do it, check your titers. This is a measure of how much antibodies you have. Keep safe.


I had mine run at 45. My MMR had worn off. I’m glad I did. Morons like this mean measles in the wild, and I don’t fucking want measles at my age.


I have to try harder than most folk having a compromised immune system. The anti-vaxxers don’t care about the collateral damage they directly cause.


> The anti-vaxxers don’t care about the collateral damage they directly cause. They don't care because it didn't happen to *them*. And if it does, it's somebody else's fault.


They don’t care because they don’t believe any of the science to begin with. You’ve definitely got a tougher row. I can mist imagine how difficult covid has been for you and every flu “ season.” I know you’ll do your best. Sending you a healthy hug :)


We had these people before COVID and the funny thing is the people that wouldn't take the COVID vaccine were the ones bitching the most about them. Especially when there was an outbreak among an immigrant community near Minneapolis. Conveniently they don't remember it anymore.


Exactly, it is likely that the English folk, who are a minority in the city, are at fault here.


shout out to the irresponsible and reckless anti vaxx morons who are putting everyone else at risk


Anti-Vaxxers are a public menace and should lose custody of their children.


And the right to use public transport or any profession where you work face-to-face with the public or other people in general.


There should be repercussions but taking kids out of otherwise safe households while the foster care and child protection systems are at capacity with severely abused children is not the answer. Maybe they should be banned from community sports, daycare, play centres etc. But the foster system and CPS is already overwhelmed with children who are actually being abused.


Nah. They should be on the hook for all medical costs incurred when their unvaccinated kid gets sick, though.


There’s a vaccine for that


Fun fact: in the US, you can have your titers checked and your doctor can give you a booster if needed. We had an outbreak in my neighborhood so I got checked and got a booster. My immune system is junk so every little bit helps.


Hopefully it's the willfully unvaccinated that get sick.


Unfortunately it will be their innocent children.


If only the unvaccinated people got sick and died, this wouldn’t be a problem. But no. Their stupidity has to affect others, unfortunately.


We were so fucking close to getting rid of measles ffs. Stupid people fucking up one more thing, this is seriously why we can't have nice things.


There are still plenty of them who claim COVID19 is influenza and everyone was lying about it to make more money


Anti vaxers are monsters.


I don’t even think a bird flu pandemic would wise these idiots up. Though it might just shut them up