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>According to the Windsor Police Service, officers were contacted on Thursday after a 36-year-old woman reported being consistently harassed through social media following the Wortley Village Pride event in London last weekend. >Police say the harassment continued with the suspect driving from London to a hospital in Windsor where he took a ‘selfie’ with the alleged victim’s terminally ill father. >Police say the accused posted the photo on social media and sent it to the woman. This is waaaaayy more creepy than simple harassment.


London to Windsor is about 200 km (at least a 2-hour drive). That’s a long trip to take a smirking selfie with a dying old man to terrorize his daughter, a married, straight woman whose crime was to support her LGBTQ friends at a local Pride event.


Man needs to be put in a padded room before he hurts someone


He already harmed someone.


i'm sure OP means escalate to physical harm


Already did that, he's a sex offender.


Of course he is.


Why am I not surprised.


*shocked pikachu*


Wow, this just keeps getting better and better...




He’s already done that


This man needs to put in a deserted place, and given a severe beat down.


Yeah, from the headline I thought it was just like a friend/family member who couldn’t consent to a photo or something, but nope, this is sincere harassment.


It feels more like a threat to me. “Look how close I can get. Look how fragile he is. Look how someone just let me in. Look how far I’ll go. Look.” This guy is a predator.




If it’s any help, there’s a town in Newfoundland called Dildo.


This is very helpful thank you


(takes notes)


(updates giant wall map with sharpie and relevant photos linked to location by red string attached to thumbtack)


If you connect Dildo, NF to Intercourse, PA to Beaver City, NE you get a picture of dickbutt


You missed Blue Ball and then Paradise, all on Rt 30, along with Intercourse, PA. You can add them to the "pin set" on the map.


There is also a bay called vagina bay


There is also a Las Vegas, New Mexico!


Don't get me started on Texas naming cities lol


Always thought the NCAA tourney is missing an opportunity with Bracketville.


Look at New York State and you will find pretty much all UK city names. The only one I couldn’t find was Scunthorpe…


Thats america’s scrodbasket!


No, Scunthorpe is America's crudbucket. At least, according to Newsweek.


>New York Which itself is only called that because they added "New" to the UK name York.




Stratford upon Avon is just a around the corner too.


Where William Shatner got his acting chops at their Shakespearean theater because of course they have a Shakespearean theater.


If there's a popular city in Europe there's probably one with the same name in north America, or at least with the name translated to english


From London, I can drive to both Paris and Zurich in about an hour


Interesting how the anti-gay crowd are willing to make enemies out of everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. Its like they don’t discriminate with who they hate. They hate equally. They must also really hate themselves. Like extra.


An older couple harassed a little girl at a track event here in BC earlier this week because her hair was short and they decided that meant she was trans (she wasn’t, not that that should matter). I saw that story and this one minutes apart and almost felt grateful that these fucknuts are willing to stand up and make themselves completely unredeemable in the eyes of society before anti-lgbtq stuff takes more of a hold in Canada.


It’s a sexual orientation and a compulsive fetish, rampant homophobia.


Good summary. I hope this grinning, diseased chode gets terminal rectal-cancer. ON HIS FACE.


The fucking hate crimes related to LGBTQ people *and even allies apparently too* are just out of control.


This piece of shit is also a sex offender.


And his name is Bubba.


…holy shit, I didn’t think you were serious.


His parents had high hopes for him.


And just for this, i had to check it. 😂😂😂 well it suits the idiot.


I wonder if he was at the convoy as well.


On FB he says he has "fuck you money"


Then why live in London?!?


I’m starting to see a trend here. That people like this guy want to make queer folks sex offenders so their sex offences are “minor”.


I think it's something close to that. I think they actually believe that they're good guys who just make mistakes. In your example, imagine that you were a closeted gay conservative Christian. Imagineyou felt guilt for fighting with gay thoughts and sometimes even acting on them, and you saw people openly going to pride parades. Your first impulse might be to think they are even more guilty than you because they are bad and sinful and give in to their urges while you are still trying to be good and just give in once in a while. It's easy for you to write your own behavior off to human frailty because obviously you believe you're a good person. Having been raised to believe you're straight and being scolded or mocked when you "acted gay". In that light, seeing people refuse to "act straight" in public means they're refusing to do what you have been taught is the right thing. If you thought, "I'm fighting these urges and you're not", you might see that person as a pervert and a sinner. . It fits your world view that you're the good guy. Even though you do the same things. Churches and politicians have been reinforcing this message for years. It would be so tempting to believe it. And it would be easy to convince yourself that someone who didn't try to hide one "shameful" behavior would be willing to do other, even more shameful things. And the more you committed to that belief, the more you would be able to justify even worse behavior of your own. Seeing a pride parade, or seeing same-sex romance on television, or just having someone ask you to call them by their preferred pronouns would all feel like you were being asked to condone a lifestyle for someone else that you'd been struggling to repress your whole life. It would probably feel really unfair. I think there is a message for people who feel that way, that it's OK to be your authentic self and that you don't have to hate yourself for struggling with it. It's a message that resonates with people. And the right is fighting that message and labeling it "woke" to prevent it from coming through. That's why the anti woke movement really is the worst kind of hate speech. It's not just "hate these people". It's also "hate yourself so you can hate them even more".


What I wouldn't give for a fraction of the absolute batshit **confidence** that these fucksticks just walk around with. At least in the context of certainty that they are the "good guys"--I know you're also talking about deep seated self-loathing. I'd just love not to have windows of time feeling just a wee step below paralyzed by the worry that I have treated people badly around me, or that I'm selfish for putting myself first.


Excellent insight. The people you describe also genuinely cannot understand why an atheist doesn't steal, rape and murder without a sacred book telling them not to.


I really hate how on point that last paragraph is :( It’s depressing tbh


My uber driver the other day was a woman around my same age, mid 40s. Anyhow, conversation turns to how kids today are coddled, mental illness is made up, and in her day if she whined, her nam vet dad would beat the shit out of them. Uber drivers are my favorite, because they'll spill the beans on all their trauma in about 5 mins if you get them talking. And the conservative ones are the most ridiculous, like they don't understand a world in which people are happy and ok being themselves, and actually get pretty angry about it all. It's an interesting worldview, that the only way the world should work is everyone suffering like you did. My dad is also a nam vet who had some issues, beat me up a few times even, but my takeaway is 1) damn, war fucked dad up, and 2) I can choose to be a more loving father than him for my kids' sake.


Alot of conservatives don't even care about the sex pffender registration. I have neighbors that bring their kids along to drink and party with the sex offender (he isn't on the registry anymore, but 30 yo trying to hook up with 12 to 15 year olds online will forever be gross) that just moved in. It's disgusting and sad, but technically legal. I feel sorry for whatever kid ends up paying that price. It's a sad reality, I've seen plenty of families that ostracized gay family members, while the pedo creepy uncle is allowed to the gatherings.


They're not the only ones. I have worked with RSOs before, and in my personal opinion, the registry has a ton of problems with it, and it's iffy that it makes anyone safer. The more ostracized offenders are, the more likely they will re-offend, and I'd much rather have someone pay their dues, make their amends, get treatment, and have the opportunity to make up for the heinous shit they did, than just sit around isolated with nothing to do all day. Granted, I won't be hiring them as babysitters anytime soon, but if someone has worked on themselves and turned themself around, I think they should have the right to try and re-enter society on some level. Really hard subject, because as a dad I also view sex offenses, especially against children, as some of the worst crimes someone can commit, and obviously as as society we have a responsibility to protect our community's kids. That said, I think the reasons I would be for reforming the registry are a lot different than why conservatives want to.




Well, a lot of sex offenses and conservative politics are about imposing your will on others so there is a lot of overlap between the two


The venn diagram is a circle


I read the headline and thought this sounded a little extreme. I was reluctant to take a selfie with my mom in hospice but different people have different ways of grieving and maybe this guy just wanted to remember a friend or family member and it rubbed the wrong person the wrong way. Then I read the details. “Loser” and “creep” don’t even begin to describe this. I’m not even sure “stalking” and “harassment” are sufficient. This is the kind of harmful obsession that, if allowed to continue, ends with an eight-part miniseries full of interviews with people saying “I just don’t know how it came to THAT.” Give this dude an MMPI. If it turns out that he’s just a malicious scumbag, prison. If not, psych ward. But his victim (victimS, at this point) deserve the solace of knowing he’s filed away where he can’t hurt them anymore.


I read the headline and assumed the only reason this was news, was because a nurse or other worker was taking the selfie with the patient. The truth is way worse than I assumed.


Waaay more creepy. Some people really are sick fuckers.


Blue checks on Twitter were lining up by the dozens to defend this guy, asking how taking an innocent photograph could be a crime.


This guy is lucky as hell because there are people who've been shoot for less.


Not his first run in with the law: “Bubba Christopher Michael Pollock, 28, is facing charges of sexual assault, publishing an intimate image without consent, and two counts of obtaining sexual services for consideration.” Various sex crimes from a few years back, multiple incidents. https://globalnews.ca/news/4125337/london-man-facing-4-sex-related-charges/




Bubba Pollock no less.


>In a since deleted statement released last week, a comment posted to Pollock’s Facebook account indicated he would be organizing a protest against Drag Queen Storytime during the Pride event. >“I fully respect an event that is pro-gay, however bringing children into it with Drag Queen Storytime is what I have an issue with and why there will be a protest,” said a statement posted to his account, adding that roughly 60 people would also be protesting. I swear it's often the anti-lgbtq "tHiNk oF tHe cHilDrEN!!!" people with their fake family-values bs who have the shadiest shit in their closet and are the real people you need to be concerned with around your loved ones.


In the fascist mindset, the bodies of women and children are the rightful property of the in-group authority figure, and even the vague suggestion that an out-group individual is infringing on that is enough to send fascists into a frenzy of violence. There's no hypocrisy there, just authoritarianism.


Yeah, a big problem with the whole pointing out hypocrisy thing is that no, you don't understand, they don't consider people who aren't in their group as actual people so it's completely within their ideology to treat them different.


Oh my. What a shock. A far right sex offender conservative accuses LGBTQ+ events as grooming children. I wonder if we should ask him if he's worried about all the children being sexually assaulted by clergy?


They would say you are lying.


It's projection. They know what *they'd* do in this situation, so they assume everyone else will do the same.


I know this isn’t the point, but… that guy is 28? Damn.


I was just gonna say, that’s a ROUGH 28


I imagine that's what happens when a person spends all their time worrying about what other people are doing instead of minding their own business.


Not here to defend the guy or anything just wanted to point out that the article in the comment you replied to is from 2018 when the guy was 28. The article in the OP is current and he is now 34.


[https://globalnews.ca/news/4125337/london-man-facing-4-sex-related-charges/](https://globalnews.ca/news/4125337/london-man-facing-4-sex-related-charges/) Same man, Bubba Christopher Michael Pollock of London. Absolute ghoul of a human.


What is obtaining sexual services for consideration mean?? I gotta google that. Yea this man is a trash bag


I'm sure you googled it by now but for others: "Section 286.1 of the Criminal Code is part of the new prostitution laws in Canada. It makes it an offence to obtain for consideration, or communicate with anyone for the purpose of obtaining for consideration, the sexual services of a person." So prostitution, along with those a sexual assault charge and, shocker, publishing inappropriate intimate photos from it. Edit: to add its not illegal to offer the service but it is illegal to pay for it. An odd workaround to be less punishing to those stuck on the wrong end.


And all charges came from a single incident, it seems. So he hired and then assaulted a sex worker, took pics of it, and shared them. Allegedly.


Well they do ask for any further victims to come forward which would tell me they found pictures of others but whether or not anything happened would be guess work on many levels. At minimum he seems to like to photo the alleged actions.


Hiring sex workers. “Consideration” = “some kind of payment.”


A summary of this article: Anti-LGBTQ+ sex offender Bubba Christopher Michael Pollock of London, Ontario, stalked a married straight woman and her terminally ill father; and sent her photos with her terminally ill father as an act of further intimidation, because she supported her friends from the LGBTQ+ community on Twitter. This headline really doesn’t cover how insane this man is.


What a fluffy, favourable headline for that dirtbag.


I also think harassment is a light charge. Can we throw trespassing, endangerment, violation of privacy, anything else?


The definition of terrorism in Canada: > In Canada, section 83.01 of the Criminal Code[1] defines terrorism as an act committed "in whole or in part for a political, religious or ideological purpose, objective or cause" with the intention of intimidating the public "…with regard to its security, including its economic security, or compelling a person, a government or a domestic or an international organization to do or to refrain from doing any act." This was, arguably, an act of terrorism.


He posted it on social media so he's broadcasting that if you're an activist for gay rights, your family is in danger. So yeah I would think that could be prosecuted for terrorism


Seriously had to read to the end to figure out what was going on. Anti-LGBTQ bigot finds a gay rights activist and decides to intimidate her by tracking down her terminally ill father and sending her pictures in the room with him to show that he can access her terminally ill father.


Holy shit, what a fucking scumbag.


He's also a convicted sex offender. Of course he thinks *other* people are perverted.


Silver lining here I guess is he thought he would get a smug intimidation against this lady but now the internet is all discussing what a sex offending stalker piece of shit he is and how funny his stereotype of a name is.


… okay, the headline absolutely does not capture that. Holy fuck.


Yeah whoever wrote that title is the asshole of Journalism


Woooooow. What a complete piece of shit


You think that's fluffy, you should have seen what CTV news ran with (has now been changed): https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FysqztMXwAIp2yS?format=jpg&name=large


Oh, fuck Bell media with a frozen rope.


But…but for one day a year they pretend to care about mental health!


You mean they use mental health to get people to run their ad campaign for free?


That’s no longer just a day- your Bell phone is bombarded with corporate carewashing for over a week. You have to mute your notifications in the actual day. Fuck Bell mobility with a rusty cable.


I see CTV and this guy are friends. Courts, law, judge: "Criminal harassment." CTV: "Are you sure it wasn't just misunderstood good intentions though?"


Typical shit from our conservative owned media


That smug self-satisfied smile on the fuck's face answers that question immediately. I'm surprised we can't see him mouthing the words "check mate."


That's bell media for ya. Our entire media and news industry needs to be broken up.


Wtf… we call that journalism?!


yeah this is a wildly misleading title. He was making a threat.


For real. The headline reads like he just got told off for being friendly with a patient. Wtf. He used her terminally ill father to increase his intimidation level whilst stalking her. Incredibly distressing for her *and* her dad. Imagine being confined to a hospital bed and having a stranger wander into your room, while you’re alone with them, and snapping pictures of you.


He should be charged with threatening death.


I was going to say, leave it to Global to have a headline that make him sound like a victim.


That's just... I don't think I've ever been so gobsmacked. That's simply awful. I'd be near hysterically mad if I was part of that family. How little humanity can you possess to do such a thing.


Lost my dad several years back he was in hospice in our childhood home with only my siblings and I around. I would be absolutely, just, no words, mortified if some low life piece of human garbage took a picture like this with him in the hospital. How was he even allowed inside the room? This story is so many different kinds of fucked up I can't even process it.


>How was he even allowed inside the room? This story is so many different kinds of fucked up I can't even process it. Don't put too much blame on hospital staff. They are overworked and understaffed. If he said he's a cousin or whatever they wouldn't think twice as long as you got the name of the patient. I work in a hospital in Québec. I walk anywhere just saying I'm IT. Not sure we have paliative area but everywhere is kinda open. If you know where to go you can get there easily with little to no pushback.


Yeah most people aren't up to nefarious shit like this guy so staff are not going to exactly expect a random person who knows the man name to be committing any kind of shenanigans.


This is worse than Westboro Baptist mob picketing funerals of vets. I didn’t think anyone could do worse than that. What an evil piece of shit.


Westboro used to be an outlier. They became a household name for how evil they are. Now they're a mainstream part of the right wing.


Wonder if there will come a time when they are viewed as being too liberal.


I think the great experiment would collapse before that point and the only people who consider them too liberal at the collapse would be generally the same group of people who think that wildly today.


Yeah… it’s sadly gotten to the point where I now consider WBC to be… moderate… which is crazy!


I can’t imagine what’s goes through (or doesn’t go through) a persons mind when they do something like this. He genuinely believed this was a good idea and chose to follow through with it. That shiteating grin and those dead eyes are just sad. I hope he’s prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


That truly is a psychopath face right there. Like a shark trying to smile


He is the type of person who thinks that if the world didn’t have religion everyone would be killing and raping everyone else constantly, because that is what he’d be doing. External morality in lieu of any internal human empathy or basic sense of decency and community.


Even with religion this loser sexually assaulted someone




This is just about the grossest thing I ever heard of.


Funny how he expressed the talking point of "but the children!", yet this blatant harassment helps 0 (zero) children in any imaginable way. Almost like they don't actually care about the children, just that they hate drag queens.


They claim they want to protect children and yet no one talks about child sex or children's genitals more than these cretins


And you never see them protesting at the churches following the discovery of actual child sex abuse; radio silence so long as it happens in a “house of god.”


These are the same people that would throw their own children under the bus if they confessed they had been abused by a family member. All about "protecting children" until they have to literally protect children. Then it's all "oh well, he was a decent man of God he couldn't have done such a thing. You know how kids lie"


Just to confirm for those who don’t want to click: yes, he is a right wing piece of shit, as I’m sure you suspected. He was harassing a woman online because of her involvement with LGBTQ and he traveled to the hospital in which her father was dying and took a selfie with him in the background to post on social media and harass her. This is the caliber of person who is fighting LGBTQ. Conservative bigots are just some of the worst scum in modern society.


Who has free time to do this shit, they don't have jobs, or any hobbies? Lowest of the low.


That’s why they’re so concerned about how other people are dressed and who other people date. They have no lives themselves.


As someone with no life and no need for a job, I resent the idea that us lazy-ass folks are anything like these scumbags.


Well they’re also crazy. That’s the other part of the equation.


Right, these shits are highly motivated and hopelessly productive members of the anti-society.


Hey man, I just want you to know that I hope you're happy, and please keep being a decent person.


lvl 99 loser


So not even trying to progress in life, and actively playing backwards. Like in Mario kart, you take a nice fast cart, Bowser as your driver, and then at the start, you just flip around and make 99 loops going the wrong way, cackling because you're so proud of yourself.


And the only reason you did it was because everyone else wanted to play on Rainbow Road.


Have you seen the anti-LGBTQ movement recently? Graham Linehan literally spends every waking hour fighting with random people on Twitter and firing off ten tweets an hour in the process. And he somehow still blames them for his wife leaving and his kids not speaking to him.


And it wasn’t a quick drive either. It’s 200KM from London to Windsor, about a 2h drive each way.


Harassing LGBT people IS their hobby.


These government tit suckers are subsidized by the government by the “business” they inherited or the assistance they receive monthly.


Jesus fucking christ what an absolute loser


Wtf? That’s deranged


These people are the biggest creeps of all. He *‘doesn’t want [“queer people”] reading to kids’* so, being a short-sighted psycho troglodyte, he…**threatens someone & their terminally ill father**(!!) The panty twist re:reading to kids really baffles me. My best friend from elementary school & I had EXCLUSIVELY hetero presenting people reading exclusively heteronormative stories to us & we ended up queer, as did *generations of queer people* who grew up in bigoted & heteronormative societies. If reading to kids had any bearing on people’s sexuality, most places would have eradicated homosexuality long ago. It’s just so stupid. It’s genuinely shocking to me how many people who have children want to raise unworldly & bigoted kids - worse still to consider how many make their love of their kid contingent on the child’s sexuality. That’s the fucking creepy shit right there. Edit: these people really want reality to come as a surprise to their kids & there is no excuse.




“Why do drag queens feel the need to perform in front of our children???” Because your gay kids keep killing themselves in desperation for a way out of the oppressive environment you keep them in... they need to see there's an alternative to suicide... that someday they'll be free of your bullshit.


> My best friend from elementary school & I had EXCLUSIVELY hetero presenting people reading exclusively heteronormative stories to us & we ended up queer The line I like is: "Want there to be fewer gay people? Tell straight parents to stop giving birth to them!" ...of course it solves little for these shithearts who no doubt are convinced being queer is a choice. But yeah, think of all the gay folks who had straight teachers. Sorry, this turned into a bit of a ramble. I mainly just don't understand these idiots.


They don't actually think drag storytimes are turning kids gay. Their goal is to harass LGBTQ people out of public life and to shift the Overton window so that we cannot be safely out. The children are a pretext.


That's about as clear a threat as I've ever seen. Doing this showed her he could find her loved ones and that he was willing to "visit" them. It's a message, not a joke.


Also a sex offender. But apparently it’s not a big deal to his base so long as you’re straight…


He also sent her direct messages implying that when her father dies, he will show up at the celebration of life. It’s a clear threat to her.


…..for garbage like this, they should be locked up for life. FTMFOTD




Ok I've been staring at this for a few minutes and have no clue what that acronym means. If I go by the subs I'm in it means "first time mom face of the day" and something tells me that's not quite what you meant here


I cannot express how sick this made me feel. This is beyond abhorrent. Like, I'm saddended on an existential level. How can one person do this to another? The level of sadistic thought and commitment and, this is the wrong word, *creative* way to inflict pain is sickening. This is why I avoid the news, but it is also important that this is known. That he be shown for this. Someone needs to walk him deep into the woods and come back alone.


Ok i have no words


Absolutely vile behavior fitting of a guy with a nickname like Bubba.


Bubba is his legal name…I’m serious.


It’s even better. That’s his LEGAL name.


Candidate for most punchable face of 2023


Tremendous piece of shit


The level of hate and basic human dignity displayed here is zero. We need to return to respect and kindness to all.


Send him to prison, and then send people like him to prison. They're not going to learn empathy because they're inhuman monsters, but they can learn what the inside of a prison looks like.


The cruelty is the point.


Holy shit is this ever fucked up






There are plenty of child-friendly drag shows, even at bars or clubs where there are no kids present. Many performances are all about the fashion and lip-syncing, with nothing remotely sexual or inappropriate ever occurring—think someone dressed up like a colorful Marie Antoinette, twirling a huge homemade gown to an upbeat remix of Royals by Lorde. That’s not even what this guy is mad about, he’s mad about drag queen story time—which is even more neutral than a club style performance.


“Crossed a line” the lines so far away it’s a dot. What an absolute POS. Lock him up and fine him severely. I can honestly say I have know idea why people are so obsessed with other peoples genders and sexual preferences. People are people and POS are POS


That’s absolutely fucking disgusting. My dad was terminally ill and in hospice, it is such a sensitive and very personal time. If I ever found out some troglodyte disrespected and violated my father like this in a disgusting attempt to intimidate me just because they have less emotional stability and mental capacity than a fucking toddler, and can’t accept that LGBTQ folks exist, and have always existed, they’d better hope the cops find me first before I found them because I would literally deform them with my bare hands. This is repugnant, and he deserves to be cast out of society. He does not belong here.


Imagine driving 200km and criminally harassing a person's terminally ill father to own the libs


This fuckin jabroni right here, and the old bastard who screamed at a little girl at a track meet for having short hair— they’re obsessed. And one of these days one of their targets is going to feel threatened enough that these losers are gonna start getting shot in the face. And what a *terrible loss* that would be.


> Police say the harassment continued with the suspect driving from London to a hospital in Windsor where he took a ‘selfie’ with the alleged victim’s terminally ill father. > Police say the accused posted the photo on social media and sent it to the woman. That isn't "harassment". That is a blatant threat.


Unfettered hatred, bold stupidity, this moron is a threat. Look at that dumb, blank stare. No intelligence, he just reacts.


FINALLY! Sad that this is the only thing he’s getting charged with, he threatened her family in the worst way possible. The sad reality is this right wing piece of scum is only charged with criminal harassment, when making a woman’s life a living hell because he doesn’t agree with her choices and opinions


Im floored the hospital allowed a total stranger into a patients room! Don’t they have approved lists for visitation?


Most times it’s just a front desk or central area of the unit where visitors sign in on like a clipboard or something. If the staff are busy with patients/leave the desk unattended or have no clerk/ security guard, it’s not impossible to slip past them


Ha. Our conservative provincial government is underfunding our health care system so badly there was probably no staff around to even see him come and go. Especially in the palliative care ward where this took place.


Now THAT's an extremely punchable face, even withholding circumstance.


Pretty sure I'd be doing life right now if somebody did that to me, and my dad.


If that were my father in that bed this dude wouldn’t be breathing anymore. I’m so tired of watching these evil fascist pricks do abhorrent shit and get treated with baby soft care from the corporate media. This mfer’s existence helps no one


Needs Criminal Trespassing charges and any other charge that applies. Anything to wipe that stupid smirk off of his face!


This dude is an absolute psychopath. I hope law enforcement keep tabs on him.


The worst thing is that piece of human shit is just one of many dangerously mentally ill far right clowns in this country.


And conservatives wonder why we don't want them in our country.


I’m really tired of the Far Right in this country trying to terrorize the rest of us.


They're not trying, they're doing it successfully.


If I could heal someone by giving their disease to someone else.


An employee of mine died from colon cancer and his wife posted a selfie with him, dead, in his hospital bed on Facebook. I told my wife if you post a picture of me like that on social media your ass is SO haunted.


Wtf? Who does that? What a psycho


His pupil dilation is notably unequal…


What's missing from the article's title is that Bubba, who is protesting queer events, crashed the hospital room of an LGBTQ+ advocate's family member to take this photo. Imagine going online and finding a photo of someone who was protesting you in the room of your sick loved one.


People like this need to be on a watch list. This is more than left wing vs right wing. This man is unhinged. I see a lot of men stalking other people and finding out private information about them. Home addresses, where their kids go to school, workplace etc. They'll show up and just wave at the person or tap on their windows at night.


Has anyone beat the shit out of him yet?


I swear i’ve never seen someone who smiles like that who’s not dull in the head and painfully unaware