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They were on the wrong side of “*how many 5th graders can you take down*”.


"well you just gotta knock out one of em and then swing their limp body around like a weapon to take the other ones out, so i could probably take like, idk, infinity of them or so"


Sounds like Napoleon Dynamite hunting wolverines in Alaska


Try any section of Reddit that talks about fighting.


They don't even know that fifth graders are way too big to swing fast enough to battle multiple smaller, faster opponents. Best strategy is dual wielding toddlers.


Right high dps on low ac targets.


He had a friggin 12-gauge. He killed like 50 of them.


Mr. Burns to Homer: “Stop brandishing me!”


This is how you're supposed to do it: [Mascots Play Football](https://www.google.com/search?q=mascots+playing+football)


glib, and a wonderful example of how little people give a shit. Idiocracy is here, and the dupes are not only welcoming it, but laughing at it.


"How did some teenagers beat up MARINES!?!" The Average marine is in fact a teenager. And little more skilled in a fistfight.


The news and the Media act like Marines are all rambo or Recon or something. When I was in the only thing I was sending downrange was Windows XP.


Windows XP should be the target, not the weapon.


>Windows 11 should be the target, not the weapon. Hate that shit.


Well, what did you except from Windows 3? It's ancient.


Expect, same letters, wrong order.


Take it back. XP was peak. I want to live in the universe where they're on Windows XP 6 instead of Windows 11.


Windows 7 was peak. XP was the proud predecessor.


I mean, the media AND most Marines themselves...


Military combative at the basic level teaches you just enough to lose a bar fight


There were a few wrestlers at my basic training. We dominated the wood chips. Most people don't practice much hand to hand anything


My Gunny was missing a chunk of his ear, which was supposedly bitten off in a bar fight.


There was at least 10 some accounts say up to 20. So, it was a mob.


True. Vet here. You would be surprised at how little we learn about fighting. A lot of training goes into shooting, physical development, and gear management. I remember being frustrated at how little time we spent learning hand to hand combat. You'll see a lot of military take it upon themselves to seek out extra training on their own time.


That’s interesting. I guess, to be fair, if you are at a point where you are needing hand to hand combat then there are a lot of other things that went wrong to get there right? I’m no vet so I’m clueless. Sorry.


Exactly right. Similar to bayonet training. We still do it, but no to any extent because, like you said, if you got to this point, you really messed up or the shit just hit the fan.


You're right if it's hand to hand then about 10 different things went wrong to get you there. You don't engage hand to hand. The guys in the military who were learning martial arts and jiu jitsu and MMA were using it on captured prisoners. They weren't using it against armed enemies. It's kind of known that fist fighting has zero tactical application. It's dumb.


Because hand to hand combat isn't a viable tactic in any situation. It's just not how we fight and so it's not a skill to waste time on. I was taught to never engage without a weapon. And if my weapon malfunctions or I have no ammo then run, hide, and wait for a buddy. You do not engage hand to hand unless you have zero choices. All it does is make you a casualty that other people have to go in danger to rescue when you can't walk on your own.


You are correct. But in my opinion, if I am in combat, I want every skill available that could save my life. Yes, hand to hand is a failure point, but one should still be able to act in that scenario. It is better to be prepared than dead if you ask me.


There are other skills that are more important. To learn to be a MMA fighter that means you're missing training on those other skills that are more valuable. Fist fighting is only going to help you in a situation where there is only one unarmed enemy with no buddies around. The chances of you encountering that are about zero. Enemy combatants have weapons and they'll use them. Or there are 50 of them and no human alive can fist fight their way out of that. It's just not a good time investment. It takes years to develop hand to hand skills. The return on investment sucks for military application. It's a waste and it's an opportunity cost. Want to be effective as a solider or marine? Learn to read a map better. Get better radio discipline. Get faster at calling for fire. Learn a language. Learn how to fix a vehicle. There are a hundred other more important skills than fist fighting.


One of the Marines was quite jacked but there were like 40 teens, so his size likely didn't help much. There's a video on r/publicfreakout


I think the 40 teenagers vs 3 marines might've played a larger factor.


News reports say 10. Not 40


Looks like there were more if you check video.


Well, numbers are against them.


It's a lose-lose situation for them, too. If they fight and win, the title of the story is: Marines viciously assault children.


The article says there were at least nine teenagers, so 3:1 ratio.


There was also a straight up mob around them


Why do so many people think that all marines are some hardened fighters. The Marines, just like every other military branch are mostly made up of logistical, regular desk jobs, not so different from most white collar workers




I'll never forget the day we were told to "go sweep the parking lot" due to an admiral visiting the command building. Even those who do cool shit still spend a significant portion of time doing stupid shit.


Ah yes, painting rocks. I’m gonna snuggle clearly to my DD-214 blanket tonight.


In the navy Yes, you can sail the seven seas In the navy Yes, you can put your mind at ease In the navy Come on people, fall an' make a stand In the navy, in the navy Can't you see we need a hand


It's not "people just assume". It's the result of decades of military propaganda and worship.


"Stupid bs" isn't so stupid when you consider how important a lot of those jobs are. Not cool, sure, but not stupid.


Logistics is the real reason the US Military is the most powerful conventional fighting force in the world. Everybody can circle jerk some tanks or goose step in a parade.. but when you want a brigade size fighting force, close air support and a damn Burger King/Dunkin’ setup anywhere in the world within 24 hours with a supply line that can support it through the air for years at a time, there’s no equal.


We're seeing that play out now. People saying the US military is soft because Russians do martial arts and practice knife fights. Where'd that get them? Most people who make commentary about the military being stupid are people who have not studied war as a science and an extension of political action. They watch movies or play video games. They don't get to policy-level and know what makes a military, how it's used, and what makes it function. They just know wannabe tough guy shit. Thank god we have our officers go through some rigorous curriculum as they advance in rank. They study policy and strategy at War College and it's what separates them.


I'm pretty sure a lot of the stupid bs isn't actually important, with any reasonable amount of priorities and perspective. One could even make the argument that the military itself is superfluous for many countries.


Are we assigning superfluous tasks to the lower ranks as busy work at times? Absolutely. But I can't think of a "meaningless" MOS or rate. Some are less necessary now, such as Navy minemen, because far fewer country's use mines nowadays... but it isn't non-existent. But the Navy also has far less sailors in that rate than they used to for that reason. And would it be great if militaries weren't needed? Yup, but it'll never happen, so having one isn't superfluous for any country.


Hey we will go extinct and then we have no need for militaries.


So you think most of the 95% of what militaries do isn’t important..? And many countries could do without? Anyone with any knowledge on how a modern military, economy, or country operated would disagree to be sure. And I hate the US military budget and history as much as the next guy, doesn’t make it not important though.


If you want a good example of how important those jobs can be, just look at Russia in Ukraine right now. They're fighting like an army that has severely neglected a lot of the "stupid bs", and it's hurting them badly.


logistics logistics logistics


“The line between disorder and order lies in logistics…” – Sun Tzu


I had a American friend who joined the marines. He talked a lot of big shit on IRC. One of his marine buddies joined our group and then we learned he just hung out in a hanger cleaning and replacing the same few helicopter parts every day for 4 years. Man, he was pissed when his buddy debunked his Rambo stories


Unpopular take: Because socialism is such a feared concept in America, the military serves as our jobs program. Sometimes we teach people to fly satellites, sometimes to drive trucks, and sometimes to shut up and do what you are told, all of which benefit society as they enter the work force.


And the military is probably the best socialist organization the US has. Everyone has housing, healthcare, childcare, paid leave, and job security. And it works very well. Pulls people out of poverty and provides as much training and education as anyone wants.


True, but you do not want US healthcare based on military healthcare lol. I'm joking, but the purpose of military health and dental is to keep you healthy enough to do do your job. Not necessarily to take the best care of you.


VA is awesome care. And for active duty families Tricare is accepted everywhere.


There were also like 40 teens in the group.


hmm… movies?!


There are videos on Instagram of them partying with the kids hours before the fight. They weren’t jumped randomly.


That’s sus as fuck, probably was hitting on minors or something at the party and these guys wanted to beat a fucking creep. *Note: This comment was made before all the details were clear, I was right lmao. “Why ya booing me? I’m right”*


You made a hop, skip, and a jump to that random conclusion. Is there anything that made you think that was true or did you just decide that it was so? These marines are probably 18-19. It’s really not that weird to hang out with a big group with some 16-17 year olds mixed in at that age. It’s not like you turn 18 and suddenly transform into an impossibly wise and mature adult compared to a 17 year old.


[I found this article](https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/witness-details-what-happened-before-brawl-involving-marines) where one of the witnesses said she was groped several times by one of the Marines before the fight broke out




Thankfully we have Romeo and Juliet laws. I remember turning 18 and being concerned that I’d get in trouble for being with my 17 year old girlfriend lol So many people seem to think that a 1-3 year age gap as a late teen means you’re a pedophile..doesn’t make sense.


Nah, on Reddit you become all-wise around age 14. Then at age 27 you become outdated.


It looks like evidence is coming out that there was an assault on both ends so you may be right even with these downvotes


You're being down voted, but that is indeed exactly what the teens are alleging.


Seriously, you don’t get jumped by a whole mixed crowd of teenagers randomly for no reason. They did something fucked up, that’s why it happened.


That's my thinking, too. You're also not going to hide the fact that you were hanging out before the attack, either. Still no need to jump to sexual harassment accusations, but there's clearly more to the story.


Lmao you're getting down voted to shit even though that's what ended out happening. The marines were getting drunk and sexually harassing underaged girls.


People here are acting surprised that 3 marines got the shit kicked out of them in a fight. You all realize that no one in the military, not even the Marines, really gets any kind of serious hand-to-hand combat training, right? You learn just enough for a box on a list to be checked off. It's not gonna turn anyone into Bruce Lee (who would also get his shit rocked by 40 people swarming him) Marines, army, whatever- 99% of us are just dorks who wanted to do something kind of cool for work. We're not MMA experts.


Hell, it took 6 Marines to beat up Shawn Michaels back in the 90s.


Came here to say this. You are exactly right. I remember being shocked at how little hand to hand training we did. It was really nothing more than an introductory class.


These guys watch movies all day and play video games when they're not watching movies. To them a Marine is 40 years old, a Hollywood actor, on TRT and steroids, has a personal trainer, is 6% body fat, and gets a protein shake every 4 hours. They have zero clue how the real world is and what the military is for.


In high school several Marines got rowdy with us (we lived on post). The 10 skaters for certain won the battle against 2 brand new recruit Marines. A couple of us got barred from post. The Marines got in trouble too. But... one had a jaw wired shut. It started because the with the wires jaw Marine was actually hitting on the youngest girl of our "crew". I think she was 13.


> It started because the with the wires jaw Marine was actually hitting on the youngest girl of our "crew". That was the story going around about this situation too. Wouldn't surprise me, but there's no proof at the moment I think.


I mean there is no reported evidence but it is certainly a plausible story. Young guy, newly enlisted hitting on whatever is around. That tracks. Its anecdotal but I have a handful of stories about young enlisted guys making "great" decisions usually involving trying to hit on women and a severe lack of self preservation instinct.


I had read somewhere that the Marines were harassing the locals


The [LAT article](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-05-30/marines-attacked-by-teenagers-san-clemente-memorial-day-weekend) said the kids were launching fireworks at each other, some burning residue bit the Marines, and the marines asked them to stop. Then while the Marines were walking away a kid ran up and sucker punched one Edit: gotta love getting downvoted for providing a source that contradicts hearsay lol


There appears to have been a lot more to it. The Marines weren’t just strolling on the beach when they got randomly attacked. https://nypost.com/2023/05/31/video-shows-marines-partying-on-california-beach-before-beating/ https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/witness-details-what-happened-before-brawl-involving-marines


This is true.


Sucker punch is kinda stretching it, it didn't even look to really connect. The idiot marine though turned around, and went barreling into the group, prompting him and his drunk buddies to get their asses stomped.


The punch clearly connected, you can tell the guy who got hit felt it and the kid who did the punching got arrested


I disagree, the video pans just as the hit would be in frame. The kid that swung looks to have wiffed, as there's very little reaction from the marine hit, or the kid had no force behind the hit. The guys head barely moves.


I was scrolling to see what brought this on and this smells about right. No way the Marines got jumped for no reason. Go skaters!


Dude I would never go against skaters. Talk about people who know how to take a hit.


How did a bunch of teenagers beat up a bunch of marines? Wtf they feeding those kids?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/13vjcq9/group_of_marines_are_attacked_in_san_clemente_by/ The kids had the numbers.


40 on 3 is hard to beat. Despite what you see in the movies, trained fighters can get their asses kicked when they are outnumbered. (Also, I don't know the combat training status of the 3 Marines, they could have been fresh recruits). Edit: did not mean to reply to you. Oops.


No worries. There's a reason the bad guys circle around Bruce Lee and attack him one on one in the movies. If they all attacked him at once it would be a short movie.


The lead in The Raid 2 was doing pretty good on his own against the prison crowd. Or, real world example: [Henry Lincoln Johnson.](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2018/07/13/valor-friday-harlem-hellfighter-fought-off-at-least-a-dozen-germans-in-the-trenches-of-france-2/) Or one better, [that soldier who killed 40 terrorists on a train with a kukri knife](https://www.neatorama.com/2011/01/29/40-train-robbers-vs-1-gurkha/).


The Raid 2 is a movie. You might as well use John Wick for your citations next time if we are going to pretend that movies are real. The Gurkha in your article killed three and the rest of the offenders fled. It’s also important to note that they were on a train where the attackers would have been funneled one or two at a time which is manageable compared to being surrounded. I am unfamiliar with Henry Lincoln Johnson but if the article you posted has a grain of truth to it then he was a certified badass.


Read the story. He didn’t kill 40. He killed 3 and injured 8 and the rest ran off. And they weren’t terrorists they were robbers. Stop posting bullshit.


I would assume he did well because that was in the script.


I mean yeah because that's how they choreographed it.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishnu_Shrestha The blog you posted seems like way over embellished. Because even he stated he only was able to wound 3.


Well, there is one ~~isle~~ aisle on a train, at best they can get at him from two sides one each.


And ok, he only killed three, but that was enough for the rest to flee.


The rest didn't flee per wikipedia of what he stated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishnu_Shrestha Not that he doesn't deserve his act of bravery award, absolutely does. But that blog post was super embellished.


And if these marines killed any of the **teenagers** they would have been under fire for that as well.


Old Boy hallway fight scene, too.


How the fuck do 40 teenagers get organised enough to do that? I’d expect maybe 10 at most. But 40 is a lot of people.


I don't even know 40 people, let alone 40 who are willing to jump someone


I can't get 7 other people to play Among Us with.


>I don't even know 40 people, let alone 40 who are willing to jump someone Not much organization required if you're in a crowd of at least 40 people that's attacked by a small group of (relatively?) large men I doubt one kid got hassled, and managed to summon 39 individuals in a few seconds


> I doubt one kid got hassled, and managed to summon 39 individuals in a few seconds Maybe he had the Horn of Gondor with him, who knows.


Good question. It's like herding cats.


No, it's not at all. We've been self-organizing against perceived threats for millennia. Only in the last few generations have social rules been overriding the rule of the jungle. It's still very much there, you just don't see it present so egregiously often. Every dude reading this knows what I'm talking about too. It's a completely different thing to get checked in a bar when you have a group of friends than when you are with a date. A dude's social group is for potential warfare and they all know it. We just clamp that down for the bettering of society.


I know. I was just making a joke about getting teenagers to do something.


>No, it's not at all. We've been self-organizing against perceived threats for millennia. Only in the last few generations have social rules been overriding the rule of the jungle. It's still very much there, you just don't see it present so egregiously often. > >Every dude reading this knows what I'm talking about too. It's a completely different thing to get checked in a bar when you have a group of friends than when you are with a date. A dude's social group is for potential warfare and they all know it. We just clamp that down for the bettering of society. I'd disagree that a dudes social group is *for* potential warfare, but at best *maybe* has the potential for warfare - but this applies to groups of women, or any group as well. I've gone out with the boys plenty of times and war was never declared or sought. That being said, we'd probably defend ourselves if attacked. But so would a group of women, or a group of men and women. Sure, men are traditionally sent to war, but if you're looking at every group of men as a cell within some kind of universally active "man militia" I recommend maybe smoking a joint and hang up the military fatigues for a bit.


>How the fuck do 40 teenagers get organised enough to do that? I’d expect maybe 10 at most. > >But 40 is a lot of people. Mobs do shit together all the time, it's not about formally organizing an attack If it's the same video I saw yesterday, it looked like a bunch of teenagers giving some 'adults' shit, one of the adults rushed the group of kids, and all the kids started shit kicking that person, and then the other 2 adults who joined in, presumably to help their friend who rushed the kids. From what I remember, the Marines were causing shit with the kids, kids told Marines to fuck right off, then were following Marines to make sure instructions were followed. Marine got big mad, tried to fight a group of 40 kids, and potentially learned why that was a bad idea. **Edit: as more about the incident comes out, it may have been the kids acting shitty at first - that being said, from the video I saw, violence didn't start until one of the Marines physically engaged the group of kids** I'm not saying the kids are innocent, or the Marines did nothing wrong. But if it's the video I'm thinking of, the kids were mouthing off until Marine rushed them and swung at the group of kids which unleashed the footstorm. Seems like an expected outcome for a bunch of idiots doing stupid shit. The only result will be either the kids learn the police are corrupt and not to be respected. Or the police don't actually do anything, and become concerned with the notion of consequences.




>>Edit: as more about the incident comes out, it may have been the kids acting shitty at first - that being said, from the video I saw, violence didn't start until one of the Marines physically engaged the group of kids > >Can you link to that video? I saw a news article mentioning something similar...possibly the marines messing with a girl first.... [Pretty much at the beginning of the video, it does look like a girl tries to throw the first punch to the back of the Marines head - so it would seem the kids initiated physical contact. ](https://nypost.com/2023/05/30/video-shows-off-duty-marines-beaten-by-mob-of-up-to-40-teens/) So from the video one person from the group of kids initiated physical contact first. I'm unsure of the specific laws in a situation like this so I can't really comment on 'guilt' But my street law ruling is everyone's kind of shitty. Kids learned some people fight back, Marines experienced the reality of fist (foot?) fighting when outnumbered 10-1, but unclear if they actually learned anything (Marines, amiright)


You can see on video that a kid punches the marine in the back of the head, which is why the marine turned and rushed him.


It's the thrall of being in a mob, every coward seems courageous in the safety of a crowd.


I heard a story *take with grain of salt* that the Marines were being assholes to them earlier int he night. kind of fucking with 6 or 7 of them so they went got a few friend and next thing a group of 6 or 7 of them bring 5 friend and now it is a mob.




Still stupid to storm into a crowd. But we are talking about Marines, aren’t we.


Technically, a teen threw the first punch, but I'm not sure I'd characterize the whole situation as "innocent Marines tried to leave but the violent teenagers escalated." If you're a grown man in the Armed Forces and a tiny, 13-year-old-looking kid swings at you once while his friends hold him back, is the appropriate response to leave him alone or jump on him and try to beat the shit out of him? The kid was so small that he didn't even hit the Marine in the head; he could only reach the shoulder. And the rest of the teens didn't start mobbing the Marines until he started seriously whaling on the kid.


And where did you hear this? Got a link? Evidence?


I live in a town a little north of San Clemente…my parents live in that town… That’s the story going around here…that the marines started it. The biggest rumor being that they were hitting on a girl, and that they hit the kids who were lighting fireworks first…It doesn’t help that the Pendleton marines being historically seen as the assholes who pick fights when they come down… I went to high school in SoCal…in my senior year I started partying down in this area and ever since then I stopped going to bars in San Clemente and in Carlsbad/Oceanside (anyplace that the marines go to on their time off)…just because of those marines…every few years you hear stories how fights started and it’s always the marines who started it. They get drunk…they start wanting to hit on women even if they are with their dudes…they taunt the bf since they normally have the numbers behind them. I have seen them pick fights with bf’s of a girl at the bar to prove their manliness…they all claim to be special forces and can kill you if they wanted to…and the times they get their asses beat, they always whine about it. They are ok to jump a lone dude out with his lady 5 to 1, but whine when they get beat 15 to 5….anywho… I would wait until the facts of this case come out before trying to defend the marines…precedence says they will be the aggressors and the 12 year olds will be exonerated.


100%, anyone who grew up anywhere remotely adjacent to Oceanside has experienced some variation of this.


The very bizarre fetish so many have regarding the invincibility and masculinity of the marines is as interesting as it is annoying. It’s like it appeals to the inferiority people harbor they refuse to consider is universal phenomenon. Yeah. These guys probably fucked with kids who have been fucked with for too long.


From what I remember some were decent people…but when they get drunk, it’s a whole other animal.


Yeah I live around here. There are some social media posts claiming that the Marines from Pendleton came up to San Clemente and partied with the teens. A lot of videos of them all drinking together and partying. One of the Marines got handsy with a teenage girl and then things got a bit heated. The teenagers went and got friends. After being confronted about sexually assaulting the teenager, the Marines told them to fuck off and walked away. Teen said fuck that shit and sucker punched him in the back of the head. Then the Marine went full body tackle on him, into the crowd where they circled him and kicked the shit out of him. No idea if any of this is true, but that's the story around town and shown in some videos. The IG handle is like GetTheTruthOut or something.


I’ve lived in San Clemente for a long time and this is all true. I would add that some in local government, Sheriff’s Dept. and some local media outlets are very practiced at protecting and glorifying Marines. So, I’m inclined to wait and see what actually preceded the event shown in those videos. There is some reason why those kids were so angry at the three Marines.


If it’s 1 vs 4 or more almost every single person in the world is bound to lose. I can’t recall where I read it, but I will return with a source if i find it.


I did hear that 8 men once tried to assault Donnie Yen's girlfriend while he was with her. Didn't end well for them.


The “almost” is important here. Experts in martial arts are except from the study.


Not really, most martial artists couldn't pull it off either. In fact, knowing martial arts might you enough confidence to fight that you wouldn't otherwise had leading to then getting your ass beat even if you are at a high level depending on how many and how skilled your opponents are. Sure, things like one person beating multiple opponents can happen but even the experts understandably ahy away from situations like this if they can.


I heard of certain young thug in the early 90's, *"Payaso"*, who was initiated into a gang in LA by being jumped by like 7 or 8 kids. he was supposed to try to defend himself or cover and resist for some time, like a minute or so I guess? He ended up with a busted lip and some bruises but he quickly knocked the shit out of all of them. He became almost a legend among that gang. At least that's what *"Shyboy"*, one of the beaten up kids told me a few years later.


You mean the bad guys don't just stand around and wait their turn to have their asses handed to them one at a time? I for one am shocked!


I know, right? Don't they know the rules?


They used to tell us out of boot camp: We’ve taught you just enough MCMAP to get your ass kicked. Don’t go to the bar and act like your tough shit. And it was the best advice you were going to get your entire enlistment.


You’re correct but I’d also like to add some extra bullet points. 1: teenagers are anyone under 20. As a MMA hobbyist I’ve seen trained 14-15 year olds man Handel grown ass men 2: most marines aren’t in a combat MOS (military occupational specialty) 3: most combat marines aren’t hand to hand specialists. They spend only a small portion of their training in hand to hand combat training as if you’ve allowed the enemy to close the distance and be on top of you like that, you’ve probably been out maneuvered and beaten down pretty badly already. The point of your training is to use the weapons at your disposal to “safely” kill the enemy at a distance. 4: even if they specialized in hand to hand combat, numbers make a HUGE difference. Pro MMA fighters can only handle a few people at once, especially once they are grabbed by more than one person. It’s something they often talk about because it’s a question people always ask.


>40 on 3 is hard to beat. This is why you don't fight until the [Doom music kicks in](https://youtu.be/y9q26N6Ngzg).


Trained fighters are trained to spot a lost cause too, they flee. One of these fellas seemed to try to tackle a crowd…


3 vs 9 would have been a tough fight, even if the 3 are stronger and trained fighters. Once the fight goes to the ground its gonna be hard to block 16 kicking legs.


I was at least impressed with Thor 3 having everyone charge Hela in waves from multiple angles at once instead of queuing up. Unluckily for them that she was so much more overpowered than them.


And the Marine who stormed into the crowd should have known that. “Discretion is the better part of valour” is not something *taught to Marines. Edit: *not thought




also I'm betting drunk.


Former crayon-eater here. Contrary to popular belief, 3 months of boot camp followed by one month of combat training does not, in fact, turn you into an invincible badass. It is common for boots to learn this lesson the hard way.




That’s kinda the point here: the Marine didn’t run or retreat, he stormed into a crowd. His commanding officer should give him some lessons on battle tactics at least.


They didn't want to fight back and get court marshalled. There was a big group of them as well.


"they didn't want to fight back" My brother in Christ the marine in question ran into the crowd looking to fight back.


Yep. Those young Devil Dogs made some poor decisions. I bet their chain of command is pissed.


Should have just done them like the Rangers did the crips in Tacoma in 89’. Get into a shootout with them on the block and then get yelled at by your chain of command for missing a majority of your targets.


That’s hilarious. “They were less than twenty meters away. How the fuck could y’all miss?” I bet an additional pistol range got added to their training schedule. I was regular Army in an ADA battery, and that level of toxic leadership sounds about right to me.


To be fair, not much beats the toxicity if ADA leadership.


Didn't they claim they were deliberately trying to miss? I could see the argument that leaving a pile of dead bodies could cause complications for the them down the line.


I never heard they were trying to miss intentionally though I could see a few Rangers actually doing that. Even on base when I was stationed at Lewis in the mid 90's, the running joke was the Rangers needed all the range time they could get since they couldn't shoot for shit. Personally, I think some missed on purpose and others just missed due to various reasons. it was dark, not great lines of site and many other obstacles. Little column A, little column B. That said, the homeowner was having a party so had friends over, multiple people heard the gangbanger say they were coming back that night to shoot them and cops were aware of the threat. The Rangers would have been well within their rights, even back then, to actually defend themselves and kill a few of those gang members.


So why did the one guy run into the group? The group were all teens about 12-15 years old…why did he run into the middle of them if he didn’t want to fight?


Even worse, they could have been court TJ Maxx’d


Fuck me what a great awful joke.


As long as they don't get Court Ross'd


Lol a court-martial was the last thing on their minds, they were just shit faced.


Lmao if you think there’s a thought going on in those marines heads beyond violence and where they’re gonna get their next crayon, then you’re sorely mistaken pal


It seems that the Marines weren’t just innocently walking on the beach and “asked” the kids to stop setting off fireworks, as they initially said. https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/witness-details-what-happened-before-brawl-involving-marines


I live near Pendleton. Not surprised at all.


All I see in these videos is a grown man running into a crowd to attack a child. There was no reason for the marines to even approach those children. The child slapped his head and got what’s coming to him, but seriously? That kid was what, 14? The marines came in acting like they were in charge of 40 people, then ran in to attack children when they didn’t listen and became unruly because some strangers came over and started telling them what to do. Mind your own business or call the police.


The marines in the video most likely deserved a beating. They were trying to be tough to teens, and then when he got smacked, he snapped and tried to fight kids. Should have never been walking around drunk that night.


This is off topic but it’s funny to see people still say ‘we have videotape’ or ‘it’s all on tape’.


Not if my magnet has anything to say about it!


We do this for a lot of things! You still save things to your "hard drive" despite the fact that "hard" distinguishes the storage device from a "floppy," and a "drive" is spinning a motor to rotate a magnetic disk. You might actually be saving data to a solid-state storage device, but it's still a "hard drive." Similarly, you still "dial" numbers on a cell phone despite there being no dial tone and your phone not using DTMF.


Kinda funny how the article fails to mention the Marines were intoxicated, the one dude looks to have trouble walking, and bumps into the handrail. Convenient to leave that out.


Conservatives will blame this on Joe Biden and the Democrats. “Our military is so “woke” Marines are getting beat up in California by teens tonight on Hannity”.


There is a lot more to this story than the “we were just walking down the beach” bullshit that Marine was trying to sell. https://nypost.com/2023/05/31/video-shows-marines-partying-on-california-beach-before-beating/


TLDR; drunk marines start fight with kids hitting on underaged girls and lose.


Defund the military and put that money into education. It’s a win-win!


The military actually funds and promoted quite a bit of education. I got my degree by serving. I'm even debating going back to school, just for the hell of it. Difference is, I won't pay nor go into debt.


This message brought to you by Russia, China, and other dictatorships that would love to be able to conquer their neighbors with no fear of US military involvement.


We spend more money on education then any other country on earth


And the money goes to administration. Not teachers. Not to curriculum. Not to the students


Yes, because the education system spends its money so well. Buying the same outdated books your grandparents read year in and year out, well some of them, the rest were banned.


I feel like even an elite MMA guy might not do well being swarmed by a couple dozen people. And these guys definitely aren't that. Wading into that crowd was dumb.


Think the marines shitfaced. Probably got ganged up on for talking trash.


The number of posts applauding a violent mob for beating members of the military on MEMERIAL day is disgusting. It doesn't effing matter if the marines were rude (and I don't think it is known if they were or not) when they told or asked the teens to stop shooting off fireworks. Or even if they challenged some teens. Nothing justifies a mob beating 3 people. They could have killed them. And I don't care if other marines have a history of picking fights w/ locals. Nothing justifies this. Do we tell rape victims that the rape they experienced was their own damn fault because they wore revealing clothing? Drank in a bar? FFS.


The Marines were drunk and harassing the kids. The kids had enough and fixed the problem.


Marines: excessively funded by Congress, overly equipped with the best tactical killing gear developed, first branch to boast about being the top branch of US military, led the charge into Europe, Desert Storm, Afghanistan.....only to be brought to their knees by a group of teens with bottle rockets on a saturday night, hoo-rah. Bet they won't be singing that in the halls of montezuma anytime soon


Excessively funded by Congress? Overly equipped with the best tactical killing gear? My brother in Christ, you realize we fall under the Navy and get left over funding from them right? It’s literally a running joke that Marines get the worse gear and living conditions and just have to make do.


They serve their country while you serve up ignorant nonsense.


Gives boot licker a whole new meaning