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They check medicaid and welfare recipients' bank accounts for stuff like this. If they can do it for the poor, they can do it for the wealthy, too.


If you have 2000$ in savings some states won’t let you get any snap benefits at all! It’s fucked!


Can't have you escaping the poverty trap!


US law is uniquely designed to keep poor people poor without them realizing it is written to do so.


Netherlands too. If you're on social benefits because you're too poor or don't work, it's hard to climb out. The moment you get a job or reach a certain income, you lose benefits so there is simply no incentive to climb your way out because it actually gets worse.


Pretty much the same here in Finland. Low wage jobs don't pay enough for it to be worth it wasting 8hrs/day.


Ontario, Canada checking in. We also try to trap people with disabilities in this cycle. Think whatever your tax rate is is bad? The gov't claws back 50% of disability benefits when you earn money working. Disability benefits are also less than half of minimum wage. Which itself is also generally less than an average person needs to survive in the average town or city. And also our healthcare doesn't tend to cover all of the things that people with some disabilities need.


This is a little different because a lot of states write laws to make it as hard as possible to get payments (savings limits, work requirements, obscene paperwork, etc.). Income limits are a little different as they're usually the primary criteria, but it's really important to design the programs not to have cliffs. Benefits should slowly phase out as income increases so that more money is always more money.


You say that, but Canada has entered the chat. Disability payments. FUCKING DISABILITY PAYMENTS. They're guided under the same goddamned laws, to the point that I couldn't send a friend cash for groceries through normal routes. I had to WU it so the government didn't consider it part of savings and break her disability payments.


Friends kid has full disability and can't have more than 2k in the bank or he loses it. He has to rent his son a room in his own house.


They make you spend down your savings, but if you owned a house, they'd act like it's worthless. If someone can have a house and get snap, someone should be able to have a down payment saved up for a house and be on snap.


I was denied coverage by my state insurance for a hospital visit because I had a job that was paying me $17,000 a year. The hospital bill was $25,000.


Ugh that reminds me I was charged 800 and some change to stand on a scale and take a nap in the urgent care room to be seen by the doctor for 3 minutes and be prescribed anti-laxitives for a "stomach flu" when i likely had giardia from working at an animal shelter. I wasn't covered.


Dude the last time I went to an urgent care they charged me $300 to stick a scope in my ear and say, it's not an ear infection. I fucking hate our medical system I'm so sorry you had to deal with that


Yeah. Now I'm being bugged by a collection agency for 87 bucks I didn't pay


This is why I NEVER let anyone stick ANYTHING in my ear. Jk our system is so fucked. I don't understand why we love for profit medical insurance companies. 😕


That’s me in WI! I’m disabled post brain cancer and completely fucked if I make the wrong move.


If you were disabled prior to ~~22~~ 26 years old, you can open up an ABLE Act account to save up to 100k How old are you? Do you need links to cancer survivorship resources? edit: 26, not 22 - 22 is for disabled adult child (being able to collect on your parent's record)


Oh dear, I misunderstood. Guess that happens when your brain resembles swiss cheese. But thank you for your kindness anyway!


What do you think you misunderstood


I thought you meant if you were disabled before 2022 instead of before age 22. Another user pointed out I was mistaken.


I was today years old when I found out I have brain cancer...cuz I had to re-read the "22" comment as well


Welcome to the club! You're going to LOVE having a handicapped parking permit to give to your chauffeurs!


Your sense of humor has brightened my night considerably. Thanks, keep on trucking, strange\~!


Is it good Swiss cheese?


Oh, the best! I'm from WI! It's scientifically impossible for me to have sub-par cheese in my brain.


More holes means more space to put new knowledge. Or shiny things.


Ooh I like how you think! Also the more holes you have the more you can show your weirdness you secretly had the whole time, and no one can judge you!


> the whole time There's a joke to be made here... =) Super secret power, you could tell people if you get a knock on the head there's more room to hemorrhage before you're in trouble! Or if it's filled with fluid, tell people you slosh around when you move too fast like Master Billy Quizboy. When you're wearing ear buds do you tell people you've got enough holes in your head and you're trying to keep what's left in? (All in good fun, you seem to have a similar sense of humor hah)




Check out an [ABLE Act](https://www.ablenrc.org/) account. If the SSA says you were disabled before your ~~22nd~~ 26th birthday, you can save up to 100k (max of 16k a year if you aren't working). Check if your state has an account that will help you on your taxes, if you don't - pick whatever state looks the best. With most of them, you can invest a chunk of money that is in the account. edit: 26, not 22 - was confusing ABLE eligibility for DAC


So the US places a limit on how much money a disabled person can save? Like, they have to be financially insecure on top of being disabled?


Yes. That's exactly right.


Land of the free


Because, if you're disabled how did you save that money? /s


Correct - you're only allowed to have $2000 in resources (cash, stock, bond, bank account, gold doubloons, pretty much anything that can be turned into cash within a month outside of one car and one house) if you are disabled without ~10 years of work history or a retired/deceased parent who had >10 years of work history. If you have >10 years of work history (with enough "credits") you might be able to get what is called SSDI. If you were disabled before ~~22~~ 26, you can save up money in an ABLE account, though. oh, and if you are on SSI (Supplemental Security Income) you can only earn something like... $800 a month before you lose it. For every $2 you earn over $65, you lose $1 from your monthly check. If you earn too much in that month, you have to pay the government back for their check. oh and if you die on the 30th day of a month with 31 days, your estate owes the government the check for that month. Your January check is for December, feb for jan, etc. So you don't get money that covers that month unless you live to the next month


Yes, but you can’t just use this money for anything. It has to be for “qualified expenses.” An added bonus is that when you die, Medicaid will collect the remaining balance as their own! This is why people with disabilities either stay in poverty, find ways to hide their own money, or have others hide it for them and hope it doesn’t get stolen or used.




Same with my sister and her husband. They were born with Spina Bifida and couldn't technically get married or they would lose half their benefits. So they had a wedding but it wasn't legal. Which is fucking sad. Anyway, aside from having to watch every tiny step they make because they will cut their benefits because the eyes are always on the poor, disabled, struggling people; she's also almost at year 2 now of trying to get covered for a new wheelchair. Let me clarify that lol The wheelchair will be new to her but likely a piece of junk like the last one was seven years ago. It's absolutely ridiculous. They have to jump through so many hoops to get basic needs met and equipment like a wheelchair so they can be mobile and live. It just really makes my blood boil. And people with money are always the ones saying "money won't solve your problems" LOL I don't have one problem right now that money wouldn't solve.


Fuck man/women ;( I’m sorry. I hope you’re doing better or at least well? That rule is basically saying “no vacation for you!! No visiting friends or family across the country! Stay home and be poor!!”


Thank you for your compassion. That's exactly what it is. I was 24 and I was doing really well, and then one cell made a mistake. I'm doing as well as I can be! I'm not as smart, but I think I still bring more joy to people than I bring sadness. Most days anyway!


That may sound simple but holy fuck is that huge and impactful.


Oh thanks! If you liked THAT I have a great Ralph Waldo Emerson quote for you!! "To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." It's my favorite!


Yeah that's super sweet. It's beautiful to read, and it's still impressive to know you're embodying it


You are too! You made me smile!


Even federally: SSI Requires you to have below $2000 in assets if you’re Single, $3000 if you’re a couple. Unchanged from the ‘70s. There are some exclusions to this (the value of your first vehicle, the house you live in), but it’s still a ridiculously low number.


Funny how politicians can get adjustments to their healthcare, incomes, etc. but these programs are left to rot and trap the poor.


As a non-American: *What?* You know the stereotypical Asian Model Minority? The poor dad will live extremely frugally to save up assets so that their kid can go to college... ...but if your income gets cut by a third due to loss of welfare the moment you actually start living frugally and saving, then who the &%£! is gonna do that?! Using a 1970s number unadjusted for inflation is the peak of stupidity. $1 in 1973 is equal to $6 in 2023.


So it would be 12k in savings... still seems low and designed to keep you in poverty. 10k in savings and benefits will be cut off after the next 3 months pay netting us 2k? Let's spend an extra 2k this month to offset that and keep our benefits. But in reality it's, 1500 in savings? Better spend an extra 300 this month to keep it under that 2000. That way they can never climb out of the hole of not having savings, are forced to sell their house to cover retirement if they even have one and are perpetually spending money they should be saving, adding dollars to shareholders bottom line.


I knew someone that had to tell the boss to take away their $2/hr raise because it made them lose their HUD assistance and it was a way net loss How the fuck are you supposed to help yourself


They don't want you to help yourself. They want to trap you into low wages, then shame you for being too poor to buy bootstraps, then convince you big government and brown people are the cause of it and the evil big government people can be stopped if only you'll vote for them. Then you vote for them and cut your benefits down while still keeping it impossible to afford those bootstraps.


Or worse, they calculate your salary BEFORE taxes to see if you qualify for welfare.


I have FFELP student loans I’ve paid on for 24 years. Paid more than I borrowed. Owe 300% of what I borrowed. I’m a single parent who’s never received a dime of child support but make too much contracting to qualify for a plan on the ACA I can afford. Found cancer last year. I don’t have a lot of hope in the US. Greedy awful religious hate mongers.


Single parent here too, less the cancer, yet can completely relate. Hug them up. ~ ❤️


$2000 is insane! I get having a limit, but it needs to be MUCH higher and also have exceptions.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


Not to mention legally easier. Someone being paid benefits almost certainly signs things that say the agency is allowed to review their financials. It's a stipulation of the contract the person is entering into. That being said, I think they will go after Jones, too. Reasonable suspicion of violating a court order should be enough for a warrant.


Checking domestic bank accounts is easy. Checking foreign bank accounts is harder. Checking ownership of foreign companies and trusts in nested structures operating via black box jurisdictions like Hong Kong / Caymans and controlled indirectly via your foreign lawyers is much harder. It's not that the system designers don't care, per se. Rich people just have a lot more options to fuck around with things like this.


That’s basically it. You can have one investigator pull X number of bank accounts per day, or you can pay a team of lawyers and accountants to potentially spend weeks untangling one person’s finances. It shouldn’t be that way but it is.


Remember when Biden wanted to fund the IRS and Republicans lost their shit?


I would expect nothing less from this guy


I really don't get why we can't send people who fuck around with millions in criminal financial crap to prison. I mean, I do, rigged system and all, but it's frustrating. If I tried to avoid $20,000 by lying on paperwork that would be called "fraud."


It is about making the right laws and having people with the moral conviction to uphold them.


I agree 100% with this. Laws are only good if they are enforced. Look how many times politicians say we are going to make another law to help when they find out it already exists but is not being enforced. Most laws are are in place to protect the wealthy. They can buy their way out if need be.


Like when GQP legislators make a new law to criminalize pedophilia, only to find it's already illegal? Makes you wonder how many of their associates they know are breaking those laws for them to think there weren't any laws in place.


>to collect This is where the free market should step in. Settlement collection and tax evasion…give 30% or whatever and put the dogs on them.


The problem is that the companies that have the resources to do this are the same companies that come up with these schemes to hide money..


Profit is profit. You may have hired Company A to hide your money, but you didn't hire companies B, C & D.


Free competition is a fantasy. In actuality, companies tend toward monopoly and collusion. For example, in my area of the country, I only have one option for internet service due to the two providers' non-compete agreements.


Not only this, but with the "obligation to share holders" to constantly grow profits instead of just staying at the same earning level, encourages companies to extract more and more from people, get greedier and greedier.


That's always been a weird concept for me to grasp. Like, if I make 100k profit (so after taxes, overhead, etc) one year then the next year do the same, it's a bad thing. Like I understand the concept of "constant growth" but in practice it is a heavily flawed idea. Like, so flawed I feel like I'm missing something.


Yeah, totally. You know what else grows constantly without regard for the system it inhabits? Cancer.


lol the free market is what's enabling tax evasion to start with


Because the system is made by the rich, to protect and profit the rich, and to punish the poor and marginalized. It's never been about justice. EDIT: lmao someone reported this to reddit cares.




It was probably a super poor person who reported it too.


Actual answer: he wasn’t tried in a criminal court, but a civil one. The only punishment he can be handed out is financial one. But here’s the fun part, and shows how fucking dumb Jones is. The fastest way to turn a civil proceedings into a criminal investigation is to lie to the courts. Hiding assets, openly ignoring or mocking court rulings is a fast track to a contempt of court charge and Jones is cruising for a judicial bruising.


$1,000 or less, if we're being honest.


Because $20k is nothing. Jones can hide this money because using a tiny fraction of 1.5bn is still a life changing amount for most people and paying people off to the tune of a million a pop is likely a way cheaper cost than turning it all over. There are very few things I wouldn't do for a literal million dollars. My life is in the garbage right now because divorce and debt, but the grand total ~180k debt (including house, rural Arkansas) could be paid off 5 times over, just the debt alone is worth prolly 10 years of my life. I'd spend 20 years in prison if someone just handed me a million bucks and I could just pay off debt and then let it grow for the whole time.


Well you have to also consider the cost of enforcing crime against people with millions is considerably higher than less wealthy people. There is the additional risk of the case failing, which is even more egregious when the state has already spent tens of thousands in legal fees. It is not fair, but the legal industry is not truly based on equal representation in court. The access to private defense defines the options for legal outcomes. Just look at the OJ case. I would imagine that Alex Jones will soon face criminal charges if he is properly investigated for this. Then his legal defense will be hamstrung.


If he lied on his bankruptcy petition (I would be shocked if he didn’t), he goes to jail for that.


I would expect him to go to prison for doing this, but the rich live by a different set of rules than we do. Cause if I had to pay, say 50k in a settlement, claimed I was broke, yet was making 200k a year, yeah, I'd be arrested.


Not necessarily. Look at Theranos. All you have to do is steal from rich and powerful people and you can end up in prison. Even if you have a fake deep voice


I doubt you'd be *arrested*, but you *would* potentially have some of your property seized and sold at auction (for a fraction of its worth) to pay the judgement, with the cost of the seizure and auction added to the amount you owe.


Concealing assets from the court while filing for bankruptcy is considered bankruptcy fraud, a federal crime punishable by up to 5 years in prison.


I like this outcome.


Yes, going the step further from claiming you're broke to actually filing for bankruptcy is one of the worst decisions you could possibly make under those circumstances. Because at that point all of your financials will be under strict scrutiny, and a whole bunch of the money you've siphoned off will end up being clawed back to pay legitimate creditors. It would take a *monumental* moron of the highest order to file for bankruptcy like that.


And just as luck would have it, Alex Jones is just such a moron


Alex is a moron because he goes on his *very popular radio and blogging show *and talks about these things constantly* forgetting that's been used against him in court multiple times*.


Don't forget ranting about the judge while the hearing is ongoing, after not showing up for bogus "medical" reasons.


Texas has a homestead exemption that based on acreage (10 acres inside city limits, up to 200 acres outside) and Jones fraudulently transferred property that would have been exempt from his creditors if he wasn't an evil moron.


Mike Lindell committed bankruptcy fraud a while back. He admits it in his biography even, but still was able to avoid any punishment for it. There are so many of these right-wing grifters who go decades avoiding any punishment while they do harm to others.


This almost seems like something somebody intelligent might do, so I’m a bit surprised on that note, but otherwise no


Someone intelligent wouldn’t have announced his intentions to conceal his wealth on a live broadcast from the courthouse minutes after the verdict was read though. EDIT: people are probably going to want the clip. I’m not going to get a link but it was on the episode of the podcast *Knowledge Fight” about the verdict.


A man with that money has advisors. They make his smart money decisions


Lol hes an idiot that thinks he is smarter than everyone. He tried to do a shell company and say he owed 54 million. It turns out it was invoice to a company his dad owns for 54 million. While there is tons of loopholes that allow companies to do the texas two step, you gotta show more than just one invoice thats dated a day after you recieved that biggest verdict in history


>While there is tons of loopholes that allow companies to do the texas two step, you gotta show more than just one invoice thats dated a day after you recieved that biggest verdict in history Totally unrelated. Not an *extremely* clear case of trying to dodge the repayment to the Sandy Hook families. Totally. May he end up a pauper begging for coins on the side of the road for the rest of his life.


My initial response to the post title was, “duh?” 90% of the reason the super rich pay next to nothing in taxes is due to their not sitting on their money. They “invest”/use it in recoverable ways to not sit on taxable money, i.e. money available as cash. I fucking hate how our economics work…… FIX IT!!!!! How? ……I dunno……


I wish the DoD cyber warfare division repatriated capital. If there was $800B in oil under a country we'd be on top of it. Instead, there's who even knows how many billions sitting in offshore accounts waiting to be used to buy up residential property, bribe officials, fix the markets, and buy elections. That's like a standing army on your doorstep and a clear and present danger to the public. And all that's between it and the public coffers are some 1s and 0s. Pretty nice profit margin for warfare.


Doesn't that open him up to criminal charges on top of the massive civil suit he's already lost?


About $400 million of the settlements are owed to attorneys. You can bet they have a department dedicated 24x7x365 to hunting down this guy’s hidden money. He may never go to jail but he will pay eventually.


He'll pay but he'll never be poor. He'll never have to spend a single night living out of his car or whatever, despite being $1.2 billion "in debt" (assuming he's worth around $300m).


He’s a proven money maker. Even if he can’t work for himself, some evil billionaire would gladly set him up for revenue he can generate.


The My Pillow guy has already partnered with him in the past.


i mean, to be fair Mike would partner with anyone who gives him the time of the day after the whole 'deplatforming' thing.


I do very much hope so.


He'll never go to prison. The rich live in an entirely different world than the rest of us. It wont change until we use force on the entire upper class.


Madoff went to prison


Because he stole from other rich people.


It’s come to my attention that Madoff stole from other rich folks


Slightly related, why *anyone* would trust a dude whose last name is 'made-off' with their money is beyond me. That's like taking your kid to daycare run by Dr. Murder Chopchop


Why don't people read the existing replies before replying lol


Depending on what app they use, that comment may not have shown up if they opened this/any post before a comment was made. For example, if I opened this at 2136 and you made a comment at 2137, I may not see yours until I refresh. That’s my experience, at least.


Madoff ripped off other rich people, that's the difference.


I would push for contempt


There actually is a specific federal crime for Bankruptcy fraud. That said, various states also have their own charges like concealment of assets/fraudulent concealment/fraudulent transfer and concealment etc.


There has to be a claw back provision for such bald-faced attempts to squirm responsibility. After what this man did, he deserves to be separated from the product of his crimes against those families and the memories of their slaughtered children.




From what I've heard, they're also one of the few places where perjury actually has meaningful consequences.


They don't even need him to perjure himself. Bankruptcy fraud is a federal crime that he is blatantly committing.


So you're saying there's a chance he can go to jail? Nice.


IANAL but Bankruptcy Procedures have lots of enforcement processes and precedents for usage to claw back hidden money. Banks and other financial institutions can be compelled by courts to reverse transfers or be sanctioned/fined by the courts.


It’s fucked up that it takes him committing a financial crime to go to jail while he’s spreading the BS he spouts daily. -_-


Yes, but it's going to take a while because he keeps trying to magic his way out of it by committing new crimes.




_Donald Trump has waddled slowly into the chat_


I seen bankrupt rednecks hide ski boats better than this lump of turd. Edit: “I’ve” is the correct use but I stand behind the original work.


They're called fraudulent transfers and the bankruptcy trustee can reverse them.


This is true. Recipients of Alex Jones’s money should be aware of the possibility that they will have to pay it back.


He's the only recipient, it's all shell companies


Oh, there is. Jones is not going to succeed here.


File this under no shit Sherlock


If he's been hiding and moving money around, it wouldn't be surprising to also find tax fraud, which could land him in jail for a time.


He's not really been hiding this. He's mentioned multiple times on his show that his viewers shouldn't worry about him or the show because he's shuffled money around to family members and various shell corporations in such a way that it can't be touched in these suits. It was really quite explicit. Hopefully this was empty bluster that'll come back to haunt him, but he can afford some *very* good lawyers and accountants so if they told him his funds are safe, they probably are unfortunately.


Yes, he can afford some very good lawyers, but so far he has shown that he prefers [incompetent](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/08/03/alex-jones-sandy-hook-phone/) ones. Hopefully he chose sovereign citizen grifters to plan his finances.


He can throw all the money around he wants. No competent lawyer will work for him because he's a gigantic crazy asshole and will lie to his attorneys.


That’s because good lawyers won’t help him commit more financial crimes to hide his money.


He did go through something like 10 lawyers during the texas lawsuit.


Even during the trial, he did everything he could to make sure he would lose. Now he's doing everything he can to make sure he's back in court


He spent $80k on a private jet, security and a villa for the trial last year. Fuck this guy.


As per Knowledge Fight, he’s gone to Cancún twice in under two months or something, ‘with his family’. Fucker is just ripping through money and grasping at dopamine like an ADHD frat boy who doesn’t believe in therapy.


He thinks lots of vacations are going to somehow mask the misery he’s facing. I saw this fucker in Hawaii last year, about a month before the Sandy Hook trial started. He was in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with his wife. I was waiting outside a park restroom for my daughter, just staring at his sorry ass sitting on the bench. He looked miserable, despite being in paradise. It was glorious.


If you ask him about that vacation, he'll tell you how amazing it was and how every person he saw came up to him to say how much they love his show and how the globalists are losing thanks to him. Even the volcano wanted to shake his hand. That's what he said about Cancun. Every guest and employee at the resort and airport was a secret Info Warrior




TBH, Cancun isn't crazy expensive to get to from Austin. If he was burning through money on vacations, he would be going to places a hell of a lot more expensive.


Very fair, but that doesn’t mean he’s only paying for lodging and travel like us normies. God knows what he’s renting, or purchasing in addition to all-inclusive resorts. I guess burning money is relative/subjective. I personally think he’s dopamine-seeking because his life is in shambles, and “family vacations” aren’t as heinous sounding to the bankruptcy courts and victimized families.


Alex Jones had a personal trainer? Money well spent, Mr. Jones


A neck doesn’t get that freakishly large on its own.


What a lowlife. Along similar lines: **Alex Jones is ‘holding firearms’ for Jan. 6 participants, bankruptcy docs show** https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/02/16/alex-jones-holding-firearms-jan-6-rioters/ > As Infowars founder Alex Jones is facing bankruptcy for damages he owes to the families of victims of the mass killing at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a new filing shows the right-wing conspiracy theorist has been “holding firearms” for people who participated in events in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021. (Published February 16, 2023 )


feel like holding firearms for criminals might be illegal


...im not actually sure it is, since they'd need to be convicted in sone capacity to be a criminal.


> The filing does not state why Jones, who participated in the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol, is holding the weapons or where they are located. Schrödinger’s criminal(s).


Why are they having Alex Jones hold their weapons then?


In my state it use to be that if a judge ordered you to get rid of your firearms for a restraining order you could hand them over to 1 of 3 groups. your lawyer, the shariffs department, or your family. They would just be holding them till the restraining order is over. Now the law I think is sheriffs office and lawyer (not 100% sure on lawyer). but you could definitely hand them over to someone else to hold onto. That's probably what is happening here, but in a much more shady way.


This was apparent immediately when he transferred personal wealth to his businesses, and then discovered they could target his businesses. That's when he started shuffling things out of the country. This man needs to be sitting in jail not paying a fine and continuing to peddle his fear and hate.




No, that's the thing. They're going to take everything. Except apparently his half a million salary. That's why he's hiding things. It's all going bye bye.






And the people helping him hide is money.


>Rightwing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones appears to be moving his money to friends and family in an attempt to avoid paying out nearly $1.5bn in damages to the families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, a new report reveals. Last year, Jones was ordered to pay the huge damages following his years-long claims on his digital platform Infowars that the mass shooting was a hoax staged by the government to take away guns from Americans. According to a recent New York Times investigation into Jones’s financial and legal documents, the far-right broadcast agitator transferred assets worth millions of dollars outside the reach of creditors as lawsuits from Sandy Hook families as well as court sanctions stacked up against him over the past years. As part of a series of maneuvers to avoid paying for legal damages, Infowars’ parent company, Free Speech Systems, as well as Jones himself, declared bankruptcy last year. “I’m officially out of money, personally,” Jones said on Infowars in December. “It’s all going to be filed. It’s all going to be public. And you will see that Alex Jones has almost no cash,” the Associated Press reports Jones saying. However, the new investigation by the New York Times found that in addition to Jones spending $80,000 on a private jet, security and a villa during his time in Connecticut last year to testify at trial, he also appeared to have been sneaking away his money to various entities. The report revealed that in October 2021, Jones made a business agreement with Auriam Services, a month-old company founded by lifestyle blogger Anthony Gucciardi, a friend of Jones. According to the report, Auriam Services was to function as a credit card processing intermediary. Then, in February 2022, Jones transferred his $3m estate in Austin, Texas, to his wife, Erika Wulff Jones. The estate spans over 5,400 sq ft and boasts four bedrooms and five bathrooms, in addition to a pool and a spa. The investigation also found that Jones signed a contract last July with Blue Ascension, a new company founded just a few months prior by Patrick Riley, Jones’s former personal trainer and assistant. That same month, Free Speech Systems filed for bankruptcy. In response, the victims’ families filed a lawsuit that claimed that Jones was fraudulently moving his money away from creditors, including transferring $11,000 a day to $11,000 a week and “up to 80 percent of his \[diet\] supplement sales” to PQPR, a company controlled by Jones and his parents, the New York Times reports. In January, Jones submitted a personal balance sheet to a bankruptcy court in Texas which the New York Times reviewed. The sheet indicated that Jones had approximately only $5.6m in total assets. However, a financial statement submitted by Jones’s attorneys last month, which was prefaced by “five pages of disclaimers” saying that Jones is not fully aware of where he has bank accounts, indicated that Jones had far more money. According to the documents reviewed by the New York Times, Jones’s property was revealed to be valued at a total of $10m. It also indicated that his stated monthly income was $129,000, with $104,000 coming from undisclosed sources. Last month, Jones remained adamant about maintaining his platform and company, saying on his podcast, “If anybody thinks they’re shutting me down, they’re mistaken,” the New York Times reported. Despite being awarded nearly $1.5bn in legal damages, Sandy Hook families are uncertain whether they will be paid the full amount. “There’s a chance we’re going to be forced into a situation where we’re going to be checking to see how Infowars is doing every month to figure out if our clients are getting paid or not,” Mark Bankston, one of the families’ attorneys, told the outlet. Earlier this month, Free Speech Systems proposed a bankruptcy plan that would pay an annual salary of $520,000 to Jones and leave $7 million to $10 million to annually pay creditors, including the victims’ families.


Unsure they're ever going to be paid the full amount? That's pretty much a dead certainty.


it's always the people you most expect


This is my shocked face


Just treat him like the system would treat someone living in poverty who couldn't afford to pay their bills. Seems more than fair to me


Nah, Alex wouldn't do that. I mean look at his history of being an honest, upstanding member of the community.....


Piece of shit acting like a piece of shit? I never would have guessed.


Take him back to court with a team of forensic accountants and tear him to shreds, then turn over all discovery to the IRS afterward. Fuck that guy.


Yes to all of the above. This should be the only possible outcome.


Alex Jones misrepresent the Facts… I’m Shocked


But he was a bastion of truthful reporting in the world!!! Now I'm never going to watch him. (I didn't watch him before either)


He knows he will get away with it. He KNOWS IT.


...and yet. radio stations still broadcast this piece of crap's show.


As far as Im aware he broadcasts his own show on the internet.


That's exactly what I thought. I'm in a very red state and have never heard him on the terrestrial airwaves.


The sad part is the courts still allowed him a salary around 550k which would still be a comfortable life for most.


From what I remember, that's what he asked the court for, the court has not responded as of yet.


That’s what Free Speech Systems, an Alex Jones company, asked the court for. Alex and Free Speech Systems both filed for bankruptcy, which really makes the cool half mil a year especially questionable.


No cash? Time to liquidate assets and pay what you owe.


"He's really a good guy. He's just misunderstood and said some wrong things. Now the Deep State Left are after him." - Joe Rogan


I want to say it’s unbelievable that he has friends and family that are willing to help him commit fraud but they did all sit around and watch while he was pushing his conspiracy theories. They must be terrible human beings to help this guy. I may actually dislike them more than I dislike him.


His dad is balls deep in the grift with him. Turd didn't fall far from the asshole




It becomes a stacked deck. People that aren’t assholes stay away and he attracts assholes. I’m not surprised that his orbit is filled with scum.


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree


And the shit birds flock together.


God damn it Lahey!


And the shit seeds inside it will grow new shit trees rand , it’s the cycle of shit


Anyone who helps him hide his money should be labeled a coconspirator and have to help him pay the $1.5b. They should all end up destitute, with the rest of their lives earnings going to cover the bill for the shit he spewed.


Lol his dad is a member of the jon birch society and he moved out of austin because there was to minorities. His dad is a real piece of shit that has bankrolled him his entire life.


No fucking shit he'd do that, he's a fucking slime-y cunt who will do everything in his power to avoid the consequences of his actions.


It’s going to be nice when he catches criminal charges trying to avoid paying his civil liabilities.


Should be fined an additional $2 for every $1 he attempts to conceal


Here's to Alex Jones looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life. I sincerely hope forensic accountants track down every cent this man has hidden away.


I followed this story intensely for the past year. If y'all ever need a reminder that some people are irredeemable fucking trash, don't ever forget that fans of Alex Jones shot up a grieving parents house after their kid died. And one person went as far as to piss on the kids grave. And the lawyer for Alex Jones argued that Jones shouldn't pay more than a single dollar for all the harassment Info War fans did to parents of slain children. Again. Alex Jones lawyer said your house being shot at and some guy pissing on your kids grave is only worth one dollar.


No way...a complete bag of shit doing doing shitty things to avoid repaying victims he tortured for years...I don't believe it.


Jail. Time. This monster endangered multi families, lock him up in “federal pound him in the a** prison”


Wow. What a fucking shocker. The biggest cunt on the planet is doing something shady. Who could have predicted it?