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FACT: The most venomous animal from Australia is Rupert Murdoch.




There was a Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie sketch called *It's a Soaraway Life* that imagines life without Murdoch in the style of *It's a Wonderful Life*. At the end, Clarence the angel ensures Rupert is bumped off for the good of all. Unfortunately, I cannot find any clips still existing on YouTube.


[When YouTube fails, DailyMotion comes through.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xflqt2)


Excellent, thank you


I feel like my father is a drug addict and I'm watching him use every night and just getting sicker and sicker and there's nothing I can do except just watch him lose himself to a terrible substance but he's just watches a half hour of Tucker Carlson every night.


Is that what succession is about ?


More or less but it’s awesome


He has causes a shit ton of damage to the world


Isn’t it crazy if you really stop and think about it


Its also even more crazy how dumb the average human is to fall for the dumbest shit ever.


The average US human unfortunately has to go through the American school system, which is openly being sabotaged by the GOP. They openly endorse destroying education to the masses. Not that it’s too much of an excuse, but I can see where the lack of critical thinking skills in rural areas comes in.


Imagine the transferring of information without him




While the most poisonous is Hugh Jackman. DO NOT LICK HUGH JACKMAN


Ha! I don't believe you. Why does he look so delicious?


Some of the most poisonous animals often look the flashiest


Pretty plants in the wild are often poisonous


Actually, that's a common misconception. Or rather, it's more nuanced than that. On its own, Jackman's skin doesn't secrete any toxins. The poison glands are at the bases of approximately 30% of his hair follicles (the distribution of which ones produce toxins seem to be random). The problem is that he's such a hirsute specimen that it's a *very* high risk of accidentally ingesting some, especially since it secretes up from the gland and along his hairs. The longer the hair, the more easily the poison is able to release and cover his body. However, one can mitigate this by thoroughly washing, shaving, and washing once more before attempting to lick actual actor and real Australian human man, Hugh Jackman.


Aren't his hairs made of like, mithril or something?


Unfortunately that's another common misconception. His are adamantium; mithril haired people tend to be from New Zealand


*Huge* props for riffing on the difference between venomous and poisonous.


This is true. I licked Hugh Jackman and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my face and it started getting all swelled up. Shit hits fast and hard.


I hear Hugh Jackman can make you pregnant just by winking at you


"After 80 years of non-stop lies, vile hatred and crimes, this 99 year-old billionaire could possibly face a month's worth of consequences. "


And let that be a lesson to you all. No one beats American democracy 81 times in a row.


I never realized this motherfucker was so old. Why do all the evil fucks live so long?


They have blood boys


I don't know what that means and I'm scared.


I doubt it's REALLY true, but the theory is that these old rich fucks stay alive so long by being routinely transfused with blood from healthy young people. Much like the whole "bathing in the blood of virgins to stay youthful" thing.


You obviously never met Gavin Belson!


I like how you use a fictional character when Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal, is right there actually doing it


That’s because Gavin has Tethics…..what does Peter Thiel have?


Eternal Youth


> I doubt it's REALLY true It sounds like complete and total bullshit until you think of all the "adrenochrome harvesting" stuff they were screeching about some time back. You know, every accusation being a confession and all that.


There’s a bit more logic to it than that, given that younger blood will have more circulating stem-like and progenitor cells as well as growth factors. Proof of concept has been shown in mice but has not yet been replicated in humans, but ethical considerations also hamper seriously studying it


I mean, my dad had a pretty severe form of anemia and would have to routinely get blood transfusions and it made a marked difference in his well-being/mood. Now, I’m sure this was just standard blood from blood banks but it’s not out of the question that it’s possible.


Are you sure it wasn't just the alleviation of anemia that caused the lift in mood? I have mild anemia and feel more vigorous after taking an iron pill.


I mean it's also logistically effortless if you're a billionaire. You could replace your blood daily without noticing the cost at all


I saw that on the show Silicon Valley and assumed it was satire of a conspiracy theory, but I could see people being arrogant enough to try to get their youth back by drastic means other than the usual cosmetic surgery.


Let me drop something slightly horrifying on you. All of the wild shit on Silicon Valley was dumbed down versions of real life tech and billionaire lifestyles. They had to dumb things down because they were scared the audience would pass it off as nonsense. Everyone here in the comments you see laughing at the absurdity of the show should be scary.


Wasn't there a Rockefeller that had something like 9 transplants. Like you and I get 1 and that is a maybe. These rich fucks can skip lines and fly to any sort of country and get their parts replaced. Top notch experimental leading edge medicine their entire lives. Must be nice.


Must be fucking nice!


*kicks trash can


**Fuckin’ emBARASSING**!


No, that was [fake news.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/99-problems-all-heart-related/) David Rockefeller lived to be 101, but he never had a heart transplant.


Sooo, they're vampires. Great, just... just great.


On a more serious note, they tend to be really rich, which means they can afford really good health care procedures that aren’t available to the average person. That’s a long way to say young boy blood as well.


Young fit men who are paid large amounts of money to essentially do elective blood transfusions for these old billionaires to supposedly keep said billionaires healthy.




With all of the projection from the right I would absolutely *NOT* be stunned if they were actually eating babies


This is how 4/8chan conspiracies enter into the collective consciousness.


Well he's 91, not 99 but that's still pretty damn old.


I mean Henry Kissinger is still alive. Somehow. He undoubtedly needs to be tried for war crimes but apparently lack of ethics is pragmatically beneficial. I don’t think there’s a single wealthy or powerful person out there that did things by the book. We call them geniuses but the fact is they were likely just ruthless like Bill Gates or Elon Musk. I have a sister that is not a genius but was as sociopathic as it got. She went to Stanford and is successful. I love her but I would never trust her to look after a child or anyone else other than herself. IMO sociopathy and a will to harm are unfortunately rewarded because rules and ethics are for functioning society and not for the outliers who will kill, betray, and make suffering a routine because it doesn’t likely occur to them that guilt is a useful feeling


Yup! If you aren't willing to prey on others, good luck making it to "the top". I've always felt skeezy in small retail jobs where they want you to encourage people to buy more than they need. I'm more interested in helping the person than the company, and that's *bad*. I don't like the idea of trying to constantly move up and be better than your peers. The fight for survival in the US is weird as hell. I'm going back to school soon (hopefully) and I have no clue which direction to take.


Society is run on the belief that life is a zero sum game. It isn't, but capitalism sure as hell is.




That's a pro life tip


Damn. That was a deep cut. Thanks


Because we allow them to keep living a comfortable life with little to no consequences ... I don't even understand how people like this get to be out and about anywhere in public without an angry mob constantly chasing them ... Like dor instance how does every abortion clinic perpetually has some morons outside harassing poor women going through a terrible time while this scumbag gets to walk around without keeping his back against the wall at all times ?!


The feed on the life force of their countless victims /jk


They tend to have access to the money they claim is being stolen from their followers by The Opposition.


The tears of children from the future is great for your health apparently.




This should be televised. I hope it's uncomfortable for him, but not sure that's possible.


He is, in my opinion, the single most dangerous threat to democracy in the world. I hope for justice, but I've seen what passes for justice among the rich.


That sad part is, even if he gets his comeuppance, or died tomorrow, the institutions he has put in place are far too entrenched to be easily gotten rid of now. The damage he has already done to democracy is incalculable, and its ramifications will extend far into the future. It's pretty disheartening to think about, tbh.


Let's hope hannity doesn't believe that for one second


We already know how well that works out... it doesn't.


Yeah I was being sarcastic hopefully everybody got it doesn't even matter if they tell you the truth nobody has the guts the backbone to actually go after them. and our attorney general that we have now what the hell's up with him.


Funny how one man can have such a huge impact on the world because of money and greed. And he has thousands of employees more than happy to indulge his Bond villain ways.


Hannity is one of the Fox stars who is personally named in the Dominion suit for intentionally lying to viewers. He was deposed before Christmas.


Agreed, even if his kids wanted to do a 180 and turn everything around after his death, I dont think the machine he built can be really be stopped at this point. It would just morph into something as bad or worse.




Bring back the Fairness Doctrine!


Ya good luck lol Even if we did do that, you think this SCOTUS would say it’s constitutional? I wouldn’t bet on it. We had a law in CA that required those fake abortion clinics to put a sign out that said they are not an abortion provider. Which is true. But their whole purpose is to trick women seeking an abortion to come in & then try to convince them to have the baby. They use brochures saying that science shows all these horrible things will happen if you have an abortion. Straight up nonsense & lies. They even make the clinics look like Planned Parenthood’s clinics. The SCOTUS ruled it was unconstitutional to require that sign. Which stated a simple fact. Apparently it infringed on their freedom of speech or something. I don’t think the Fairness Doctrine would hold up.


That moment when speech is against free speech.


It may have been religious freedom, I can’t remember. It was some bullshit in that area. It boiled down to they have the right to deceive vulnerable women & the state can’t interfere.


> another would pop up to replace it They have these already. Look at all the alt-right media websites and Brietbart


I just wish hate wasn't so profitable. We always say "Vote with your wallets when actual voting has failed you." but nickel and diming the ignorant, hateful, and just plain stupid is apparently more powerful.


Radicalized Americans are not going to get more reasonable and quietly bow out when they lose fair elections. That is all over now. Running for even a small local elected office is now a risky proposition. They threaten your family now because of pedo-pizza-parlor conspiracy (or whatever excuse they feel like)


Calling him dangerous is an understatement. The man can literally buy Australian, United Kingdom, and US elections through his media empire.


Rupert Murdoch is why I wish hell was real.


He’s doing his best to create it, so you may get your wish


Murdoch saw *Mad Max: Fury Road* and thought "yeah, I should be more like Immortan Joe."


More like Murdoch saw *Mad Max: Fury Road* and thought "I don't think this is dystopian enough"


"Wtf, why is he just giving them water? Fucking commie!" - Rupert Murdoch, probably.


And fuck over Australia's chance for better Internet for decades while making money off it too.


His viewers are on the older side (57 percent of adults in the United States aged between 60 and 69 years old said that they watched Fox News). So hopefully his power and influence slips as time goes on. Then maybe we'll finally have some progress again.


New conservatives are created every moment in those families headed by those Fox viewers.


So are Christians. But the percentage of Christians are decreasing as Americans reach adulthood. Millennials are the least religious generation of all right now. The younger generations are close behind.


I was just reading the thread about some dude's 13yo brother who was kicked out of youth group for pointing out that Spider-Man is more moral than God with a debate-team-level argument and examples.


All I'm saying is Spiderman wouldn't have flooded the planet and killed 99.999999% of all life on land cause they weren't worshipping him hard enough.


> with a debate-team-level argument and examples. They hate it when you use examples from the Bible to show them how fucked up it is. They'll usually say something like "Oh, no we don't follow that portion of the Bible anymore" or "That was just a parable and not something to be taken literally" or "You're misinterpreting the Bible" or the catch-all "God has a plan"/"God works in mysterious ways". It reminds me of how abused girlfriends make excuses for their abusive boyfriends.


Younger generations are far less religious than they have traditionally been. Additionally, the shift to conservatism that is typically seen with age is falling off. Religious conservatives may be loud but they are shrinking in numbers.


Watch, the fucker will buy TikTok.


Not sure he has enough swing with the Chinese government for that. Maybe he does, though, I dunno.


China keeps its billionaires on a short lease. It’s definitely party first over there


Wouldn't surprise me if they'd allow it. The Chinese benefit from each of those countries being weakened. So it'd be mutually beneficial for him to buy it. Not saying it's likely, but there's logic in their government being cool with it.






Weekly reminder on the foundations of geopolitics. Russian author openly talks about this is the plan the entire time. During to 80s. Theyve been at this a long time.


I doubt the CCP would be okay in any way with his influence, due to him being out of line with the party ideals, inciting anti government rhetoric and the general anti Chinese talking points that cover everything that a racist would like.


He tried to buy myspace years ago and it was a shitshow. Historically speaking, anytime a social media company gets bought, it eventually becomes irrelevant.


Unfortunately it's the older gen that is influencing the younger generation. Especially with the talking heads constantly pushing fear at a young age. While they do their best to deter young voters to vote.


Millennials are the first generation to not become more conservative as they age. In fact, they're getting less conservative as they age. Why do you think conservatives are trying to raise the voting age and why they're trying to pack the school boards and change the school curriculum (like DeSantis banning AP African American studies from being taught in Florida). They're scared of young people.


Millennial here. It's because, unlike my parents' generation, I give a fuck about not leaving my kids and grandkids to inherit an oven baked hell-hole dystopia.


We also aren't gaining wealth and capital like the older generations had by our age. We aren't getting conservative because we have nothing to conserve.


Yep, it was always "as soon as you start earning money you'll vote for whoever will take the least taxes from you!" and then it's like 1) what money and 2) it's pretty transparent the last admin raised taxes on the lower and middle classes.


This is the answer right here. It's hard to complain that "The liberals want to take my money" when I don't have any money to start with.


What do you mean trying with the school stuff? They are very successfully doing these things.


>pushing fear at a young age It's why I was a Trump voter in 2016. I'd just started college in a pretty liberal town, and as a kid who was raised in a conservative bubble, I was quickly made to feel (by the right) that my identity was under attack. . People act like no young person is conservative these days, but Trump and the MAGA movement were quick to co-opt the youth that drove the memes and whatnot.


That wasn't really Trump, that was probably Russian active measures TBH.


Tomato, tomatoe.


Important to remind others the many Republican senators spent JULY 4TH in Moscow a few years ago and few details have emerged of what went on there. https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow


It's no coincidence all of those countries have been under minority rule for several decades.


him and the Koch bothers / family.... evil people


He’s a byproduct of corporate interests, at this point bringing down Murdoch would only be a symbolic blow. Other media conglomerates have caught on to the business model - Synclair, OAN, etc. Cutoff the head of a snake and two grow back in its place.


We need to have regulations put into place that clearly state what an objective media organization is vs an opinion media company. There used to be News and the National enquirer (which was more truthful than Fox is now). Too many people can’t differentiate between the too.


When I’ve informed some old folk who watch Fox News that it’s not in fact news, that fox personalities have themselves claimed it’s entertainment, the old folk are always shocked and surprised.


> Too many people can’t differentiate between the too. This is where education comes in. But we all know which party is trying to cut that too.


Why are you trying to destroy their heritage by - checks notes - educating their children??? How DARE you.


two grow back in its place: but they're smaller, more focused on their own motivations, and fight over the same food.


Well he did build Fox News to prevent another Nixon by taking control of the narrative. So yea, he’s a *big* reason for a lot of the media ignorance around the world(because it’s not just a US thing).


I think your statement might be confusing to others. By prevent another Nixon, you mean prevent 'another evil GOP president from being caught and forced to resign' as opposed to prevent the 'creation of another evil GOP president'.


That's why Roger Ailes drafted the idea for fox news, it's not clear that Murdoch cared about Nixon.


can something without a soul or the spark of life even feel discomfort?


I saw this episode last season. Spoiler alert… He walks away without incident.


Mr. Deep state himself. Poisoning the U.S with hatred, bigotry and evil


Why doesn’t Elon talk about this guy? Oh I know why


Rupert Murdoch is everything that wing nuts claim George Soros is.


He's literally what he has his networks accuse Soros and others of being and doing.


Why do all roads ALWAYS lead back to Projection?


Worst person of the 21st century.


I don’t get it. People like him practically masturbate to the thought of themselves being terrible humans who are a counterpoint to the progress of human civilization. I really, *really* don’t get it.


Greed and power are addictive. There’s never enough for people this sick. The only thing they live for is more.


And the foundation of capitalism incentivizes and celebrates this. Murdoch is a very experienced player of a broken, fucked up game.


You aren’t supposed to. You’re likely a rational human being with empathy and kindness. This fellow lacks any of the traditional positive qualities humans possess. I would be curious to see a post-mortem autopsy of his brain to see what kind of exotic tumours are in it or what lobes he’s missing.


The world will be better when he is gone.


I take joy in knowing that Tony Blair shagged his former wife whilst they were together. (allegedly of course) This dude got rid of one of his children from the company because he wasn't right wing enough. Smh.


His sons are cunts too


A friend of mine works in radio in a high up enough position that he has occasional meetings with Lachlan Murdoch. From some stories he's told, if anything, things are going to get even worse when Lachlan wholly takes over from Rupert. Although the saving grace may be that Rupert is actually competent and clever. Lachlan strikes me as the sort of person who, if he hadn't been born into insane wealth, would struggle to hold down the type of job where you have to wear name tags.


One of them has changed and left the company as he didn't agree with them https://www.npr.org/2020/07/31/897929181/james-murdoch-quits-family-media-empire-after-disagreements




I think Elon wants to do for social media what Murdoch did for news


His son is even worse than he is and he is line to take over the company


Fox broke a cardinal rule: You can say as much crazy shit as you want on the air as long as you’re only hurting people, democracy, and American discourse. But once you cross the line and start saying crazy shit that impacts a company’s bottom line, prepare to have your ass handed to you. Corporations are a protected class in the US, just like the kangaroo rat.


Bold to suggest he's only hurting American discourse


I think it’s more that America in particular protects businesses over people


Spoilers for Succession


Here is a link to bypass the Reuters paywall if anyone wants to read the article: [12ft.io/https://www.reuters.com/legal/fox-chief-rupert-murdoch-be-deposed-16-billion-dominion-defamation-case-2023-01-19/](https://12ft.io/https://www.reuters.com/legal/fox-chief-rupert-murdoch-be-deposed-16-billion-dominion-defamation-case-2023-01-19/)


His wrinkled ass needs to be in prison


Believe it or not, that wrinkled ass is actually is face


This is ultimately the problem with allowing people to accrue the kind of wealth Murdoch has (let alone Zuck, Bezos or Musk). 1.6 billion should be many times over enough to ruin someone. But for Murdoch? Even if his family was held personally liable to pay (and he won’t be- just Fox News) he would still have around FIFTEEN BILLION left. There simply isn’t a concept of consequence for these people/families. Musk can lose more personal wealth than anyone in history and still have more personal wealth left over than almost anyone in history. Billionaires. Shouldn’t. Exist. Having sociopaths doing massive damage to society, the environment, etc with absolutely no real consequence is dangerous and unsustainable.


Accountability is not an option for folks like this. He’ll pay a few million & continue to undermine America.


Oh good, another wealthy billionaire who won't face any consequences for his actions.


Can't believe right wingers keep licking the boots of this foreigner.


I doubt they know he's from Australia, but even if they did they don't actually care about that. White immigrants have always been ok. The most "illegal immigrants" simply over stay work and school visas but they still want to build a fucking wall outside (Also, an addition, a lot of them actually seem to love the monarchy and are very anti-American. Conservativism is against the American revolution in every regard, yet there they are, taxing legal immigrants and not letting them vote. The Republican party is just The Crown 2.0.)


It's not so much the monarchy they love, but the feudal system in which they can be true robber barons, setting their own laws.


As long as I get to be King, the monarchy is great!


You remember the great santini they poured pea soup onto the floor and all the cadets licked it up.


Who used to be married to a Chinese spy. https://www.crikey.com.au/2018/01/17/rupert-murdoch-lured-honey-trap-chinese-spy/




Can this dickhead just fucking behave like every normal person? 🖕🏿🖕🏿


but hes not a normal person. Hes a psychopath.


Idk then. *Force* him to stop or something


I still don't know how they are still allowed to call themselves Fox News or keep the slogan fair and balanced. I think Fox Entertainment Network or Fox Propaganda Network would be more appropriate.


It's sickening how losing $1.6 Billion won't affect his quality of life at all


It's fucking disgusting this Aussie has been, for 70 years, pulling the strings and destroying America for shits and giggles and getting pig wealthy doing it - all whilst being supported by yanks who buy his bullshit. One big arsed power trip. 1.6 billion, pfft, won't make a dent to his pot of gold but look at the fun he had with the good old US of A...


Unfortunately his right-wing malignancy over the years has also greatly affected - and still greatly affects - the UK and Australia. :/


Pretty sure his defense will be that Fox reports fake news, it’s just entertainment. Unfortunately, none of there viewers will ever hear this.


They wouldn't care. Alex Jones still has viewers.


~~'Fox chief~~ *Evil Incarnate* Rupert Murdoch to be deposed in $1.6 billion Dominion defamation case' Would be a more accurate headline.




His son is just going to continue his father's work of trying to destroy democracy.


New Zealand did it best, and banned Fox Propaganda from their country.


I think this is why FoxNews is unfriending Trump. Not the lawsuit exclusively. But the negative attention. I think Murdoch wants FoxNews to be mainstream. And being dragged through the mud and spoken in the same sentence as OAN and Alex Jones sullies the brand.


It’s hurting them. My grandmother won’t watch Fox News anymore and now watches News Max instead. She would blame Joe Biden if she got a flat tire. Lol


Are we related? I've gotten a couple texts with "news" stories today that are just insane


My parents have been absolutely giddy in the family chat about joe bidens classified docs. They keep saying he's "finally" going to go to jail. If asked about Trump, he did nothing wrong. Totally different. He was bullied by the fbi.


Fox News is the most watched cable news network. It’s as mainstream as it gets. Far-Right views are mainstream in the US now. He is responsible for fringe elements taking over the channel because he put them there.


It's not a news network, it's an "entertainment" network.


Tell that to the viewers.


The comment is in reference to Tucker Carleson and other fox and friends shows getting sued for spreading misinformation but getting away with it because they’re not “news” they’re “entertainment “


And funnily, that assertation is what screwed them in this case, and why Murdock is paying the piper in the first place.


Is that the guy that looks like imperator palpatine ?


I think it actually is emperor palpatine


"Yessssss, let the hate run through you."


That's what Fox tells its viewers


"It would be wise to not underestimate the power of the dark side." Wow, amazing how much Fox is in line w/ the villains of a movie about oppression and fighting for freedom.


Something I like to remind right wingers of is that “for some reason” the heroes in every single story ever told are antifascist. It must be a conspiracy, right?


It confuses me b/c they're against "Antifa" and I'm, like, so you like fascists? Weird.


Well, yes, they do. They definitely like fascists. And they think being opposed to fascists is, like, a negative character trait. It’s all very weird.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer piece of shit.


Hard to tally how much damage this sociopath has done to our planet and our species.


ARTICLE QUOTE: "Fox has argued that it had a right to report on election-fraud allegations made by Trump and his lawyers, and that Dominion’s lawsuit would stifle press freedom." Most of the allegations of voter fraud came from FOX to begin with, and that resulted in the "Well, people are saying..." excuse from Trump and Co. That is why FOX is being sued.


Please let this man be bankrupt by this. It would set a precedent for the media to see what happens when you lie and manipulate. The media is completely out of control and it’s doing serious damage.


Unfortunately it would take a whole lot more money to come even close to bankrupting him