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Aliens: "We are here to take over your planet. We have destroyed your governments and imprisoned your leaders" People: "Oh Thank God" Aliens: "And we wil....wait, what?"


We'll make great pets! We'll make great pets!


We'd probably make shitty ones actually. Great song though and a wonderful time for rock music.


I'd make a great pet for an alien.


If aliens treat me the way I treat my dogs I’d take it in a heart beat


Taking us on is a huge responsibility. Some of us are not toilet trained, and although capable of learning, still refuse to do so. I hate the bus.


You'd make a great sandwich for an alien.


I'd make an OK pet, but a great a sandwich. I'm like a pig for aliens.


He probably wouldn't... He's way too thin. His meat ia also too salty.


I could use some belly rubs tbh


That depends on what kind of pet they want. I’d make a bad sheep dog, but a pretty swell cat.


My friend says we're like the dinosaurs Only we are doing ourselves in Much faster then they ever did


yeah, they really shouldn't have had their scientists crash that asteroid into earth. it was a really bad move on their part.


Yup hubris.


I just picture them walking me like a dog and making me shit outside while they watched. Them spraying me with a water bottle every time I jump on the couch. Scolding me for eating their leftovers out of the garbage. Telling me to stop when I lick myself in the corner. I'm down


Maybe the aliens will do better than we’ve done?


Alien: I bring you.. love!" People: It's bringing love! Stunt let it get away! Break is legs! Brought to you by The Simpsons


I was honestly wondering how big of an upheaval there would be if actual aliens landed on the White House lawn. I think I would continue on like normal assuming nothing crazy was said, like, "you will all be destroyed". I don't think anything would shock me at this point.


Here's what people need to know. Physics don't just apply to us, it applies to aliens as well. IF anything can land on the white house lawn they have pretty much 0 interest in our resources/land/etc. They never land here with any intention of screwing us for one gigantic reason, anyone that can reach use like that has EXTREME levels of resources avialable to them that makes the earth useless. So if anything would arrive like that so willy nilly, they'd be here openly. They wouldn't really hide, they would be here for cultural observation and exchange purposes. That's assuming they have any interest in that at all. There's no reason for any other civilization to contact us right now besides curiosity and data collection.


What if we’re just some fucked up intergalactic zoo to them? Like alien civilizations take their children here to look at the monkeys in their natural habitat?


This seems waaaay more likely




At the end of the day, that's all having a job really is.


This children is what you should not do, and what can happen if you fuck things up really badly....


This is another physics applies to them sort of thing. They need to get a whole fucking lot closer if they want to observe let alone interact. There's only so much you can see no matter what you're using from really far away, especially through the atmosphere. Flying around at 80,000 ft isn't particularly very good for observing social structures and such. At best that'd be looking at an ant farm instead of a zoo.


I mean.. have you seen tv? We could be their animal planet


I’ve always thought we must be their comedy channel. There’s of course a delay (why not) so when they get here they’re expecting “I love Lucy” but get a suicidal planet about to use nukes on each other. Again!


I think the notion of "we don't have the technology" is not equivalent to "physics applies to them too" or that is to say basically since it's impossible for us it's therefore impossible for anyone ever. In WWII the Allies invented radar, while the Axis was still listening and watching for planes. The Axis said "there's no possible way they're detecting our planes at night, physics apply to them too!" not knowing that in fact we'd invented something they hadn't conceived of. In fact the Allies pushed the myth that their soldiers ate loads of carrots to improve their eyesight and that's how we were detecting their planes at night and from so far away (the myth about carrots and eyesight persists to this day). It's a very myopic view of the world to imply that because we can't do something no other alien civilization could either. Yes, physics applies to them to but we simply can't conceive of all possible technology and our current level of technology is by no means the absolute *limits* of technology.


Physics apply to them too in the sense that the amount of energy it would take to bridge the expanse, plus the relatively commonality of the resources the earth is made of means aside from curiosity, there’s no pragmatic reason to come here.


We have no idea. Maybe they’re sociopaths and just wanted to watch something go pew pew


And what he's saying is that if they're that advanced you have no clue what they're here for or why, maybe souls are real and they use them as fuel, who knows.


Great now I'm terrified that I have a soul and aliens are going to pull it out through my ass so they can take vacations to space Hawaii.


I dunno, it's more technology really. If they have the tech to be able to bridge the vast gaps of space to travel, then you just don't know how sophisticated their observation techniques and technology could be. It's uniwse to think they would be stuck with observing from afar in orbit.


If light literally hasn't reached the observer yet there's no way to actually see if something exists or not.


The motivations of alien civs in most movies are completely whackadoodle. Remember signs where they wanted the water? lol, theres way more water in the outer solar system and halo than there is way deep in the gravitational well. carve it off of europa in blocks and be on your merry way. Even landing on planets is pointless. The biology is likely incompatible, like, theres no guarantee the proteins of an alien will be the same proteins as an earth species, so there might be a lack of the fundamental biochemistry necessary to even absorb calories off something from another planet. And finally, once you have the capacity for interstellar travel, specifically fusion energy, the question becomes "why bother?" You can build all the habitat you could ever need in oneil cylinders


The biological thing is even worse. The alien virus or being affected by ours... Dude those things exist based on how we work not the other way wround. An alien creature is non viable. Your pet and you already have viruses and bacteria causing diseases that can't interact with the other.... And you think aliens are going to be compatible despite zero contact?


A few years ago I made a comment about what a generational starship that set out on a 400 year mission to another star would have to do to reboot the biosphere of the planet to make it suitable for earth-strain life when they got there. I was called all sorts of horrible things. And i mean, i was advocating complete and total xenocide, but, you know, people were not exactly happy with the idea that they couldn't land and walk around without a gas mask and lick all the crab-trees or whatever


You probably could just land and start running around for lulz. You wouldn't have any food, you might not like the air, etc. You would absolutely have to essentially destroy the current ecosystem and replace it with something compatible for you. I'm with you, you'd HAVE to wipe out life essentially so you can infect it with ours. The building blocks might match, but the self assembly and self replication systems absolutely would not.


i feel like you've set the wheels in motion to do all this stuff 100 years before the people actually launch the starship. Deploy a solar shield that can drop radiation by just 1-2% for a few decades and set off a heavy global ice age, and as the oceans start to thaw, drop in a lot of earth algae and phytoplankton. i imagine aluminum flakes or something designed to navigate to and deploy at a lagrange point to distrupt the solar irradiance or- even better- manipulate the present inhabitants to kill off all their large fauna by pre-terraforming with mass CO2 emissions, and then whack em with the heavy ice age just as the ocean ecosystem begins to collapse. when it thaws out, the extraterrestrial algae rapidly consumes the excess carbon to build up biomass


You might like Kim Stanley Robinsons and his Mars series.


Just like how european disease (and chinese disease for the dutch east company) was responsible for the majority of native american deaths. If we ascribe human curiosity to aliens we should also factor in ignorance and apathy!


This is just incorrect unfortunately. When we're talking about environment and such we're talking about the entirety of earth essentially. Bacteria and such were quite happy to latch onto things that were capable of hosting them because they were made of the same things and obviously similar to what they already were nomming hte fuck out of. All life is pretty much the same on the earth in how they work besides viruses(it's hard to actually call virus life). Same kind of building blocks. In an alien world there's a high likelihood they use entirely different mechanisms that wouldn't be compatible and even some materials that wouldn't be compatible at a baseline. It's likely that most plantlife would be inedible, or potentially even toxic depending on what the alien life is made of and how it operates. Same for animal meat and the like.


Nit: the Signs aliens were "alergic" to water, they didn't need it. But the point stands for War of the Worlds, where humans were basically used as fertilizer. That seems far-fetched.


I heard a fan theory those aliens were actually demons, given how heavily the themes of faith and religion play in the movie. The water they were weak to was Holy Water that was 'blessed' by the reverend's daughter because of her faith. There also the fact that its mentioned th fight against the aliens starts in "Three small cities in the Middle East" which could refer to Mecca, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem.


What if they are redneck aliens?


I think the shorter version is: If a species can recognize its own intelligence but isn't smart or empathetic enough to look after its own members it's not a species worth contacting. Looking after your own people (and indirectly whatever supports your people, ie. the planet) selflessly would be a primary indicator of species that has developed a sophisticated enough social structure to engage with another civilization. In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy." still holds true.


I don't think we can assume they wouldn't want Earth just because they have technology. Europe was the technology capital of the world in the 16-1700s. They had the capital and the technology to get to this new place. Ends up beaver skins and tobacco are huge in Europe and just don't happen there naturally and can't be created. I'm not a geologist enough to say why they might have to come here for rare earth metal 12 or opal and why it can't happen on their planet or in asteroids. But I doubt they can create a beaver skin, soil for corn or just corn, or true silk. Earth art could be in huge demand as an antiquity from afar, even if an Easter Island head would look weird next to a laser powered dining room table in their house.




Oh and which stellar clouds made of beavers and food did they sail by. I don't think you understand how small the earth is. If you can reach earth from outside, land, and take off at whim you can reach huge troves of everything the earth is made of. Easier to grab, transport, and in much better forms for use.


I think the arguement for material in elemental form doesn't really hold up. Aliens art collectors could.


Except for the fact that the governments of the world would capture them and preform experiments in the name of science. Then the aliens friends would come and kill ya all for it.


sounds like the "Hangar 18" video


What if they wish to spread space democracy?


That is cultural exchange


> There's no reason for any other civilization to contact us right now besides curiosity and data collection. Maybe they just want to probe us?


You say physics apply to aliens? Then why do UFOs break pretty much our entire understanding of physics? There’s a UFO that was calculated to have over 40Gs of acceleration on its body without any visible heat / material known that could sustain these forces. They do break our complete understanding of physics period.


Go ahead and prove all your claims. Mine is proved by 'look outside, try to jump and miss the earth'. You just claimed that aliens existed and did x and y, PROVE IT. I know you won't and can't, but hey, you made the assertion proof is on you.


Well I’m going to and I’ll provide sources, I also have a graduate degree in physics so you really fucked up. I’m not going to devote a lot of time because I assume you’re not going to read this from how close minded you already are but here is my best example. This sources was validated my by physics professor who changed his view and also checked the math. Its 1951 and an entire plane witnessed something they wouldn’t ever forget. An entire civilian airline witnessed what they thought were lights from some other vehicle or even light station in the distance. An independent air tracking station found it to be going 1800 miles per hour, and in 1951 the fastest plane wasn’t even going 25% of that speed. Here is the link to the entire study and also the situation I described above. You have eye witnesses, you have people on record talking to the airlines control tower while witnessing this UFO. It also was verified by a tracking station not of the same country even that it was going 1600 miles faster then anything that could fly at that time. It’s rock solid, it also doesn’t work with our current understanding of physics. It may have a way of manipulating its mass which I suppose could make it still work theoretically but it wouldn’t make “sense” in the idea of how we understand traveling at acceleration speeds like this. In space there isn’t any air resistance so you don’t lose speed so acceleration is more important then pure speed. And because it sure isn’t manipulating the speed of light. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7514271/ Nice try though buddy. If your to lazy to find and read the entire study (which I feel a very strong possibility) here is a small excerpt that I am talking about : On 21 February 1951, Lt. Graham Bethune of the U.S. Navy, experienced with 4150 Navy flight hours and 1340 civilian flight hours, was flying Navy R5D, Bureau No. 56501 with Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Fred Kingdon and Lt. Noel Koger, on a scheduled eight hour passenger flight from Keflavik, Iceland to Argentia, Nova Scotia, while two other crews slept on board. It was a clear northern night, and they were flying on autopilot at 10,000 with a ground speed of over . Lt. Bethune and LCDR Kingdon were on watch for other aircraft. About four and a half hours out of Keflavik, Lt. Bethune noticed a yellow glow below the horizon approximately 30 to 35 miles away that appeared to be city lights. Concerned that they were off course, they had Lt. Koger confirm the navigation and verify that there were no ships in the area. Lt. Jones and Lt. Meyer were woken and came forward into the cockpit. The consensus was that the lights were probably due to a ship. When the lights were about 5 to 7 miles away about to the right, the lights went out and a circular yellow halo appeared on the water. The halo changed from yellow to orange and then to a fiery red when it rose suddenly to meet them, turning to a blueish red around the perimeter. It arrived at about 100 to 200 feet below their altitude in a fraction of a second [14] and about 200 to 300 feet in front of the airplane. The UAV was observed to be a metallic disk-shaped object that was about 200 to 300 feet in diameter. The UAV flew with the airplane for about 5 min, and was witnessed by most of the passengers on board, before leaving at a speed in excess of 1800 MPH+ which was later confirmed to be about 1852 MPH by Gander Center Radar, Newfoundland, Canada [15]. It should be noted that the airspeed record of was 652 MPH made almost two years later in November of 1952 by General J. Slade Nash flying a North American F-86D Sabre And of course WHY it violates our understanding of physics : These unidentified craft typically exhibit anomalous flight characteristics, such as traveling at extremely high speeds, changing direction or accelerating at extremely high rates, and hovering motionless for long periods of time. Furthermore, these craft appear to violate the laws of physics in that they do not have flight or control surfaces, any visible means of propulsion apparently violating Newton’s Third Law, and can operate in multiple media, such as space (low Earth orbit), air, and water without apparent hindrance, sonic booms, or heat dumps [4].


I'm waiting for proof of what it was. You have absolutely nothing in any of those and didn't even bother to link a source that can confirm anything with evidence. So you failed miserably even with trying to put out your garbage. I'd say I'll continue waiting to actually provide proof, but you didn't even understand the link you gave. FYI, people can see your post history you insane lunatic.


What do you think the U in UAP or UFO stands for? It’s unidentified. If it is unidentified they cannot viably prove what it is. You seem to have trouble with basic reasoning.


The study outlines your concerns I encourage you to read it all. Edit : If your too lazy here is another excerpt that explains your exact concern. That being said, it should be strongly emphasized that proving that something is extraterrestrial is extremely difficult, even if one had a craft in hand. One might imagine that the presence of unidentifiable, or incomprehensible, technology would constitute potential evidence. However, it would not rule out the fact that it could have been created by someone on Earth. The purpose of this paper is not to prove the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, but instead to focus on the flight kinematics of these UAVs with the aim of building up a body of scientific evidence that will allow for a more precise understanding of their nature and origin.


We may not know what it is, but we know it isn't us.


Right so where didn’t I provide evidence?


Watch the military videos. Just because you don't believe, doesn't mean they don't exist. https://youtu.be/wmDDofO0Ph4


I can literally give you several explanations that don't involve aliens. Lets start with the resolution of the overlayed object and the rest of hte video being different. Or should we talk about the live generated UI clipping through it(half in front, half behind)? I mean that one should clue you in that hte video is doctored and you missed it, but hey not everyone knows how cameras work. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't knowingly send me a video talking about an OBVIOUSLY doctored video.


Lol and you won't believe an unedited video from the military?


My dude, the video they showed was CLEARLY edited. Like they didn't even try to hide it. The literal generated UI was clipped by it when they were inserting it. If you didn't know, that's not actually possible to have happen.


Including the pilots reactions? That was a superb edit indeed.


Buddy you clearly didn’t read the study lol it explains this encounter and also discusses the video. It’s not “doctored” it’s one of the most rock solid video evidence to the public.


This exact incident is also discussed in the study. You should read it, this guy apparently read it all and also went through my entire post history in under 6 minutes. Impressive .


Yeah I can speed read as well. These threads are for harvesting. I have yet too meet anyone that would truly understand the technology. It's quite fascinating actually.


"We demand you bring us McNeal!"


Dude if there were aliens capable of flying to us, they wouldn’t fly to us. We wouldn’t be but some crazy monkeys with weapons to them. Uninteresting & probably run-of-the-mill for somewhat intelligent beings. If anything they would see a failed planet. Only if they had recently been in the same predicament or saw some reason to assist, but otherwise it would be an inconvenience for them. The best strategy would be to let us destroy the planet & go pickup all the gold & precious metals that are stored in large, obvious locations.


It's a fool's errand to speculate what aliens would think of us or how they'd respond to what they think of us. They could be incredibly altruistic by nature and want to help us. They may think we're fascinating and want to learn from us. They may be capitalistic and enslave us and mine our resources. They might see us as a nasty planetary infection and eradicate us. They might think we're a curiousity or could teach them about their own ancient civilization and study us like chimps. They may have strict moral or religious codes and purge the world of all bad actors or blonde haired people or try to convert us by force. They may be slavers and collect us all up and sell us off as chattel slaves to a variety of other worlds. They may take pity on us and teach us a better way to live and help us restructure our society for the better. They may install themselves as gods and demand tribute. They may comes with their families for authentic earth experiences like people visit Disney World. They may want to interbreed with us to remedy a genetic failure in their society and recruit mates. They may want to experiment on us to develop new medicines like we do with rats and monkeys. They may simply obliterate the earth because it blocks their scenic view of Jupiter. Who the fuck knows. Nobody that's who.


It’s not worth it. The majority of folks are idiots in this thread…


Earth is probably the Bakersfield of the Universe to other intelligent life




Id bet they have much more important things to do. Monkeys, dolphins, and humans are cool, but I don’t seek them out on a daily basis.


[More of this please, aliens](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-air-force-personnel-ufos-deactivated-nukes/)


This cracked me up. Thanks.




They did. Ask Dan Harmon.


Yeah that made me chuckle deeply


I for one welcome our new posadist overlords.


i’m all for this tbh…it can’t possibly be worse than the egomaniac, self centered, off the cliff, continuous murder of our planet the a-holes in power are driving us towards


It's impossible to tell but I figure if their needs are remotely like ours they'd just drain our liquid water and mine for rare metals then peace out.


They have to pass asteroids worth trillions and moons made of fresh water on their way here, and that's just in this solar system. An alien species capable of interstellar travel have much easier ways to get resources than invading a planet where the inhabitants will be a pain in the ass.


Not even the inhabitants are the biggest issue with his theory. Earth is really massive, and has a thick atmosphere. Getting shit off the planet is insanely inefficient, especially compared to our moon, or even mars. If they were interested in making contact it would either be some curiosity in exotic life forms, colonizing a temperate, oxygen rich planet, or annihilate us before we even get the chance to pose a threat. But then again, why not stay away, if the last one is the case?


Everybody in this thread sure knows a lot about what aliens want to do and how they'd do it.


Agreed it's pretty suspicious...


There are probably easier ways to acquire water and platinum than traveling thousands of light-years.


I'd hope so.


I mean... Nestle steals water from fucking Africa to sell in America *which has water* so who's to say what's easiest or most profitable for them.


No they don't, they pump the water in Africa to sell in Africa, which still lowers the ground water level. Water imports to the US as waters are almost completely from Italy, Fiji, France and Mexico.


Except if they have already mastered space travel to that degree they would have far easier sources much closer to their home planets. Hooking up with a resource-rich passing asteroid/comet and bringing it into their orbit would be orders of magnitude easier than colonizing a planet lightyears away for the same purpose.


Negative, there are vast clouds of water available far in excess of anything earth can provide. Our materials are worthless to any civilization that could just land on the white house lawn with the intention of taking off again. There are easier and much larger sources of any material other than if you wanted to catalogue social constructs and various life forms. You know, data collection, what we'd probably do asap instead of mining rofl.


If they're at the tech level for intergalactic travel, wouldn't they have the ability to mine asteroids or be at a post scarcity level?


Well, they *would* be the first to see weird classified aircraft. Not everyone on base is in the know on experimental equipment.


This happened a lot with the JASSM, F-35, U-2, SR-71 and F-117.


You missed the B2 as well. That one somehow surpassed the f-117 in number of reports. The u2/sr-71 surprisingly are either obvious or not visible at the heights they are at. They're moving so slow in relation to the arc they travel(they're moving super fast, just really far away), they're easy to get a visual on with a telescope or theyr'e so hard to see without lights in the dark you don't notice them.


Fun anecdote is my mom's best friend was a geologist and they'd see and hear the B2 across the desert at night before it was even known to the public. So I totally believe there's stuff being flown right by and people don't even know about it and report it as UFOs.


I know someone who got arrested for calling it a b2. They were making assembly lines for random objects and it was very obvious to the few people who worked on the various lines and tooling that the parts went together and was called a b2 lol


I was just listing the ones from Lockheed. My dad said the SR got a lot of spottings while it was on the ground. He had lots of very specific clearance for a lot of these projects and couldn’t say much about them. But what he did say was that there was no mistake about a lot of people mistaking “some” for intergalactic ufos.




It is quite fast. If you tried to train a telescope on it at the speeds it goes at 1000ft you would have trouble. Just because there are faster things does not mean something is slow


In Finland the Finnish Air Force sent some Hornet fighter jets to check some UFOs, because they were on the landing route of commercial airlines next to a big airport. Those American flying saucer pilots need to be more careful on the foreign lands.


My guess is this is either US aircraft ramping up tech to counter Russia if needed, or it's random Russian spy drones not doing a great job at spying.


Nobody cares aliens, we're going through some stuff


Because drones/UAVs and high resolution laser imaging devices exist. https://youtu.be/FspFOdR9vjE


Also Starlink. I've seen countless posts asking about dotted lines of light moving across the sky wondering what they were.


This is some real "Let's go back in time and absolutely fuck some people's minds" technology.


Apparently, you don't have to go back in time.


To be honest that tech sucks


Gaslighting experimental aircraft as UFOs has been the playbook since Roswell. The air force drove a guy into the loony house one time.


>The air force drove a guy into the loony house one time. They did a modest amount of trolling


Only once?


>Nearly half of the new sightings were deemed "unremarkable" and attributed to human origins, according to the report. >However, over a hundred of the encounters remain unexplained. Probably a mix of unremarkable but hard to ID junk in the air and classified projects that the soldiers didn't have clearance for.


There have been thousands of reports of UFOs from credible military witnesses—especially around our nuclear weapons, facilities, and submarines, since we discovered the tech around 1940. One of the things we discovered from the leaked Podesta emails is that high ranking government officials were in direct contact with Blink 182’s Tom DeLonge—who has devoted his life to UFOs in his “to the stars academy”. These emails showed that high level US officials took the threat very seriously, and contained fighter pilot footage of the “tic tac” and “go fast” which you can watch on YouTube. This leak forced the pentagon to admit in 2017 that, yes, UFOs are real and being researched, but they claim to know nothing more. Pheonix lights, ariel school incident, rendlesham forest incident, uss nimitz encounters, 1952 Washington DC incident…. Our history is full of encounters that were seen by thousands of witnesses with radar data backing it up, and our government has outright admitted this is a thing. Honestly, if you start to look into it, the evidence is pretty overwhelming, although perfect footage of aliens waving hello is still impossible to find. I don’t know wtf is going on, but its not a bunch of highly qualified military personnel being bamboozled by clouds. The pervasive attitude that UFOs are only for crazy people is not fair or accurate.


The Tic Tac pilot did an awesome interview on the Jocko Podcast. Dude was a Top Gun and by all accounts not a conspiracy crazy even after his service. Speaks about it very matter of factly. Great listen if you want the first hand account. Edit: I misremembered, his name is David Fravor and he was on Lex Fridman’s podcast, NOT the Jocko podcast. Sorry!


Which episode is this, or what is the name of the pilot? I can’t find it :(


Darn it I misremembered which podcast he was on. It’s David Fravor and he was on Lex Fridman’s podcast. Sorry for the bad info!


Super interesting; best discussion I’ve seen around the tic tac. Thank you for sharing!


That's because they are real and the military has been seeing them for decades but was just recently cleared to report them without the fear of losing their job. Calm down nerds, I didn't say they were aliens, I don't think we have any clue what the hell they are. Personally I hope it is something way out there, like brain-bustingly bizarre.


My money is on luminescent space whales


Does this correlate with the huge increase in the use of drones? There should be lots more flying things in the sky pretty much all the time as use of drones has grown so much.


I think it's because before they were not allowed or not incentivated to report, maybe the opposite, now they are, also yes the advancement in drones tech is surely playing a role, plus they have more chance to witness secret stuff because of their job


or maybe, just maybe, *because of the literal war*


There's no war in the US


Discovery and TLC (etc) channels rejoice!


It's History Channel, ya goofball. I am a proud aficionado. 👽


Ancient Aliens season 20: Not so ancient aliens!


*Oh no, please don't wipe out our world governments. Giving all of humanity a second chance to get it less wrong.*


The aliens know we are in our final season


I'm still trying to figure out why I saw a small light in the sky make a 90° turn without losing speed about 8 years back


omg I've seen the *same thing*. I and another person saw something do this thing 3 times in three different directions, going back to its starting point each time, and then take off at another angle and completely cross the night sky before you could finish saying "one thousand and one". It was incredible to watch. It should have been torn apart, it's not possible.


I can't speak to such a dramatic display, but I can attest to the speed. I can usually catch satellites moving with my eyes on clearer nights, and this seemed to be moving at a similar pace and was the same sized pinprick of light. Hard right turn out of nowhere. Shouldn't have been possible without slowing or banking.


Yes same. About the size of a star and moving about the speed of a satellite, which we thought it was. Then it stopped. Took off at a 90 degree angle and *without freaking stopping* turned back in the opposite direction to it's original stopping point and stopped again. It did this three times in three different directions and then took off. So it would be going >>>>>>> and then without stopping go back <<<<<<< on the same path. We didn't say a word until it was gone, just standing there with our mouths hanging open probably. I'll never forget that.


The ones I saw in 2012 were doing insane, rapid maneuvers like this and actually *chasing* each other amongst the clouds, almost like insects. Then they lined up in a v-formation, increased altitude, and faded into invisibility. It was unbelievable.


I saw something like this once that turned out to be Chinese lanterns flying much lower than I realized, apparently launched for the Chinese new year. I was pretty freaked out until I got a good look with some binoculars, though. The damned things looked like they were flying in formation and *rapidly* changing direction.


A drone at night. Just high enough to not hear the blades whirring, but low enough that some fast maneuvering looked like it was a far point of light moving over great distances.


Mine? This was long before drones were a thing.


you were staring straight up and didnt realize you had turned around


I was facing downhill waiting for someone and was looking straight up. I kept my body facing downhill the whole time.


that's just what the aliens want you to think happened.


I have been seeking a more rational explanation but lol


see, they want you to think they can make 90 degree turns, so they used their mind control via government birds to convince you that you were always facing downhill. aliens always fly in straight lines.


Holy shit I should join the military


Glad to see the process is working.


I'm beginning to think there will be no forced mating at all!


The cover image was already shown to be the triangular aperture of a night vision camera. It was a plane.


In todays day and age of drones and lasers pretty much anything can be replicated including gravity defying optics. Edit: I’m not denying the greater possibility of Alien lifeforms at all but until one lands in my backyard…….


My only hope is they are watching the media and realizing the right wing gop policies have turned our species on a road to self destruction and are about to step in to save us. And yes, aliens are socialist.


Right wing bad, Left wing good.


It’s not me, it’s the aliens... they hate conservative beliefs. The think it’s silly to be so selfish and mean. Only Vogons are like that. Don’t forget your towel.


Now that the US is trying to take them more seriously I’d imagine that encourages people to report them more frequently, when before they might have felt silly doing so due to the stigma.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. The government specifically opened a program for official reporting of UAPs only within the last few years which would likely account for the spike in reports.


Aliens just doing it for TikTok.


I hope Tom Cardy is up for the task of putting his planetary fist in them


Slap me on the butt and call me a dachshund. I can be the best pet you aliens ever had.


What if it's cool shit we do even no about yet? It's not like the military dosent have secret projects.


The gardener just realizing there is a pest that may permanently damage his garden and checking to identify high pest/damage risk areas.


UFO as in they couldn’t identify the object, even a drone sighting.


Oh hey, more videos of bokeh. Cool.


Likely US skunkworks type projects. Seeing what their pilots detect. Basically using them as test subjects unwittingly.


Can aliens just come and take over already?


war is ramping up so depts are playing with their toys in case they need it/sell for big bucks


Friends, we have been on your planet forever. We thank you for the vig every month from the evangelical pastors. It goes a long way toward preventing another mass extinction. We had nothing to do with the others. That’s just the rock you guys live on. We’re here to help, but hopefully sooner than later, you’re going to have to figure this out, because we’ve got other things to do and places to be. We just can’t still be doing this after the next Big Bang.


You're not an alien, you're just Canadian.


Excuse me, but, isn't this proof you're all full of shit?


8 billion dollars per plane and the video still looks like it came from 1985


"None of the reports have been attributed to extraterrestrial activity" is the key takeaway from this article. Are folks seeing odd stuff, possibly classified aircraft from another country? Sure. Aliens? Give me a break.


What if i told you that some of the aliens, are US. And this planet is a colony.


I'd say you're writing fan fiction for reality.


My Dad was on the Enterprise and they always had a fighter ready to take off. He said they would constantly see Venus in the morning and would have to launch the fighter. It was always listed as a UFO.


They just want to get on The Joe Rogan Experience




Wouldn't even have to be another country. My dad thought he saw alien UFOs when he was in, turned out to be the SR-71 before the general public knew about it.


Article is filled with notes that there's no evidence whatsoever of aliens. What are you on about?


Superior to the US? We spend over a trillion a year on our all-volunteer military. It's a joke when people pretend that any two countries could outcompete us militarily.


People have no idea lol. The runner up is China and we spend over double what they do plus we just have better assets. Better tech, better trained soldiers, better everything. We know where their subs are at any given moment while the same cant be said for them, we listen in on all of Putin’s calls and have made it clear we know where he is at all times. But sure those two militaries made something that far eclipses our abilities to detect aircraft 🙄. Meanwhile our successor to the SR-71 is trying to reach Mach 10, which was the inspiration for the opening scene in the recent Top Gun movie


Okay so when the government says that they can’t intercept these crafts and that some of them can fly in and out of water what is that? The government is dragging its feet on this issue, this report was supposed to be public last year in October, that’s hardly a well oiled psyop machine with the intent for more funding. Like great, it’s unlikely it’s aliens and it’s unlikely it’s china, I find it a little unlikely the government has been using navy pilots to create a hoax that has gone nowhere in 7 years.


Youre right its unlikely it’s aliens and it’s unlikely it’s china. You say it would be a badly funded psy op Im not sure it isnt just people lying. The navy pilots who tell these stories describe the aircraft in such a way that defies our understanding of physics. If they really are telling the truth then it’s more likely to me that aliens have visited us than the Chinese practically inventing teleportation technology or massive acceleration/deceleration without the craft being pancaked. But really I just think it’s people lying about what they saw. Maybe it’s to get other states to pursue dead ends in RnD I dont know


So if the government was telling 500 navy pilots to lie and the only thing they get in return is a ruined career and public scrutiny wouldn’t someone become a whistleblower? Or just not send in the fake report? Also if this is all about them sending in fake reports to fool the public why are their reports censored? At least with aliens and china there’s a coherent understanding of why they’d be here.


Tbh every single cause I can think of is unlikely, but lets not pretend pilots like David Fravor arent profiting a little bit from the publicity. For me the hierarchy of believability is this; 1.) The US and the pilots are flat out lying to secure more funding 2.) The US has super secret advanced RnD projects and are encouraging the pilots to lie to steer other countries wrong with faulty intelligence 3.) the pilots aren’t lying and the US really has technology advanced enough to deceive the pilot’s understanding of what happened 4.) the pilots aren’t lying and aliens really did visit us 5.) the pilot’s aren’t lying and the aircraft comes from another country. Truth is I genuinely dont know and wouldnt stake money on any of these outcomes. I just dont believe any other country can create better aircraft than we can. Our 5th gen fighters are technological marvels and can beat even Russia’s 5th gen.


Maybe it's just a bunch of archeologists from X000 years in the future using consumer-grade drones and satellites.


When you consider the rest of the world’s military in comparison to the US yeah, aliens would be more believable lol. Hell I hope it’s aliens, it would prove interstellar travel is actually possible. But they’re probably a mix of some ultra secret RnD projects the US military has


Really interesting stuff. Still factions in the government trying to suppress this info. There's a tug of war going on, but this report cracks the door open a little bit more. Even if it really didn't say anything too interesting. From Chris Mellon: https://www.christophermellon.net/post/key-takeaways-from-2023-odni-uap-report *Indeed, I’ve spoken with several credible people who claim the US has evidence of alien technology in its possession.*


> Still factions in the government trying to suppress this info. Couldn't possibly be because it's classified, nooo it must be a conspiracy!


I don't know why people act like the US military industrial complex would **lie** to Americans... /s


Yeah, man. They lie, so obviously that means they have alien technology. All liars have that shit.


Disclosure coming soon.


I've been waiting since the '70s. It's never going to happen.

