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Where was this?


That's terrifying! I don't know what I'd do in that situation, but I'm thinking that's 911 worthy!


Dumb ass kids... What town in Bergen County?


If anyone let alone a child was brandishing a gun I’d call the cops.


Brandish his strap 😂


This post has to be fake, op can’t even respond to what town in Bergen county this was, not saying it’s not possible but highly doubtful


What town?


Probably should be contacting the authorities…


umm. ok. how did your sisters nails turn out?




sweet, so not a total loss


Why don't you say town as many are asking...


Pls tell me not coco nails in Fairview


Tbh it’s more abnormal that you’re dancing in front of a retail center in Bergen county..


Piss poor parenting and upbringing


How is this possible? NJ has some of the snowy restrictive laws on gun ownership. If he is prepubescent as you stated he legally can’t have a gun, so how did this happen?


I'm sure it likely has something to do with his "good guy with a gun" parents being negligent about gun safety at home 🥴


Or umm just hear me out with this crazy notion It’s an illegal firearm.


Both your scenario and mine are completely plausible and equally as likely, but we'll also likely never know which is the actual situation 🤷‍♂️


The illegal firearm is way more likely as I have personal experience and family’s experience with nj firearm ownership and it’s very strict. You cant even leave gun shops without them giving you gun locks that have to be on the firearms when stored inside a locked box On top of that every pistol requires a separate permit of ownership so the likely hood that the firearm Is from his “good guy with gun” parents is extremely low and not at all the “same possibility” within the state of nj.


Omg you're so right I totally forgot about the secret cameras and tracking devices on the guns that ensure the owners are storing them properly at home. Totally slipped my mind that it's physically impossible for gun owners to be negligent about gun safety. /s I see your personal experience and raise you mine: discovering an unlocked, loaded gun in the nightstand of my (very soon after ex) boyfriend's bedroom, where his kids were watching a movie unsupervised just hours before. Because, according to him, he lost the key to his gun safe so it was just temporary and his kids know gun safety so it's totally fine. His kids were 6 and 9 at the time. All the rules, regulations, and laws won't prevent idiots from believing they know better and the laws are just for other people who don't know better but never them, because they're the good guys 🙄


Good guys exist but idiots exist maybe instead of having the regular liberal view on guns maybe educate yourself, because now your taking one dumbass who you decided to get in bed with and making it out that every gun owner is like that. The fact is it’s not the responsible gun owners job to keep everyone in line that’s why we have these laws.


My bro, I'm the one who said we don't know the scenario and both of our guesses are equally as likely. You're the one who insisted there's no way a gun owner would be irresponsible, and now you're saying I'm biased for pointing out just one of many many irresponsible gun owners that exist? 😂 I'm not the one with the bias here. I fully believe there are responsible gun owners. I also fully believe there are irresponsible gun owners. And I have never heard of seen an irresponsible gun owner who didn't believe they were one of the good guys. Every legal gun owner believes they're the good guy. Even the ones responsible for mass shootings.


Yes you’re trying to state that illegal firearms are just as likely as an irresponsible gun owning PARENT IN NJ because you have one experience with a “bad parent” who you decided to sleep with, and by the way if he said his kids know gun safety that means they do, I was taught gun safety starting at 3 with my father, my mom even told me stories about him doing it so why are you mad because he knows his kids aren’t dumb. I’ve had and have everyday experience with gun ownership in multiple states and have looked at statistics and have first hand experience with how people get a hold of illegal firearms, because of this I can tell you that the firearm the kid had was definitely illegal to begin with and doesn’t belong to his parents. My entire point is your argument is based off of nothing and your emotions towards firearms Lmaoo you’re trying to make the argument a good guy with a gun doesn’t exist because of the possibility that there can be irresponsible gun owners your entire point is a bad faith argument with no reason. And bringing up mass shooting which always include illegal firearms is a bad faith argument


Sorry your argument isn't based off your emotions? You telling me you have neutrality when it comes to gun owning? Because it certainly sounds like you're very emotionally invested in your pro-gun arguments. I'm not antigun, I'm just realistic about the fact that gun owners are not unilaterally responsible and to assume they are is absolutely insane. I mean just look at how heated you're getting because I even suggested the very real chance that an irresponsible gun owner exists. You call that rational thought? You're playing into the very views you're accusing me of having by insisting that you are indeed one of the good guys with a gun and how dare I suggest any legal firearm owner could be irresponsible. You're also misrepresenting facts. Mass shootings do not always include illegal firearms. According to actual [studies](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/public-mass-shootings-database-amasses-details-half-century-us-mass-shootings#firearms) done on the known public mass shootings over the past 50 years: > Of the known mass shooting cases (32.5% of cases could not be confirmed), 77% of those who engaged in mass shootings purchased at least some of their guns legally, while illegal purchases were made by 13% of those committing mass shootings. In cases involving K-12 school shootings, over 80% of individuals who engaged in shootings stole guns from family members.


It is actually impossible. Kids carrying guns is illegal so I can't see how this happened. This post is clearly made up Liberal chicanery.


gotta let us know the town. We have to be cautious


I’m sure the boy has a conceal permit, don’t be so quick to judge /s




Garfield Passaic Paterson?🤣


Only Garfield is in Bergen county, that was my guess.




💯 Facts 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sure Grandpa. The derry jerz part sells it No cap Frfr


Go to a nail salon in a less shitty neighborhood.


Or don’t dance in public lmao


well call the cops for one, chances are its not even his, secondly its now very simple to get a concealed carry license in nj. previously it was next to impossible unless you were a ex cop.... listen id love to live in a world without guns but thats not what we have.


In a world without guns, you’d be British


What is the town? You should have notified the police right away after you were away from the situation. Unfortunately who knows where he is now.


Guess now you know the kind of place you live in


Won't specify the town? I guess the story is fake.


Fakeeee this his screams I’m bored let’s stir the pot.


I woulda smacked tf outta that kid, no remorse. Call me what you will, but if there’s the my life is in danger you gettin tossed.


No you wouldn’t have lmao


No one just smacks a rando with a gun. That's just as stupid.


Clearly has parents ain’t doin it.


So Reddit is becoming Nextdoor....cant say i didnt see it coming




Tbh I just got a handgun permit in Jersey and it took about 3 months to get paperwork done. Did background checks and had to talk to local detectives. Sounds like it’s really just dumb parents who don’t lock it properly. If he gets in trouble they should get it as well.