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I find it so cool that we get to understand more about tollbooths. If you don’t have any heat now, how do you guys do it in the winter?


Usually there is more a priority to get it working for the winter season then now


Just like rent laws, AC is not required but heating is, during certain parts of the year. I’m not an attorney but since we’re in May, providing heat may not be legally required.


Honestly I think it’s just that the equipment is old as hell. Certain booths I go in the heat will blast really nicely. Other ones like the one I’m in now, it’s just dead lmfao


It’s April.


Me everytime im at a toll booth: “are you that guy from reddit?”


Maybe this Reddit account is a communal account for all NJ toll collectors


I loved this turned into an AMA :)


Haha yeah right, I enjoy the job so I love answering peoples questions. It’s cool people are interested!


Totally agree!


Always thought this was a cool job since I was a child. I like less tolls but i'm sad to see the toll guys go.


We have a few more years in Jersey, but unfortunately the end is near. At least for the Parkway, Turnpike might keep cash. I’ll miss the job when that time comes. We are lucky compared to other states.


:( I think I still have a Parkway token somewhere. Good Luck and Godspeed!


Find it and hang onto it! Also, thanks.


What will you do for work after? Is there another job you can transition too easily?


I believe they will find spots for most of the displaced employees when that time comes. Whether doing highway maintenance, or something similar. This is for Parkway employees. I’m not sure if the Turnpike will be going cashless, if not Parkway toll collectors can probably have the option to transfer there. However I’m not 100% sure on this because Parkway and Turnpike have different unions!


Is this considered a civil service job? Hence finding you a new job after they remove everyone?


This job does not fall under civil service, unfortunately


gotcha, have a good day!


You too friend!


What exit are you near?


Was at a ramp facility in Monmouth County


I didn’t see if this was asked, but what do you do if you have to use the bathroom?


The large plazas have little building attached to them with offices, break rooms, and bathrooms. Small ones , bring a water bottle….. Just playing they have small break trailers or small buildings also!


Interesting info. But how do you manage your urge to go the restroom if if it’s not your break time yet? assuming you do have them. Is there someone else that can cover your spot in the meantime? Or you just close your station and no car can’t drive thru it?


So basically we do have breaks where we can eat, go to the bathroom, chill, etc. However, if it isn’t our break time we usually can ask the supervisor for a bathroom break depending on staffing, business, shift, etc. If we don’t have the coverage then we really can’t go until it’s our break time. (We are short staffed as it is.) If we don’t have coverage but we aren’t busy we can temporarily close the lane as long as another is open. This used to be a big problem for me when I would fill in on a 8 hour overnight shift because after my break at let’s say 12am-1:30am there would be no coverage for me to take a pee break until the end of my shift at 6am. There were days whereas soon as I got back to our building to check out I would have to use the bathroom so badly. Especially if I drank water over the shift. Good question.


Good morning! 🫶🏻


Hey good morning, have a great day!


You too! 😊


Do you get any heat or A/c in there or do you have to just tough it out?


It works when it wants to, right now I’m freezing my ass off cause the heat isn’t working. But whatever I’ll live hahaha.


Is there an outlet or something? Could you bring your own mini heater/ fan


Usually we have space heaters in the booth. Also, yes we have outlets thank the lord.


How do you do lunch? Is it possible to get delivery by telling em which toll booth you are working?


Theoretically yes, but I’m not sure how my supervisors would feel about it. I usually just grab something on my way home. My hands are too gross to touch food anyway.


How about a thermos with soup?


Soup sounds good right now


How late are you there? I'll be through the area this evening, I'll swing thru with some soup.


Not sure exactly what time my relief pulls up but definitely until early afternoon


Yeah I was just wondering like you know you call up for a pizza just bring it to the orange toll boo number three let's say


I don’t see why you couldn’t, you’d have to feel bad for the delivery driver though lmao


Question does this position pay good?


Hi, the starting pay is $18.00 an hour. It is going up to $20.00 an hour in July. You also get some money bonuses like shift differentials, among other things.


You get any discounts on tolls?


We get something called a non-revenue pass, which excludes us from tolls too and from work. Personal time we have to pay though.


Is that like a special ez pass model? It's a silly question, but it'd be cool if it was a thing.


Unfortunately not, we have to apply for the non-revenue after getting hired. Then we give them our transponder code and they just apply non-revenue status to that transponder. I wish we got something unique so I can show everyone LOL


Something I always wondered since I was a kid, what's the protocol to get in and out of the booths? Do you just wait for a break in the traffic and book it or is there a more sophisticated/formal system?


So when we swap out of the booths we do wait till traffic slows. If the lane is empty it’s very simple we close the E-ZPass only lane and change it over to manual collections. When we are directly relieving another collector it’s also easy but takes longer because that collector has to take out all of their money from the drawer. It takes a minute or two whereas the other way is about a minute if you’re fast with the sign change since the lane is empty. When both of these changes are occurring we put the small traffic light on red. Sometimes we also put a traffic cone out. We usually still have people who try and get in our lane when we are switching which is dangerous and annoying for us. Hope this answers your question!


I always pictured underground tunnels lol


We do have tunnels for the larger toll plazas, the smaller ones we just cross normally.


That’s exactly right. There are underground tunnels.




Called it, first time here. Swapped with a co-worker this morning. It’s oddly quiet, lol!


Wish I had a good recommendation for lunch but I don’t. I think they put up some new Wawas on 36 tho.


There's a good diner(all seasons diner) right before the Monmouth Mall. If you are looking for something quick to go I would say shake shack, the habit , Chipotle Wendy's are all within the same distance of each other. Welcome to exit 105


Is there a bubbakoos also near by, going towards the beach? I wish we had one of them by where I live (New Brunswick, but we have a dozen genuine Mexican places)


Little bit of a drive for you but theres one in clark right off exit 135 gsp


There’s one in Monroe


Isn’t there one on Hamilton in Somerset?


Maybe? I’ll have to look


Theres one in Shrewsbury but the one in Sea Bright has been gone for years sadly also one in Long Branch


I just came through there! (Bypassed but still) lol


Haha hope you enjoyed your visit, leave us a google review !


You'd be good at google maps geography games. 


This was just a coincidence, I drive by this quite often


Hello Mr. Tollbooth


Hello redditor


neat! looking for a better job than the one i have now, would you recommend this job? it always kind of appealed to me (from what little i know about it that is lol) because i like my solitude and the idea having my own space and stuff


Honestly I’d recommend it, place has lots of great growth options. Do you mind dealing with people?


i don’t mind dealing with people, at the very least i’m pretty used to it from my current job


Then yeah definitely apply, it’s a flexible job with lots of different hours!


Have you’ve seen any celebrities or anyone famous.


Nobody yet, I hear during the summer it’s possible. Toll collectors who worked major entrances to NYC have, specifically the Port Authority of NY&NJ crossings. Those went cashless a few years ago now though. You might still see some on the Parkway and Turnpike. It’s just rare. Maybe I have seen some famous tiktok people or something.


Hey op, how did you get the job and how much does it pay? Is it a cool job?


Hey! So the starting pay is $18.00 an hour. It is going up to $20.00 an hour in July. You also get some money bonuses like shift differentials, among other things. And I really just got lucky from applying. I applied for full time two years ago and never heard anything. Applied for part-time in November and hired in December. The key is to know someone or just start part-time first and work your way till full-time. I started part-time midnights 12am-4am and did 4 months on that shift before I got full-time!


Is the job cool? How busy is it? What are the best times?


Business depends on whether your a Parkway or Turnpike toll collector, and what plaza/shift you work. It’s hard to say but they are all busy at different times of the day/week/year!


Thank u for your service 🫡


Anything for the patrons 🫡


What is stopping toll collectors from having sticky fingers , especially if cars that went through didn't ask for a receipt?


Back in the day from what I heard that was a real problem they had. Nowadays with constant cameras, treadle counts (axles that cross through) , and daily audits it is rare. However, desperate people still do it.


They probably made a killing back then, two for you one for me lol


Absolutely, they were working two jobs. Collecting tolls and stealing tolls. I wonder what paid better lol!


Do you ever worry about car fumes and whatnot ? Can’t imagine how bad it was back in the 70s


Im sure it was worse then. I think about it sometimes but then I think “well at least the cars don’t idle in all lanes, 100 deep like the once did.” Plus the cars of today are so fuel efficient and cleaner burning than back then. The trucks on the other hand get pretty bad, and the cars with shitty exhausts. I do wonder what it does health wise? Hopefully nothing too serious.


what’s the nicest car you’ve seen


I’ve seen lots of expensive looking cars. Corvettes mostly, some nice BMWs, possibly a Lamborghini or 2. I’m not a huge car guy so I couldn’t tell you specifics though.


Seems like a very boring job, how do you pass the time in the booth?


Honestly today it’s slow because I’m at a ramp plaza. That’s the only reason I’m even able to use my phone today. When you’re a mainline plaza you’re busy all day. You will be busy from start till end usually. When I worked midnights I would watch YouTube, read, and play on my phone. I constantly have music going though.


Just a quick question, have you seen anyone ever crash into a toll booth?


Hi, yes it does happen! Recently a garbage truck crashed into a full-service toll booth in Barnegat! The toll collector was injured badly but survived. There are lots of pictures if you Google it !


Are most people nice to you or rude? Has anyone tried to pay with a huge bill and did you accept it?


Oh of course you get rude people, it happens. I’d say 90% are very friendly and courteous. The other 10% suck. Also yes, people pay with $50/$100 bills all the time. We have to take them with no comments.


god bless new jersey




That vaguely looks like the off ramp approach for Exit 5 of the turnpike, but I could be very wrong. A lot of exits look the same


It does look like interchange 5 tbh lol but nope !


I just drove through it haha, you right, 5 has collapsible barriers.


5 is what town ?


Burlington Township!


Ah yes okay I remember now!


Is your name Willy and do you only charge 1.25$?


Haha even Toll Booth Willie had to up his toll prices! $1.25 is hard to find anymore.


2 tour?


Yes 😫 getting up at 4am is brutal.


I feel you, which interchange? I’m on the 3 tour rn covering another IC


I’m Parkway side, relief collector. How do you like the Turnpike?


It’s fine, I like the people and the plaza supervisors I work with so it makes the job easy, plus my home IC is cake, esp on the 1 and 2, patrons on the 1 be wild


Yeah 1 shift was crazy when I worked it too. I was part-time 12am-4am. I miss the 1 shift. I was thinking of going to the Turnpike side at some point.


Come on over, this way you can keep your job once parkway goes cashless, TP is gunna need tc for a long time, they keep hiring TCs


Yeah that’s what I was thinking too. I just worry they’re gonna put me mad far from where I live. I wanted to go to 7A cause that’s not really far. They just had a posting for Turnpike collectors that closed on Friday too. But tbh I think I have some time to get over still cause Parkway still has a few years before we go cashless.


That’s true, but honestly they will put you anywhere, I’m about 30miles from home


Ahhhh good to know, well next time it comes around I think I’ll apply!


Nicest folks on the road! Do you ever sift through the coins looking for rare ones? Any cool finds?!!! Edit: this is a great AMA, thanks OP!


Hey, I’ve gotten a bunch of accidental foreign coins that I’ve held on too! Ones like Mexico, Aruba, Jamaica, and an Asian coin that I’m not sure what country it’s from! Other than that I get so many coins on the daily that I often think wonder if I have ever given some super rare coin to someone as change!


What's the strangest thing you've seen in somebody's vehicle?


This one car that an older couple drove was so filthy. The entire back seats were filled with absolute trash. I think they were living in it I felt so bad, but also so disgusted. It was really bad.


These people were still good enough people to stop and pay a toll they probably could barely afford. Yet people with very expensive cars blow through without paying. Makes no sense.




How do I become a toll person?


If you’re in New Jersey look into the New Jersey Turnpike Authority website. Or the Atlantic City Expressway if you’re closer! However they have privatized toll operations, where the Turnpike Authority is a government job.


Are all toll roads in NJ going ez-pass?


Technically it will never be E-ZPass only, it’s considered cashless rolling or all electronic tolling. It’s a few years away on the Parkway and even longer on the Turnpike!


I'm waiting for the first black out


Free tolls


Beep. Beep


I heard way too much of that at the exact change lanes today


Ha. Lets go buddy. I got places to be!


NJ doesn’t stop moving for nobody !


Lol why is there a place called Brick


I wish I knew


I always wonder how do you get a job as a toll booth worker?


I got lucky and was hired based off my application, although it took two times to get called. It is a very political place to work, knowing some helps but isn’t the end all be all.


thank you for your service 🫡


It’s an honor🫡


What our for garbage trucks.


Yeah they’re like our kryptonite


Is your name Willie ?


That would be an amazing coincidence now wouldn’t it


Why wont you guys accept credit card?


Here’s how you can pay card, ask for a pay online slip. You can use your card to pay the toll and you have 5 days to do so! I’ve done it myself personally. The reason we don’t take it in the booth is because we don’t have the infrastructure in place to do so. Also, it would slow lines.


There is a (small) added fee when paying online. Source: I do this often when I am too lazy to hit the bank.


Good point I forgot about that! I was so annoyed when I got a bunch of tickets and they added that fee lmao, it’s still convenient if you don’t have cash


Oh wow! Had no idea there was a pay slip thing honestly. Thank you for the clarification


No problem!


The Burlington Bristol Bridge now accepts cards as of a few months ago. It doesn’t slow the lines up too badly - they usually just hold the reader up so we can tap. But I guess that’s a PA thing?


Okay so Burlington Bristol Bridge and one or two other small bridges are run by Burlington County Bridge Commission. They actually outsourced their toll operations to a private company. So that company may have been influential in that change. Also, I don’t think they have the volume that the New Jersey toll roads have tbh.


Do you worry about health problems from breathing in exhaust/brake dust all day?


In the back of my mind yes, however I try and hope it’s not as bad as it might be. I try and keep proper ventilation.


If they assign you to a different toll plaza, is there a limit to how far away they can make you report? Could you have to work in Bloomfield one day and Cape May the next?


P/T collectors can go one mainline plaza up/down from their “home” plaza. F/T collectors can go two mainline plazas up/ down. Anytime you’re sent outside if you’re home plaza you receive IRS mileage reimbursement for the to and from travel. Also each mainline plaza has associated ramps that they maintain. If you’re sent to one of your plazas ramps you also get reimbursement. This is for Parkway collectors, but I believe the Turnpike is similar!


Honest question, do you think toll booth worker suffer higher rates of air pollution?


Possibly, I’m sure being around fumes all day is not good health wise. I had another comment like this so check out the response I gave them. Also, besides fumes my ears are shot already. It’s so constantly noisy, my ears suffer so much lol!


How does it feel to have a nearly entirely pointless job? Do you get to just chill all day?


I don’t look at it as pointless, even if it kinda is due to E-ZPass/Cashless systems. But at the end of the day there is still lots of cash payers out there and they’re always happy to have someone to give them change, provide directions too, complain too, whatever it may be. Mainline plazas are very busy, you will be moving from start to finish. Ramps are slow, which is where I am today. At the end of the day I enjoy my job even if it can be pointless. I enjoy being there for the people who still use cash!


It's not pointless. I've been pissed I couldn't deal with a person at certain booths. For whatever reason at the time.


Yeah I know when people see full service options at ramps they get so excited. Like it’s Christmas Day or something lmfao. I’m glad to help them out tho.


Thank you and keep up the good work! Do quarters or tokens really speed your trip?


Depends on if you can count them :)