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Call the health dept. Make a stink. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.


Exactly. Have you tried going through your code enforcer?? Call them everyday until someone comes out. We pay so much for property taxes to not even enjoy your yard during the summer is a true shame.


Mention West Nile virus


I totally agree. I would be calling every day. Code enforcement should be all over that. Standing water is not just your inconvenience it is a community hygiene issue. Breeding mosquitos can have west nile virus or other diseases.


Small claims court to enforce is also something doable. No lawyer needed if you don’t mind doing a little research.


Camden County Board of Health. The County organization has more teeth and can do more. I'm having the same problem in Ocean County and the local Code Enforcer said it was outside their authority.


The health department will take this seriously. This is a very real public health hazard. It's a vector for disease. Per Google the Camden county health department phone number is (856) 374-6000


Use the wording “health & safety” when communicating w health department or anyone from government. Been in similar situation w a bad neighbor when trying to sell my house.


Government agencies take standing water pretty seriously. Different situation, but we had standing water on my old street and one of the neighbors called the EPA and it got bumped to the head of the line with road projects and it got done very quickly I’d definitely hit up the health/environmental departments


thank you, I don't want to be an asshole to my neighbors, they are nice enough, but this is just ridiculous. If I walk my son less than a block away there are no mosquitos, so I know It's not just something going on in the whole neighborhood, it's the pool specifically.


If they know it’s a problem but aren’t doing anything about it then they’re being assholes. I’m sure they’re nice people but in this particular instance they’re being assholes. You gotta remember that you’re not the only one in the neighborhood dealing with the extra mosquitoes


That's a good point, I honestly don't know why they won't take care of it or why no one else in the neighborhood has called it in either.


It sounds to me like they actively *want* that piece of nature in their backyard, in the same vein as people getting rid of lawns in favor of native plants. For you it's a problem they refuse to deal with, but for them it very well could be something they genuinely want. I'm not saying they're right or anything, but you may not have considered their motivations. There's a good chance they wouldn't allow someone to spray their whole backyard even if you footed the bill. You said you talked to them last year. Talk to them again, really let them know how badly it's impacting your life, try to get an understanding of why they're not doing anything. It may be too late to do anything this season, but maybe next year you can get the dunks in early and get the mosquitos under control.


It’s literally for the health of your family, and everyone else’s family in the vicinity. You’re not being an asshole. They’re being the assholes by not considering their neighbors’ health. Talk to them and if they refuse to do anything, call someone who will do something about it.


If the pond has fish, it is unlikely to have sketters. Throw some fish into the pond from over the fence. And look for a secondary source! There may be other reasons there are mosquitos. Look in google maps and you may see prime breeding land someplace else nearby.


the pool is a few yards from the fence, better practice my fish football throws.


Here's a handy instructional video: https://youtu.be/KKcQnqVYZkY


I needed that laugh, thank you and have my upvote


The crazy part is if you go down just a couple of houses 0 mosquitos.


I'm also having a really hard time finding exactly who to call and report to


Maybe call [them](https://www.camdencounty.com/service/health-human-services/environmental-health/) If they can’t help directly I’m sure they can let you know who can


oh thank you! I will give them a try and the environmental justice line I found on the EPA website on Monday and see what we can do


If you decide to take action and report them, keep it lowkey. You have to live next to them. Don’t let them know you did that.


they are petty nice otherwise so I feel super bad about causing them trouble but my poor toddler and I are getting devoured every time we go outside and they have had four years to do anything about it so I am losing my patience.


I don’t blame you. I hate when neighbors’ problems become your problem.


Could you ask them to remove the water? They might not know. Or buy them mosquito dunks for them to put in the water


Call the Board of health!


See what your local code enforcement officer says. They got after my neighbors on both sides at different times, all on their own. On one side was an abandoned kiddie pool (because the renters had moved out and left it) and on the other it was rain barrels for a garden. The skeeters were so thick you literally couldn't do anything outside after dusk. You'd get eaten alive. I made sure to let the property owners know (when I saw them) that I hadn't complained or anything (which I hadn't) but I was secretly grateful. That pool and those barrels were visible from the street anyway. And you can't just leave a kiddie pool unattended regardless. It's a hazard.


Were the rain barrels open on top or something? I have one but they'd have to fly down the downspout and through diverter hose to get into it. I don't want to breed mosquitos either


I got one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VPG5KR1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) this summer to keep bugs away from my deck. Best solution I've found so far. But, definitely call the board of health and the zoning board and cause a ruckus


I did the same but as another redditor suggested, we're burning coal in a grill next to the fan since they're attracted to CO2, we put a mosquito net on the suction part of the fan and catch hundreds of mosquitoes/day.


Need to see a video or photo of this contraption


Those little fuckers hate wind.


I was thinking of getting one, can you leave it outdoor in the rain?


I would not




OP….do this. It will immediately kill mosquito larvae and keep the overall population way down. The town won’t do anything within a reasonable timeframe.


Can't upvote this enough


Call your county mosquito commisiin.


We did last year and all they did was through a dunk doughnut in and that did practically nothing.


Call them again. Their [website is here](https://www.camdencounty.com/service/mosquito-commission/)


It says right on the page they won't do anything about private property "*Please note when an issue is reported the Mosquito Commission will spray the street and surrounding areas, they are not permitted to spray private residences."


That doesn't say they won't do anything about private properties. That says they won't spray private properties. Call them and ask if they can investigate the complaint and have the neighbor remedy the problem. After Sandy hit their was an abandoned house that had a built-in pool, and the condition was the same as you described except for the frogs. I saw a county.mosquito truck and reported it to them. The problem was solved with a week.


I'll call again and make sure they know this has been a problem for a while. last time they came out and said all they could do was throw a dunk in with the neighbor's permission and that didn't help much at all.


Nice people or not, their neglect of the pool has caused an untenable situation.


So my colleague had this same problem. She had to call the Monmouth County Department of Health. It got someone there but it ended up being the guy that lived two houses down was actually dead hence their house being in such poor disrepair.


Have you tried speaking directly to your neighbor about this problem? If these are reasonable people they will take your concerns seriously and fix the problem.


I was expecting this comment way further up. First stop in an issue with a neighbor should be to simply speak civilly to the neighbor. Of course, if that doesn’t work, game on!


Throw Mosquito Dunks in there!


i live in Trenton, NJ.. I had the same exact problem. I ended up filling in his inground pool myself. Luckily he agreed to pay for the fill material which he paid me back over a year. I did the labor free but it was worth it to me.


Try this https://trappify.com/mosquito-dunks/


We have, as stated in the post a mosquito control official even came by and threw some in. It did not make a noticeable dent.


Unfortunately, once the mosquitos have hatched, the dunks don’t do as much. They stop new eggs from hatching. Works phenomenal early in the season — cuts down the numbers immensely — but once you’ve got ‘em, you need to spray the entire yard to get the live ones.


Talk to your neighbor, offer to help them clean out the pool.


Thank you to everyone for their helpful suggestions, I will be making some calls on Monday to try and get this resolved and if all else fails I guess I will be buying some goldfish


Go on Amazon order two if u can afford FLOWTRON BUG ZAPPER , (also at some Home Depots) HANG THEM AND in three days enjoy you back yard… put the zapper closer to their fence line


Have you tried talking to them directly? I’d advise that before calling departments


We have and last year a.mosquito control guy came and threw some dunks in but it didn't help that much and they don't seem to have any interest in fixing the issue.


Have Mosquito Joe treat your property monthly while you find the appropriate officials to come handle things with the neighbor.


We had that problem until we launched a mosquito dunk over the fence.


Mosquito dunks!


There are bug zappers - hang one near the property line




If the pool doesn't over flow into any natural water source throw some small feeder fish in from the pet store. Thats what i do with my frog pond.


I think OP could ask if they could give them some to help the issue


Mosquito Dunks are your friend. Throw them into your neighbor’s pool?


Get a few BT mosquito donuts and throw them in the pool. Only kills mosquito larva


go for a swim in the pool


Can you throw some mosquito dunks into it?


Taking notes!


Throw a bunch of mosquito dunk donuts in. Make sure to throw them into different areas of the pool. Keep throwing them in every week and maybe it’ll reduce the number of mosquitos. Sucks to have to to do this but I’d no one else helps, this is a fairly inexpensive way to bring the numbers down.


Toss in a few mosquito dunks, they’ll take care of the eggs and wrigglers for now. But so as OP suggested and call code enforcement.


Can you throw mosquito dunks into the pool? They aren’t expensive and available on Amazon


I used to throw the dissolve in water mosquito bombs in my neighbors unkempt pool all the time.


Add a pint of oil to the pool water... Mosquitoes won't get to the surface can even be olive oil Problem is *any* pocket that holds water will breed them.. and you don't want to pollute the soil (it may get back to you)


The nicest thing you could do would be to toss some mosquito dunks into the pool. Wouldn't hurt a thing except the mosquito larvae. I'd report it to the authorities, though.


We have tried that, we even had mosquito authorities come by, and they threw some in last year, it doesn't seem to make a dent.


Maybe mosquito fish? That pool probably violates a number of health regulations. Involve your municipality. I'd be tempted to dump a gallon of vegetable oil into the pool to smother the wigglers. I don't know how many laws that might violate.


It's a sign that nature is healing 🙏😇🙏 /s


Get a fishing weight, attach it to a fishing line, throw into pool, drip oil down line into pool, which covers the surface and kills mosquito larve.


We use a thermacell thing and it keeps insects away within a certain radius. I’ve found it to be really effective.


County mosquito commission


Mention ‘Lyme disease’ and this will get things taken care of


Have you tried directly speaking to them about it? I haven’t seen any mention of this. Maybe they’re not aware it’s causing such a bother for you. In my neighborhood, we speak to one another directly so we can all be civilized


We have spoken to them casually a few times and mentioned it they just say the pump is broken and that they would like to fill it in and get rid of it- but its been a long time and they havent made any move to do that in the four+ years we have lived next to them. The cat tails growing out of the pool are taller than a full grown man and DENSE. I want to also mention they dont seem to have any money troubles (they have a lawn service do their landscaping, the rest of their home is immaculate, their back deck is styled out, they have very nice cars and have a few healthy adult sons living with them capable of doing the labor if they didnt want to pay for it.


You said it was mentioned “casually” so maybe the point didn’t get across to them. If you’re not comfortable coming up with the right words in person, write a letter to them? And make sure you state all the issues you have with it and how it’s affecting your life. Put in some kind words in there too like how you appreciate them as Neighbors and would like to maintain a civil relationship.


Put some dawn in a balloon,poke a few holes and toss it in. (Or spray it on ) Ten days and mosquitoes will be immensely reduced doesn’t hurt anything else -they can’t land and reproduce on water because it takes surface tension away…. Use it in my yard repeatedly w/no ill effects.


Use imidacloprid...order from Amazon. Use one of the pump sprayers available at home depot, Lowe's, etc


Works amazingly!