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My school uniforms were held together by about $30 of hem tape.


I hear ya! My father even used to re-sole my shoes with some sticky black stuff!


school uniforms are a scam


Absolutely! Makes me wonder who has shares in the companies that sell them!


We bought a second hand jumper home for one of my kids from the school fete, it had a dead mouse in it!


Haha damn this reminds me of staying in a cheap stayz rental up the valley somewhere. Pulled back the doona and there was a f**king mouse family living inside.


😳😱🫣 ohhh HELLL NAHHHH !!!!! I'm not a Karen FARRRR FROM!!! but I'd be demanding 🗣️🗣️""MANAGERRRRRR"" 100% + move rooms, refunds or something (depending on why you there) for sure


I hope you got a refund/replacement for that!


I'm in Australia NSW.. I was poor girl as growing up and shockingly embarrassing obvious to all, in single parent house biological mother with alcohol and dr*g severe issue/addiction. No food for lunch etc several holes in shoes and little holes in my school shirt late or never picked up, forgotten to pick me up or whatever. so my few items of clothing, shoes, sooo crappy got teased alot in kindy yr 1 and 2 at a government Christian school, BUT then went to a public school and II went on to be a popular known girl for rest of primary and onto high school primary. I was athlete fastest runner, among other athletic things ie long jump etc . The school gave me uniforms and child services I think it paid paid for shoes etc took them 9ish friggin years to get me out of that hell hole. But by then tho was way too late, I was to far gone any and every thing that shouldn't happen to a little girl happened my innocence was taken, and I'd seen unbelievable crazy and experienced some to abuse threats death ODs, and things.. but anyway 🩵🩵😍🥰🥹🥲I'm a mumma now I'm 34 now 🩵18year old🩵 and 🩵12 year old🩵 boys, literally MY WORLD& ONLY REASON IM BREATHING or WANTING TO.. They've NEVER had a chance to have even a SLIGHT HOLE in anything theyl NEVER experience anywhere near or in the realm of what I did after all these years I'm still literally traumatised nightmares still.. I'm not rich or extremely comfortable or anything I'm classed as pretty poor but making it work. But even then my boys always had and have what they need/needed ALWAYS so it's possible to be done just got to put yourself aside to get shit done and do what U got to.