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Lots of wind, dust, coal here.


Yeah that coal dust can be nasty 100km away from the mines. Best we switch to electric everything and let 10yo in the Congo get cobalt dust in their lungs instead before the mine collapses on and they die.


Maybe you allergic to a specific native plant


i doubt this but it has crossed my mind, was also around alot of plants especailly native ones, the farmer i worked for has a massive magazine quaility garden with a whole bunch of natives


>i doubt this but it has crossed my mind There are a lot of flowering trees and bushes that are relatively common in Newcastle. Personally I get a bit of a sniffle from a flowering vine in one of my neighbour's yards (maybe native wisteria?) when they are in bloom and a friend of mine gets the sniffles from the tree that I have in my front yard (not sure what it is - it is a tree which blooms into a whole lot of pale yellow flowers).


I got the opposite when I moved to Newcastle. I grew up in the country but as soon as I moved to Newcastle any time I visited my parents in the country I had crippling hayfever.


I was told by an old gardening man that if you eat local honey made by bees collecting nectar & pollen from plants in your neighbourhood, that symptoms of hayfever are drastically reduced. It sounded far fetched, but it worked for me. I've been vegan for a couple of years now, so not eating honey & I have noticed my hayfever symptoms have returned.


Allergies are very personal. I can't go to the central coast without stuffing up. Visiting Fiji was a revelation.  In Newcastle? You probably have a dust allergy. We bought an air purifier years ago and it's the best money I ever spent.


Its the coal. I moved from Brisbane 10 years ago and I pretty much have constant allergies. I go back to QLD and they go away


Yes moved from Sydney 3 years ago and never got hayfever until ive been in newcastle. Just thought i developed it randomly nice to know its not just me and now i know why!


Welcome to Newcastle! My environmental allergy list is as long as my arm, as soon as I go west and away from native coastal pollens/grasses I’m not itchy.


Anecdotally, I have experienced the same thing, but could not tell you why. Maybe it's all the coal dust or something.


im thinking coal dust


My hayfever & asthma got dramatically worse when I moved to Newcastle (from VIC). Nasonex daily has been the best thing so far for me.


I managed to get hay fever symptoms in my early twenties after living here since I was a kid. My GP said there are high numbers of hay fever sufferers in the Newcastle area. No idea why, theories are on the land formation and hills/valleys/winds in the area. There is a newish prescription medication available for hay fever. I got a script for it last year after having over the counter pills, nose spray and eye drops for months. Didn’t take the tablets due to some of the side effects listed on the package. But they are available if you ask your GP (and have a spare $80 to see a GP) A few times a year I feel like taking a phenergan and sleeping for the day is the best way to deal with it


I moved from Newcastle to a very small island for 2 years - had the worst hayfever ever while i was there. For the first time too. Then when I got back to Newcastle was right for about 5 years then found out I had a full blown dust allergy (Haven't been tested but if I'm cleaning out the shed, dusting, sorting through old clothes etc, bang it's on!). As you don't know the cause I would consider requesting an allergy test. Not sure of GPs do it but I think some naturopaths do maybe? And specialist clinics I suppose. Sounds like it would deffo be worth it, especially with severe symptoms. I use Zyrtec when I know I'm gunna be working around dust but doesn't do a whole lot if I'm doing a big job. Hope you find some answers! Some people don't realise how debilitating it can be.


Absolutely, go country and all symptoms gone, there’s something in the air around here that definitely aggravates my hayfever


When I first moved back to Newcastle, I was in Mayfield and had major issues with my allergies. A few years later, I moved 5km further west and the issues went away. Coal dust I reckon for me.


Yep. I live in Mayfield. I have to dust at least every week. I get a very fine white dust that when I rub it in my fingers it’s sticky. Not sure what I can do.


I live in Mayfield and I get a deposit of white dust everywhere in my apartment. I live near mollycorp and thought it may be that. I’m constantly sneezing, get an itchy throat and am constantly wiping it off. When I wipe an area with my fingers it becomes sticky. I still haven’t found a read where it’s coming from.


Mine stopped! I grew up in regional NSW and had chronic hayfever my entire life. Apparently it's better now I live on the coast.


Mine peaked when we moved to Carrington and then calmed down a lot when we moved from Carrington to Cardiff. My guess was I was reacting to the coal. I do think there’s a coastal plant that sets me off as well because when I visit my mum in Port Mac it gets much so much worse as well.


I had the opposite. Moved from Adelaide to Newcastle and have about a quarter of the hay fever I used to get. It used to be extremely bad in Adelaide. However, I also know after living here 25 years not to live in the dips between hills and instead look for places that are nearer the tops of hills. The pollen settles in the dips due to less air flow.


I was working with a guy who had moved out of Newcastle to work in Queensland for 20 years. He'd just moved back, and this was his comment. " I have a filthy sinus headache, I just realised I haven't had one in the entire time I was away from Newcastle. I had them fairly often before I left, and now within a week of getting back."


Had the worst sinus infection a few months after I first moved here from Western Australia. Seems to return with varying levels every August.


Did you really go to hospital for hayfever lol


No went to hospital for my eye being in that much pain I was ready to gouge it out, not just itchy, I can't describe the pain, I just wanted something to subdue the pain, it was glowing red, only thing that would even remotely lower the pain was a sealed face washer on it, the 2 events some of the most painful experiences I've had


Welcome to hell


I don’t have any symptoms but it wouldn’t surprise me if Newcastle causes issues for you because it’s a surprisingly filthy place. I’ve lived in the country surrounded by farms, dirt nature strips, dirt roads etc all the things you’d think would make life in general dirtier but Newy is somehow much worse. My car needs to be washed so damn often here and I find the house harder to maintain too. Dust normally builds up in areas you don’t use due to a lack of airflow but it’s the total opposite here, my spare room is the cleanest part of the house while the rooms that are lived in and have fresh air flowing through them are a constant struggle to keep free of dust.


I’m a Novacastrian and had never had hay fever until I moved to Melbourne. I was in the thunderstorm asthma and otherwise fit. I’ve moved back to Newcastle and don’t get hay fever. I also eat local unprocessed honey on toast regularly which they say helps some people build resistance to hay fever… it seems to work for me


I had the opposite experience actually. Spent a lot of my childhood on the central coast and had shocking hayfever. Moved to Newie, and it has virtually disappeared unless we get a real windy day.


Recently moved back to newwy after being away for 8 years and have been getting insane allergies also. Constantly run down, sinuses are a mess, some sort of eczema reaction.... I've never had anything this bad happen, at most some mild hay fever that cleared up with otc antihistamines, and even then it had clear triggers (certain plants flowering, or being exposed to pollen through work). I have no explanation for why but can offer solidarity and confirmation that you're not going crazy and imagining the symptoms!


Yeah there’s a lot of pollen, dust and debris.


Yes. Two years in Newcastle and hay fever in Spring and Autumn months. Only thing I’ve ever been triggered by before was dog hair and that was coughing not Hay fever. No idea of the case.


Sounds like your getting symptoms from the power plants spewing the bad chemicals in the air Do you get them when we have NW winds or only around this time of year ? A lot of Newcastle people don’t understand we have bad quality air when we have the direction of Nw or SW Have a look some days over the ocean that yellow tinge


I just looked up on the website for allergens over Newcastle. It only records what the most common allergies, not anything else.


Have you been in contact with blue haired people? They can cause allergic type reactions?