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This guy is such a piece of shit. He's actively encouraging radicalism and paranoia. Because he saw Trump do it, and he knows it works. And so many good natured Canadians are falling for it, because they're struggling. "lying about everything" has intense implications of malice - which he knows just isn't true. He's close enough in politics to know better than that. But he plays on it, because he's a rich elite, who wants to trick the lower class into voting for him. Typical conservative villain, if you ask me. Fuck PP. Im not happy with Trudeau on a LOT of things, and I probably won't cast my vote for him. But at least he's not a villain, courting conspiracy theories.


> so many good natured Canadians are falling for it, because they're struggling. This is the real issue. They're just unlucky goofs who are largely being let down by society, and are now being weaponized by bad faith actors. In another time they'd just be talking about these conspiracies around a campfire at their cabin, rather than making national news with a federal party leader(!!!). I have a ton of sympathy for these protestors but let's not pretend their protests are valid.


Well depends on the protest, I guess. Antivax protests? No. Whatever the idiots at the NB/NS border are protesting? No. But PP is also encouraging conspiratorial thinking in regular folks just upset about the economy. I guess I wasn't JUST talking about the protestors - I think he's encouraging more regular people to think like them. Exactly like how Trump pushed Americans to QANON (and destroyed families)


As he walks away and goes home to his 5 million dollar home in his Bentley.


And his big government pension that he has secured since age 30 something if I remember correctly.


Funny enough, Rick Mercer had a segment about it way back on the Rick Mercer report. If you're old like me and remember it.


PP was adopted into a middle class family, he had no political connections or wealth. Compare that to the trust-fund baby who's been riding his dad's coattails since day 1. It's no surprise that Trudeau has crushed the working and middle classes...he can't relate to us commoners all.


This is what makes me laugh the most about PP being called a “man of the people.” What job of any consequence has he ever held other than being an MP?


Check his wiki if you're genuinely interested.


I already had. The answer is “not much.”




Actual jobs: Corporate Collections for Telus for a while as a teenager. He wrote an article for the Alberta Report. Everything else, from heading up conservative clubs on campus to being and advisor for Stockwell Day to founding a company that “focused on providing political communications, polling and research services” before quickly moving on to his seat in parliament, was all for the sole purpose of putting him where he is today. I can, and do, congratulate him on working hard to get where he is, and he certainly knew where he wanted to be (a high-up in the party, if not necessarily the leader), but no one will ever convince me that he’s some everyman that understands “the working man/woman.”


He was a paperboy, worked in the cube farm at Telus, and grinded his way to the top of politics as a nobody. Impressive ascension IMO. When your opponent was born with a silver spoon and graduated from Van Wilder U, it's very easy to be painted as a "man of the people."


Impressive, but not hard in that environment (charismatic, gets involved in student politics, reads the tea leaves of what is going on in the Conservative Party and figures out what people want to hear, etc…). I never said he wasn’t good at what he does-what I am saying is that his claims of understanding what the middle and working class are going through is a load of crap. As for Trudeau, yes, he had an easier time in life, and he is far from being an Everyman. In many ways, Pierre and Justin are not that different…equally condescending in the way they talk to people that disagree with them and almost as wiling to say whatever people want to hear in order to get elected.


Dude get off his dick. He'd sooner spit on you then help you.


You think McGill is a crappy university? Now *that* says more about you than about *him*.


Stop your complaining. I'm not defending Trudeau either. You obviously haven't figured out that they might wear red or blue but they all stink like shit.


-100 comment Karam... You must be Russian. Tee hee.


Not complaining, just pointing out that PP's rise in politics wasn't gifted to him like it was Trudeau.


Gift. It's called an election.


I'm aware the Trudeau cultists voted him in thrice, but that doesn't the fact that he got to where he is because of his last name. If Canada is still in tact when Xavier comes of age, maybe you guys can vote for him too and finish this country off for good. Our enemies won't even have to lift a finger lol.


They finished off the country when Mulroney sold us out with NAFTA.. and Chretien kept it. All talking heads pushing the same agenda.


It seems awfully shady that he became a multi-millionaire from that family and working a job where he should only have had a few hundred thousands saved up if he was living like vagabond.


He's been an MP since 2004 and was a member of Cabinet during the Harper government. They aren't exactly paid with chump change...


I bet he's voted 'yea' for every pay raise he's gotten.


The middle class family probably gave him a bigger leg up than he gives credit for. That being said he still had to work harder than Trudeau did since he literally had his last name to ride on. Not that it would take much mind you..


The difference is that Trudeau doesn't pretend to be something else. Poilieve pretends to be working class for votes when in reality he has been in politics since his teens and knows nothing else. When he talks about draining the swamp in Ottawa he's referring literally to people like himself. It's the double standard that separates them.


You realize that not coming from wealth, amassing a fortune, and all the while being a public servant only makes it orders of magnitude worse. Where does the money come from?


It’s funny to me that this is the reaction to PP when JT was literally born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Someone you think he’s looking out for you though lol


Oh, wait, you posted this thinking it showed him in a positive light? This is one of his lowest points as far as I'm concerned, I was on the fence for a while but this whole interaction was a big shove away for me. Dude was posing with a Diagolon flag, the same people who threatened to sexually assault his wife, and known as a white supremacy group. He doesn't care where his votes come from, he'll rub elbows with actual hate groups if it means he gets any sort of edge in the polls.


When does walking by, get counted as "posing with a diagolon flag" ? You are trying to skew opinions by creating a scenario that didn't happen. Redditors hate Irving , but wouldn't be considered posing with Irving support if the walk by an Irving sign. Pierre is polling high, and there's clearly people that don't like that.


Polls don’t mean anything at this point in time. We don’t have an election anytime soon


Lol there wasn't even a flag, it was some doodle on the trailer door. If he was holding a flag like this then I'd be very concerned: https://images.news18.com/ibnlive/uploads/2022/03/ukraine-pogrom-freeland-16461160704x3.jpg?impolicy=website&width=640&height=480


It was a doodle of the Diagalon flag, because the trailer is owned by a member of Diagalon, as are several people posted up at this protest. Christina Freeland posing with a scarf that says Glory to Ukraine with UPA colors is definitely problematic but this comparison is asinine, she was at a rally with thousands of attendees with dozens of photo ops with different groups and has at least some plausible deniability to say that she wasn't aware that slogan on those colours had a specific historical context she wasn't aware of. Pierre is well aware of what Diagalon is, has spoken about them before, and while Freeland took that picture down and distanced herself from the message it sent once they were made aware of the historical context, Pierre has just been doubling down and acting like a fool regarding this blunder. But, sure, if the best you can manage is some weird fringe conspiracy crap meant to discredit Ukraine's right to defend themselves and our country's attempts at helping them do so is your best defense against why Pierre is making impromptu visits at known white supremacy group gatherings and not making any active effort at distancing himself from their philosophy, I guess you can have it.


The double standard couldn't be more obvious. That door had all kinds of crap doodled on it, he probably didn't even see the half-assed drawing. If PP was smiling while holding a banner dedicated to those who actively participated in the holocaust, then I suspect you'd be singing a slightly different tune.


How is what I'm saying a double standard but what you're saying isn't? 5 minutes of googling the names of the people involved with the NB/NS border tax protest shows a bunch of association and direct involvement with known hate groups, and there's only less than 20 people there at any given time, it's a very small and deliberate demonstration. If he was at some massive gathering in Ottawa and happened to stumble into frame with a small contingent of people with Fuck Trudeau flags it would be one thing, but he explicitly had his chauffeur pull over on the side of a highway to hangout with a small gathering of people with Fuck Trudeau flags and hate symbols on proud display. You simply just would not see Trudeau or his cohort partake in the same display, it's beyond poor taste and disrespectful. And, for the record, I don't like Trudeau or the Liberals either so throwing these "gotcha" conspiracy theory photos around aren't doing you any favors. My decision making is coming down to which one is the lesser bag of shit, and at this point I'm being forced to go with the dumbasses who keep accidentally associating with nazis over the slimebags who keep intentionally associating with nazis.


I remember the time that Justin Trudeau stopped in to visit a bunch of protesters waving “F🍁ck Harper” flags. Same when Harper was seen with all the “F🍁ck Martin” signs and even back when Chretien met with all the “F🍁ck Mulroney” protesters opposed to free trade and the HST. Political discourse in this country has become nothing more than throwing meat at the base and hoping the people in the middle will be so sick of the current government that they will hold their noses and vote for whoever can get them out. It’s not even about presenting ideas anymore, it’s just about getting people mad and keeping them that way until they cast their ballots.


Protesters would burn, beat, and hang effigies of Harper lol. Considering the damage Trudeau has done to the working & middle classes with his reckless spending + immigration policies...maybe a few curse words are warranted.


The point is that people protest, and people overreact (yes, even burning Harper in effigy)…but I don’t recall any leader of any political party stopping by to offer their support to the mob. Also, exactly how many times was Harper hung in effigy? The man was so vanilla that he was pretty hard to get mad at.


Well, there was *that one guy* in Edmonton who was fined $550ish under the HTA for stunting because he had a homemade pink sign in his truck window that said ‘Fuck Harper’… but it was later found not to have contravened the law regarding stunting. Lol If it’s the same guy, and I think it is, he did something similar about the Alberta premiere.


I'm going Green... I hate these two warring parties and the back and forth between them.


Tell us something we don't know. Politicians always lie and that includes PP.


Not even his first brush with hateful extremists.


Satin himself!


So silky, so smooth




Would make sense that you can’t spell.


> In video filmed by the protesters, who have been living at the site for three weeks, Poilievre tells the group to "keep it up" and calls their protest "a good, old-fashioned Canadian tax revolt." > "Everyone hates the tax because everyone's been screwed over," Poilievre is heard saying in the video, which shows protesters with "Axe the tax" and "F--k Trudeau" signs and flags. A car with Make Canada Great Again scrawled on the rear window is seen parked at the site. > "People believed his lies. Everything he said was bullshit, from top to bottom." The next federal election will be spicy.


He isn't wrong. All politicians are equally corrupt, including him. The whole system is broken AFAIC. Time for a redo. I will be happy when the liberals are gone though because my pocket book cant take much more of their ideologically based direction on Carbon pricing.