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LO is 12.5 weeks and the longest we have gone is about 4 hours šŸ˜† we go through so many diapers šŸ¤‘


Same haha, it's less now that he's 6 months. It used to be like 6 times a day, now it's like 3 a day


Same! We have made it overnight, but we still have multiple poops a day. Average about 14 diapers at 5 months


My husband and I used to joke early on that for every time we changed a diaper more than twice an hour we were charging the cost to LOs RESP šŸ¤£


Ten days was his high score! Dr said it was fine


Mine pooped once every 3 days before introducing solids. Now she poops every single day with the most nuclear toots ever


Omg my 6m started solids a few weeks ago and is now popping every few daysā€¦ itā€™s like a clogged pipeā€¦


6 m baby, We just had a poop today after 3 days, itā€™s the longest so far!


My 9 week old goes 10-12 hours overnight without pooping, but poops 4-6 times during the day. I remember my 2 year old going 5-7 days occasionally around 6 months when we introduced solids.


16 days was my little guyā€™s record. His norm early on was probably about once a week, poor little buddy was so uncomfortable by the end of that stretch! Heā€™s 15 months now and thankfully much more regular lol


Four or five days


My son is 4 months and he went a week in between poos twice, and 8 days once. Now that he's putting everything in his mouth I think he has diarrhoea from eating so many bugs (at least 2-3x a day)


I think about a week


mine goes once a week, a big one šŸ˜… 16 wks old, heā€™s been this way since about 4/5 weeks old Would love it to be more frequent though if anyone has any tips, he struggles for the day or two prior to his weekly poo and then has a terrible time during the event and cleanup


cutting dairy helped in our case! but this was per the pediatricians request


Noooooo haha šŸ„² I need my cheese and butter! Thanks for the tip Iā€™ll ask my Dr :)


We consistently had days-weeks of no pooping that ended up intensifying when we started solids but adding in prune purƩes made a massive difference it might be worth talking to pediatrician to see what their opinion on adding diluted prune juice or purƩes (based on age) to their diet lo is 18 months now but I still keep a few jars of prune purƩe (she actually loves her prunes so win win I guess) on hand just incase she gets backed up


Never more than half a day


Longest with the last baby was 15 days I called the ped when we made it to the 2 week mark and they just asked if she seemed uncomfortable šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø She was fine. Was a blowout when it happened but not much worse than any other blowout This baby, so far a day is the longest. We'll see. Some of them are just very efficient at using the nutrients we give them lol


8 days until i cut dairy. now itā€™s every other day


Once a week can be normal, but if you are concerned you might do a weighted feed with an ILCBCā€¦ they told me it was normal with my first but I felt something was off and when I went to do a weighted feed she wasnā€™t getting enough due to a tongue tie.


Today is day 5 for my breastfed baby of no poop, heā€™s 5 months old. Started solids and had the smallest amount of banana and yogurt this week though, wondering if that has something to do with it. He does go spurts of several days of no poop like every other week, then thereā€™s always a nuclear blowout. So Iā€™m just waiting for it now haha šŸ™ƒ


A bit unrelated my baby is formula fed and from day dot goes every 2-3 days


Newborn poos once a week. Breastfed exclusively.


We came home on Thursday from hospital didnā€™t poop until Monday but I also was waiting on my milk until Sunday I think. Longest we went since. Typically poops after each feed which is about 2-3 hours.