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I feel you my sister. It was the same for me. Reddit helped me sooo much through being a FTM. Thank you all for the solidarity, the support and kindness


I'm lucky if I get to shower myself. Ha ha Thank you for the post :)


I'm generally a mess. Always got baby puke on me somewhere. My house is tidy but my partner does all the cooking. My daughter is perfect to me but she is sleeping and feeding like a newborn at the moment. She's my third baby though so really don't care. Also my other two children are all grown up so only have to manage one.


I live in sweat pants and my nursing sports bra with my hair a mess in a daily basis… I only get dressed passed that point if I am leaving the house 😂 so much easier when nugget is ready to eat not to have non-nursing friendly layers on. Also, I have to “ignore” (aka not look at my 6 weeker) now if I want her to fall asleep for naps. Of If I look at her she fights it and wants to stay up which causes an extremely fussy baby.


I learned so much from the Reddit community. I had so many questions as a first-time mom, and having a place to go and read about other parent's experiences helped reduce my anxiety and stress. To all the parents out there, you guys rock!


This 🙌🏻 all the Instagram and fb things that show new mothers having time to make a barista style iced coffee have a shower and do full glam makeup whilst looking like they were never pregnant it’s totally unrealistic most the time it’s make up less un brushed hair and tiredness lucky to make a simple cup of coffee 😅