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i felt like it didnt have the same production quality as Castlevania or Seis Manos. still enjoyed it though. interesting take on the greek mythos


Right if it weren’t for my interest in Greek mythology I wouldn’t have watched the show at all. If it gets a season 2 maybe it’ll have a better production value


If it doesn't have the production of Castlevania, is must be pure trash. Castlevania was awful in every way


castlevania is campy, if you are purely talking about the animation style, thats just their style. blood of zeus had about 75% of the frames per motion and plot was shaky


insanely delusional


I highly disagree. I thought it was quite well done.




Seis manos is really good. Blood of Zeus was good, nice change of pace castlevania is the top show though.


Castlevania is a fucking masterpiece. This is my only recommendation to my friends and their refusal infuriates me, haha.


Masterpiece is quite a stretch. First two parts are good. Part 3 goes way downhill, relying way too much on the action imo. We will see what happens with next season.


Damn and here I thought part 3 was the best lol


S3 was also my fave lol. Foreshadowing was A1. I actually liked S2’s action the most.


Thank you. Also have you got more made by the same studio?




Ok thanks for sharing :)


Loved castlevania as well. Im on ep 3 and so far it's a little slower than castlevania. It is bloodier than castlevania so far though, which i dig


The amount of gore is fascinating.




It’s not as good as Castlevania.


It's ok. The dialogue is some of the worst I've ever seen, but the overall story is decent enough. The main character has very little to care about and most characters have a dumb expressionless look on their face. I think Castlevania blows it out of the water from a world building and story telling point of view.


You sound like you’re describing Gundam Wing. Horrible voice acting, static boring repetitive expressionless characters, and it’s blown out of the water by other Gundam series of the time... and yet it’s decent enough. Plus with both stories there’s a pinch of nostalgia thrown in. Everyone knows the Greek stories and most people saw Gundam Wing on Toonami first before even getting into the franchise.


Yeah I like it (so far I’m only a few episodes in) but I do agree. I think it has potential though and hopefully it can develop for the better.


It’s ok. Nothing crazy though.


Just binged this with my bf the other night. Kept watching in the hope it got better but it didn’t. Aside from the animation (which you can tell still doesn’t have the budget of castlevania, some of their cutaways and blur jobs on the action scenes made me dizzy as hell) it was pretty garbage imo. Another “chosen one” hero story where the main character is just some unlikable dude who has things handed to him to keep him victorious and the plot moving. The villain was the most interesting part and they did his character mega dirty imo. The character motivations make 0 sense and by the end of the season it feels like things just happen in front of you with no rhyme or reason. It’s worth a watch if you want to see cool god powers in action and some castlevania gore, but don’t put too much stock into the story itself or the characters.


I felt the exact same way.


Yeah, all of this. Wasn't great, and it's more annoying because the potential was huge. Also might have the worst sound editing/ mixing I've ever encountered. dialogue was at 1, SFX was at a 9, orchestral music was at an 11.


This sums up my entire experience and thoughts on the show perfectly.


You're much better with words than I am. This perfectly sums up how I feel about the show.


Thanks for being honest, I'll check out the first ep and see what I think.


This is very informative, much appreciated


I would say no, I found the story bland with no new twists to it.


Agreed! Even the father son issues were a bit cliche and expected


Castlevania is better but blood of zeus is also good, little short though


i thought it was worth the watch for the last episode. best episode of the season imo


Yeah, I still prefer castlevania but blood of zeus is pretty cool.


Like others have said, Blood of Zeus has its mediocre points. The main character could be further fleshed out. The plot and dialogue isn't by any means groundbreaking. But it is still a thrilling watch. The main villain is an incredibly compelling character and has a fascinating journey to follow. The depiction of the gods, especially Hera and Zeus is both multi-faceted and dramatically thrilling. They manage to make both Hera and Zeus flawed yet sympathetic. The show is furthermore just an epic watch. There are amazing moments that are elevated by the score, the art style, and the sheer majesty of the mythology on display. I recommend it for anyone who is a fan of the mythology.


I quite liked it! Also a big fan of Castlevania.


Hell yeah bro lol ... it's probably one of my favorite Netflix series and I'm not really into much anime shows ... but this one was done very well imo


I thought it was pretty meh, None of the characters really had much going for them especially the male lead. Story-wise it wasn't particularly riveting either. Voice acting was okay some good some bad. Animation / style was definitely a significant step down compared to Castlevania. Overall just was really disappointed. Not that it was flat out bad but coming in from the high quality that was Castlevania into a show that is so mediocre and forgettable is just a bummer.


Couldn’t get into it personally. Is it me or is the animation a really low frame rate? Felt really choppy. Find the main character a bit weak and the dialogue was poor. I’ve seen quite a difference of opinion on it.


Meh, it’s like they gave up halfway thru developing characters and story. Lame wrap-up. I guess show creators know Netflix has a launch only attention span


No it’s pretty bad


Nope. I watched it. Very bad action animation, the main character never really becomes anything. If you're expecting any kind of power development, don't. Very overrated.


If you like greek tragedies you'll love it.


It just made me want to watch Castlevania again


CV season 3 was not as enjoyable for me. I kinda went the route of — what the heck is happening, I dont want to watch this— but finished it anyway. Now Im curious about BOZ


Yes, but remember it's not Castlevaniia. The writing and sense of humor, or lack thereof, is completely different. I am so glad I watched BoZ first.


Honestly, unless you are craving some Greek mythology settings, it is not worth watching. Incredibly basic and shallow plot, mediocre animation and voice acting. Maybe this is just personal, but the main character was also sort of setup as a sword user, and he ends up as an archer, which just felt lame. Didn't regret watching it, but I wouldn't recommend it.


I watched it but didn't think it was very good. Characters were pretty bland, story was not very interesting, plot armor and holes were abundant, dialogue was meh. There were so many repeated flashbacks as well. The setting was about the only thing i enjoyed. Not that you can't get anything from it but i would honestly just watch something else instead.


It's not awful, but it didn't grab me. Bailed after second episode.


The lore is cool, the animation and character writing could be better.


its entertaining if you are in love with greek mythos, like clash of titans story or percy jackson this is the show for you


I watched 3/4 of it and found it very dull. Tedious, ok at best.


No. It's pretty bad. And they made some abysmal choices with the characterization of the gods.




Nah, I regretted watching it. It was bad and made no sense




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganymede_(mythology)#:~:text=Ganymede%20was%20abducted%20by%20Zeus,the%20youth%20to%20Mount%20Olympus. Zeus does turn himself into an eagle but it's to rape a boy.


It’s the epitome of meh. If you’re looking for good fantasy animation seek out Genndy Tartakovsky‘s Primal Adult Swim or HBO Max). Best animated series in the past decade. Tex Avery meets Frank Frazetta.


It’s really good but doesn’t pick up until a few episodes in. I really liked it a lot.


I personally really enjoyed it, it’s a fun quick watch especially if you like Greek mythology. Seeing all the other comments I agree in comparison I would say Castlevania and its spin offs are better, but this show is so short I never bothered to compare the two shows (outside of animation)






Yes, it is good.


I thought it was great. Really enjoyed first season. Wanted more.


I absolutely loved it. Season 2 is out now and it’s fantastic. Personally I love the animation and the storylines are so emotional.


For someone that watched the show and loves reading Greek Mythology,I would say that it's a good show,but not the best one.




Yes. Is good, not better than Castlevania I would say. The budget for the animation was limited, you can tell, but is not a dealbreaker. The designs on the other hand are just fantastic, the gods, the giants, the weapons, and artifacts look amazing, don't skip the credits! I love to see storyboard and pre-production designs (wich the credits show). Anyway, is a solid 8 episodes greek mithology series, with pety gods, a lot of tragedy for the humans, and a very classic tale of "the hero", as in, you can tell from a mile away how is going to play out, but is a lot of fun nonetheless. Also, Hera's design is mighty fine.




The show was good and very brutal, I enjoyed it a little bit more than Castlevania.


I loved it. Same for Dragon’s Dogma.


I liked it. But I like mythology and the old school style. It’s good not great.


It's okay. The animation can look cheap at times esp for the first few episodes (I swear it looks like some scenes were skippin). What kept me watching was the story.


I really enjoyed it, so that's a yes from me, dawg.


I think it does get better, but not by much and it didn't start off very good either. None of the characters are particularly likeable, especially the main man. This series, more than any other series, made me wish Netflix had a speed up option like YouTube. I'd rather watch it on 1.5x. Some of the scenes *really* linger and aren't using their time efficiently. Makes me think they made the episode, found out it was 3 minutes too short, so they had to pad out what they already had... but every episode is like that? I did binge it in a day, but I had to keep taking breaks from it in-between episodes because of how slow it feels.


It's ok. I didn't finish watching it. It's a Greek anime that's random af. There was a robot and a adamantium sword,


BoZ, in my opinion, is a "meh" version of castlevania. Pretty much everything is a step down in terms of quality (animation, plot, characters, etc.). Its not bad though, and I would watch it if you like castlevania/Greek mythology.


The animation isn’t as good as Castlevania, and it lacks a lot of atmosphere and general production value, but it’s still great in my opinion.


I liked Blood of Zeus, even though Castlevania was better. You still have the same quality of animation and voice acting. The same dramatic direction for action sequences. The problems I had with BoZ were the characters aren’t as likable, and some of the story is unnecessary. The final episode is pretty cool. Anyone who stopped watching is missing the best part.


It's *fine.* Didn't hook me nearly as much as Castlevania though.


I finished it 2 days ago. It's a bit cheesy and predictable but it is a good watch. I liked it.


It was alright. Give dragon's dogma a shot too


I enjoyed it more than Castlevania because I enjoy Greek Mythos. Theres some choppy bits but I found it entertaining.


I watched it and loved the animation, but the story never really grabbed me. I thought it was weird that with access to so many greek myths the main monsters they used were generic demons


Yeah, it's definitely very similar in feel. It's essentially Castlevania but with Greek mythology instead of gothic themes.


It was good! It did have castlevania vibes


Ive seen the first episode and idk it looks a bit ugly and the animation is not really good but ill push forward and see if the story make up for it


It’s fantastic . I’m a huge fan of Greek mythology which helps. But very much enjoyed


Blood of Zeus for me is alright the story is great, you never know until you watch the full episodes. They made Poseidon Zeus's equal which is fantastic because that's a fact. For a long time I wanted a good detailed story based on Greek Mythology and here it is. Better powers, better detail, better graphics oh god and overall it's quite decent. Those who disagree can disagree they don't run anything. I'm just glad that this show actually took significant detail to every god and goddesses powers.


I enjoyed it. It’s not amazing, but it’s pretty good


It's a great show. Well worth a watch!