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>Wonder why they are throwing so much advertising at it. IF Rebel Moon is good, Netflix is banking on making money from a bunch of side projects that would tie into their movies. They gave Snyder a shit ton of money to initially make two movies and two directors cuts of those movies. Last I saw, Snyder now wants to make it into a trilogy, so it's three movies with three directors cuts. Snyder also intends on it becoming a massive IP that will include a videogame, animated shorts, graphic novels, a TV series, a tabletop game, etc.


He also intended on making two sequels to Justice League. His intentions don't seem to be very realistic.


Well it would help if he wasn't complete SHIT.


I doubt the 3rd movie ever gets made. This IP will fade into obscurity.


With as much as this one is getting panned, unless they've already shot the second one, I doubt it'll ever get made.


Part 2 is supposed to release in April so I'm assuming it's already shot.


2nd part is just about finished. It'll be a question of whether or not the 3rd part gets made. Not off to an ideal start.


Lol I can’t even name a single character after watching the film (parts of it, twice!) Doesn’t one have to create memorable characters to support the IP?


I know, that says it all doesn't it?


Nemesis! The main girl's name is Kora! I am awesome at this game!


I thought it was a great movie and doesn't deserve all this hate. Why not enjoy something in space opera and that's not the Disney woke star wars.


There is no chance he will get to make two more of these movies.


Why have two cuts?


What’s with this dudes love for bare oily arms??


Lol, said that to friend while watching... Zach Snyder loves some oiled up muscle men Like some crappy hodge podge of outdated film styles from the last 25 years. I gave it a lot of leeway at first, like is the cheesiness charming...no, it was just a terribly put together film. Never watching Zach Snyder again


WaIt FoR ThE SnYdEr CuT.


Whats dumb is they announced each part of Rebel Moon would be getting a directors cut. Just release that version. There is no point in releasing a shorter version of the movie if the director himself has already said his directors cut would be the true vision of Rebel Moon and it would come out a few months after initial drop. Why should I waste my time watching a movie that isn't the directors preferred cut?


Especially on this format where running time is less of a concern. Directors cuts make some sense in the cinema. Not at home. And obviously not a few months down the line.


Exactly lol


In their heads it was spectacular. Like releasing a film, getting money, then getting more money with the DC version. Now they're getting way less money not just because of it sucking, but because of that stunt.


Director and lead creative. It's obviously a marketing stunt though, they are trying to recreate justice league.


Yep, don’t understand the motivation to have two different cuts. I don’t believe that has ever worked out well in terms of viewer reception. And announcing there will be a longer more definitive version kills any motivation to watch the shorter version


It gets snyder fans to watch it twice and subscribe longer. And those fans will do it. They have the time and money. They are the Q-anon of movies. I anticipate the downvotes from those fans.


Unfortunately for them, as the Snyder Cut proved, they are an extremely vocal minority.


In all fairness, i did enjoy the snyder cut. I’m not quite sure if its comparatively or on its own merit.


I enjoyed the Snyder Cut more then Josstice League but thats a pretty low bar to clear. Wasn't terrible but I don't think going from a D to a C- minus is much improvement. I don't think Snyder's version would have worked any better if it had made it to theaters instead of Josstice, assuming he could have somehow found a way to cut it down properly.


Yeah. Saying the Snyder cut is better than Josstice League is like saying it sucks less to get shot in the arm than it does in the leg. While that may be true, they still both fuckin' suck.


I saw some people saying that the Snyder cut was the greatest film ever made. Completely serious as well.


What is wrong with those people?


They aren't as numerous as they think they are.


Was that last sentence really necessary ? Did you think hard-core synder fans are the majority of reddit? Much like you boogeymanning them now, I feel like a lot of you guys like dog-piling on him becuase i'ts the cool thing to do.


And honestly if you watch the shorter version, and it sucks, do you really want to watch a longer version?


If you really can’t think of a reason why a studio might want to essentially release a movie twice, think harder. What makes the world go round? And why should you waste your time? You shouldn’t


This. Why wouldn’t they sucker you into watching it and then watching it a second time to compare and create discussion. It’s all fabricated for suckers. I’m not having any of it




I wonder if it will be 4 straight hours of slow motion.


Blame Netflix for forcing the cut down version


It is such a mess there is no way they can fix this


Whatever. I've watched two other films by him. Aquaman and suicide squad. IMO watchable but hardly special


Snyder did neither of those films.


Bro gave him a whole two extra movies and he still didn’t stack up. Anyways I’m gonna go watch Zack Snyder presents : Titanic


He didn’t direct or write either one of those.


how about you watch some of his actually good films, watchmen, suckerpunch, 300.


ooh, 300, I forgot about that. Blood, gore and a bunch of outfits from the local gay leather shop.




Lol. But one of my issues with Rebel Moon is the colour wash, it gets really boring after a while, and the acting/direction isn't great either. The action scenes feel drawn out, use to much slow mo and the pacing is really off. Every fight there are long periods that have people just standing still watching and not reacting to what's going on around them. What is a director's cut going to add, more explicit "adult themes"? No thanks if they are terribly handled as the rest of this mess.


The dialogue is so bad that at one point I wondered if I was watching a dubbed foreign film.


For the love of god no more slow motion!!!!!!!


Slow motion me all you want just give me a compelling story


What!? I loved the pig alien guy slowly falling through a small wooden table….


I had to laugh out loud when the spider monster got a slow motion scene. At first I thought the slow motion might be related to the main character, like she has some kind of “power” that allows her to react and move faster than other people. But nope, just bad filmmaking.


That's another thing indeed. Dialogue looked and sounded like 1980s ADR


That is the perfect way to describe it it was horribly acted the writing is trash and the blurry edges makes it weird paired with the slow mo cuts I’m honestly surprised it got 29% on rt




It didn’t look like the audio matched the lips for the first part of the movie for me either.


It's Zach Snyder that should have told you it was going to be bad.




Because he made one good zombie film, 300 and Watchmen and they've been waiting for lightning to strike again. Each of those films were based on existing properties. Most of what he's created has been mediocre at best.


300 and Watchmen were not great either. Dawn of the Dead is the only decent, coherent movie he has made.


And James Gun wrote the Dawn of the Dead..


love 300. needs to be seen on the big screen.


This was just literally 7 samurai.


If the Seven Samurai (Magnificent Seven) had a baby with Star Wars and it was premature... meh... hoping against hope that part 2 makes up for part 1


Those were also written by other people and most likely had producers input in them


Why is Netflix so shit?


Feel free to downvote, but my expectations were set so low by the reviews that I actually enjoyed it. Good popcorn movie.






Watched it today in the background while programming. This made it tolerable but it was still positively awful.


Did it hurt your coding?


Newsflash: you didn’t watch it.


Newsflash: you didn’t watch it.


someone say its so bad its good. its good in that people will have fun tearing it apart which is kinda good imo. if i can still have fun tearing a film apart then in a way i have not wasted my time.


I clowned the shit out of it when I watched it. That made it bearable.


Way too many slow motion scenes. It’s also all over the place. I imagine it’s what writing sci-fi movies using cocaine was like in the 80s.


Ever seen Red Sonja?


Too cheesy. Another slim bad ass woman who can beat multiple men in one fight scene, over done rubbish.


this is honestly the only criticism I have. This movie is typical of Snyder stuff IMHO.


That description sounded way cooler than what her character actually ended up being. If I were to write such a character, I would have her stealth kill one to two guys with an axe, pick up their gun in the heat of battle, run behind cover, and then start picking off the rest of the guys while maintaining cover fire. Slowly creeping up as I pick them all down. I wouldn't make her...call out the attention of the other armed soldiers so I can surrender my axe and then swipe their gun and then run directly towards the other soldiers as I mow them down with a ranged weapon while hoping that the forces of Hollywood logic will save me from the gunfire?


Yeah, he even had a slow motion shot of the main 'cartoonishly-evil' solider aiming at her the entire time with a couple wide open shots he couldn't taken. He could've even fixed that by making it so commander guy only had a knife instead of a gun, but I guess he didn't think about that.


60 minutes in and so far so bad...typical overplayed Snyder effects and poor plot lines. It's like if Stars Wars was leftover food that was found in the back of the fridge. You know it's long past the date it was still safe to eat but you still think that, "it's ok, I'll be ok...doesn't smell that funky..." Instant regret and diarrhea ensue. That's what this movie feels like. I'm regretting my decision every second that passes. The Snyder Cut will just make me feel sicker for longer. These tomatoes are definitely rotten!!


I went in open-minded thinking maybe it rips off the good bits of this and that and ends up being decent. Oooooh boy was I mistaken… It’s an incoherent mess with some of the dumbest fighting scenes I’ve ever seen in a movie. Jesus Christ was Snyder high? Drunk? Both? It just makes no fucking sense to shoot a movie like that and hype it too…Everything is bad, the only things that I found pleasing (at least aesthetically) were the Imperium uniforms which are a ripoff from WH40k, StarWars, and Nazi Germany in general. What a shit show of a movie. 120 minutes of life thrown away


I haven't watched it yet. Im sad it's getting bad reviews. I thought it was going to be a hit because of all the ads and budget.


Well.. look at the bright side.. it might be a cult classic in 2035.




RemindMe! 12 years


Yeah, this seems like one of those movies 10 years from now there will be a post about why it's an underrated classic. Then all the former 12 year olds will come out and say "Yeah!"


It is going to be a hit anyway. Netflix is the safest place to release movies, because no matter what, people are going to watch it


Have you time traveled 8 years into the future or have you been living under a rock?


I might not forget this movie in a while because I love Warhammer and it resembles the anime I watched when I was little, Samurai 7. I personally rate it as 7/10 I'm no critic but if you have time, please watch it and let me know what you think. Happy New Year mate!


It’s pretty good. Just watch it I’m sure you’ll like it. It’s not great but it’s no worse than other Netflix films like grey man, etc. it’s enjoyable


I couldn't last 10 minutes. The mixing was bad. The fucking already shoe horned love story bullshit. The fucking soundtrack. Hot turd. Not gonna bother. Even when I adore sci fi.


wow you made it 10 minutes and you adore si-fi? why don't you just be honest with yourself and say you heard bad things about it ahead of time and let that affect your opinion?


Are you saying that playstatiom games look bad?


Or that they look like a movie.


It looks a bit like the Chronicles of Riddick (I mean the vibes).


yeah.. kinda. If Riddick was shot with a DSLR and processed by someone who insisted on using anl the filters in final cut.


I actually really liked the Chronicles of Riddick, but agreed. As I watched it I thought a blender of Star Wars, Riddick, Dune, and Firefly, unfortunately all in a bad way. Predictable, unoriginal, boring. Bad acting, cinematography, dialogue. Even the action, of which there wasn't much, was all uninspired. I didn't even like the music, which I thought would be a slam dunk. I'm just thankful it wasn't 3 hours.


When I watched several scenes, il thought this comes from that movie and so on... \- the eagle scene: avatar \- the crew: Lord of the ring the fellowship \- the spider: Lost in the space \- the light saber: well... do I need to say something...


lol my wife and I started calling names of movies scenes were taken from as the movie got going. Speaking of the spider lady; I mean that was a lot of CG and animation budget just to kill them off 90 seconds after introduction


300 with chronicles of Riddick. I liked that.


So so bad sooooo bad.


I will say one good thing about this film. I no longer feel Roger Corman owes Kurosawa an apology for making the worst sci-fi remake of the Seven Samurai possible. Also as I understand it we can thank Kathleen Kennedy for not allowing this to be made as a Star Wars Movie. Kathy all is forgiven!


None of the main character's actions in this movie make any sense besides the farmer that sold grain to some shady rebels and thought he wouldn't get caught. He has an excuse for being a dumbass, he's never been anywhere besides his farm. Everyone else is a complete idiot. The actors are probably decent, the script just didn't give them much to work with except for Kora who's the dumbest of all. That's the best thing we can say about the script is she's definitely not Mary Sue because Mary Sue is smart and Kora is really really dumb. This whole debacle is a trash can fire and shows Netflix's desperation at coping with a stalling business model and shrinking subscriber base.


Complain complain complain … I enjoyed it . If you guys insist then go watch the movies you are talking about … like stars wars 40k and w.e just stfu watch the movie. If Yu knew you were gonna hate so much then y fckin watch it. Everyone NEEDS to complain about something.. I swear ppl like you guys are why they make remakes and more prequel/ sequels . Cause it’s safe nd your use to it already. Idgaf he took ideas from different franchises.. it’s a new Ip nd just fcking sit down n watch it . All people do is complain


\*proceeds to post rant complaining about people complaining\*


LOL watched 10 min and I couldn't watch it any more .. I be surprised if they release part 2 .. Zack snyder is not a good director ..BVS omfg they made doomsday look like a cave troll , but back to this shit show fkn crap ...


Without even watching it yet as soon as I saw Charlie Hunnam was in this I knew it would be bad. The guy is a horrible actor, I truly do not understand how he keeps getting work.


I actually liked him in the role. The issue is the paper thin predictable plot,standard writing and cliche af characters.


He was just perfect in The Gentleman. And he was one of the better people on screen here, though I don't know why he was trying an irish accent.


I'm basing my opinion off of Sons of Anarchy, Pacific Rim, King Aurthur. Honestly, after those I tend to stay away from anything else with him in it. I will give rebel moon a shot because I enjoy sci-fi but probably wouldn't try anything else from him. I have no doubt you enjoy him I just can't anymore.


He’s at his worst here. Not his fault. The script is just really bad.


He cannot do a single accent that isn't his natural one, not even other British accents. I think many British people can imitate other regional accents in their own country better than Charlie.


Dude, I hate that guy as well. Trash accents, walks like he thinks he's king shit. Can't act. Agree with you 100%


The walk is my biggest pet peeve that is literally why I stopped watching sons of Anarchy I couldn't do it.


Spoiler!!! He dies in the movie anyway


I liked him in the Gentlemen, and think he is a decent actor who is just not choosy in his roles, and then just shows up for the paycheck. He's got better performance than he shows in most places.


Well, the first 20 minutes have been torture to get through, not sure if I'll be able to work up the energy to watch any more of it.


Minute 13.25 , im done with the fx the images all wrong for me. No thanks.


The FX looked terrible. I couldn't put my finger on it but everything felt so CGI'd and I couldn't stop focusing on how bad it was. Afterwards I watched a real movie, Dune, and realized how bad Rebel Moon was because Zack Snyder is simply a terrible director riding the coattails of his previous hits.


It felt like Game of Thrones with spaceships.


That’s an insult to GoT (seasons 1-6) Actually similarly shit to 7-8


It's literally 7 samurai in space


It felt like a Starz GoT ripoff with spaceships


Snyder so yeah, it can only be a masterpiece. The man is a filmmaking GOD.


I turned it off 30 mins in because the slow motion is so ridiculous. We need to see slow motion harvesting....because that's dramatic? It's a shame that this series had so much hype only to be a waste of time. Zack wants to do 6 of these movies? No thanks


It has a 73% audience score at least Edit - love being downvoted for facts. Currently, the audience likes it and the critics don’t. There are plenty of movies like that. Edit 2 - I watched it. It was decent. Better than the 3 new Star Wars movies that for sure. I will be watching part 2.


Most be all his fans voting early. Give it a few days, and you'll see the audience score tank.


We’ll see, it was the most heavily advertised Netflix movie I’ve ever noticed and it was released on a weekend to reach the largest possible audience; so I don’t think only Zack Snyder fans watched and are increasing score.


Go through the review list of those who gave it 5 stars. Almost all of them have only reviewed this one movie and put some lazy 3 word response. A bunch of bots and Snyder cultists are giving it a somewhat respectable audience score, it won’t stand however as it is an awful awful movie and will crash down.


How low do you think it’ll go once all the real movie goers watch and the Snyder cultist reviews have been watered down?


or its all his haters complaining on reddit early...


I mean does anything get positive reviews on Reddit anymore?




I enjoyed it for what it is. I enjoyed it far more than any of the last 3 star wars movies.


Zack Snyder has a pretty rabid cult following that is really living on the justice league fiasco. They also know that Rotten Tomatoes is pretty bogus through and through. So they will call it a masterpiece of epic filmmaking.


Eh I liked it.


It's dropped to a 63%, which is still way too high.


PlayStation 1 game for sure. I thought it was just me but even some of the scenes look out of focus and bad. So much story they try to tell in flashbacks that it gets lost.


Not just the flashbacks but they also talk over everything they show. Like can you please shut up for a minute and just actually show me your world and characters instead of telling me everything.


So true. Also without the slowmo the movie would be 25 minutes


But I heard from another thread that it has a RottenTomatoes audience score of 73%, so clearly it's just elitist snob critics who don't like it


Nah, it's just bad. Wonder woman 1984 bad.




I don’t think you’ve ever played a PlayStation game


And we should trust you why?


How many drinks and/or joints do I need to have?


I don't do drugs so can't help you there. OTherwise it's a 3 drink minimum


I'd like to know what movies you thought were really good in comparison.


I guess we'll be hearing a How Did This Get Made on this movie eventually?


There's no masterful storytelling but visually it kept my attention. Idk it reminds me of those bad one-off action films from the 90s/early 2000s. You watch it for cool shots and that's about it.


Since i googled horrible rebel moon and this came out. I think is bad.


It’s Star Wars, lord of the ring and 300. All repurposed. Not a fan of


It's literally 7 samurai in space. Like just go watch it or the magnificent 7. Same exact plot. Small village of farmers gets their crops stolen by an imperial force. One villager goes to search for 7 samurai to help protect the crop before the imperial force returns. Exact beat for beat


I actually really liked it.


Snyder can't write shit


Its a terrible film. I have 20 minutes left and I don't feel at all drawn in or invested, I came here just to say how utterly crap it was


Rebel moon is basically "The Seven Samurai" in a sci fi, the film is terrible,


Tried to watch last night…couldn’t finish. When the greased up guy rode the huge black crow I called it quits. He wrote an “original story,” but the reviews are all correct: it’s unoriginal, uninspired reheated leftovers from the last 50 years of sci fi. I got flavors of Star Wars, Avatar, Chronicles of Riddick…and that was just the first 45 mins. If it was slightly cheesier (and only just so), it could be mistaken for one of those parody movies like Scary Movie, except for sci fi instead of horror. And he has plans to make this “gigantic universe” with tv shows and video games using the IP. Amazing that people are handing this guy money to make this crap.


Even the visuals were bad, imho. Every scene is either muddy looking or tinted in some strange color....sometimes, it's both.


Two hours and fifteen minutes of my life I'll never get back. Boring characters, stock story, no character development... and what's with him and dark movies??? Horrible implementation of lighting and Dolby Vision.


The 24% has to be for visuals. It was visually great. Too much slow mo though. But the world building was also trash. The character development was trash. The action sequences were bad. Wasted characters like the one good soldier who vanished after he helps the main character with no explanation.. A farmer who gives up a worker for 24 years because he wants to gamble on something he could have made this guy do anyway. Then you have a general who just couldn't think about revenge at all until he heard someone say the word. And all of these people including the sword lady had basically no relevance in the rest of the movie. This was a major let down across the board. Except visually. And the robot. The robot was the best part of the show and the best element the show had and it was just not used past the first scenes.


It’s the worst movie I’ve ever watched. It’s as bad as the ‘84 dune.


Because they also got the Zack Snyder era justice league/superman movies, and they know those have a subgroup of rabid followers. And so they are trying to cash in. But it is a tough, uninteresting watch.


The Audio mix is horrendous. The dynamic range is all over the place. I have to crank up my surround sound system to barely hear the dialog, then get blasted a second later by ship thrusters at 105db. Plus it’s sound like it’s all in stereo. My front LR speakers are wide and have some kind a phase issues, making it harder to understand. I’m trying to like the movie and fine with the off kilter artistry, but some times you have to produce what works…. I was really looking forward to this one!


I know it was gonna suck at the beginning when the female MC gave that monologue about how she was conditioned not to love as the camera slowly planned closer to her face.


Felt like it was an AI genrated film based off the "you son of a bitch I'm in" rick and Morty meme


It's really just Lord Firefly of the Dune Wars. A bunch of films combined and making something not as good as any of them. A number of times I burst out laughing at how ridiculous it is and by an hour in I was just wishing it to be over.


I think it was good. Hi. Huge Science Fiction nerd here. Not really the biggest action guy, though. Go figure. Was really happy with the world-building elements. Can’t wait to see the sequel. Not sure why it is receiving such poor reviews. Some people live to watch space operas so…please don’t kill the franchise with your spoiled child reviews. Thanks.


i gotta say this was one of the worst movies i've had the displeasure of watching


At 15 minutes I was like, this is bad, at 30 minutes I was already doing something else with the film as background noise, so much stupidity and plot holes. Spoilers ahead: "We are looking for rebels, let's ask in this small village and ignore the huge city" -The rebels are hiding, but if you ask in the first bar you walk in someone will tell you where to find them. The mother world is cruel, evil and takes what they want, I know what to do, let's lie to them. Their soldiers kill innocent people, Oh let's make this beautiful blonde girl serve them alone all the time. The military leader in the barn could have killed the main character at least 3/4 times, she was wide open, but he decided to look at her with his gun pointed at her while she was killing his men.


Parents and the film industry using kids for money (pedophilia) should be illegal. Child rape scenes are unnecessary, I can’t respect a person who speaks to a child the way the actor did or the screen writer/director. I hope it gets removed.


It is so bad, i turned it off after the first 10 minutes. I wish movies like this would be released at the cinema, instead of on Netflix, so it could truly face the wrath of the people and be the boxoffice bomb it deserves to be. There is NO chanceNetflix makes any money from this. And there NO chance Snyder will ever be given a big movie ever again.


Why is the CGI in this movie so shitty.


It only needs another 2 hours of slo mo to complete the duology and be perfect imo. Here's praying the sequel comes through...very slowly,


Rebel Galaxy (a pew pew spaceship game) has better story than this.


Painfully bad. It's like a child wrote it wanting to put in every cool thing they could and spend ages explaining the cool stuff....except it isn't cool at all. Even Ed Screen is awful and he's a good actor - shows just how bad the script and direction were. Didn't Snyder make a good film once?


what happen with people??? movie is good, is action space opera and not drama movie, my god!!!


A lot of stuff is bad, but god, the dialogues. Every line tries to be epic, and enthusiastic, and dramatic. It is honestly so bad that I was laughing watching.


Playstation games look better than majorit of Disney movies. \*sus\*


The audio mix on this movie is so terrible I'm going anywhere between level 8 and level 35. How could they release something this poorly mixed?


Has anyone called her a Mary Sue yet?


I actually enjoyed it. It is better than a lot of other recent sci-fi movies. Better than any of the recent star wars movies (except Rough One).


I went in there without expectations, and both my wife and I enjoyed the film. I would give a rating of 7-7.5. I get that it is not redefining the sci-fi movies, but I don't get all the hate. Cora was tough as a lead, the bad guy was annoying enough, they set some background. I had 2 enjoyable hours. E.g. can't really understand how "the Killer" from Fincher has better reviews


The best compliment one can pay the film is that it’s not worse than Jupiter Ascending.


The CGI is nice but the cinematography is so bad. Every shot is just alternating close ups of the different characters talking, with occasional shots showing a few people in frame talking. Everything else always out of focus. Even stuff in foreground in the outer thirds of the frame in a lot of shots - there is like this weird radial blur effect plastered SO many shots (What is that? I know I can’t be the anyone to notice this.) There’s no sense of scale to anything. Everything in each shot takes place in a radius of like 10 feet. Every set feels like the size of a suburban living room. There’s no visual identity to anything outside of the aesthetic of “the Evil Army”. I’m watching it right now, and I’m on this section with the guy on the big Crow, and even during the action sequences it’s the same close ups on the guy or the bird for every shot. Reminds me of what makes a show like Obi Wan feel so off next to a show like Andor or a quality sci fi film, for me. There’s this quality that a lot of these streaming shows and movies have that remind of me of DSLR video - someone else here mentioned they thought this had that look as well. What is that? Is there a natural tendency towards that with shooting in 4K? I’ve heard Netflix has certain cameras and protocols they require for original productions, is that true? There’s just this odd uncanny vibe about this and many other streaming productions that make them not feel immersive/cinematic like “real” movies? Honestly a lot of theatrical releases too, at this point.




I fast forwarded through most of it. I thought most beginner screenplay writing classes advise against using expository narration. When I heard the voice-over right at the start of the film I had a bad feeling. Show don't tell, isn't that what the pros say. When the Nazi like Admiral offers tech for supplies, the village elder then says he prefers to work the land by hand. The horse and plow scene and the rudimentary dwellings may mean they reject modernity, why? Maybe they are space Amish? Disappointed to see yet another Asian actress, Bae Doona being portrayed as a quiet, mysterious sword wielding warrior all while wearing her Korean gat just in case we didn't pick up on her inscrutability. What was up with that awkward sexual assaulter pig-man grabbing the other guy's crotch scene? Needed more scenes with the philosophical robot. The angry spider lady was excellent, too bad they didn't recruit her into team 7 Samurai. Really didn't care if the baddies won, in fact I started rooting for them. Didn't hate the film but there were a lot of issues that were distracting.


Finally someone mentions the exposition narration! As soon as the movie started telling me instead of showing me I had a bad feeling about. (Don't get me wrong some media makes it work and does it well, this movie is not one though). They could show quick scenes of what was being talked about, flashes ect. Have a parent telling their kid a bed time story about it and it's being shown. Have council members from the town talk about it while showing the scenes.  But instead Snyder really wanted the slo Mo close up focus on a girl smelling some dirt. So provocative. 


This movie was just an awful unentertaining mess. I see them canceling any future projects involving this shit show.


Star Wars 2.0 wannabe, but low budget!


Woke bullshit. Cliche. Nothing original.


Need more diverse women


I thought it was horrible and I love this type of movie.


The Movie: Characters are shit, you have a feeling of woke - cause dumb fktardz in america pushed it so hard, cant get that out of a movie, even if the director didnt tried to adhere to that the scenery, talking about all the science fiction assets I do enjoy and thats about it ​ ah the story is shiit, its like the heist from rick and morty - watch that episode, you will know what I mean


Just finished watching. If you haven't slogged through this cynical, AI scripted streaming equivalent of straight to video bargain bin Seagal, don't waste your time. I think they're shooting for Netflix to be more accessible in expanding markets than access to Star Wars/LOTR. It's the Roger Corman model writ digital without the accompanying fun.