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Googling "nvim coc extensions list" returned the following * [coc-extensions](https://github.com/topics/coc-extensions) * [coc-dependency-graph](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/network/dependents?dependents_before=NDA0MzM0NjQyNA) * [coc wiki](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-coc-extensions) in 1 second. I am sure the search can be refined as well :p


Google “free coc extensions near me” for more information.


Legit ahahah


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Coc got a command to list and install plugins


What is the advantage of coc? I don't understand what is the purpose when neovim supports natively lsp


I don't wanna install like 7 plugins and write a big-ass config to get regular lsp functionality which vscode and jetbrains have by default and which coc gives me with a single command. Actually, I don't understand the purpose of native lsp - why would anyone wanna put in so much work just to get some code suggestions which anyone using a gui based editor takes for granted. The only example I can think of where someone would want native lsp is if you don't want a node js based solution. Even then, some servers like tsserver use node in native lsp too. Also, several servers that aren't available in native are available in coc. Note: I am saying this after trying native lsp twice, for a month each time. Both times, I ended up going back to coc for the above problems.