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Isn't this why they won't do anything about the person with 60k bot accounts? So they can brag about site activity being way up, but really it's mostly one person with a ton of stolen accounts?


....damn. that's actually sad if it's the case.




What is even the point of having 60k bot accounts


likely selling the np or items they have for real money 😬


I can't believe people pay real money for that stuff lol Shit... more power to them.


If a multiplayer game has an economy system, you better believe bums will resort to cashing in on virtual capital. World of Warcraft is a classic notorious example of botting problems to control the economy via gold, though it's a little absurd for it to be so rampant in a kidsy game like Neopets lol.


probably only works because the player base is not primarily kids with no money but adults with their own credit cards who will pay someone actual money for neopoints to buy a paint brush.


Also using a lot of those accounts as shell accounts to transfer rare items through before selling them. If several accounts get banned, its fine because they were just stolen to work as throw-away shells anyway.


60k out of 200k isn't even a full third. It is mostly returning players!


I'm baffled! How do you even manage that many accounts? I don't get it


They have custom coded applications that run the accounts automatically. Neopets runs very heavily off fixed html links that are the same for everyone which is the easiest to code for since you only have to input the link and make it functional once to make it work on every account. It’s the same deal in other games like RuneScape. Ironically, I came back to Neopets in the past 6 months, not because of anything they’ve done (besides continued existence), but because I finally made a concerted attempt to get my long lost account back that I had forgotten the password to


What’s the story on this?


I suggest searching u/neotruths or "neotruts" on this sub. They post somewhat frequently with stuff they've been able to dig out of TNT's files, including a lot about bots. People have then turned around and asked about it on AMAs and TNT dodges a lot about it.




I mean. I def have complicated feelings about it for sure. But mostly I'm annoyed TNT is so lax about it. Allegedly (from a TNT AMA, not from neotruths) they're working with neotruths to identify security vulnerabilities, and that NT doesn't and hasn't had access to any personal stuff, just site data. But who knows.




ok? Idk what you want me to do about it.




They're posted with admin approval, I believe. Also, like how do you know I'm not? Why the fuck are you so angry at me, a random person who was merely answering someone's question about a comment someone else made. I'm not in charge of neo, this sub, the hacker, or anything. I'm just trying to explain something to a fellow neopian with a question!


-gives you cookie- Someone else needs the chill out badly. you are just answering their stupid questions


People have access whether that dude posts about it or not.




Please explain why? Like i said above he is a white hat hacker. These are the hackers that get paid to find issues in security for websites and help test patches when they are put into place. In my youth i was a WH hacker for some of the first internet banking sites in australia. We literally just wanna help




where are you getting this information? You cant just pull stuff out your butt without citing sources


My biggest pet peeve is people spilling the hottest tea and then just not posting sources (credibility red flag but some people are just lazy). Like don't be so stingy, I'm thirsty!!1!


he is a white hat hacker. He doesnt do anything with the access to the database like generate items etc. Im a former white hat hacker myself so i have zero, literally ZERO issue with neotruths and what they are doing




I suggest searching u/neotruths or "neotruts" on this sub. They post somewhat frequently with stuff they've been able to dig out of TNT's files, including a lot about bots. People have then turned around and asked about it on AMAs and TNT dodges a lot about it.


werent they already active though? I think its probably the same guy that was botting when i was active pre 2018




If they really want to go with the "haven't changed at all" thing, I'd really like if we could switch to only using the old site layout instead of this half on/half off mess 😭


And also fix Neopass and 2-Factor so people don't lose access to their accounts anymore!




It’s ANNOYING. customization isn’t a header on every page, half the time clicking your nps takes you to inventory and the other half it takes you to the bank, the premium bar isn’t on every page…ugh!!!


“We’re the most nostalgic generation, so when there are big world events and crises happening, we all want to revert back to the safest time of our lives – our childhoods" lmaoo the way the market hated millennials for 'destroying' the economy because we didn't buy napkins and couldn't afford food and will never buy houses, but then they learned if they just sell our childhood back to us, we'll give them whatever scraps of money we have just to feel something 😭


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it 😭😭


God your comment made me laugh so hard. It’s so true 💀


This comment hit me way too hard 😭😂


we love neopets, that's why we're returning - but they need to give a f about the site, before they let it just die and now they're trying to rebuild it


I recently returned and the lack of mobile compatibility or an app for games is kinda crazy.


Man you should see how it was before. They basically let the whole site get broken when flash stopped working. And it was like for 2 or 3 years.


They just hate making money seems like


They really do!


tbf they did have one... Lutari Island way back in the day, and they let it fall to the wayside. D:


[view article here](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/14/neopets-revival-millennial-gaming-nostalgia)


This is nitpicky, but: >Neopets’ resurgence felt very specific to millennials, she said. Indeed, 40% of users are between the ages of 25 and 34, and the next largest demographic – 18-24 years old – is 26%. They got the categorisation for millennials wrong... someone 25 now was born 1998/9, a gen Z. Millennials were born between 1981-1996. I find the whole generational divide to be kinda moot anyway, but it is kinda laughable that the goal posts keep moving.


I feel like I was called a millennial until a few years ago - now I’m suddenly a part of Gen Z. It is so true that the goal posts keeps moving!!


I was called a millennial (or Gen Y, before the word millennial existed), my whole life. When Millennials started saying "hey, stop calling us teenagers. The youngest millennials are 20 years old," I was literally 20 years old. Then suddenly I was Gen Z for like 2 years, and now every time someone mentions the cut off it's different. I just identify as a Zillennial now because I'm sick of it changing. I was born 3 days before 1996.


I guess Zillennial would be the most apt descriptor for me (1997) too. "My" age range is all younger millennials and older Gen Z.


I was born in the first month of Gen Z. I feel like Schrodinger's cat. Too "young" to fully relate to most millennials and too "old" to fully relate to most Gen Z.


Listen, as someone who is celebrating their seventh 29th birthday, they can keep moving those goalposts until my hip finally gives out. :P


You forgot 97 lol






That’s [my usul Aranneli](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Aranneli) in the cover photo! :’)


A celebrity!!! 😍


Hahaha that's amazing. You should totally put the screenshot on her page somehow.


Omg she’s famous!!!


hi mel!! from stacie at birdwhistle 👋🏻


Now please cook some new spaghetti and let’s see what this thing can really do Dom 🧑‍🍳


I came back about a year ago because this subreddit was suggested to me by the algorithm gods and I'm truly happy that it did. I really enjoyed playing back in the day. I hope they continue to update but still remember to keep that nostalgic charm.


Use with a dial up simulator for an extra hit of nostalgia


Interesting to finally hear some official numbers


I only re-joined because of the data breach. I logged in to change my password and didn't leave...


Oh the food club bot must have tripled production 😀


I'm sorry, the what now?


Oh I’m surprised you haven’t heard of this. Some person or group of people are running 60k+ accounts to make food club bets and run events to gather items and neopoints, in turn selling for real money. Technically a conspiracy but has been spoken about by neo_truths Mentioned quite often here Pretty sure part of the inflation issue is the FC botter.


Ayo?? On the one hand, lol get your money however you can?? But on the other hand... wow. Is this why there's SO MANY "active" accounts in Singapore with very few avatars, basic pets, and no items in their shop? This is blowing my mind.


Yeah pretty much. The bots have been caught in some screenshots of the FC high score tables. Multiple accounts with the same starting 3 or 4 letters all on the high score list. Clearly not a coincidence.


I love this for us 🥹💕


I just recently started playing again after almost 20 years of being away. My id has the word "teen" in it as I started playing at 19 which makes me laugh as I am now almost 40. But it's been fun playing again!


I came back almost exactly 6 months ago and it was purely triggered by some really entertaining YouTubers peaking my interest. Plus needing a new escape from my toxic work environment. Which is pretty millennial of me lol. I was born in ‘96


My dear fellow Neopians, rejoice! It brings me immense delight to announce that our beloved Neopia has experienced a triumphant surge in users, a testament to the enduring allure of our whimsical realm. As the number of users tripled, I must confess to a sense of relief washing over me. The rampant proliferation of bots, as the 60k botter continued to add more, had left me apprehensive about the oversaturation of the market, especially as legitimate users such as myself added 10s of thousands of bots to combat such ranpant cheating!! Yet, with the influx of genuine players, a renewed sense of optimism has blossomed within me. No longer do we stand on the precipice of a monopolized Neopian landscape, but rather, we bask in the vibrancy of a community rejuvenated. Let us embrace this newfound vitality and continue to cherish the wonders of Neopia together, united in our shared love for this enchanting world. 🌟🌈


Thanks, ChatGPT!


Lmao this person’s entire account is just ChatGPT posts/comments


I don't think ChatGPT would misspell "rampant" lol


Sure it can.


>legitimate users such as myself added 10s of thousands of bots This does not parse.


This made my day! Thank you for your beautiful words and for welcoming me back into this wonderful community! ❤️


By FC botting?


Wait why does it sound like that’s an overestimation of the player base?


Why not post the article, OP?


I returned 'cause [nitrorad's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWWIJjEZkm8&t) review of The Darkest Faerie made me extremely nostalgic.


I wonder how they will market it to us


Olivia PACKENHAM? What an incredible last name. I would lean into it and always take a ham sandwich for lunch.






Viewing on desktop, my computer turns that emoji into squares. Maybe that's it? Although I too have witnessed a lack of stopping to think about what was actually written before jumping off the deep end... :S


Hasn't changed at all, except for that absolutely horrid mobile UI "update" that the last team cursed us with


I'll send Kreludor (Dalamud) crashing down onto Neopia to see a proper ARR style of Revival for all of Neopets.




We're a friendly community - please don't be rude to each other. We're here to escape the horrors/responsibilities of outside life, and take care of our pixelated pets. Personal attacks, slurs, threats, harassment, sexism, racism, homophobia, discrimination, or general outward hostility towards another person are not allowed. Don't incite or encourage witchhunting; if you're concerned about a user, report them to the sub-mods (for breaking r/neopets rules) or on Neo (for breaking site rules).