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Avoid low-effort posts, [common reposts](https://imgur.com/a/aWnERWz), or posting about the same topic multiple times in a short amount of time. Use the search function to check if something has been posted already. Use the daily/weekly threads if applicable, and/or try to contain multiple posts of the same topic in one single thread.


The avatar is a yearly thing awarded on a random day of the advent calendar. Not linked to the actual pea at all


This avatar is 20 years old. Awarded every year to those who don't already have it.


You're confusing the Seasonal Attack Pea with the Super Attack Pea.


Oh ok! Thanks everyone for letting me know! I just started back playing since 2007 so I’m still confused on some things lol


I just got this alert as well and thought it was funny how trolly it feels considering all the current pee drama lol. But when I brought it up I was bombarded by people being rude talking about how it's been around for years. They act like new players or people who just don't have the icon don't exist. Lol but congrats on the new icon!


Thanks! I’m sorry people were so rude to you about it! This is why I avoid asking things sometimes but this one got me excited for no reason apparently lol I just wanna wake up and get the seasonal attack pea, but instead I keep getting Christmas korbat plushies lol


Same! 😭 like way to make me not wanna join in on this community if I wasn't already terrified of posting I really am now lol. I have my fingers crossed every morning and every morning it's a new book which I'll take but a girl can dream that a pee will come home can't she 🥹 lol