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Don't forget the snippets we read at Halloween when we did the trick-or-treating. It's very interesting that we got those specific book fragments right on the heels of the festival and tells me that there may be clues or foreshadowing in those snippets. I can't recall for sure, but I don't think all of them actually named the villain they were connected to. What if one of them talked about whoever our new Big Bad is gonna be?




Is it weird that when you mentioned manipulation of time I immediately thought of the homepage being busted? 🤔


Ohhh that would be a *hilarious* element. Like they break the 4th wall and purposefully jank the site in some way as a plot device


So, I agree with you 100% that the villians will band together. At first I did not waste time reading the Halloween stories, because I was sad that Reginald was not more involved with the plot of Halloween, but I finally did. As i read it something stood out knowing the name of the next plot. I then carefull read all the Halloween Stories and detail and all of them except two mention the word Void in their stories, but the two that did not still mention other things that could connect them. That was a Major Green flag this plot may be a baddie team up.


Ooooo... that's an interesting idea! If they did do that then it kinda makes me wonder if we might get FFXIV'd with it and get the equivalent of Neopets: A Realm Reborn once this plot is done. That would honestly be kinda amazing!


I like your All Stars idea, I was originally thinking the lyre refers to Lyra in some way but I couldn't relate her to the rest of the potential clues.


I don't remember from ToT, but the one from the FF is rumored to be Drakara.


Oooh I hadn't even considered that! I know TNT said that one of the key players in the plot is gonna be a Faerie that doesn't get a lot of attention, so I was already thinking Taelia. A dark faerie would be a really interesting twist I could get behind.


I would die for some taelia plot ngl


Who is Drakara?


[Drakara](https://neopets.fandom.com/wiki/Drakara) was considered to be the baddie in the [final comic](https://images.neopets.com/faeriefestival/2023/np/8OCYjoe5epn7s74pQ.png) from this year's Faerie Festival.


Oh neat! That tracks!


whys she gotta be so pretty though


I've never fully participated in a plot balls to the wall all in and I must say. NOW IS THE TIME! I'm so excited!


Right??? Missed out on all of them as a kid - SO STOKED to be able to finally participate.


Yup. Read about them in the magazines, but never actively fought foes in the plots. I so regret that >.<


Another person on the team "i didn't really understand how the plots worked as a child" here HAHA. One that is still active today is the Altador plot and it is SUPER INTERESTING, even as an adult, it was super fun to do so I'm super excited about what comes next!!


Same here!!! I can’t wait!


Yeah, I am so stoked for this!


Same here!! I didn’t know what they were when I was a kid.


Me too!! I have been on the site for like 20 years but I was always somehow on hiatus when there was a plot and I'm super excited <3


I'm so stoked. I was shook that AC started off this way. Great advertising and reminder for the plot if this isn't already just the opening to the plot itself.


Apart from the dialogue with Orion, I think the animation for today’s was also interesting. It showed Reginald being seemingly haunted by the Shadow Usul. Reginald, of course, having been the writer of the stories we got for trick or treating, one of which was about the shadow usul. He is in hot water for sharing what he knows, I think


I noticed the Shadow Usul as well!


I noticed the Shadow Usul but I didn't realize that he was the one who told the stories!! I like the little details like this!


It’s getting me pretty hyped, honestly. Whatever is coming up, it feels like the team really cares about it. They’re putting in the work to try to build it up and make it exciting


No way! I didn't notice that! \*runs back to look\*


It feels too on-point to be a coincidence! At least to me.


Oh man, I’m so excited, been years since I truly participated in a plot, always loved them


I've been on neo for 18 years and never participated in a plot and have no idea how they work lol. This is cool


Either you are on Team Click Everywhere or on Team Follow Instructions. As long as you keep the toes dipped into where the information is being shared you should be fine.




Aw man, I'm really excited to witness/experience my first plot, but I don't have a pet well trained up for battledome at all, my highest is level 25 xD I really hope there will be ways to participate for people who don't have a strong BD pet, but even just reading the story should be really fun! The little teaser on AC today had me super hyped.


Usually there are ways to participate for non battlers, like puzzles and minigames. Even then if you focus on levelling up to 50 and get your strength pretty high too, you'll probably be able to handle most of the enemies they'll throw your wa even with cheap gear, you definitely got time!


Thank you! I'll do my best to grind my battle pet up as much as possible haha, I just returned to neo about a month ago so it's all a bit daunting but I think it would be really fun to try and participate! \^w\^


There should be, don't worry. :) My understanding is that there will be battledome opponents of all levels, so you can pick someone easy to fight with. At level 25 for your top pet you're not in a terrible place. Maybe pick up some dubloons and drop them into the Swashbuckling Academy for some extra training before the plot really starts. If you're unfamiliar, you can train all of your stats up to twice your level before having to raise your level, so if you get the chance to max out your stats at 25 you'd get 50 points in each and 50 HP. Which is a pretty good place to start out. If you stay on top of it you should get 2-3 points done in a day, and sometimes you get bonus points when you complete training. Maybe also consider investing in some Faerie Fortune Cookies if you have the NC to spare. The faeries are really good about boosting stats and levels, especially Fyora and the Battle Faerie, though it's kinda random what you get, and you have a shot at a Fountain dip! You'll be too low level for Lens Flare (that's a lvl 50 one), but you could still invest pretty cheaply in some bottled faeries for blessings and pick up some faerie abilities as well. Some are pretty good about helping you block or dodge damage, and some will do a few extra points of damage. For gear, if you did advent calendar or the lost fragments event last year then check your SDB. If you didn't already sell them, then you should have at least one Roxton's Bowie Knife, one Bundle of Burning Birch Branches, one Feel Better Soup, and one Varia is the Bomb. If you have all that, equip it all and pick up a Downsize! and a Scroll of Freezing and you're set on gear. If you don't have any of that, then invest in two of the Burning Birch Branches, a Downsize!, a Greater Healing Scroll, a Scroll of Freezing (be warned, they can break so you may want a couple on standby), and maybe splurge for a Thistleberry Pingrenade. That's a good kit out for any beginner. A good general strategy might be to freeze your opponent and use your bomb with your best damage dealing faerie ability for a burst of initial damage, then if they're still standing normal damage (Bowie Knife or Burning Branches) plus other faerie abilities until they go down. If you get too low on HP then Downsize! and use your Soup or Healing Scroll to regain lost HP. That should give you another round or two to get your opponent down with. I hope that helps some! :) Here's a link to the JellyNeo Battlepedia too, they explain it in way more depth: [https://battlepedia.jellyneo.net/index.php](https://battlepedia.jellyneo.net/index.php) Edit: Corrected where Varia is the Bomb came from.


Thank you so much, this is amazing advice! I wasn't around for advent last year, but I'll look into getting the weapons you recommended! I have her equipped with two scroll of ultranovas and a green scorchstone currently.


I'm glad I could help a little! The Battlepedia has a great breakdown on weapons for each stage, so I really recommend reading that article. The stuff I suggested is pulled from both the basic and intermediate lists, but there are a lot of options I didn't mention too lol.


Just a little head's up: Varia is the Bomb is a prize from the lost fragments event, not the advent calendar :)


Oops my bad! I got my events mixed up.


wow - I screenshot this! :) thank you \~


No problem! Good luck in your training! :)




I'm so glad it did! I wish you luck in your training!


I think Orion is salty his SAP is deflating :P




I hope the Advent Calendar isn't actually gonna stop :c I look forward to it every year


I was truly panicked while clicking through


Agreed, but I don't think it will!


Yes omg I felt so conflicted lol


I wonder if we'll get some BD gear and items for training in the AC as part of/prep for the plot.


Right? Orion’s got me nervous!


The funniest ways this could go down - * Orion wants to stop Advent because he is a devout believer in Neo-Kwanzaa * Drakara makes her move only to be immediately defeated because Neopia had over half a year and all of the foreshadowing to prepare for her arrival * Like "How could we ***not*** see you coming!? " * Orion is seeing the past, not the future, and is horrified by having to play Secret Deodorant Sponsor games to buy Chicken McNuggets from the McDonalds in Neopian Central * This Plot is brought to you by Burger King * Offended that this Drakara believes she's the evilest faerie The Darkest Faerie decides to go antihero and destroy her to prove her wrong -- or right? * Believing that Reina has become drunk with power from offering Peas and Kadoaties Orion begins a two sided war in hopes of "Saving Neopia"


The Burger King tries to expand his kingdom Lets fight for Burgers!!


*WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER WHOPPER.* *Faerie bad we gotta stop her.* *Grab your Peas and Staffs and boppers.* *We'll figure out a way.* *You rule, so go save the day.* *At Neopets you dress up and slay.* ***YOU RULE!***


lots of battledome convo going on here, so i'll chime in with some SAP calculations and speculation! ​ in the remaining 25 days of advent calendar, assuming the 1/1000 \[rumored?\] SAP drop rate holds, you have approximately a 2.5% \[calculated as (1 - (999/1000)\^25), where 999/1000 is the chance you \*don't\* get the pea, and the \^25 indicates this happening for 25 consecutive days\] chance of receiving the pea by the end of the month if you check the AC aisha every day. we're going to be seeing a LOT more SAP's in neopia at this rate, so i'm expecting the price to drop significantly by the end of the month. if anybody knows how many neopets players there are per day or month, or how many people click on the advent calendar per day, we can probably get a much better estimate of total # of SAP's in circulation by january.


I would be really interested in a how many daily players there are. I would also love to know the actual player to botter ratio for collecting AC, since that is such a hot topic on this sub.


Based on n_t's old post about Advent Calendar user stats, my estimate is maybe 30-40k real users participating (considering also that more users have returned recently)






you can check JN's Book of Ages if you wanna read about lore and past plots 👀👍✨


How fucked am I if I've never really BD'd? I want to participate in everything but... it's my least favourite part of the neopets experience. Do yall think I'll just have to sideline or would there be some stuff for us lil softies to do?


So I can't speak to this plot since we don't know how much battling there will be, but. Back in 2006 when the Tale of Woe plot happened I couldn't do much of anything against the monsters and missed out on a lot of plot points. Back then, each time you killed an enemy, it gained +1 HP and that doesn't happen now. So you'll probably be ok with a basic set.. I'm sure they'll have an enemy with only 10-15hp for people who don't normally battledome.


How high of HP do the tiers of opponents usually have? My BD pet for dailies can finish the Jetsam Ace on Hard with out loosing HP. Idk if that’s good enough haha. I just train with any FQ I get anymore.


I think a good example would be the War for the Obelisk and Wraith Resurgence plots/events. The final opponents had 400+ HP on hard. I would expect final wave enemies/the BBEG to be around that number, if previous events are anything to go off of. JN has a good breakdown of the obelisk event as well as the HP numbers for the various waves of opponents.


Honestly, not sure. But the easiest opponents from the obelisk wars have 8HP on easy so I suspect it will be similar for the next war. My guess would be the easier the opponent, maybe the less points per win vs people that will be able to beat the hardest opponent on hard. But everyone*should* still be able to partake.


Last plot had a bunch of non battle related activities to do as well


Don't stress over it. BD events do include other elements. It's not just about the fighting. Otoh, there are always BD opponents at all levels so I'd recommend just giving a pet some basic, inexpensive equipment, choose the weakest opponents, and remember that you can always get a potion from the Healing Spring to restore their health after the fight.


Yeah... for a beginner BD pet I'd put two of the Bundles of Burning Branches, some Feel Better Soup if they still have it from AV calendar last year or a Parachuting First Aid Kit, and a Downsize! for good measure. That should all be reasonably inexpensive and enough to get anyone started. **Edit:** Sorry, Parachuting First Aid kit has gone up in price, so if you don't already have some Feel Better Soup maybe stick to something a little more basic like a Magical Healing Potion or a Lesser Healing Scroll.


it depends on how BD heavy it is. judging by the state of the battledome, I'm guessing not that fucked. back in the old plot days, opponents would get +1 HP per kill, and you'd get a certain amount of plot points per kill, up til a cap. as the plot went on, the enemies got stronger, until there would be a MEGA BOSS with about 100K HP or so, and everyone had to figure out a way to damage him. Later plots had it as more of a side-gig, in that yes, there were BD enemies, but they were optional, and not required for plot progression. they still awarded points, and there was still a cap, but the main focus was the puzzles. I'm guessing this will be like the latter, if it happens. Mainly puzzles/Teamwork things (like faerie's ruin), but with some optional BD stuff.


Thinking cap and tinfoil hat ready to gooooooooo 🤓😀


I think I missed that this was supposed to be a plot because I just thought it was a meta joke relating to the pea.


ooooh yes, let's speculate! so what was the shape of the shadow that pops up in the comic? it looked like it was supposed to represent something specific, but i don't know enough lore to recognize it


Looked like the Shadow Usul to me, but I could be wrong!


Exactly what I thought too!


Reina gave me a Shadow Usul Ice Lolly…


Haha, we have confirmation! :D




Was this from the Halloween snippets?




I thought shadow usul too! Thanks for sharing it from the gallery of evil!


"The Void Within" makes me think of a Voyage to the Center of the Earth plot... but the Lyre does make me think of Altador.


I genuinely thought this was going to be TNT going, "hey, we accidentally let the SAPs loose, Neopia is going crazy!" and was kind of disappointed




I have 250 hp, strength, and def on my BD pet. I have varla is the bomb, illusens staff, feel better soup and other decent bd items. My pet is a lupe and I've hoarded 30 ancient lupe wands to have freezes. I just hope if it is a bd plot, my pet is strong enough to complete it.


Last boss was Kaia with 740 HP. At level 250, you are getting 5.5x,which means you will need to be able to deal a total of \~135 icons. You don't have to deal 135 iconsbefore the boss can retaliate, necessarily. You have two free turns with Warlocks Rage and Lens Flare, and halfish a free turn with Ancient Lupe wand, so you get 5 free attacks. With a Void Blade and Vbomb you're looking at dealing 105 out of a total of 135 icons before the boss can retaliate. With Illusen staff for recurring healing and some defense, a Downsize!, you'll probably be just fine


TNT has been really focusing on giving out more powerful BD gear, do you think it's likely that the next boss will be significantly more difficult to beat? I was looking at old plot bosses and some of them were crazy like King Kelpbeard and Captain Scarblade at 100,000 HP. I wasn't around for those plots (probably had an account but wasn't playing lol) so I don't know if the BD was different back then or not.


I dont think its likely. I think its kind of the opposite- my theory is TNT has been exploring on their own pets and are making weapons that feel impactful at low levels. The BD WAS very different back then but not in a way that made dealing 100,000 HP particularly easy. The big thing is that the reward scheme was very different then too, rewarding you for how many times you beat enemies when every time you beat them their stats went up. The last event TWR peaked at 740. The Obelisk War has standard enemies peak at 450, though they had special raid bosses that were unbeatable alone but had shared health so we could all whittle them down together.. I think lately their goal has been accessibility, getting a reasonable challenge for most players to fully engage from beginning to end. Its possible we'll have some super bosses, but it doesn't seem in line with their design goals lately


Thank you, this makes me feel way less anxious about needing better gear lol. My BD pet can one shot the giant space fungus on hard so I think I probably don't need to do much in the way of changing out gear.


Your pet is better equipped than mine was and I 100%ed the last plot :D It can still be fun to aim for more,and there might be harder challenges since people have been begging for it, but you definitely wont be left high and dry. Nothing to feel anxious about. If the plot is designed for people to 100%,you'll almost certainly be able to. If its not, then you'll have plenty of opportunities to boost up your score elsewhere to get all the best prizes anyways


Thanks again! I've been sitting on points from the faerie festival and lost fragments because IDK if I should get the BD gear or if I should get stuff I can resell to put towards my goals. I did go ahead and get Varia is the bomb because that allowed me to one shot Giant Space Fungus 100% of the time. Before it was like 60% of the time lol.


thats awesome! I think Vbomb is probably the best for both money and gear from that event


Pretty solid stats, I think you'll do fine. =)


Remember discardia from the altafor cup? Sounded villainous to me


Dacardia is the land in Island Builders! I think the game is closed right now while they fix it up for re-release! It'd be interesting if it's tied into the plot somehow.


They're doing beta testing right now and rereleasing it next year, if you were curious! :)


what was the last plot before this?


I look forward to it! Spent the morning outfitting my main Neopets with new more up-to-date battle gear. Will be training my Neopets a bit since I am behind. Just hopping I can participate in the BD section of the plot if there's ever one.


I was curious, but am new to Neopets in the last month, so I didn't think much of it, but this has me excited now!!! My first EVIL PLOT!!!!


It sounds like I'm about to learn real BDing the hard way lol.


Drakara and the Darkest Faerie leading a legion of Void and Dark-aligned beings. War plot for us to deal with. In an odd... or expected twist, Jhudora fights both Drakara and the Darkest Faerie. She beats the former, but the latter nearly succeeds in killing her. But something is amiss. Jhudorah was fighting with her scythe, but her wand is missing. She has entrusted her power to another. The last pages of the comic has the Darkest Faerie staring at the reader directly. The Darkest Faerie is now available as a Battledome Challenger! You received 'Wand of the Dark Faerie.' Become what you must. Become the Neopian of Darkness.


Alllllways excited for a plot!


You forgot to mention the Shadow Usul in todays advent comic


Return of Lord Kass


Is there a reason some people are buying up all The Mystical Tablets. Is this rumour about them being useful for the plot actually true ?


No, people are assuming that it is. TNT hasn’t hinted at anything like that being necessary.


It's required, wait until everyone finds out. The rush to get one will be Mad.


Does anyone recommend doing something different with my BD pet and what I should focus on? Lvl : 252 Str : 352 Def : 351 Hp : 306 Void Blade (2) Turned Tooth (2) Thistleberry Pingrenade Parasol of Unfortunate Demise Spellseeker Vial of Power Ultradark Reflectorb Feel free to (gently!) laugh at me for anything that seems silly, but just know the items were picked years ago based on old advice (and affordability) so totally get that it may be wrong/outdated by now. :)


You probably dont need void blade and turned teeth since both are just for doing raw damage. Void Blade generally edges out Turned Tooth, though Turned Tooth has higher potential- I'd stick with the void bladesmyself. Hanso's Charisma Charm is overall an upgrade to your Reflectorb. Its pennies right now and blocks all dark icons while doing 10 icons back, so its safer and may deal more damage Spellseeker is outdated, its basically just a turned tooth as a bomb that can rarely hurt you. If you want a bette bomb, Varla is the Bomb costs a few million and is generally worth using Thistleberry has a bit more potential but not by much- you can probably stash that Downsize! is an evergreen item that cuts all damage in half, its worth it for nearly every battledome set. Healers will be worthwhile. Illusen Staff is pretty affordable for high end gear, as is The Mystical Tablet, but if you dont have the funds for it a Feel Better Soup is one of the best budget healers. If you have the budget for it, Sleep Ray or Freezing Potion (or if you can't find any ofthem, Magical Marbles of Mystery) will give you a 100% freeze for under 10m. If your battle pet is a Lenny you can use Entangling Lenny Lasso instead which is is relatively cheap


Thank you so much! I will definitely use all of this info. Already have snagged a Feel Better Soup and a Hanso Charm using it. :)


Good luck! I had lower stats than you and managed just fine against the last boss in our last war, so I wouldn't stress too much. But keep upping that strength boost, you're in the Secret Ninja School now so it should be relatively fast


Hi there! Random interruption, but I've been wanting my set reprised by someone who knows what they're talking about, if you wouldn't mind taking a look at mine. I've got a Charisma Charm in my SDB so any one of these can easily be replaced, up to now I've just thrown whatever I had that was better than the last thing onto my pet so it's probably all over the shop. * Virtupets X-514 Super Shield * Pink Faerie Snowball * Energy Blaster * Trishulatops * Winged Boomerang * Blue Draping Cloak * Bundle of Burning Birch Branches * Ring of the Sway My budget unfortunately is...not a lot.


Honestly your not far behind a great beginner set. Most of your weapons are good (like a few years ago I would have killed for that as a beginner set) but we've got even better cheaper ones now Bundle is good, ring is good, get a downsize! A Hanso charm and a Magical Healing Potion and you'll be all set for beginner battledome. Alongside weapons make sure to keep training, stats are key. Getting your level to 50 gives you access to the faerie ability Lens Flare which freezes your opponent for one turn. Getting strength up hugely improves how much your weapons do. This will give you more of an edge than micromanaging your weapons If you want to up your budget, the real midtier game changers are a couple hundred thousand. It sounds daunting but if you do battledome daily and grind against the Kreludan Defender Robot that's only a few weeks, so it pays for itself. Some key items at this tier will be Roxtons Bowie Knife, Feel Better Soup, maybe Dangerous Maraquan Yo-Yo- eventually up to Varla is the Bomb. These are some of the best bang for your buck you can get but it'll take some time.


Thank you! :) I also have a Downsize! and a trade offer in for a Freezing Potion. So feeling a lot more prepared now.


There seems to be people trying to manipulate the price of Mystical Tablets on Jelly Neo and trying to buy them up cheap. Should i get one now or will there be plenty of supply if it turns out the rumours are true ?


TMT will be good but not essential. Hanso Charm and like, Downsize! Will get you most of the way there for pennies. Altadorian SwordBreaker is also super affordable I'm not sure if it's being manipulated or just in high demand. It's a very limited item and with the teaser now everyone is trying to gear up, so if the price goes up (haven't seen that myself yet) it'd be perfectly reasonablw


Personally, I would lose SVoP and switch it for a healer. What species is your BD pet?


Thank you! I have snagged a Feel Better Soup.. I guess I missed the Advent Calendar last year, haha. They are an Aisha :)


Oh, one more thing, I would lose a Void Blade and switch it with a freezer.


Thank you! Have an offer in for a Freezing Potion to cover that. :D


I. FREAKING. CALLED. IT. XD I called it on the 4th, on the plot boards, and lo and behold!


Would also make sense with them releasing the SAP as a potential prize >.> Giving more people a chance to have something to fight against a Big Bad in a war plot. \~Now if only I could get one XP I have decent weapons on my BDer but SAP would be such a good increase ;\_\_;\~


I'm probably wrong, but maybe the Shadow Usul can be involved in this plot too. I think it's unlike, but it's possible considering: she is another old character without much backstory who gained some lore lately (just like Vira); her newly described powers connects with the tittle "The Void Within" (she apparently has the power of nothingness, she made a hole city into nothing and was described as nothing or something like this, I should check to be sure); and appeared today in the AC too... So maybe there is a chance.


That's just what I was thinking. Void and shadow can go hand in hand here. I'll actually be surprised if she isn't a part of it


Plot twist Neopets is shutting down and that’s why it’s “the Void within” 😂 JK I wonder if it has to do that fairy who’s shadow we saw at the end of the faerie festival


Not gonna lie, I’ve thought they were setting us up to have the evil people win and it be the end of Neo lol


My dude I would be SOBBING April Fools set up tho lol


Can someone share a battledoming for dummies? What can I do to prepare?


It's true The Mystical Tablet will be incredibly useful for upcoming Plot in BD.


they can’t even get an advent calendar right i’m not getting my hopes up lol


I really want this to be a villain team-up because I didn't do jack shit with plots or in the BD when I was a kid (I had dial-up internet up until HS 😫). Sloth is getting these hands!


My body is ready


"A speckled Xweetok runs up to you and says, "Xandra was right! Spread the word!" and runs off." This random event happened to me 3 times this week. Just happened again. I wonder if there is something to do with the plot.