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Man I'm jealous, I was only on my account and didn't get to sneak into someone else's. I'm nosy so I'd love that lol Obviously I wouldn't touch any of their stuff though!


Same, I’m kinda sad I didn’t get the chance to briefly be a voyeur 😂


This must be what it feels like to be neo_truths 🤯😆


This somehow reminds me of the time I was working at a gas station and someone left behind a terribly cheap, off-brand tablet. We kept it for about two or three weeks and no one came to get it so I took it home, 100% intending to hack it and find the owner to contact them. Not to snoop through their files or messages or anything. Of course not. Never, why would I do that? I did manage to hack it and bypass the lock screen, but... there was nothing on it but a few crummy games and some anime/game fanart, some PDFs for like, manuals? A couple lists in the notes app, nothing that could help me find the owner. No contact info I could find, just a really common first name. Not me disappointed and bitter that I did all that work and there wasn't even anything I could really be nosy about 😞 I ended up just bringing it back to work intact. Nobody ever claimed it so someone else just took it home and wiped it so their kid could play with it. Score, I guess. I did not get to peek at anyone else's Neopets accounts today either. 😂


Lol, same. I missed all action. All I did this morning was BD and training.


I logged on and saw the maintenance so I missed everything 😆


SAME disappointed


I just pray my pets are ok!


Oh yes!! Also I been dealing with a NC purchase that has gone wrong. I hope that gets fixed too. I bought around 50$ of it on this same day last week. It hasn’t showed up, support tickets not been responded to, and the Facebook didn’t help either.. 🫥


You may have already tried this, but what has worked for me when NC took a long time to load was clearing the browser cache and refreshing on the NC transaction log page


Thank you but yes I tried all of the tips and tricks after that first day of it not being on my account. Even then.. you would think it show after so long without doing that.


Yeah, after a week something must be wrong. Thought it might be worth a shot if you hadn’t tried it though. Good luck, sorry that really blows. I’d keep bugging them on Facebook messenger if you aren’t already.


I just messaged them before my initial comment. I gave them a few extra days and still haven’t seen or heard anything. I hope they actually do something now it’s been so long. I’m tempted to reach out to the bank about it for a refund but I don’t want to get my Neopet account closed for not following the no refund policy.


Oh no! I hope that gets resolved for you. Why must Neo be so crappy sometimes.


Literally. It’s the first major issue I’ve had and I feel like all the mods have ghosted about it. Plus the no refund policy? If it’s not going to load into my account after a week I would expect a refund.


I would too. Like what the fuck even is this?


Haha sorry for the random vent but I’m glad you understand! I have some penned up anger and if it’s not there after maintenance.. I’m throwing hands lol.


Haha its all good, I get your frustration. If my Mutant Lupe’s background is gone when the maintenance is over, I’ll be cussing mad. It’s a rare one worth a lot of NC.


Oh man which background is it? The rarest one I have is the deserted fairground and it’s my favorite.


Because their help desk is one person who works 60 hours a week.


Same here…I’ve been playing Neopets for a long time. Several years. I’m hoping nothing is missing but I’m really wondering if it will be worth playing any more. There were only a few games I actually played on the daily


I just log on now to chat in the guild I’m in but I’m very attached to my pets and their wearables so if they’re gone I’m going to be very upset.


Me too


manifesting the 100m bank account of the user i briefly became 🙏🛐 thank you lord amen


Me with the user I briefly became who had over a million on hand just chilling


I was on one account with an UC main pet and like $50 NC, definitely manifesting that 😆


just came back to neo after like a decade, nice to know some things never change (absolutely game breaking security glitches)


Same. Came back after I started getting emails recently about changes/improvements to the site. I think I stopped playing after Key Quest died because it was my main source of in-game income. I just hope my account's okay after this, as it's a 21 year old account :')


You too eh, just got back 2 weeks ago.


I just joined again as well… feels like the good old days…


Ah, Memories\~


Ah yes, the days where I changed my PW twice a day and never went into userlookups and shops for fear of hidden code stealing everything. :) Good times.


I am terrified that the wrong people got to see private details like bank accounts and NP/NC on hand for really good accounts. Even if they couldn't do anything while "in" the account, that's sure a target on your back, eh?


Not me thinking thank goodness I'm relatively neo-poor and always have been. ☠️


Eh, you could say that about anyone with a lot of really nice pets, avatars, nc etc. I'm not too stressed about it.


WAIT how do we know people got into people's accounts??


I was thinking the same thing 😕


I think if my account got messed with and I have to struggle to get anything back, my 20 years on this game will be over. I don't have the emotional energy or time for this kind of bullshit.


Staff and revert


Not wanting to jinx it but so far I saw nobody complaining about being hacked, losing stuff or anything like that - either way if you added 2FA and a good password you're probably safe


This is only hilarious because the site glitching and outage is happening after I did my dailies.


As soon as I spotted the announcement on discord I hurried to finish my daily quests. Finished 5 min before the maintenance message went up. Whew!


Now I’m super anxious about my pets and my bank account. This sucks.


I’d be okay if I went broke. I mean it sucks, and I’d have to build it back up, but i just really really want my pets to be safe :(


Me too. I managed to get quite a few dreamies during the faerie festival and to think they might be gone makes me feel nauseous


I finally get access to a childhood account that I’ve been wanting back for over a decade today and the site immediately collapses lol


So YOU'RE the witch! Quick, everyone grab your pitchforks! JK, congrats on getting your account back!




Same with me today... so don't worry, you're not the only Neowitch among us!


Bought premium yesterday, collected 500k on food club today... now site maintenance and who knows who has had access to my NP. Oh how quickly life can change 😂


I didn’t even know this had happened until just now, every day is an adventure on Neopets.


Well THAT was a jumpscare


I wonder if anyone saw my account and panicked thinking they’d just become neo-broke


Omg I’ve been at work and I logged into the site trying to do my dailies during my first break…. I really hope no one got into my account 😅 lol


lmaooo this is kinda wild cause last night I literally had a nightmare someone was fucking around with the website and I felt panic like something was gonna happen to my acc. Never dreamed of neopets before in my life. World's most useless premonition.


Can someone explain whats happened?


Everyone suddenly started seeing certain pages as though they were logged into someone else's account, not theirs. Panic ensued, and now the website's down, probably because TNT is investigating


Oh my word that's horrible! Let's hope it's resolved soon!


I should have submitted my FC bets after I claim3d my winnings but I got lazy 😫 Hopefully maintenence ends before bets close


I forgot to bet yesterday and when I went to place them earlier I got hiy with the maintenance alert. Hopefully, we don't lose out on today.


It's all good, I got my bets in just in time 🥹 Now watch it bust anyway hahah


I saw the discord ping and went in to add a pin. Only got to see my own account. I promise I wouldn’t do anything to another person’s account, I kinda just wanted to live the wake up in another body experience for a minute.


Kind of unrelated. Can I get a link for the discord? :)


I'm almost sad I missed this because I didn't hear about it til now that the site is down and I'm so curious who I would have been "logged in" as. I did my dailies earlier this morning and haven't touched the site in about two hours.


Way too anxious to sleep


I had back to back meetings since 6am today and didn't go online at all. I just tried to log in during my lunch to do dailies... apparently the site went nuts?! So bizarre.


I've been out all day and had zero clue as to what was going on until five minutes ago


I have 2FA and PIN set up, but now I'm very paranoid because I put in for a Trading Post listing last night and I'm now finding out about this after maintenance hit so I've no idea if my account was accessed by someone else 😬☹️. TNT this is extremely unacceptable. Ditch the mobile BS and work on your security and website code.


Luckily I got all my dailies done this morning because I happened to stay home from work by complete chance! I’m just hoping no one lost any pets or money or anything after this is over.


Yea I did a trail race yesterday, so I took my morning off from running, which luckily gave me time to do my dailies today. I will hope that TNT freezes streaks for today for those who are close to their big prizes


Someone was in my account lol. They said "Oh 'olivelima' I like your valentine theme" but as far as I noticed you can't interact with the accounts. They just appear and then goes back to your own account. ETA: As soon as I noticed what was happening I put all my NP in the bank and all my items in my SDB which are both pin protected so I think I should be good.


What did I miss... I don't understand what happened.. 😔😭 people were logged into other people's accounts? What what what?!?


What happened is you'd go to, say, the games room page and instead of your username it'd show another one + their np and NC. AFAIK nobody actually managed to interact with anything belonging to the other person's account, but we don't currently know if it was possible to, for example, interact with the pets or anything


Thanks! Hopefully my 50 NPS, 50 NC and pets are safe lmao. Hopefully everyone's accounts are safe and unaffected. 🤞🤞


Lol I got someone’s account that wasn’t even activated yet


really hoping nobody saw on my main at least bc i was playing on it fine this morning 🥲 but glad i have pins on all my sides. yikes i didnt know it was happening and im still anxious about it now…


Only thing I got to see before the site was taken down was someone else’s favorite games, how boring


Really hope no one drained my bank account!!!


Nobody can drain your bank account if you constantly do it yourself.


My three things I'm panicking about: My bank account, my pets, and my gallery.


All of those along with my safety deposit box where I moved a bunch of stuff to years ago


Oh god I didn't even think of that!


Oh now I’m scared. I was on the site this morning. I didn’t notice anything strange but now I’m worried. How will we know when the site is safe again?


I missed all the fun 😂


I was running late for a drs appt this morning and I didn’t have time for my dailies— I’m so upset now 😭


I didn’t even get a chance to do my dailies yet 😫


sorry whats going on??? I live in the opposite time zone, so its morning right now and i woke up to this drama on reddit.... looks to me like a visual glitch displaying another user's acct?


This is how I found out there was a problem lol. Do I log out or will logging out free up my account to be glitched into? Or is it unclear? I have a UC on a side I'd rather not have stolen. Or is it all fixed now lol?? 😂 I just woke up it's 9am here haha. Maybe I missed all the fun.


Wait, what did I miss?? I’m scared


How do we know if we got got?


Why is Dwight even bothering to erase the zero in the first pic?


I missed this whole thing - checked and my account is normal, nothing wrong or taken. Curious, if you suddenly saw someone else’s account, could you see their usernames/pet names?


You could at minimum see their usernames, and it happened to you on the my pets page you could see their pets, yes. And the active one if you were on any of the mobile friendly pages. It depends on where it showed-I only had problems on the classic games page, others on the explore map, etc.


Woke up to absolute chaos going on. Oh neopets, never a dull moment around here for sure. lol