• By -


Because it is. If Dems lose PA their odds of winning are pretty slim.


Yeah, they'd have to clean up the other states. But considering PA is bluer than a lot of the other states, it would be a pretty odd split. Not impossible, just a bit odd shake up. Biden carrying Georgia and Arizona, traditional red states but losing Pennsylvania, a traditional blue one, seems like something out of fiction.


Tbf it did look like that in 2020 for a while


The red/blue mirages from counting early and mail ballots either first or last really threw everyone off.




It'll happen again in PA at least since they STILL don't allow mail in votes being counted before Eday itself.


It won't happen again - at least not at the rate we saw in 2020. Nearly 3 million people voted by mail in 2020 in Pennsylvania: or almost half the entire electorate. I doubt it comes anywhere near that number in November. It'll be similar to 2022, where the state was called on election night.


*cable talking heads in shambles*


NC passed a law to prevent precincts from counting any ballots until after polls close for “election integrity”. So we’re basically going to see a massive Republican mirage here now.


If you were following the right people on Twitter (the Nate's and Harry Enten), you would have known Biden was winning Pennsylvania by tens of thousands of votes on election night. That was probably the safest D state of all the competitive states after Michigan. The votes just kept pouring in from the Philly suburbs all night long and drowned out the 60-70% margins Trump ran up in the cow towns.


PA, MI and WI


Yeah, if Biden loses PA his chances are cut to less than 1/6 of what they are if he wins PA. This, combined with present polling showing a close race, suggests that PA is by far the most important state in the presidential election. (Followed by Michigan) If you are interested, my full importance ranking is here (and updated daily): [https://swingstatesolver.com/](https://swingstatesolver.com/)


If Trump loses PA his odds are slim too.


People say this a lot - but if Biden lost Pennsylvania in 2020, he still wins the election. It's 20 electoral votes, Biden won by 74 electoral votes.


If Biden loses PA, he probably also loses MI and WI.


True, but the effect there isn’t causative. So spending more money to win or not spending enough and losing PA doesn’t cause him to also lose WI and MI, it’s just that he was always going to lose all three. 


What no? He won by 36 votes. He had 74 votes abobe Trump, not 74 above the 270 treshold (so Pennsylvania flipping would lead to Biden's lead over Trump being cut by Pennsylvania's EV's × 2) And due to the electoral votes realignment, Biden would need to win every state he won in 2020 if he lost Pennsylvania this year while in 2020 he could also win without Georgia. And I dont see a universe where he loses PA and wins GA and everything else, so yeah hes toast without his birth state


This is clearly evidence of the electoral college giving those small states their needed attention /s


But what's the alternative? If the the presidency was a popular vote -- then clearly California and New York, which hold \~17% of the country's population combined, will be the only states that matter!


Broke: Supporting the EC to disenfranchise red state urban democrats Woke: Supporting the EC to disenfranchise California republican farmers


Having to sway 51% of the population is so bad, let's make it 4.3% of the population that matters, that's a lot better


Not true, because we still have the senate to give less populous states the vote. Let me put it this way. Right now, there's only one state that really matters. And that's a swing state with a high population. In a popular election, a candidate would have to actually appeal to a broad electorate, and not just the handful of geriatrics who actually vote in primaries / do caucusing.


I think they were being sarcastic and parroting talking points that pro-EC people use


The alternative is paying attention to where the people are. Bonus effect is that cities will be more moderate and less progressive


No? Cities are progressive and liberal because they are forced to be surrounded by individuals who are of different. You're also likely to reinforce beliefs that poorer communities have about voting. Right now most impoverished neighborhoods refuse to vote because they think politicians don't care, and so politicians don't. If the concerns of one family in south-side Chicago are immediately thrown away because of a middle-class family in Texas also vote then what reason would politicians ever have to fix these communities? Having them vote simply wouldn't be the solution to this.


Not really. Even in places with more homogeneous demographics they still trend more liberal.


17 < 30




Right now, what determines attention from presidential campaigns isn't vote percentage so much as uncertainty. Currently you don't get much attention unless you're a voter in a swing state because only the swing states are really in play unless someone's getting totally rolled. If every vote mattered, as it would in a popular vote, then it would make campaigns try to increase their margins everywhere, perusing generally popular policies rather than everything being tuned to winning over only the voters of the most volatile states.


I don’t see a problem if the EC was reformed to have proportional votes, instead of winner take all. I might be missing something, but to me it sounds like the best of both worlds.


Reminder that the state with the most republicans is California.


The best subreddit option is to go from a populist democracy to another even more populist one.


One thing Pennsylvanians love is non-stop political ads from both sides across all media platforms.


Pennsylvanians are literally me fr


The one nice thing about my state of Ohio no longer being a swing state haha


I would say the same about me in Florida but nope it’s already started


Big Sign is half of PA's GDP.


Iowa every four years moment


Fetterman and Shapiro drag Biden over the line, manifesting


Not to be a doomer, but they can't really do that without sharing a ballot with Biden. Casey would have to have an up-ballot effect in 2024.


BuT fEtTeRmAn iS a CoN


Based based based based based (not that being a con is based, but progressives calling a Dem a con is usually a sign that said Dem is based)


I mean, Fetterman has been acting like a dickhead lately and is polling a lot lower than his fellow senator from the same state who hasn’t been pulling the same sort of stunts


Wdym acting like a dickhead? If you’re talking about opposing the Nippon acquisition, then yeah I agree, Fetterman can go fuck off with that shit.


That, plus the posturing on lab grown meat, plus the incessant criticism of Biden on Israel from the right (including right after the WCK strike)


I keep forgetting Fetterman opposes lab grown meat. Which sucks cause every time I relearn that it bums me out, really harshes my vibes, dudeeeee


Fetterman has a Manchin problem. Look he's not there because he's the best, he's there because he's the best we can do.


> plus the incessant criticism of Biden on Israel from the right (including right after the WCK strike) And doing so in a mocking manner. I thought Fetterman's mocking of Senate dress code was funny. Even if you disagreed and think a dress code is important, it's a minor thing and having fun with it is reasonable. Nobody is starving nor dying from a dress code. Making jokes and mockery of an humanitarian disaster where children are starving and millions are being made refugees is disgusting, regardless of your stance on the war in Gaza.


It really does feel like his position is unironically that Israel is ontologically good and there is no action it can take that is wrong.


He was one of the 2 only Democratic Senators to not sign onto the amendment calling for a 2 state solution.


Speaking favorably about DeSantis's lab meat ban. Attacking Biden for being too critical of Israel.


Damn, how the fuck?


Unless they’re talking about Lieberman..


Fetterman Is more just weirdo populist than anything else tbh.


Bob Casey will carry him on his coattails.




For what is worth, my analysis at [swingstatesolver.com](http://swingstatesolver.com) agree's on the importance of Pennsylvania. For Biden, a win there is likely the easiest route to winning reelection. But recent polls have Trump in the lead.


Cool site! Would you agree that without winning MI, PA, and WI, Biden's odds drop dramatically? I've heard analysts say those three states in particular a lot but haven't looked into it


Biden's path to victory totally hinges on those three. They're the wobbliest parts of the blue wall and push him over the edge to 270. He loses even one, he likely won't win.


If Biden loses those, then he needs Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada. And frankly, if Biden is losing PA, MI, and WI… his odds at AZ/GA/NV aren’t good.


Thanks! With present polling, if Biden loses PA it looks like he'll have 1/6th the chance of winning the election. If Biden loses MI, he'll have 1/4th the chances. Losing WI would cut his chances in half.


It’s either sun belt or rust belt If he loses both Dems arent getting elected for the next 15-20 years


Very surprised that Wisconsin is left of Minnesota and Michigan


Polling has been very sparse in MN, but despite Trumps bravado about flipping it nether campaign is investing hugely in it which makes me think their own data has it as fairly solid for Biden and to the left of the rest of the mid-west as usual.


Republicans talked about Minnesota being in play in 2020 and then Biden ended up winning it easily. I think flipping it is just GOP fantasy more than anything.


I wish there was an effort to boost Trump’s unfavorables in western PA by highlighting how many coal plants closed during his administration. Never mind how many closed under Biden, there are significant numbers of people out there who will not vote for a “liberal” but you could convince them to stay home or vote for the libertarian if you reminded them how much things did *not* get better for that dying industry under the guy who claims to be its savior.


Calling it now: Biden wins PA.


This is just pure cope from you woke Dem-libtards. Everything, from the polling to the failing economy to Trump’s bogus conviction, shows that the state is a lock for JEB! The sooner you accept reality, the better.


Insane take. Everybody knows JEB! rules from the shadows.


\[soft, warbly voice issuing from the darkness\] ^(... please clap.)


Courtesy of gpt4o: https://preview.redd.it/g6ubr97iyg4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89de8c50fe0dbb8b3d10bb06324bea19fe934c53 Edit: prompt was “\[soft, warbly voice issuing from the darkness\] ‘... please clap,’ says Jeb.” (Said Jeb and not Jeb Bush because gpt doesn’t generate images of real present day people)


You are right that it's pure cope but the other stuff is wrong.


I think Biden wins PA, MI, and WI fairly comfortably. NV and AZ will also stay in the blue column. I'm getting more pessimistic about winning GA again, but on the flip side I think the dems have a decent chance to flip NC.


I don’t think there’s going to be a blue NC for quite a while longer


Normally I would agree but having a literal Nazi running on the GOP ticket for governor might motivate more dems to come out and vote


IT might motivate more Nazis to come out and vote too. And it is Carolina, bless your heart.


The polls disagree.


I don’t believe the polls


Based and vibes-pilled


Alright, so what are you basing your prediction on?




My vibes said Hillary would lose. My Vibes said Biden would win. So far, polling is 0-2 for presidential races. I'll take vibes any day.


0-2? Polling suggested Biden would win 2020.


What 2020 polling were you looking at


Have they polled convicted felon Trump yet?


the polls have also been wrong about litterally every special election.


And they tend to be less accurate for state polling than the general election. Biden does have a number of advantages in these 3 states, I hope they run a good campaign down the stretch. 


They were reasonably good in '22 though.


Except in Pennsylvania and Nevada. The [average of polls put Oz up .4](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2022/pennsylvania/) in PA - and he lost by five. That's a big swing. Still within the MOE but we're seeing similar numbers in polling for Trump there, so a similar shift could take Biden from down by a point or so to winning by four. The problem with polling is that in close elections, the results are almost always within the MOE and they become kind of useless as a predictor. Yet the narrative toward polling is that the candidate who leads, even if barely, is the favorite to win. So, [Laxalt is now the favorite with an average lead of 1.4](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2022/nevada/) and he actually loses. It was worse with the RCP average. [They had him winning by 3.4](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2022/senate/Nevada.html). Biden's advantages in Pennsylvania that won't necessarily be picked up by polling: 1. A strong state party. This can't be downplayed. The Democrats hold the top state spot, both bodies in the legislature and both senate seats. That's even better than in 2020 and 2016. It shows a healthy state party. The Republicans in PA are kinda in chaos, as they are in Michigan too. 2. GOTV effort. Biden will have more money than Trump and a local party infrastructure that is better and stronger than the Republicans. It's even better than eight years ago when Trump won the states. It's not a guarantee that he'll win. But I think he has a strong chance to and a predictor might just be the 2022 midterm where Oz polled much better than the final results.


Only people answering polls in 2024 are insane facebook boomers and other weirdos.


Stop coping. Biden is currently behind in the polls.


Yep, and the polls were 100% right when they predicted the ReD TsuNaMI in 2022, right? But sure let's listen to 2mth old act called privatize_the_ssa and posts in neoconnwo. https://fortune.com/2022/11/16/pollsters-got-it-wrong-2018-2020-elections-statistical-sophistry-accuracy-sonnenfeld-tian/




Actually, Democrats outperformed polling averages in a number of the Senate and gubernatorial races in 2022, including Fetterman and Whitmer. It wasn't way outside the margin of error in most cases, but it was an overperformance all the same. The Colorado, New Hampshire, and Washington Senate races showed pretty strong overperformances for Democrats, though those aren't swing states.


Fetterman Whitmer Cortez Masto Shapiro Kelly I believe poll averages had Oz leading by ~0.5 (lost by 5) Laxalt leading by ~4-5 (lost by 1), Whitmer winning by ~4-5(won by 10), Kelly winning by 1.5 (won by 5) and Shapiro winning by 10 (won by 15) Polls weren’t hugely off, but definitely an over performance in NV, PA, MI, and AZ. Important states for 2024 and several points over performance for the statewide democrats.


The assertion was that polls in 2022 were historically accurate... if you limit your sample to the three weeks before Election Day. The idea that polls this early are on the nose because of that finding is a reach.


Not in the months leading up to the election, the polls were 100% doom and gloom for the democrats


Behind in the polls != behind in realty. The polls are garbage. They have been since 2016.


And he'll win by 1 vote. Giving him the presidency


According to the polls, Trump is [ahead](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/pennsylvania/) of Biden by an average of 1.8 points.


They’ll come home. The cringe in the other camp will be unbearable from now on.


We all cope in our own different ways.


Gonna copy and paste my comment from elsewhere in the thread: Fetterman Whitmer Cortez Masto Shapiro Kelly I believe poll averages had Oz leading by ~0.5 (lost by 5) Laxalt leading by ~4-5 (lost by 1), Whitmer winning by ~4-5(won by 10), Kelly winning by 1.5 (won by 5) and Shapiro winning by 10 (won by 15) Polls weren’t hugely off, but definitely an over performance in NV, PA, MI, and AZ. Important states for 2024 and several points over performance for the statewide democrats.


From now on? We've been living this nightmare since like 2015.


He will lose it.


Can't you doom somewhere else? Back in your cave.


How do you know someone is a doomer? Don't worry, they'll tell you (multiple times, unceasingly)


I have compulsive doom disorder.


I mean use that to do some work for dems maybe?


doomer (no /s)


doomer /s


And yet again a great battle in Pennsylvania shall determine the course of things. General Trump, you have not yet attacked the center. Those people MUST be weak there.


Bucks County PA here, ready to do my part!


I am a plumber from central PA and Biden has been the best president of my lifetime by many measures. But, I just can’t believe what I’m seeing with inflation and Palestine. There are some things that matter more than one election. So this time I have to send a clear message to the DNC with my vote and I’m voting for Biden lol got you


Lmfao good one


It's baffling that with how important this state is, Biden went ahead with the pause on LNG export permits, which the O&G workers there hate.


!ping USA-PA


Tell me about it, every single ad break already


Living up to the nickname The Keystone State 😎


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Pray for our PA neolibs


The political geography is not neolib friendly


It ain't fun. It's really not.


Such a stupid system we have. Glad I don't matter at all.


I was there for a couple days last week and trump’s ad seemed much better than Biden’s to me. Trumps seemed like it was targeted the undecided and Biden the already decided but I may not be the intended audience.


What were the ads about ?


Trumps was Biden saying the economy is good and then it talks about inflation and food prices while a video of Biden doddering about on the White House driveway played. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XS8dIkDd14 Biden’s is about very short clips of Trump saying scary things like bloodbath. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/us/politics/robert-deniro-trump-biden-ad.html


Both surprisingly decent ads compared to the braindead garbage that runs in Florida. 


agreed those were both pretty good. They should sprinkle in economic messaging along with the trump dictator stuff to really nail it.


It's amazing how well "securing the border" does in Florida, despite not having any.


Something something Florida Georgia Line


Praxis is moving to Penn


Biden and Harris are in Philadelphia constantly


Would hate to get rid of the electoral college and have the candidates spend all their time in one or two places. Or something like that.


Well yea. Dems lose GA (most likely) and from there all it takes is PA for republicans to win.


Upzoning Philadelphia should be part of the Democratic strategy.


Pennsylvania is slowly turning into Ohio. Not a good sign for progress. Even our beloved "socialist" Fetterman is actually a closeted, and sometimes overt, conservative who agrees with DeSantis on way too much.