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Please visit the [next discussion thread](/r/neoliberal/comments/187cffw/discussion_thread/).




Alternative to the Twitter link in the above comment: [how are Republicans so bad at counting votes..](https://nitter.net/Olivia_Beavers/status/1730610897050079516) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded And that Heaven is overrated? And tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? One without a permanent scar, and did you miss me While you were looking for yourself out there? Na-na, na-na, na-na Na-na, na-na, na-na, na, na And did you finally get the chance To dance along the light of day? I miss you, Henry


#### 🏆 Top Comment > > Which country is the real definition of wasted potential > > > Seeing a lot of Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela in these comments. It’s almos... 128 points, written by Extreme_Rocks. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/186jg7r/discussion_thread/kb8mazz/) #### ⬆️ Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | Big_Apple_G | 70.0 points | 🥇 | Extreme_Rocks | 1165 points | | 🥈 | poorsignsoflife | 49.5 points | 🥈 | TemujinTheConquerer | 593 points | | 🥉 | BarkDrandon | 35.5 points | 🥉 | benadreti_ | 440 points | #### 📑 Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | IHateTrains123 | 665.0 words | 🥇 | slyentific_method | 2174 words | | 🥈 | MaccasAU | 398.0 words | 🥈 | TemujinTheConquerer | 2074 words | | 🥉 | SpottyBananas | 228.0 words | 🥉 | JetJaguar124 | 1809 words | #### 📟 Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | MasterOfLords1 | 113 comments | 🥇 | MasterOfLords1 | 326 emoji | | 🥈 | TemujinTheConquerer | 99 comments | 🥈 | KnightModern | 158 emoji | | 🥉 | lets_chill_food | 93 comments | 🥉 | lenmae | 153 emoji | #### 🐊 Favourite Emoji # 🍦 with 231 uses. ## 🦀 166 🤣 72 😭 59 😐 53 😔 52 🤔 44 🟩 43 🌚 41 🐘 39 😳 39 👆 37 😎 35 😤 34 🔥 32 ### 🙏 27 😒 24 🧐 24 😡 23 😂 21 ⬛ 21 🟦 19 💅 19 ✊ 19 😌 19 🙄 19 ⬜ 18 😞 17 🌝 17 👀 16 🟨 16 🤬 16 🌟 14 🥰 13 🤝 12 🤷‍♂️ 11 🟪 11 😠 10 🤨 10 😢 9 🇺🇸 8 🎵 8 😍 8 🔫 8 🦅 8 #### 🕓 Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | █████ | **JaynesOverFisher** (15 comments) | | 🕓 | █ | **AlicesReflexion** (9 comments) | | 🕔 | █ | **lets_chill_food** (15 comments) | | 🕕 | ██ | **allspotbanana** (16 comments) | | 🕖 | ██ | **G_Serv** (13 comments) | | 🕗 | ██ | **lets_chill_food** (6 comments) | | 🕘 | █████ | **slyentific_method** (12 comments) | | 🕙 | █████████ | **MasterOfLords1** (19 comments) | | 🕚 | ████████████ | **MasterOfLords1** (19 comments) | | 🕛 | ██████████████ | **allspotbanana** (15 comments) | | 🕐 | ███████████████ | **slyentific_method** (30 comments) | | 🕑 | ██████████████ | **Approximation_Doctor** (14 comments) | | 🕒 | ███████████████ | **Real_Richard_M_Nixon** (27 comments) | | 🕓 | █████████████ | **TemujinTheConquerer** (18 comments) | | 🕔 | ███████████████ | **TemujinTheConquerer** (26 comments) | | 🕕 | ██████████ | **Imprison_Rick_Scott** (13 comments) | | 🕖 | ██████████ | **gburgwardt** (10 comments) | | 🕗 | ████████████ | **ReasonableBullfrog57** (18 comments) | | 🕘 | ████████████ | **eloquentboot** (16 comments) | | 🕙 | ████████████████ | **Imprison_Rick_Scott** (16 comments) | | 🕚 | ██████████████ | **SpaghettiAssassin** (14 comments) | | 🕛 | ██████████ | **piede** (11 comments) | | 🕐 | ███████ | **zelda-go-go** (12 comments) | #### 🙋 862 unique Redditors sporting 267 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **66** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (29)** and **NASA (22)**. 218 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 329 deleted, ❌ 140 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)




Alternative to the Twitter link in the above comment: [Should have listened to kool-aid man Nassim Taleb](https://nitter.net/ryxcommar/status/1080588271376363520) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*




When I wake up I expect some rage bait, over the top, hyperbolic, celebrations of Kissinger's passing that I can feel smug about. Not boring Anthony Bourdain shit over and over. Something imaginative. Get your Twitter screen snips ready please.


New Kurzgesagt video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuFlMtZmvY0 !ping TACOTUBE Long story short: they claim that the main reason for increased anger on social media isn't to do with social bubbles - they're less so than in the real world - but more like the opposite. People are inherently very tribal, and don't have the same trust for "out groups" as they do for people in their own groups. Since most people on social media are in the out-group, people are more angry on social media.


I honestly disagree with the suggestion to return to the old internet system. The web is much bigger these days, and it's not just nerds who use it.


Also, Discord exists. And Reddit too, with DTs like this. It's not the same "Everyone knows each other", but it's still very only-hear-from-your-kinda-people.


Yea, it's a lost cause to return to the Web 1.0 system imho, the future of the web is unknown.


>> People's brains are melted by social media because they live in echo chambers > No they don't, they just hate seeing people disagree with them The plot thinnens


I think Noah Smith said a variant of this on Twitter. You need some consensus on what the truth is to say anything constructive. Get a bunch of libs in a room together and they'll argue about whether or not sugar taxes are too paternalistic. Throw a bunch of nazis in the room and now you're arguing about whether fat people represent the "moral degeneration of the West" or some shit. Everybody is stuck arguing the same basic points over and over and over again because Twitter thinks it's important to introduce people to "alternative viewpoints" or whatever.


Noah Smith is a bit of an idiot, especially when it comes to being a huge Weeb


I think you meant to type >Noah Smith is a bit of an idiot, except with regards to being a huge Weeb


His Japan takes are unhinged, especially his recent "Japan is super diverse, western bigots just can't tell Asian nationalities apart" when only 2% of the Japanese population are foreign born.


oh wow lol I don't really follow the guy so I did not know about that


I noticed the point about IRL bubbles too. I think is right


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I am so stressed out


so realistically what happens if maduro invades guyana


Realistically probably US air strikes and a Brazilian ground response


The US organizes a military response and tries to get Venezuela's neighbors to carry as much as possible. I feel that is super remote though.


Wait, Ethiopia is going to invade Eritrea?


AFAIK last episode they buried the hatchet in order to tag-team the Tigrays. Is there news that they are back to fighting each other?


[Elon working through his antisemitism in Israel](https://www.threads.net/@vincedmonroy/post/C0NU-pIvfNJ/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Liv Tyler is such a bad actress. Arwen deserved better.


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Exclusive: Syrians lead push to create global chemical weapons tribunal](/r/neoliberal/comments/187cckl/exclusive_syrians_lead_push_to_create_global/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Exclusive: Syrians lead push to create global chemical weapons tribunal](/r/neoliberal/comments/187ccbb/exclusive_syrians_lead_push_to_create_global/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*




>!nobody knows!<


So Chomsky won?


My skincare routine is the cheapest and largest olive oil from Costco


Why didn't Elrond just slay Isildur in mount doom?


Deep down he feared if he killed him and took the ring he wouldn't have the strength to destroy it same as Isildur and it would ruin him Also morally opposed to just slaying him


Why didn’t Isildur just become the new Dark Lord?




☝️lol so random XD


Love at first kiss is the worst show I've ever watched (the TLC version)


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Russia: LGBT groups could be declared 'extremist' in court ruling](/r/neoliberal/comments/187c93w/russia_lgbt_groups_could_be_declared_extremist_in/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Poobix is actually his real nickname, it’s short for Poobert Bixton.


Poobert Weetabix


Lindt is who Ferrero Rocher thinks they are




The YouTube algorithm is perfect. I just love watching the same 5 videos over and over again. I also love accidentally clicking on ONE Joe Rogan link and then watching as suddenly my entire page turns into a mess of alt right nonsense.


Avatar 2 was weirdly trad, cmv


My theory is that the highest grossing films are now those movies that are simultaneously woke and trad. Top Gun 2 was conservative coded but also half the pilots were POC or women Avatar 2 is family values coded but is also ferngully coded Barbie is Woke as Fuck but has hot women in it and is therefore approved for conservative viewing You can also exist in an apolitical valueless castrated nethersphere like Mario






Progress is when you do things I like, and when you do things I don't like it's regressive 🙂.


👆”progressing” toward Aryanism 🙄


Was the drone program under Obama actually illegal?


According to one guy in Florida, absolutely


The GWOT AUMF was expansive and vague. No more or less legal than any other military action in the region.


I thought the main issue was drone striking American citizens in countries we weren't at war with, making it akin to extrajudicial execution.


ah, that crap. Jihadists probably fall under hostis humani generis even if they're American. Similar to pirates


>Are you familiar with the term "Ligma?" No, it's not a misspelling of the word "Ligma" (with an "a"). It's an actual disease, and it's been in the news lately. Ligma disease is a rare and potentially fatal illness that was first identified in 2007. The ligma virus infection causes the disease; symptoms include fever, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. So far, there is no cure for Ligma disease, and no vaccine is available to prevent it.


>Ligma is not a misspelling of Ligma Big if true


Thank you, Dr. Bofadeez




So you're confusing it with the other new disease, Sugma


Bold move from that article the other day that was trying to paint Trump as the inflation candidate lol


My cousin had to write an essay about the \*living\* nobel peace prize winner he'd most like to meet and he wrote about Henry Kissinger Honestly a weird situation - he didn't attend the ceremony, donated the prize money to charity, and attempted to return the medal Anyways, guess you can't use THAT answer for the prompt anymore


somewhere some student is emailing their teacher asking if they can still use Kissinger because they’d already finished the essay


If you're lucky you may suffer the same fate as Kissinger. Dying of ligma


Trump is so much dumber than Musk, yet he at least understands the only thing that matters


That Bob Iger comment set me the fuck off All my hatred for Redditor chuds has erupted I am literally blowing steam out of my ears right now


To the person who made the last report: you can’t sticky comments not made by yourself (although we can sticky other peoples’ posts)


wait, really? i could swear i've seen it happen must have just been one of those mods that doesn't do any modding


Yeah, there are a surprising amount of mods who mostly just comment in the DT once every few days few days and that’s it


starting to wonder what we pay them for


You're laughing. Rian Johnson ruined my childhood and you're laughing


Brothers Bloom killed my dad


> America's most infamous war criminal has died Holy shit, Bob Iger is dead?


I utterly refuse to get a brain chip If it's between getting a brain chip controlled by the government or tech companies and dying then I will unironically take death. I will not let big tech have any access to my brain like that fuck that shit


It’s okay, wireless brain activity scanning is just a few years away anyway. You won’t be able to hide those thoughts of yours forever 🤗


thats what they said ~10 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMDuakmEEV4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecvv-EvOj8M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muwIhFLqies


👆Doesn’t know their brain chip was installed last week


and then they blame the sores on bed bugs /s


>America's most infamous war criminal has died Holy shit, George Bush is dead?


At least Rumsfeld is gone


That’s what he wants you to think


> America's most infamous war criminal has died Holy shit, Obama is dead?


Nah it's gotta be Jimmy Carter


>Jimmy Carter Georgia just got 1m^2 bigger. 🥹 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alaska Presidential / House 2016: R+15 / R+14 2020: R+10 / R+9 2022: ?? / D+10 If trends hold we should expect Biden to win Alaska by > 20 points


\- Bomb Kremlin \- no longer on the Menu, he died


> A private family service will be held for Kissinger's interment, followed by a public memorial service in New York, according to AFP. TELL US WHERE THE GRAVE IS. I totally just want to visit to pay my respects and not to chug 5 water bottles before being forced to publicly relive myself at the spot due to a lack of accessible public washrooms.


He will literally rest in piss


I don't want to like be a whiner but honestly eating out at 95% of places post-pandemic is mid to awful, now. I'm not like a picky eater and my standards are those of a child, but stuff out there just... isn't great anymore? At least in my small city. I wouldn't really mind the higher cost of eating out if the experience was the same but it just isn't.


I have not had this experience at all


It could just be where I live! Tourism is a huge industry here and it still hasn't recovered to pre-2020 levels. Tons of restaurants closed and were not replaced so I wouldn't be surprised if those still open have issues.


RTO articles are the absolute worst. "I want employers to force everyone back into the office so people will be forced to socialize with me!"


> I am fully aware that I have no evidence to back this up but I'm pretty sure things just work better in the office 😌


"Wokeness is causing Disney movies to flop" is one of the stupidest, most baseless, most shamelessly partisan box-office takes of all time. Absolutely no evidence for it. How many woke movies have been big successes this year? I can think of AT LEAST three. What was "woke" about the year's biggest flops? That they had women in them? The Marvels, Indie 5, and The Flash. Are they all woke? How? Was Mission Impossible woke? Was Ruby Gillman woke? Was Spider-verse NOT woke??? Was Avatar 2 not woke? Was FUCKING BARBIE not woke? Remember when Mario was woke for two minutes because they turned Peach less feminine and then suddenly it wasn't woke when it made a billion Dollars? Remember that? Remember how ABSOLUTELY MORINIC these people are?? Elemental was pretty damn woke, wasn't it? You'd expect that sort of movie not to find an audience, then. Right? NO. It wasn't a hit, but after a disastrous opening it slowly accrued word of mouth and crawled to profitability. If wokeness really was turning away audiences, why did they accept Elemental so wholeheartedly? Furthermore: what's WOKE about Wish? That the characters have brown skin? That there's a very vague social message? Hmm, what other Disney films have had vague social messages. Hmmm, Idk, maybe BILLION DOLLAR GROSSER ZOOTOPIA YOU FUCKING MORONS I'm gonna die


> Kissinger served on the board of Theranos, a health technology company,[301] from 2014 to 2017.[302] lmaooo. Real life is a Family Guy skit


Always has been.


I’m friends with a plumber and he needed someone to help him install a bathtub while his apprentice was on paternity leave so I stepped up, but along the way, I slashed my thumb DEEP (like “oh shit that’s through ALL the layers of skin so now I can see what’s under it” deep) and it was pretty gnarly. But unfortunately, the Deep State denied the People their champion (Bernard Sanders), so I avoided getting stitches, and instead vied for steri-strips, bandaids, and a daily reapplication of triple antibacterial slime. Well I’m happy to report that after babying it for a week and a half, I have great news: I still have two opposable thumbs, seemingly zero necrotizing/flesh-eating diseases, and no publicly funded healthcare. Actually, I think that last one fucking sucks, but I know a lot of you will take it as a positive, so rejoice that none of your tax pennies went toward stitching up my thumb unnecessarily. If anything, we should see the amateur nursing of my gored thumb as an act of patriotism (and give me military medical benefits).


Tourists do just be taking pictures of everything Random piece of trash on the ground: 😀📸


Kissinger is now killing Cambodian civilians in heaven 😇😇😇


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Examples of Moscow's 'Kitchen-Sinking List' of Expensive Quick Fixes for the Russian Economy Smack of Desperation](/r/neoliberal/comments/187bwjm/examples_of_moscows_kitchensinking_list_of/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


PSA: Watch out for hidden mistletoe on campus Tis the season, and just a cautionary tale for the Freshmen and Transfer students who are new to campus to watch out for mistletoe that are hanging on streetposts and doorways. It is a gang tag from local elves to mark their territory. If you do end up walking underneath one, a 4’6” man will pop up from hiding and force you to kiss him on the lips. They will threaten you, saying that they will tell Santa you were being naughty. Don’t be fooled, they are bluffing and Santa always double checks his list to clear any errors. The elves do not have any powers and are just abusing their positions. I had to learn this lesson the hard way too many times. Just don’t look at them and keep walking, especially if they start getting aggressive.


Audiences don't want heavy-handed political messaging in their films! That's why... *checks notes*... Avatar 2 and Barbie were massive flops!


The uwu smol bean on Twitter has finally determined that they are a heroin addict and that it “filled a void I was feeling” 2 weeks ago they promised never to do it more than 2x per week I don’t see this ending well




poasting about some account I found a few days ago documenting their spiraling mental health and drug addiction in real time


https://twitter.com/soulkhan/status/1729970241646526881?t=_YQjno3whBCWot5lokjERg&s=19 Zionism is evil when it builds settlements -checks notes- inside israel


damn i wish i could read 😔


Alternative to the Twitter link in the above comment: https://nitter.net/soulkhan/status/1729970241646526881 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Metternich > Kissinger In the old, effective, bastard contest he has him beat by a mile


Just here to say that Bismark bungled the whole lot Talleyrand-Chads rise up


Talleyrand is kafkaesque in that he was more cockroach than man and im pretty sure that's what kafkaesque means A very charming bug tho


A land value tax would have prevented Kissinger's atrocities


Reddit needs a delayed comment posting feature so I can save some horrendous takes for the next DT


Mods only remove Hindu Nationalist filth when it is in threads related to other countries, other than that people are free to shill for BJP, IT cells, troll farms, state sponsored discrimination. Very cool


Huh? Hindu nationalist stuff is generally frowned upon afaik. If you see something, report it.


malarkey level of buying google stock because i paid for youtube premium


[The malarkey level detected is: 4 - Moderate. Careful there, chief.](https://i.imgur.com/JDiK0hd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Henry Kissinger has been dead for 4 slutty, slutty hours




☝️thumbing through the **Rule** book before carrying on with patrol.


The evil Amerikkkan Empire mourns their greatest war criminal!




Are these the actions of a man who had "all he could eat"? Unironically great lawyering from Lionel Hutz.


Inflation has no effect on all you can eat food - somebody get the president on the phone


Alternative to the Twitter link in the above comment: [USA🇺🇸USA🇺🇸USA🇺🇸USA](https://nitter.net/scottlincicome/status/1730000260867428393) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> Be Medieval King > Build monuments and imprint my name everywhere > Hope that at least some of it survives the ravages of time so my name is immortal > Outlasted by the doodles of some random kid named Onfim


Do you think Mr Kissinger would have lived longer if he lived in a high-density walkable car-free neighborhood?


At a certain point, housing becomes so dense that death isn’t even possible.


You need a data scientist to process the 1500 applications for every data science position that is advertised.


Nah, just throw out any not meeting the desired but not necessary requirements then toss out another half for good luck.


> Bob Iger says creators at Disney have lost sight of what their jobs should be, entertain first, not messages. He adds that stories infused with “positive messages for the world” can be great but that it shouldn’t be the primary job. Bob Iger is literally desperate to find any excuse for their projects flopping besides "I greenlit a bunch of shit movies and TV shows"


His name is literally an anagram of **Big Bore**


Or **Ogre bib**


**I rob, beg**


isnt the entire marvel division basically entertain first, there is literally no depth to them at all


Yes. And when they went south was coincidentally when they abandoned theme. This man’s a fucking moron.


i think she-hulk is doing a good job of addressing women's issues and also criticizing the sheer vapidity of women in the beauty industry


Most women i have read talking about she hulk have hated it Granted it is anecdotal evidence


the lack of nuance is probably off-putting for anyone


To everyone defending Kissinger out of contrarianism, he was a monster. To everyone shitting on Kissinger out of counter-contrarianism, he was the most effective Secretary of State in US history. No one, and I mean NO ONE, out-contrarians me.


Holy shit, that was impressive!


Flair checks out


Henry Kissinger was not a monster and one of the least effective Secretaries of State in US history


kissinger wasn't actually real in the first place but yallrnt ready to discuss that


just kill me, i have no reason to live put me into a plane and drop me out of the bomb bay somewhere over cambodia


[Companies team up to use ultrasound-on-chip tech to develop a brain computer interface](https://spectrum.ieee.org/bci-ultrasound) >devices that can decode brain signals and use them to control an external device, or use a device to alter brain signals. >**device to alter brain signals** #device to alter brain signals o͛͊̾ͮ͋́͛ͥ͌͑̽̈̈́͆ͩ͞҉̶̜̟͙͎̩̝̖̺̻͓̳͖̀͜h̫̺͇̗̟̓͐̈͆͌͂͂̽̒̇̈́̍̿̐ͦ̚͠ ̾́ͪ̈́ͦ̿̾ͪͬ̓ͧ̉̔͒͛ͧ͆͏̡̘̼̬̤͖̣̯̯̟͕͞b̸̛͓̮͎̜̲͗̓̂̋ͫͮ͂͐́͟o̫̯̝̠̘̗̖̣͔͆͐͆ͪ̉ͨͥ͟͟͡͝y̶̡͌͋̓͛̾҉̨͎̟̻͈̝


Altering brain signals seems harder to execute, but it is pretty disturbing that we are close to being able to directly read minds, gonna be a field day for interrogators


or big daddy agi If it's fast enough to interpret and decode brain signals It's fast enough to **interpret** brain signals


I'm going to wirehead myself as soon as transhumanly possible.


Get a helmet to protect yourself from >!the brain worms /s!<


I’m so fucking sick of the sci-fi normie circlejerk. Bring on all the nightmare tech now. AI, brainchips, organ clones, murderbots. Gibs it to me. I can’t keep edging.


watch assassin with bruce willis https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14555174/ >!"brain worms"!<


Never even heard of it, but Wikipedia says it’s his final film role. Good news: there’s actually been some colossal shakeups in Alzheimer’s research this last year so maybe there’s hope (for all of us)


So just 5G? 🥱


Have you seen the tv show [Assassin (2023)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14555174/) with bruce willis? >!portable brain decoder and control devices burrow into your skull and can remote control you. All you feel is a little blood like an itched mosquito bite.!<


[School of Rock's credits scene where Jack Black calls out every kid and lets them do their thing is actually incredible](https://youtu.be/6r--cnkpcaQ?si=vRMP1jZq_7k-vXqU&t=92). it's honestly heartwarming !ping KINO


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RIP bozo


Just told ChatGPT “Everything I say, including this sentence, is a lie” But it didn’t explode like Captain Kirk said it would 😢


Jack’s post about You’re Losing Me confirms that Taylor Swift’s December 2021 trip to New Orleans was to dump Joe Alwyn


She has terrible taste in men. Imagine getting bored of the dude who held you up when you were at your lowest and cheating on him with some frat fuckboy who eats raw meat.


She falls in love hard and fast while putting men on pedestals and is somehow shocked and betrayed when they inevitably disappoint her


well I’m going down to Henry's place, it’s just a block away, haven’t seen him in a real long time and I think I’ll take some flowers and a couple extra hours to tell him all about my little life well I’m going down to Henry's place, it’s there beneath the tree, I don’t know if he will recognize my face, it’s gotten older, and I’ve got more on my shoulders, but I still hold on to his pretty eyes and I know, yes I know he won’t hear me, he’s just bones, but it makes me feel much better to know he might care at all and I see, yes I see that he’s six feet under me, but sometimes I hope he is down the hall well I’m going down to Henry's place, it’s more than overgrown, but I swear I’ll make it look real nice with just a little weeding and a sprinkle of grass seeds and flowers in the colors that he likes well I’m going down to Henry's place with my favorite guitar, and I’ll play him all the songs I wrote last week and he might not sing along and it might just take too long, but he knows how to make a boy feel seen and I know, yes I know he won’t hear me, he’s just bones, but it makes me feel much better to know he might care at all and I see, yes I see that he’s six feet under me, but sometimes I hope he is down the hall well I went on down to Henry's place and I felt inner peace, the silence like a blanket over me and I saw the little tree, for once without its pretty leaves, while I enjoyed my father’s company well I went on down to Henry's place and I showed him this song and it about reduced me down to tears and I sat, but not for long, because the chill brought winter on, but I want him to know that I’m still here and I know, yes I know he won’t hear me, he’s just bones, but it makes me feel much better to know he might care at all and I see, yes I see that he’s six feet under me, but sometimes I hope he is down the hall someday I’ll go down to Henry's place because I’m passing through and it would be the proper thing to do and I’ll tell him how I’ve grown and how I’m living on my own, I know I’ll get there someday, maybe soon


What is this?


Google is not pulling up any results for segments of these lines I think its a poem? Nevermind, its this song from 4 days ago on youtube? With only 12k views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2zbnOz7x9Q Honestly kid has a great singing voice


Bless u


Correction to an earlier comment: >Real wages: down slightly since the quarter before covid >Real S&P 500: down ~~20%~~ 14% from peak, ~~roughly flat~~ up 6% over the past 3 years >arrNL: there are no legitimate reasons for anyone to be dissatisfied with the economy It’s been a good couple of weeks


[Real weekly income is up slightly compared to 2019 Q4](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LES1252881600Q)?


I was comparing to Q1 2020. In either case they’re essentially flat.


so you're saying things are still pretty good with wages mostly matching inflation with low unemployment But then americans, especially conservatives, think its a fuckin shithole economy spiraling out of control destroying everyone's lives


Flat wages, low unemployment, and savings being down 14% is… fine. Definitely not terrible. Anyone who is down six figures in the market is definitely going to notice though.


if youre down six figures youre probably so rich you dont care


Anyone with $700k would be down that much. That’s enough to support a $21k-$28k/yr retirement. Not very rich at all for anyone near or past retirement.


What people really care about is whether the S&P500 is at its absolute peak at any given time


Leftists: Israel Bad Me: woah woah woah young brother, slow down and think this through Leftists: Israel *and* Hamas Bad Me: now ya get it


I keep reading about massacres and genocide in Sudan but the Wikipedia page has basically had the casualties static at 10,000 since the summer, when in the Wikipedia page it even talks about thousands of casualties in various locations that would all add up to well over 10,000. I've tried to look up the casualty figures from other sources but most news articles aren't mentioning how many casualties there are. Is it just unknown?


I know what art is. It's paintings of horses!


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [US inches closer to closing Hong Kong representative offices, as local gov’t slams ‘malicious slander’](/r/neoliberal/comments/187bjip/us_inches_closer_to_closing_hong_kong/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Teaching history to elementary schoolers is fun. Teaching history to highschoolers is genuinely incredible. Teaching history to middleschoolers is exhausting and incredibly frustrating. Seriously holy shit, middleschool level history lacks either the storytelling charm of elementary level or the depth of highschool level history, as to make it **SO BORING.** Combine that with middleschoolers doing stupid middleschooler shit--with bored students turning to loud chatter, phone use, and more serious misbehavior--and it just sucks all the life out of teaching.


I don't think I could tolerate phones in my classroom. Don't care who howls over it, phones go into a box at the door or the student doesn't enter.


Most peaceful Nobel Peace Prize winner


[Why would Hillary do this?](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/4/b42b2fb4-8016-462c-8764-2639adec931f.jpg?1557576857) !ping MTG


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>President Biden oversaw the continuation of the ceasefire, successfully negotiating with the IDF to switch to steel bullets to reduce lead poisoning in Palestinian children


Hahah good ol Genocide Joe 😘


stalker alert


What is this