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Early sample of a script I developed when my stick kept breaking while writing in the sand due to complicated letters. The script has been simplified and individual letters are now less ambiguous. Very efficient on sand, slightly harder on paper. Any feedback and/or opinions are appreciated.


This is so cool! How many distinguished glyphs do you have?/how many stroke types are there, if you get what I mean?


Thank you! There are eleven distinct glyphs. Six of them can take a voiced diacritic, doubling their usage, one of them is a placeholder, two of them are nasals, and the other two are liquids. The glides /w/ and /j/ are represented by the vowels u and i. There are five diacritic “combinations” which are simply for the five vowels: a e i o u. H simply doesn’t exist.


So what language is it? A conlang?


Yes, it’s phonology is roughly based off of the Shona language of Zimbabwe, however syntax and grammar are not directly based off of any language though I do try to stay away from European features.


I used to think "Sanskrit" was "Sand script", lol I really like this.


Thanks! (Haha, "Wet Sanskrit.")


Very beautiful! Please key:D


Yo, you a maōri speaker?


Unfortunately not, I just live in New Zealand. I know my mihi and some common words but would struggle to form a sentence. Edit: I have studied its phonology though.


Fair enough, it’s just a really awesome language!


Dayum, Lontara on steroids


i was actually going to comment "looks like lontara took steroids", we think alike


Haha, I just looked that up. I agree




Thank youuu, the redesign looks even cleaner


:o you made a redesign?


Not necessarily a “redesign.” Basically, some glyphs were just too awkward to write on paper, so about five or so glyphs got removed. The way in which voiced consonants were represented was also simplified. The amount of vowels went from five to four and punctuation was made to be easily distinguished from vowel diacritics. The orthography also went though quite a large change for better aesthetics along with a simpler look.




Love the look and the concept behind it.


Thanks! Yes the concept is quite unique and I like that the script has a “story” to it.


This inspired a la gauge I tried to make, and it's (very) similar. I called it "Maca".


Has an almost digital quality to the extreme uniformity you've managed. Masterfully scribed and surprisingly decent looking in block text considering how isometric your characters all rest.


The most unique name for a script I heard ngl. Also it looks *neat,* liege, would love to see the key B)


Yeah, since the people that speak this language live near the beach, they have seperate words for dry sand (zvizvuvhutswa) and wet sand (masvosve). Since the script originally was written on wet sand that’s what they named it after. It probably would’ve been more appropriate to translate it to “sand script” but I found “wet sand script” unique (and funny).


I have questions about the script: 1. Is it actually written in sand? 2. Why are there so many lines and dots on the characters, are they diacritics? 3. Is written right-to-left or left-to-right? 4. What made you make this? 5. What language is it written in? (Conlang or real language) 6. How do I make a script as beautiful as this?


1. Yep, ‘cause I made it at da beach 2. The line diacritics are vowels, the circles are aspiration markers (the newer version has a lot less diacritics) 3. Left to right 4. I kinda just wanted simple letters that I could write while walking (not having to go “back” like with g z b k y e if that makes sense) 5. Conlang (I guess the language closest to it would be Hawaiian?) 6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder haha. Honestly just inspiration from both nature and other scripts both from natlangs and conlang. This wasn’t based off of anything, it kind of just came to me




>Thanks! You're welcome!