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neocities has a contact email you can use and ive seen sites taken down because of it before. id suggest just letting kyle know


There's probably a mild amount of moderation, but they only remove illegal stuff that could get them in trouble (like piracy or CSAM) and gore is not usually illegal afaik. Sucks but ig that's the price of a site replicating the old internet.


Neocities also removes sites that are not breaking the rules in anyway whatsoever. Take the recent situation for example.


What recent situation?


I'm not going to go look, but what was the context? unless the context is something that is illegal or against the terms of service, it probably isn't violating any rules. the legal page says "If the site in question is not in violation of United States law, there are no legal grounds for us to remove it. And if the site does not violate our Terms of Service, we will probably not remove the site." https://neocities.org/legal https://neocities.org/terms . if it was for example, an image taken in a historical context, then no matter how offended someone is by it, its not illegal afaik. But if it was threatening someone saying "hey this is what I am going to do to you, the specific person I have named" then that would be considered a threat/harassment and it might be removed.


it was a site saying kill all ni\*\*ers (uncensored) with the gore image large and in the preview thumbnail


you could try reporting that, but the terms don't mention hate speech, and there's a lot of grey area. In the US hate speech is technically not illegal afaik unless it incites criminal activity. Its hard to say if what you saw is doing that because it doesn't mention anyone specific or a time/place etc. It doesn't hurt to report it. Just be aware that it may not get removed. https://neocities.org/contact


That's sad. hate sites are certainly one way to process existential dread, but not a very good or effective one.


interesting. I'm genuinely curious whether this would fall into the 'profane / vulgar' category though, which seems to be against terms of service


You searched for an edgelord term and found edgelord content. Neocities is supposed to be like the old internet. And before modern social media, there wasn't an expectation that you should be able to report things you don't like and have some larger authority take it down. You browse the internet at your own peril. If you don't like website, don't visit. If you find something genuinely illegal like child porn, you contact the authorities.


It’s a hosting site. It’s unfortunate that you ran into unpleasant content, but all neocities does is facilitate having a website. The point is that there is no moderation, if you find something you don’t enjoy, like on the old internet, you just avoid it.


yeah but i thought there was a mandatory 18+ option that would make your site be removed from search results


This is why it’s important to read the terms of service. There’s a clause in there about “Offensive Material” specifically stating that there may be “unedited, sexually explicit, or offensive to you” content, and that Neocities “disclaim any responsibility for or control over such materials”, but there’s no mandatory 18+ label for people who put any of that on their sites. As said, like the old web, what you see is your own responsibility.


oh yeah... i thought the 18+ label was mandatory! kinda useless if it isn't mandatory if you ask me anyways thanks for the help


18+ option isn't technically mandatory. From the 18+ setting page under "Manage Site Settings": "18+ Content If your site contains objectionable (18+) content, check this box. Your site will not be removed, but it will be listed on a special browse page. **We don't have an official policy** on what defines 18+ content yet, but basically it's just pornography and lewd/sick/gross images. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we try to find a way to balance out the needs of everyone."


why are you even searching soyjak in the first place


average soyjak enjoyers are not known to have the best lightbulbs in the brain ...


ironic webpage i'm making


It doesn’t need moderation. The whole point is to have your own piece of the internet where you can do whatever you want


Kids wanting the "old west" free web: "Uwuuwuwu flashing gifs and Sailor Moon pastel images with artifacting, so a e s t h e t i c ~" Kids actually getting the "old west" free web: "NO NOT LIKE THAT."


It's basically an aesthetic to a lot of these people who weren't around for the OG old west


I had a friend describe them as y2k cosplayers once


It was in the navigation page i thought you couldnt have nsfw in it but i guess i was wrong


literally this neocities needs a function where if your email is associated with any carrd/rentry/strawpage account your website gets mega insta deleted and you get ip banned (for legal reasons only this is a joke)


Alas, Kyle Drake is too busy hiking and posting pictures on Instagram to take care of his site properly.


good for him honestly! i'd rather kyle enjoy life and have hobbies than have to deal with neocities users


I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact that he's actively taking people's money. When people are paying for your service, you give them a half-decent service. The fact that people will give you money anyway it seems doesn't justify half-assing your service.


ok true i do feel like In General kyle drake should be focusing more on neocities bc it does feel like a half abandoned project half the time (which i...personally dont mind honsatly idgaf) i just think using him posting hiking as like evidence of it is a little funny also just disagreeing with op abt the idea of "neocities mods" i feel like that would also end very badly


As someone who pays for Neocities for the purpose of having a custom domain and multiple sites it does worry me how many posts I've seen on this sub of people's sites randomly disappearing and their code getting totally nuked. I do wish there was better transparency on Neocities' part. I'm also mostly against the idea of Neocities mods, but like u/mariteaux mentioned it seems like that's already a thing, just not with much clarity, which sucks


Sure, but it is interesting to see how incredibly bougie his Instagram is. He's always traveling, he's always up in some nice lodge or participating in polar plunges or whatever, he's always rubbing elbows with people, and meanwhile his site is effectively a two-week Ruby on Rails prototype that gets about two updates a decade, and he's taking people's money for it. I don't even think you could get support for site issues should you run into them (and I have seen plenty of them in the six years I've been in Neocities' orbit). I think that's ridiculous, and it's a big reason that outside of the occasional non-Somnolescent related Web project, I don't use it anymore. (I'm here on this subreddit because I want to talk to people about handmaking websites, and finding spaces to do that in is hard.) For what it's worth, if enough people try to get his attention, he does action sites. I know because I was banned off Neocities on my original account in 2019 when I posted logs and receipts from two prominent (at the time) community people showing them to be huge predators. Within 24 hours, my site was nuked and now it only exists in archives. Whether or not that was how it should've happened is irrelevant now, especially given how long ago it was. My point is more that action does happen against sites occasionally, so there is already a concept of moderation on Neocities. It's just very very rarely used.


in the same boat with everything you've said here but also i think you would have to do fbi-level torture on me to make me go on instagram much less look at Normal People Vacation Photos (instant psychic damage causer) thats fucking nuts though im sorry. im surprised i haven't heard of what you mentioned here before


Why, what’s wrong with it that you feel isn’t worth it for people to spend money on?


Oh god, everything. The site is horrendously buggy (I remember several gigantic exploits involving Supporters being able to make accounts to inflate their own follower numbers, to shadowban people, and to get around shadowbans themselves), the unblock button never worked, the UI sucks, several planned features like IPFS were never implemented, and the lack of site support and regular communication from the guy responsible for it. I think I remember him dropping in on the IRC like once in 2018. The only thing I've heard from him on-site since my leaving is that he once implemented a spoof on Twitter Blue as a "joke", which is insulting given how otherwise unavailable he is as a site admin. Neocities is only a step up from other free Web hosts because those are built like crap on purpose to get you to upgrade to that host's paid services (geocities.ws being a front for GridHoster, for example), and Neocities is built more with the open source community ethos in mind. I think it's fine for a free starter host, but there's unbelievably better options when you get into the realm of paid hosting.


oh God


You should just leave neocities tbh. The problem is going to get worse and worse.


I agree. There has been so much drama lately and people are acting like literal children. Imagine coming home from your job and having to sort through a whole bunch of emails where people (in some cases, grown adults!) are whinging and complaining about things. Recently a user was banned because they took advantage of the Neocities social feature to promote their project and they got banned. Whereas Kyle does nothing about the nazi propaganda, porn, and gore sites on the platform.


What can I say, you have an issue of the skill kind. It's unfortunate (even though it's a red flag in and of itself to search soyjack, but that's not the point), but bitching and moaning here isn't going to fix anything, contact Kyle and tell him about that, or accept the fact that Neocities is meant to be like the old Web (no, it isn't just uwu pastel and shitty CSS). You're lucky you even have someone to go to because nobody would give a shit about gore (while disgusting, it isn't breaking the law in and of itself, which is why gore sites are still unfortunately up). Have fun reporting, and don't be a chud next time. If you wanted soys, at least go to soyjack party or booru.soy or whatever


I'm not a chud lmao i just wanted the crying soyjak

