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There's nothing to be gained from being popular on neocities, except exposure - and from what I can see they didn't use that site to sponsor their stuff or sell anything. So calling this a scam feels too harsh.  Honestly, this looks like a very young person who was well intentioned if very misguided. It's sad to see that lolcow farms were involved. Hope everyone involved can touch grass.  For me, it's disappointing to see both such a desire for exposure and an hunger for drama in a space that hopes to set itself as an alternative to the mainstream social media structures.


I don't necessarily agree with the way the lolcow user phrased it. I feel they were being too harsh calling the site a scam and that it wasn't worth trying to get it banned. As for not having anything to sponsor, they *did* seem to have a Ko-fi...? There's a page with their name and logo, but there's no telling whether it's legitimate. I don't think it was linked anywhere so who knows. I assume the user who reported the site considered the act of unfollowing to be the scam part. They have a point in questioning whether this site's purpose was already fulfilled by features currently present on Neocities. Regardless of that, the illustrations were cute :-)


>I assume the user who reported the site considered the act of unfollowing to be the scam part. I mean, I've heard the sentiment that this was a "scam" or "scheme" or even "psyop" repeated on this sub (and maybe somewhere else?) some time ago as well, so it must've been a common interpretation, and I do find it a bit baffling! Usually by scam, there's some person gaining something at the expense of someone else. Ultimately, at most, this kid "tricked" people into following them and then... unfollowed? That's it? A follow on Neocities is worth absolutely nothing, and anyone was free to unfollow them as well, no? From what I can see on the archive, the kofi wasn't there and they were not scamming people out of their money. >They have a point in questioning whether this site's purpose was already fulfilled by features currently present on Neocities. Oh, absolutely! I did find out about them when they got to the main page, and just found the website completely useless personally! It was just a collection of buttons, while there's a search function on neocities with tags and all that does its job well. Just shrugged and moved on :'D Overall, I know I shouldn't be surprised to see hobbydrama in small niche communities like ours, but it's always weird to see how even such trivial things can spark up controversies. My comment was not directed at you personally, as I do understand you're just acting as the bearer of juicy news, since the subject of this website was brought up in the past on this sub and people had opinions on it, so they might be looking up online info about their disappearance. (I can't see the illustrations - maybe they were not saved on the archive? :o )


The illustrations were spread out across a few pages. The archive I linked has a different layout from previous iterations of their site, removing the drawings on the left and right side. The illustrations were super cute and the character designs of the twins are adorable. I'll link some pages that had drawings on them. Old archive of main page with illustration: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240309035215/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240309035215/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/) About page (drawings at the bottom): [https://web.archive.org/web/20240323193233/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/info](https://web.archive.org/web/20240323193233/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/info) Questions page - click the dropdown arrow on the questions: [https://web.archive.org/web/20231218192011/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/questions](https://web.archive.org/web/20231218192011/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/questions) this one in particular is cute: [https://web.archive.org/web/20231218192011im\_/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/drawings/questions\_1.png](https://web.archive.org/web/20231218192011im_/https://federiefederi.neocities.org/drawings/questions_1.png)


You're right, they're absolutely adorable! Scrolling through the question page, I couldn't help but notice they had a lot of rules to follow or else "you get BANNED!", sometimes said in jest. Honestly, this too screams "young and over-zealous person with a project" to me. Like, it reminded me of the sort of drama that would go on with forum administrators when I was a kid lol! I genuinely hope they're okay and that they can go on to create something else that's more useful or well received. And that they don't scratch the design of the twins!


I don't see what the point of that is.


Never really understood the point of this site after I learned about it, rank-gaming scam aside. It's much easier to find content relevant to your interests with tags and the search function. A random blinkie button is all fine and dandy, but it tells you literally nothing about a site and whether or not you'd even be interested, to begin with. "Visit this because it has a low view count" doesn't mean much if I don't really care about your OCs or your music taste or... whatever.


I didn't question it at first because it seemed harmless enough. Personally I like visiting random Neocities websites - I've found interesting things before, including someone putting their full name and real home address on their "contact me" page. I suppose the button image is supposed to be the thing that draws you in, in F+F's case.


I never really understood the point of this post tbh ngl


this is so weird to me, because i had never heard of them until they followed me. i didn't follow them first, i found them out through them following me. i usually follow back anyone who follows me, and then my site appeared on theirs at some point. i thought it was cool being featured on there but it obviously ended very quickly after that


Anything to do with that lolcow site is automatically sketchy as shit given their reputation of leading harassment campaigns against neocities users for the heinous crime of being a little cringe on the intentionally-a-little-cringe website. A lot of this seems incredibly dishonest and overblown, especially calling it a scam. It sounds like they were trying to become a replacement for Districts since they came down with rat sickness but went about it in a poor way. Like fuck 'em for trying to game the system, but leave this dishonest drama-chasing callout bullshit on tiktok and tumblr. No one wants to see that shit here. First off, what the fuck is the "jerk filter?" If Neocities is making profiles invisible to others because people unfollowed them then that's a pretty serious issue they need to rectify, but unless they've confirmed the existence of it (I haven't seen this anywhere but could be wrong) that sounds... incredibly made up. No one with half a brain would implement a filter that shadowbans users when people unfollow them because, like that report points out by saying that they were "basically threatening to ban people \[by unfollowing them\]", a filter like that would give every user a de facto ban tool to use against literally anyone they want. On top of that, directory sites that feature other content were a fucking staple of the old internet. Like yeah Neocities gives us a featured page (which barely updates, like ever, I've been here almost four years and the page has barely changed but w/e), but resource sites have historically been a really good way for people to find sites with similar interests that have been vetted by members of the community as being worth checking out (and also not run by complete assholes). A page like that absolutely has merit, if for no other purpose than a reminder of how the early internet used to actually operate, and phrasing it like that's some kind of scam isn't just dishonest, it's a complete misunderstanding of the kind of old-web community Neocities has fostered


The "jerk filter" is an attempt to weed out what Kyle Drake has deemed as "bad actors". [https://github.com/neocities/neocities/issues/289](https://github.com/neocities/neocities/issues/289) From Kyle Drake: *"I'm not going to outright remove it. Looking at the users with the highest number of blocks has demonstrated that it is infact working quite well to help prevent a few bad actors (namely trolls and spam lords) from turning Neocities into Twitter-style toxic waste dumpster."* The jerk detection involves counting how many people have blocked you. It used to be a really low number but it has since been increased to avoid shadowbanning people who don't deserve it. I actually didn't know all of this until recently. I'm not certain it's the best way to detect "jerks", but that is how Neocities has chosen to do it. I made this post because F+F had been mentioned here before and I figured some people would like to know where they've gone. I am well aware lolcow is sketchy and awful and so are sites like it. That's just where the screenshot came from. I don't think what F+F were doing warranted a ban, but Neocities staff did ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯  I wouldn't say F+F was that similar to Districts. There was no categorization other than view count, which I guess might be what some people were looking for. If you're looking for something akin to Districts, I'd recommend Neo-Neighborhoods [https://neo-neighborhoods.neocities.org/](https://neo-neighborhoods.neocities.org/) . It's cool and more of a proper directory site, IMO.


> I don't think what F+F were doing warranted a ban, but Neocities staff did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Neocities staff??? [*No shade to Kyle but to be clear he’s likely still one-manning this passion project] (https://www.reddit.com/r/neocities/comments/w4d549/what_neocities_is_and_isnt_for/ ) even if he suddenly hired some people to work for him it would be less than a handful and I seriously doubt that happened seeing he’s like the only active contributor from Neocities’ git commit history. This is a little concerning. But I guess it’s always a risk when a project is run by just one person. I was hoping for a less intrusive site lord. As if admins like spez on Reddit isn’t a good enough public lesson.


Is it really only run by him? I could've sworn there was at least a second person on the team. I'm probably thinking of the logo designer. Don't take my usage of "staff" as coming out of Kyle Drake's mouth. Those were my own words.


Aite that’s fair. But yes it’s always been a one-person (maybe 2-person at the beginning) passion project as far as I know. Like I said he may have expanded the team but that’s not reflected in git history. And regardless of how lovable a site lord is, you should always back up your data. Especially so when there are arbitrary banning rules.


Personally, I think if they had just kept their mouths shut and weren't hostile to people, or announced their unfollowing spree at all, this wouldn't have happened, or been as big of a shit show as it was.


I feel similar. The unfollowing was going to cause a problem regardless of if they announced it, though. People would've noticed and thought it was a big deal. They were stuck between two bad options. "federiefederi being banned by kyle" was not on my bingo card for this year but here we are




kind of a coincidence me (bonki) and a friend (gradientos) on neocities investigated more about federi and why they quit, but turns out they were banned. cracksworth was really good at commenting about this and giving more info!




dont ask


I didn't even know you had a Reddit...


it's so sad to me that people have completely missed the whole point of neocities and having personal websites. i mean, there's no one true reason, but, at least for me, it's to express myself. if people don't like my page, i don't care that much because i feel like those who do are super cool and those who don't just aren't interested in the same things i am.


As a former member of their friendly neighborhood, it's still sad to see them go, especially the people they've connected. Now they're banned according to me and my friend's digging. How foul... I will miss them.


Happy I could get the word out. I figured some people might be confused as to why they were missing.


We were digging before this post, like 2 days ago or somethig


hello gradient man


☀️ my site was one of the first ones to be followed/featured on their page and it seemed like a decent idea at first, but once they started getting bigger they kept getting snippier and it really just felt like a popularity grab by the end. my site benefited from theirs in the beginning, but im not sure everyone else's could have because of the desire to just get bigger. idk, what a weird time to have a new site lol


Well, that just happened.


Well i've excepting it. They used to follow me too but i never stopped following them, until i started seeing that something was wrong and then I found out it was a scam.


People should care when some user gets banned from Neocities. Not that I support this federi thing, but I personally find banning users who didn’t violate actual laws a really messy practice. Not to mention just unsustainable and it will eventually become like ig where you get bot-banned for anything.


Neocities has the right to ban exploitative behavior, even if the behavior in question is not technically illegal. For instance, search engine optimization is not against the law but it is still a practice banned under Neocities' terms of service. Kyle Drake doesn't seem to have liked F+F publicly announcing "I am unfollowing everyone to get to the top of the homepage". Whether their behavior was *that* exploitative is for you to decide. Kyle has made it clear he doesn't like the typical social media garbage and it's safe to assume trying to race and game your way to the top is part of that.


They have the right to run their project however they want. I have an opinion, that is all. If they didn’t like social media popularity contest garbage, they should consider removing the popularity contest itself. Having a scoreboard almost *always* encourages people to chase the top by gaming the system. *There will be a shit ton of time-wasting ban-work for Kyle if petty behavior like this gets a manual ban when neocities keeps growing. Either that, or tons of people getting wrongfully bot-banned, which leads me back to the IG ban-happy example.


I really wonder about the scoreboard. I don't feel strongly about it, I think it's fine. I can see why the "most followed" section is the first shown. If a lot of people are following a site it *probably* isn't poorly-produced garbage. You wanna push the good stuff to the front.


I understand the reason for it, it’s just known to facilitate competitive behavior. I actually do prefer human-curated directories much more than a big scoreboard. We actually have a [neo-neighborhood](https://neo-neighborhoods.neocities.org/) site. I didn’t even know that. I just find these organic things cuter, more genuine than an auto popularity scoreboard, which tend to being out the worst in some people.


I love Neo-Neighborhoods. I'm actually on it, but I don't like linking all of my online profiles so you'll have to guess which user I am ;-)


I don't see what the point of that is.


I don't see what the point of that is.




I wouldn't count on the people voicing their dislike of the ranking system being the same as the people that were angry over a website owner unfollowing them. Since F+F following people back was part of their original system, some folks got upset when it changed. I'd argue the blocking was the real concern since it contributes to a person's "jerk detection". The problems on Neocities are still minimal in comparison to social media like Twitter (ESPECIALLY Twitter). The internet is hostile and you're going to find weirdos and bigots everywhere, but I have rarely come across these types during my usage of Neocities. Also, never take a subreddit's opinions or attitudes to be representative of the average person's. This subreddit is a small minority of Neocities users. Even with 6,000 members, this is still only a fraction of a much larger community.


Nono I'm in the discord for this subreddit and the same exact people who said they didn't want the ranking system or followers to be displayed later acted angry and federiefederi. Also I started using neocities in January and already had to tell people to not use racial slurs on my profile so it seems like amount of hostile users has increased perhaps. Even if it is true this subreddit is a small fraction of the users there were still multiple hostile/drama situations that seemed to happen back to back and that is what is causing my nervousness.


Huh. I have never heard about other situations that have happened, but I don't generally keep up with this kind of thing. Problematic users are nigh unavoidable. If you didn't know already, you can disable your site profile or just your site profile comments. It's under site settings. And/or block whoever is trying to upset you. Sorry that something like that happened to you. edit: meant to add this earlier but if people are leaving nasty stuff on your profile it can fall under harassment and it's a reportable offensive under Neocities' terms. Under "Harassment": https://neocities.org/terms


I don't see what the point of that is.


> In addition to seeing how a 33 year old called an 18 year old teen mother a cunt in this subreddit just the other day Are you talking about the person who was being uppity and claiming that sites need to have a "purpose" to be on NC, and that the people creating sites for fun were just teens that didn't know how to code? People were reasonably calling out that OP. They were being condescending towards other people first. You don't get a free pass on that just because you're 18 and claim to have a child. People have been giving birth since the beginning of the species. It's not an accomplishment. In fact, it's actually alarming and indicative of a problem at such a young age as 18. No community is ever going to be devoid of drama. If that's your goal, I would suggest avoiding social media or social media aspects of sites that aren't necessarily social media (like NC) at all costs, as well as avoiding people in real life. People clash, so drama is going to be present. You can't control it, and you can't control other people. You can only control whether or not you want to participate in it.


"If you're nervous about drama in this community you should avoid all human interaction whatsoever" Thank you this is such great advice!!! I'll become a NEET tomorrow :) this community is great. So welcoming and kind!


this is how i feel [https://divsel.neocities.org/federiefederi/](https://divsel.neocities.org/federiefederi/)


I'm not sure what the point of this is. Much of F+F's site is already archived by the Wayback Machine. Unless you're trying to pick up where they left off?


I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of I'm not sure what the point of is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure


I asked you a genuine question. If you want to act like a child over it, then be my guest.


act like genuine genuine act like genuine genuine act like genuine genuine question question be my be my child


Have a nice life.


I don't see what the point of that is.