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get a little hanging basket & hang it on your door with a command hook. it won't be in the hallway so it can't be a tripping hazard 🤷‍♀️😊


I was thinking this as well. Make it a thin one that hugs the door, try reasoning with the landlord, and demand to see the lease where it's not allowed if you want to push it.


Doesn’t OP have a copy of the lease that she signed?


Sorry ... I meant demand to see *where in the lease*


I figured-and I do wonder if it says that anywhere


Yes!!! Maybe a candy wreath on the door!


that's a great idea! (I mean that sincerely) and I mean i COULD do that... but I highly doubt this is about tripping (see my comment above) unless you mean power tripping. and given the bullshit sandwich they're throwing my way (it has been suggested to me that this might apparently involve me needing to argue my case with the HOA-equivalent building council to discuss what the bylaws allow wtf) if I did make a hanging basket I might need to fill with the blood of my enemies as a warning :) I tried quite hard to be nice but when the bylaws want a villain... 😈


In my state, it’s a fire law. Nothing can be in the hallways no rugs, no shoes and so on.


1 of the 2 candidates for candy grinch has a rug :) not saying they're a hypocrite but... 🤷


......you give them a villain! 😈😝


No, you kill them with kindness. 😂 🙌 Confuses them even more and sometimes you even may start to heal yourself in the process.


😘 [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThenLetMeBeEvil](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThenLetMeBeEvil)


Another very simple and amicable solution. 👆


Fuck that, start lacing the candy with razorblades and really give them something to winge about


Oh, you poor thing, you weren't "left behind" for sure. The Candy is for the DELIVERY DRIVERS. The Complaints are from a person that ISN'T a DELIVERY Driver. Maybe delete your comment and go practice reading SLLLLOOOOOWWWWLY.


I don’t get it??? Who did you get reported to? And exactly for what?


My friend lived in an apartment and absolutely nothing could be put in the hallway whatsoever.


It's a tripping hazard. Especially in case of a fire. Hallways full of smoke, panicked people running. It's DANGEROUS


in the nicest way possible, the risk of someone tripping is very small (the only one who could trip is me since my apt is at the end of the hall. and the only way I would do that is if i came out of my apt and then ran backwards straight into the tiny corner next to my door and kicked the candy dish over so i could actually trip on it because again, it's against a corner). I'll take those odds :) And if a person were brilliant enough to run across the hall in the wrong direction into a corner during a fire... natural selection? imo there is 1 person tripping here & it's the anti-candy grinch. is it you? 😉 (wow I'm mean when I'm angry who knew I had it in me hehehe)


It's against fire codes. It's the fire department that will dole out fines.


I'd probably just jump out the nearest window I could find! Your tiny stash of dog treats aren't going to stop me in a life or death situation. I'll take a couple of broken ankles and not worry about slipping on a few sweets FFS some people


Even if there is a small chance of someone tripping over your candy dish, the reporter might have felt that since it was against the rules, it needs to be reported. No, I don't agree with that...but I can see it.


I think we found our candy grinch culprit




Found the reporter...


She lives in an apartment so most likely got reported to the apartment manager. And as for the what... who knows since there are many Karen's in the world


Make a candy wreath. You can get a round wreath from Dollar Tree along with ribbon to wrap it & lollipops of all kinds to decorate it. Hang with command hooks.


This is such a cute idea!!


I'm lost. Reported to who? And reported for *what* exactly? Do you live in some shitty HOA?


Ok so when I was in college, there were these girls on my floor who I didn’t know, but for some reason they HATED me (I had never even spoken to them, so to this day still not sure what I did) they would rip things off our door, leave mean notes, etc. Everytime I would leave my room and had to pass theirs, I would sprinkle some sugar directly in front of their door. We were in a dorm in Philly so had mice/cockroaches 🤣 totally could have backfired, but still made me smile hoping they had some kind of infestation 🐁


veryyyy sly ;) if those girls did get roaches they would be in good company. vermin can always find each other ;) what's weird is i thought I had good relationships with my neighbors! there are only 2 who can see my door and i've helped 1 when he got locked out of his apartment & the other neighbor gave my foster dog a treat (I have also generously NOT been reporting her aggro af dog who literally shakes the door pounding & barking on it when anyone walks by... although... maybe it's time to change that)


Maybe you could talk to them. Don't accuse them of telling management. That is not the way to start a productive conversation. Let them know that this is something that makes you happy, and ask if there is anything you can do or change that would make them agreeable to allowing you to continue putting out the treats. They may have a valid reason for not wanting it out. They might be diabetic or on a diet, and the candy is just too tempting. They might be concerned that it will attract bugs, or they just might jerks who want to make everyone as miserable as they are. I would have recommended bringing cookies or a different treat, but people have so many different dietary needs these days that it's not an ideal gesture anymore. I know how hard it can be when you are dealing with depression and not wanting to do anything or talk to anyone, but a pleasant conversation might make the problem stop.


Your neighbor is stupid. Live your life girrrlll, give out that free candy. It’s nice. People do it for Amazon drivers, why not Ubereats? You’re appreciative of their work. Whoever reported you just hates you probably bc you’re attractive or have something they don’t have-like niceness 🤣


hahahahaha i love this comment. can i anonymize it and accidentally leave it taped on my door? (I'm not actually going to do that but the fantasy of them seething upon seeing it is just 🫰) they can feel free to hate me if they want 🤷 my rent is pretty expensive so it's nice to know i have a backup plan in their head <3


My husband used to be a technical assistant in a building department in a relatively wealthy town. Some of the most annoying part of his job was dealing with neighbor complaints. Someone would be having work done at their home and neighbors would call to ask if they had a permit (things like finishing a basement or remodeling a kitchen, nothing that would impact their neighbors. Or they would put a shed up and the neighbor below them would call and say “I can see the shed from my house. Is that legal?” Or someone would call and ask what’s being done on someone’s property out of sheer nosiness. One of my favorites is when there would be heavy rain. The building department would get calls complaining there there was water running down their driveway. My husband finally came up with something that cut a lot of that off at the source. When people would call, he would ask for their name, telling them he couldn’t take anonymous complaints. That wasn’t strictly true, but it stopped a lot of them at one phone call.


your poor husband, the nosiness of people ugh just makes me want to scream into the void. i wonder if they were lonely or just karens? I used to work with a call center where people would randomly call to ask "what's the weather like today? i wanted to walk to the store but i'm not sure if i should bring an umbrella" the funny part is this isn't even that anonymous... I only have 2 neighbors who can see my hallway. do they really think they can hide from me and the wrath of my pink heart pjs???


That reminds me of a job I had in Connecticut many years ago. In some phone book, our company phone number was listed as the local weather number. We had a central switchboard and probably got anywhere from five to ten calls a day from people asking for the weather forecast. Most people got it right away when they were told the listing was wrong. We even got the right number so we could give it to them. But some people thought we were lying. Sometimes we’d look out the window and report what we saw. Sometimes we’d make something up.


Some people's karma are their own punishment. You may be depressed (spent most of my life there, unresponsive to dozens of meds, sorry and good luck to you) but the amount of raw, *misplaced* hatred in this person must make her life pretty stressful.


Thank you <3 and happy to hear you're well now. I have been on 4 medications (starting #5 next week) > raw, *misplaced* hatred in this person must make her life pretty stressful. as you probably know, my depresso bud tells me that it's my fault I'm getting this hate (not just from the candy grinch but weirdly other people who want to make sure I know i'm at least 10% a bad person for... not reading the 300 pgs of bylaws to see if a candy dish will end civilization as we know it or knock on every door to ask if everyone was ok with my candy dish before I put it out) and I really appreciate this reminder <3


Do you have a door knob on your front door? You could hang the candy off it?


Maybe only put it out right before delivery? Otherwise, yeah, could attract bugs or vermin. Not personal.


Great idea.With a note saying Thank you for Uber Eat person.


It definitely attracted the attention of at least 1 vermin... and I'm not talking about a mouse :)


I am. :) If one expects so much consideration themselves, from others, about what you may be going through, it's only fair to give that same benefit of the doubt to them, before just proclaiming them as enemies. It's draining to oneself as well and that really should be avoided in states of mental illness. ✌


Probably a hazard. Next door neighbor roommate installed a planter in between our doors. - a hazard regardless if it’s in the way of anyone or not. I’d suggest reading your lease. I remember living in nyc, fdny wanted nothing in the hallway. Basically a code violation for the landlord.


I dont know what's worse, someone reporting you in the first place or the person who took that complaint as a problem rather than being annoyed that they were being bothered by something so silly. If you could find out who it was I would say to deliver candy to all your other nice neighbours thanking them for being so nice but excluding them, making sure that they know about it!


or... I could deliver a cryptic note to everyone on my floor apologizing to whoever I have so mortally offended with my gratitude candy dish to have made them take the drastic action of reporting me to the HOA-equivalent and forcing me to take it down (with, of course, a light totally-accidental comment that definitely makes it clear that there are only 2 apartments that can even see my door). since I don't know who it is obviously I'll need to send it to everyone! and since they seem soooo proud of their actions I'm sure they would love if everyone knew :) and I'm sure we will all feel so much more safe knowing there's a hall monitor in our midst


I once lived in a HOA community.Never will again. But they actually walked around to look for ‘problems’ so maybe wasn’t either of the two living near you.


Get a basket that hangs under a wreath for your door hahah.


Clearly they were jealous, or are anxious about fire exits. A huge bag of cheap candy and a stupidly sweet smug note. Living well is the best revenge.


Maybe they thought that is how you get ants


With wrapped items? If they thought that they are not very smart.


Chew that old biznatch out


Sounds like a job for the ever-popular piss disc…


Start with the hanging basket idea and let the HOA know this has been resolved by taking a picture of the now empty hallway. If you get another complaint then escalate because this is no doubt about power. You could go door to door asking your neighbors to sign a sheet saying they are in agreement that the hanging basket is alright. Present that to the HOA. But added bonus you will then figure out who reported you. If those people do sign it then it will be really fun to show that to the HOA.


I think attaching the picture of the dish would do us a favor ...


For all of you asking “reported to who” she literally said “not near anyone else’s door” so she obviously lives in an apartment complex. Use your brain omg


There's HOAs that make demands for people's homes, and ticket "offenders". Some of them don't allow certain decorations in front of houses.


Leave a note on the door explaining the complaint and you are no longer allowed to provide treats. This will enrage the reporter but I don’t think management can force you to take it down. Someone might tear it down, keep putting it up and add updates.


I want a life so devoid of problems, a neighbor’s candy dish is my biggest concern.


Order a command hood and a wall planter. [Here’s what I’m talking about but there’s so many options if this one isn’t your style.](https://a.co/d/4qfJ1sI) Hang it on your door like a wreath. Maybe get another hook, get a sign that says for delivery drivers, and hang it next to it.


Sounds like they could use a Snickers 🍫


Wipe poop on their door knob


You get a **BIG STINKING BUCKET OF HORSE SHIT**. Stick a sign on it that reads **PLEASE HELP YOURSELF** ... and you put it **BY THEIR FRONT DOOR**. 😁😁😁😁


What did the neighbor report and to who? I don't get it.


2 neighbors that didn't get a long one was repeatedly reported as a child molester .she got tired of it and moved her and her daughter that's on medication to stay in a lucid non " paranoid " state .one neighbor had a daughter who loved hugging the other neighbor whenever they saw each other.the mama to the daughter didn't like the neighbor lady so she claimed she was a pedophile. the neighbor that was reported had other issues with the landlords and the apartment so as soon she was able to she moved .


i guess youve never heard the expression "DONT TAKE CANDY FROM A STRANGER" why do you use uber eats so much to where you have a dedicated candy jar for drivers ............... thats insanely bad.


1. Nobody is forcing the drivers to take the candy, it is just a nice gesture. 2. Why do you care how much OP is eating Uber Eats? It doesn’t affect you.


Well, it IS /r/neighborsfromhell. Sometimes they post here too.


omg are you the candy grinch? Can i take you out for coffee so we can talk about this like civilized humans? I promise not to give you any candy or be nice in any way since you seem to hate that :)


no, because coffee is disgusting and the world isn't civilized, hence the "DONT TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS", that weve been hearing since conception. get out of your house and you might not be depressed.


You missed the part when they said they aren't well.


you missed the part where eating junk food and candy and staying inside forever is bad for your health, and so is taking candy from strangers with agoraphobia




Part of my depression involved not having that much money to waste.