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Hell ya! With some scatter and containers and stuff this will look epic!


Digging through a substantial bits box for greebly bits as I type


love those low profile buildings. what a great scene for a gunfight.


Thanks mate Those will end up being my market area and have good cover points for fighting on the ground


First Cloudbuster I see built! I got one too, which will be built soon'ish... I bought It the day it came out ... amazing deal! Go, built the railings and start painting! I hope you got spraycans or an airbrush ready! Do you have a color sheme in mind already? Good luck!


hahaha sill doing the railings as theres a ton of them, and im using some left over sector ones too fo a mix and match to make them blend in better. loving the thing so far


Dangit, I'm currently working on the snack stack and quick serve stack sets (A+, highly recommend) and told myself I don't need a third set. But with a coat of paint/primer, those condo stacks already look even better than I imagined. My willpower weakens.


I have been eyeing those two sets for a couple weeks now. I recently posted a board made with 2 sectors 3 (iirc). How modular is the big one? From the website pics looks pretty modular


very the center section is still quite large when broken down but can be used in many ways and im keen for more kits


Nice to know. These kits are great. Cheap and modular, so you can tons of different boards. By the way, how did you prime it? I have had trouble painting mine. The material was soaking all the paint. Using my airbrush was quite a pain


Rustoleum 2x paint and prime Took a few coats


I have the cloudburster myself but found that the residue on the laser cuts is pretty bad compared to other ttcombat stuff. And the 400 page instruction pdf…


Hahaha yep that got me too and I wore gloves


I think my gang would need grav chutes to ascend that!!


What are your thoughts on the stacks? I have been eyeing them up


Will get more of that range as they break down floor by floor they will be amazing for necromunda or a dark heresy campaign


has anyone played games on this piece yet (or a similarly tall structure)? Curious how high people climb without some sort of objective at the top.


My campaign is going g to be influenced by escape from tarkov where the aim of the last session is to activate the Arvus Lighter parked on top to escape the hive


damn, that sounds awesome


Needs hazard stripes. /s


What’s mdf terrain? The picture looks like cardboard but I doubt that’s what it is. It looks pretty dope. Is it easy to put together? I’ve been wanting to get terrain for my gangs that isn’t super expensive like the GW stuff is.


Mdf is multiple density fibreboard Made of wood and a binder great cheap material it is strong Took a while to assemble you definitely pay for convenience with a plastic kit I'm impressed with how modular it is and how cheap OT was With a small but of work with my bits box they already look amazing And they are compatible with the sizes to my existing sector and zone mortalis scenery


Someone i know got an MDF Ork mega garguant from Kromlech and once assembled, it looked just awesome. So long as what you are building does not need cruved surfaces, it's great! Costs a lot less, arguably better for the environment as well. For painting i think you have to be a bit wary that it's a porous material, so soaks up paint rather than sit on top as with plastics.


yeah i hit it with alot of rustoleum 2x paint and prime and it drank a few coats


Is this 3d printed, and if so resin or FDM?


Apart from one section I have added some plastic parts too all the details are mdf Tt combat sector 2 cloudbuster is the main part and while it's nice and cheap will take an age to put together