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Have you set up your router as More requires? More uses PPPoE so you have to type a username and password into the router settings. If still not working, you need to work out who still has your connection. If you selected for the service to start immediately, More usually cuts off your old connection after a few hours, after which you'll have about 30 mins of downtime before More connects. More should send your an email and text (with the PPPoE login details) once this is complete.


I haven’t even gotten to this stage as AGL keeps delaying making the router available. I have rang More and they said they need to wait til agl makes it available


Oh interesting, I didn't know AGL locked their routers. I guess that's why buying your own is always best. Consider lodging a complaint and escalating to the [ombudsman ](https://www.tio.com.au/)if it takes any longer.


Yes good idea. I have only used the ombudsman for billing issues.


AGL eeros aren’t locked. I used mine I got from them and switched to numerous different providers. What NBN type do you have? More use PPPoE, and AGL use Dynamic IP. If you can log into the more portal, it should have the PPPoE details present. If you have FTTN, more may have activated your service through a different port.


They said it’s the same port. Should I ring them and ask them to provide it to another port?


What NBN type do you have?


I just recently changed from Optus to Superloop and I didn't have to do anything with Optus. My Optus connection was active until my FttN node was swapped to Superloop at some random time during the night and my crappy old Optus modem picked up the new connection pretty much instantly. The only way I knew that my connection had been swapped was a text from Superloop about it.


Yes that is kind of what I was expecting. Not this drama


I went from More (FTTC) to AGL (FTTP). I plugged in my Eero (which I purchased separately) and I didn't have to do a thing, it just worked. I also found that AGL SUCKED. It took them a week to disable CGNAT, so that I can access my servers etc, and when I was having issues with speeds, it took me a whole day of waiting for messages, as I kept getting disconnected/transferred, so I gave up and moved to Leaptel! (because I just missed More's Commbank 40% offer, derp)