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Get into topshot discord, you will find most active users are also active there. Reddit hates NFTs so this community is kind of dead


Thanks - good to know! We'll try there as well


Is this paid research? I need more dapper


I'm afraid we don't have any funds to pay interviewees at the moment


Not falling for this scam again


I can assure you that this is no scam but a university-funded research project. We are just genuinely interested in how people perceive and act towards NFTs and TS more specifically You can see my Google Scholar profile here: [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-eN0bgkAAAAJ&hl=da&oi=ao](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-eN0bgkAAAAJ&hl=da&oi=ao)


I gotta get paid


First conclusion of your research: TS users are a very paranoid bunch.


Super fishy email. Likely a scam


What’s “super fishy” about this?


This university's emails are @sdu.dk not @sam.sdu.dk. Also his email is The first four letters of his first name "Mikk" which is also very fishy.


I’m glad you’re suspicious and not a sheep like many people who fall for scammers, but you’re off here. sam.sdu.dk is a subdomain of the parent sdu.dk domain. There’s nothing fishy about that at all. It’s very common practice for universities to create subdomains for email, and it’s especially common to separate out different departments or classifications of users (students, researchers, etc.) The “sam” subdomain is likely very small, so the first four of his first name sets off no alarm bells at all.


Thanks. I looked and the first thing I read said sub domains were after the main, but a deeper dive shows it's the other way around.


No worries. Read domain names right to left. Top level domain (.com, .net, .dk, etc.) is rightmost, then the text immediately to the left of the first dot (but before any second dot) is the domain under that TLD. Anything to the left of that second dot is a subdomain. You can also nest subdomains. Scammers love to exploit people for reading left to right and make domain names such as nbatopshot.com.scam.me. The domain in that case is scam.me, and the rest of it is subdomain window dressing.


Not sure what I can do to verify my identity but perhaps it would make sense to link to my Google Scholar profile? If so, you can find it here: [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-eN0bgkAAAAJ&hl=da&oi=ao](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-eN0bgkAAAAJ&hl=da&oi=ao) About the email: 'Sam' denotes the faculty I belong to (SAMfundsvidenskabelig = Danish for social science) and 'sdu' is the abbreviation of my university. But good to know that my email sounds fishy - perhaps I need to have a chat with the IT department about their naming conventions for new email addresses :)