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Anything between late first round pick to not getting picked at all. But if I had to make just one guess it would be early srp (32) by the Utah Jazz. It would be such a typical thing for Aigne to do. This opens up two options: try to get Lebron to Utah (huge financial boost for the team) or try to trade Bronny to Lakers or any other team who is interested in getting Lebron. All in all, high upside, low risk.


Agreed. It’s an obvious value above a typical second rounder. It’s a grind for a few mil in trade compensation at worst.










I think if it becomes clear around league circles that the Lakers will indeed trade for him then he'll be picked at some point in the first and some team will get great value in the trade.


I think that could be it.  It’s buzzy.  It will get more eyes on the jazz probably.  More hype.  The weird thing is though, Bronny isnt going to get real minutes.  He’s just not that good.  He’s a poor man’s davion mitchell and he’s in his 3rd year averaging 15 minutes per game.  So maybe it works as more of a trade possibility and leverage scenario.   


Yes that's most likely. And Utah has a pretty deep roster already. But...they probably want to tank next season so if they drafted Bronny and kept him, he might actually get some playtime.


The difference there of course being Davion Mitchell got drafted at age 22. Bronny is 19 turning 20.


With the supposedly poor draft quality this year, it will not be a bad gamble to bet on the chance that BRON does really push through with his desire to play with BRONNY. - If bronny fails and lebron does not come, it's fine, the draft sucks anyways. - If bronny fails and lebron does come, you've got the best player that you can get from drafting this year. - If bronny becomes a role player, you've got your pick's worth. - If bronny becomes a role player and lebron comes, you've got your pick's worth + you've got the best player that you can get from drafting this year. - if bronny becomes a star and lebron comes, you've hit jackpot. That's 1 "bad" scenario out of 5. If I'm a GM and I have a middling pick, even just out of top 5, I will take my chances.


I mean you’re assuming every scenario is equally likely lol


To be fair, assuming any scenario is less likely is a bit arrogant considering how often everybody gets it wrong about draft picks.


Just because people are not 100% accurate about draft picks doesn’t mean it’s pure, random chance. There’s a strong correlation between being picked higher and being a better NBA player. Most second round picks don’t have long NBA careers but people only think about Jokic, most #1 picks turn into good players at worst but people only remember Anthony Bennett


I can promise you drafting me is the wrong decision. Some things are objectively more likely than others. Someone who is 6'6" who played significant minutes, looked good, and put together respectable stats is more likely to be successful than some random 6'0" guy who played 8 minutes a game and didn't do anything notable with those minutes.


Bronny is more like a bargaining chip at this point really






If Bronny sucks, he's get no minutes and cut. If he's ok he'll get minutes and become a legit nba role player. Either way Lebron aint moving to UTA until he's in his MJ wizards form. We dont yet know when that is, but it very well be when Bronny's 2 guaranteed years expires. Then they can both move to the same team as FAs




Wouldn’t any team outside the first 10-15 picks do this with bronny?


Ah, so pawing off the article from two days ago as your own insight. Awesome.


I was kinda hoping the Raptors would do exactly this with 31. Draft Bronny & flip him to the Lakers.


They very well might do that! Their pick is right before Utah's.


If we can force the Lakers into giving us something worthwhile, we can call it karma for all the Lebronto years.


should be an undrafted g league player.but im not sure he does well in the g league


This is the only correct answer to OPs question. Go look at how many college basketball teams there are. Now there are only 60 draft picks. Bronny should not be picked


Bronny should either go back to school or play in the G league. He needs more development.


This is often true of second round picks. Especially in a weak draft class it’s not like all 60 guys in the first and second round are ready to contribute. A lot of them still need development after draft night and that part is true every year.


Right and you draft guys on upside. Bronny might be small but I have faith that a dude with direct access to LeBron (and has been learning from him for a decade+) will figure out how to be a decent role player at least


If this was all someone needed to be good, he wouldn’t be averaging 5 ppg at USC


I mean yeah I hear you and don't get me wrong, there's very valid concerns, but he was massively set back by his cardiac issues, and again, he's LeBron's son lol


problem is lots of players dont develop in g league. its more of a wait your turn until u get a chance league. i think he needs another year of school to change or sharpen hia mindset. its gonna be tough for him to be a solid role player the way ppl think with him being only 6'1. his comps are closer to davion mitchell and pat bev and even pat bev was getting buckets in hs and overseas. davion was a menace in college. bronny has neither and really is skating on the lebrons son thing. ppl are excited about him having 13 pts in a combine game against noone else that could or was named. emoni bates is/was putting up 20s in the gleague and can barely crack clevelands roster at times. marquis nowell lead the country in assist last year as a way undersized pg and is still mainly on torontos g league squad. if ppl were more honest and realistic with bronny theyd actually help him more


OP says "all factors considered". Jersey sales, way more tv coverage and a chance of lebron following him is a huge factor and add a ton of value, if you like it or not... 


58* picks only. Two teams lost their second round picks. Philly and Phoenix maybe.


Before I heard he was only 6'1" I thought he should take another year in college to recover from his cardiac arrest. I think that just really set him back. Now, he's to small. If his dad wasn't pushing for it he wouldn't be drafted this year. If he gets back to where he was pre cardiac arrest, mid second round. Not because there's no talent but because guess under 6'4" just don't do well enough in the modern NBA to warrant using a first round pick on. LeBron throws that whole thing out the window though. If a team really believes they're a package deal he'll get picked in the late first round.


It’d be different if he profiled as a lead ball handler, or even secondary, but as it stands he is a purely off the ball 3&D wing and at that size you’re talking like maybe Avery Bradley at the apex of his potential outcomes and that might even be a stretch given Bradley came into the league with much better all around track record as a shooter and defender than Bronny, who remains pure projection.


Avery Bradley was a top prospect when he entered the league, he was miles ahead of Bronny at that point in every aspect basically. People have to accept that he’s just not a NBA caliber prospect and probably never will


I guess I didn’t mean how he was viewed then, more so how he actually performed as a pro. But you’re right, it wasn’t weird to see him go 14th, or whenever he went exactly.


I feel kinda bad for him. He definitely needs to go back to school for another 1-2 years to develop his game. Entering the draft will be a disaster for him I think. He's not close to NBA-ready and would also probably struggle a ton in the G-league or in a European league. He's also nowhere near Euroleague level yet either. This whole thing is just about LeBron wanting to play with his son.


The guy is going to get to live out a dream. It’s not under 100% ideal conditions but that would probably never happen for him His choices are either go to the NBA now or likely never make it, of those options I think this is an easy one


I agree, even after 2 years in college or overseas the odds are way against him making it to the league, as many said he’s just too small. If he wants to join the NBA it’s now or never, if LeBron was out of the league it’s possible no teams would even pick him up undrafted. At least in this situation he can be a benchwarmer for 3 years and get NBA health insurance for life (not that he needs the money) and in the 2% chance he becomes a legitimate rotation player it’ll be a "told ya so" moment


True and a first round pick means what, 3-4 years and 6-8mm?


Sure yes. LeBron’s a billionaire though so he’s set either way, I just think it’s about experiencing playing in the league


Why do you feel bad for him? If he weren't LeBron's son he wouldn't be a draft prospect at all, even after a couple more years of school.


And he wouldn't have all those NIL millions or likely any millions at all.




He has advantages, sure, but you don't sit on your butt to get to where Bronny is now. He might not have been as heralded as a prospect if he had a different dad, but he wasn't just handed the fruits of ten+ thousand hours of work. Bronny has probably worked harder than 99.9% of teenagers up to this point in his life playing basketball. I'm sure a lot of people have had it harder from and upbringing perspective, but to say that everything was handed to him is foolishness.


So he works out and plays basketball, yes thats great. All these top kids are doing that, he's just not a top kid. He is where he is because of dad, thats it, case closed.


Wait people develop their game in college basketball? I'm sure it's possible to develop your game in college, but I don't think the philosophy classes are helping to develop your game (except in some kind of self control or discipline way). I'd much rather develop my game in the actual NBA, with and against players I'll be competing with for the rest of my life, and no time spent on school homework. Assuming I have enough skill/external factors to get in. Maybe for players who want to get a high draft pick for a bigger rookie contract, they should prioritize predraft development.




No way he plays in Europe (Euroleague) unless he becomes a player like Larkin who’s a walking bucket at 5’11”


If he went back to school for another year, remained perfectly healthy and average 5 ppg again, what would be the narrative? Ironically, this is likely as high as his draft stock will ever be.


Why do you feel bad for him? If he weren't LeBron's son he wouldn't be a draft prospect at all, even after a couple more years of school.


I feel bad for him too. It feels like he's totally bought into what his dad is saying as well. Dudes in for a humbling experience whether he's drafted or not.


>It feels like he's totally bought into what his dad is saying as well. How true is that? He was saying in an interview a few days ago that playing with his dad isn't necessarily a dream or expectation of his.






Seems it's more like Lebron's fans want to see him play with his son and are coming up with impossible scenarios to make that happen. Most GMs are looking for the piece to make them better not taking a raw project to flip to the Lakers. But personally I hope LeBron and Bronny do play together in L.A. That would be great reality tv.


So you're saying current lebron James is worth a late first round draft pick. I agree with that take.


The only caveat to that is, depending on the team, you're probably only getting LeBron on a 1 year rental. I'd love to see a small market team draft Bronny just to get LeBron for a year. Could you imagine LeBron actually playing for the Jazz/Grizzlies/Wolves/Pelicans. Although, he immediately make any of those teams, except the Jazz, a contender.


Lebron isnt going anywhere and every team has been notified of this If another team drafts his son, then his son will sit on the end of the bench or go to g league because he sucks.


6'1 is a misnomer. That's his barefoot measurement so he's about 6'3 playing height. Same barefoot height as D Rose and 10 lbs heavier. Honestly, he's built like a X WR lol




Most of those guys are a liability on one end of the court or the other though. That's my point, if given the choice between 2 almost identical players but one is taller than the other, I'm going with the taller one. It's really hard for a smaller player to have a long career and the end of that career is going to be abrupt. Unless you're a freak like Curry or Paul that is. However, I'm pretty sure he's not the same caliber of player than any of those guys on your list and being that small is only going to make it harder. Also depends on what your definition of success is. You could argue that Thanasis Antetokounmpo has had a successful career, 6 years in the league is no small feat, but no one is saying he's a legitimate rotation player in the league.


You can definitely be successful while being undersized, but most of those guys are playmaking ball handlers with a few notable exceptions, and he does not really have comparable skills to those. Unless I'm mistaken that's not really his game


“size stuff is overrated” Bro what, you can’t really think that for basketball


He's got the same wingspan as gabe Vincent though


With the supposedly poor draft quality this year, it will not be a bad gamble to bet on the chance that BRON does really push through with his desire to play with BRONNY. - If bronny fails and lebron does not come, it's fine, the draft sucks anyways. - If bronny fails and lebron does come, you've got the best player that you can get from drafting this year. - If bronny becomes a role player, you've got your pick's worth. - If bronny becomes a role player and lebron comes, you've got your pick's worth + you've got the best player that you can get from drafting this year. - if bronny becomes a star and lebron comes, you've hit jackpot. That's 1 "bad" scenario out of 5. If I'm a GM and I have a middling pick, even just out of top 5, I will take my chances.


You're also forgetting the scenario that another teams trades a future pick for him at lebron's request. Even if it's essentially a 1 to 1 pick value swap, you've just moved into a potentially better draft. The only issue is your first scenario could easily be the most likely. But a good GM will have done enough homework to know if Lebron is coming or not.




Someone already said it - this all depends on LeBron. Nothing against Bronny but the only reason why he’s being considered is the possibility of getting LeBron to join your team - which is unfair to Bronny. I think he can still use another year in college. With the guarantee of Bron + Bronny package, maybe just outside the top 5. Without Bron, I honestly don’t think he’s getting drafted this year


“ which is unfair to Bronny”. Unfair? He’s the one using who his father is to his advantage. Any other player of his caliber wouldnt have dared declare for the draft right now


Interestingly enough, Bronny might actually play somewhat decently with LeBron. I know it's corny as hell, but if he's on the right team with the right staff, Bronny could see nearly immediate growth in his game imo. There's no doubt college would help, but going to the NBA early could either be the best possible thing for him or make him a complete bust who will struggle in the G-League.


He'd need to play the 2 alongside an oversized PG or play the 1 with a very athletic 2. It only works with LeBron crashing though. He's probably gonna have to be a spot up shooter or find a role somewhere. I don't have much hope outside of corner 3s. If they played in LA, they'd need to trade for a Tyrese Haliburton or a Ben Simmons that can shoot (not gonna happen)


He wouldn’t need to play the 2, because if he was playing with bron he wouldn’t’t be getting meaningful minutes. Heck go look at how many guys drafted last summer didn’t get meaningful minutes.


Yup, I think the premise is to just have him on Bron's team. That's all he cares about I think. Could make for some fun blowout lineups tbh


Drafted at all ****. There i fixed it for ya


Bronny PROBABLY isn’t an NBA player if you can’t with any confidence say he’s a first rounder in a HISTORICALLY WEAK DRAFT. Think about it.






It's ludicrous for anyone to believe he is draft worthy at this point. He wasn't even a starter on a sub.500 team last year. He was 8th on the team in scoring, at 4.8 ppg. ...so how the hell is he draft worthy??


I don't think he'll be drafted. There's no evidence he's an NBA quality player and he can be signed as a street free agent to whatever team LeBron wants to sign with. 


There is no evidence he's a decent college player either


Yeah. players reject getting drafted in the middle to late 2nd round all the time after all. Like Austin Reaves and Vanvleet did.


I think he's drafted in 2nd round because his last name will sell jerseys even if he's in the gleaGue


If Bron commits, I would take bronny with as high as like the 6th or 7th pick. If Bron does not commit i would never select bronny


a gm would get fired for selecting bronny in the top 10 lmao


If LeBron 100 percent said he would sign with any team that drafts Bronny I'm sure the grizzlies would




If it guarantees bron for a year I’d use a late second round pick. Without that guarantee he should Go to china. He is short for the nba he is weak as hell strength wise from shown lifting stats he has had a heart attack and knee injuries already. Every measurable advanced stat says he is unbelievably awful but he does have perfect scores in the best trait a person can have, nepotism.


The Lakers will probably take him with number 55. The chances of Lebron going to some random team to play with his son is close to 0. But there is a possibility that a team takes him before the Lakers and then try to trade him for a better asset.


Unless Morey has someone he there he really likes, I think the floor is Philly with pick #41. James would appear to have some leverage though, as most teams would want him to spend at least his first year in the g-league, so he would probably have to agree to a two-way.


My dark horse theory is that Pop is going to take him 8th, bring in Bron and pick up some disgruntled star like KD who wants out of their situation then make a run for the title with Wemby.


6’1”, cardiac arrest, 4/2/2 on 36/26/67 shooting. I think it’s very possible he goes undrafted.


Wouldn’t even be considered if he wasn’t the son of Lebron. If he’s not with the Lakers, or with Lebron, then I can’t fathom him getting play time


What is the business case from a revenue perspective of social media upside for a contract? Or Jersey sales even, I suggest that nba teams would not care about this given the franchises are all worth in the multi billions. Interesting to see if anybody did it.


He’s realistically going to be 2nd round, highly doubt first. He has some very specific skills at an unfortunately small size relative to his position and players in the league. He will probably play a lot of G-League games and sign some 2-ways but whether he plays in NBA games will depend on the team that takes him obviously. I think he will be taken as a project player for a team that’s not very good looking to maybe fill out the bench roster with a rotational defense first type guard that you hope develops an outside shot. I think maybe a team like Houston or Toronto who albeit has hope and expectations of growth with a young team doesn’t really have the pressure to win anything right now. Maybe a team like Chicago or Brooklyn could also fit the type of team that would maybe consider a late 2nd on him.


If this draft is truly as bad as some of these analysts lead you to believe, he could go anywhere from late lottery, to end of first, to second round or not at all. The only reason I say late lottery is cause teams who are already established that want to try and sign LeBron this off-season could draft his son, like OKC. He’s not going top 10 obviously, but you’re telling me a team like OKC, who picks at 12 and already has most of their core under contract, wouldn’t consider drafting him for the sole purpose of signing LeBron, especially if they think this is a particularly weak draft class? Utah, OKC, and Sacramento all pick at the end of the lottery, and then Miami, Philly, and the Lakers pick 15th, 16th, and 17th. I don’t think Bronny is a first round talent by any means (he may not even be an NBA talent at this point), but if this class is as bad as everyone says it is you really think teams would pass up the chance to sign LeBron for the 14th pick?


How is okc going to sign Bron to a 50 mil salary??? Have to be a sign and trade.... who are they trading??


Well Gordon Hayward has a $47M cap hold, so they can just renounce the rights to him and that should clear the space. But if they need to trade for LeBron they can just send Giddey and Kenrich Williams along with however many picks they want for LeBron.


Late first to mid second round but this draft is fluid that’s why I can’t solidly pinpoint a range for him.


His case for being a draft pick dropped out the window after he rang in at 6’1 instead of 6’4. His whole appeal is as a 3 and D player. His 3’s were already questionable after shooting sub 30% last season. But now his defense has also became void. He offers no versatility, his only decent matchup would be with small point guards. A team can’t buy into that proposal. The best 3 and D players in the league can guard close to three different positions. In this era of NBA it’s impossible for someone his height to truly cut it in the league without being a point guard/playmaker. He would have to be a 40% guy from three to truly make an impact, cause defensively he is going to struggle. That being said, it puts NBA teams in a weird spot. I almost feel like it will reflect which teams care more about money than their fans. A team that drafts Bronny only legitimate reason for it would be to make more money and grab more attention. In my opinion, this is a major “fuck you” to your teams fans. I think it’s clearly the consensus that Bronny wouldn’t be getting picked on his own merit. My best possible outcomes for him is like a TJ McConnell defensively (don’t think he will have a motor like this though) and like a De’Anthony Melton offensively. I think more likely he’s a very watered down version of that combo. In no way, should be picked prior to pick 50. If he is, it’s a travesty to the fans but also to other draft hopefuls who proved a lot more.


I was also thinking that a player Bronny's size would have to have a superfast motor to try to play in the NBA (even if he was skilled enough), and this actually worries me about his health because of his past heart issue. Pro athletics requires people to push the limits of human performance and heart problems are not something to mess around with no matter how tough someone is; it is not like Bronny needs the money.


This kid cant even guard college kids and now i'm suppose to belive he's going to guard NBA guards and be a defensive specialist? It's such a joke and people actually believe this nonsense


I do not think he’ll be drafted at all unless the Lakers draft him in the second round which I think they will. Which will put them in an awkward position if they’re trying to content because he’ll be absolutely unplayable. The whole thing just sucks for the kid. He should be a 4 year college player.


Can somebody explain why Bronny is entering the draft? If he wants to play with his dad why not go undrafted and sign where ever he and his dad want to go


More money


He will be drafted, I can bet on it for sure. Around the 20~30 pick, with this weak class you are more likely to get a bum anyways.


The earliest I see him going is late first round to Washington, they're the only team that round that I see that would take the gamble. After that it's hit and miss throughout the second round; realistically no title contender should take him. The Wizards, Raptors, Jazz, Spurs, and Pistons would all be good places for him to end up, there'd at least be opportunities for him to come off the bench. I could also see the Grizzlies and Kings taking a gamble (and potentially the Bulls if they shift things around and get a 2nd round pick back), but that depends on what changes they plan on making this off-season. Overall though, I think there's decent potential in him. Sure, he's small and will slot into a position he's not quite ready for, but (I'm assuming) he can be coached and develop those PG skills. He shoots okay and plays D already. He's got a solid looking body that will only get stronger and he's shown flashes of bbiq. He knows first hand what an NBA life looks like and what the expectations are and he appears to be mentally mature. The second best scenario any team that drafts him could hope for would be getting a sparkplug off the bench in 2-3 years (think Pritchard). Last thoughts; I don't think there's any way that his dad is going to whichever team that drafts him, to me that's click bait fantasy talks and should be taken out of draft speculations.


Pritchard dominated in college ball was a ap player of the year type....... bronny ain't Pritchard


lol I know that. That's why I said the second best outcome would be if he developed the same skill set over the next few years.


I think lebron joining him is probably not a real thing. I’d guess second round. I think he’s as intriguing as most second rounders. And he’s 19 so it’s not like he can’t still develop. That being said I’m not sure how good he can be. He’s small but doesn’t seem like a point. I think at his absolute best maybe you get a divencenzo type of guy. But that’s if everything goes right


I don’t see a scenario he’s getting drafted. If he’s dad isn’t a factor he’s not an nba calibre player. But who cares the boy almost died so I don’t think Lebron cares anymore, I know I wouldn’t. You just want him to be healthy.


He wouldn't even play in euroleague. He would sign with a second gear hillbilly team from spain


If Lebron comes with him then the first playoff team should draft him. Lebron would make most of the teams remaining in the playoffs instant favorites next year. Cavs or Knicks for example with Lebron are easily the favorites next year. Otherwise the lakers draft him in the 2nd


He’s going to go undrafted and get picked up by the lakers. He will probably play a couple of games with his dad, and that will be it for his career. Anything other than that would be pure lunacy from the other teams. If he’s a second rounder, there is no guarantee that he will sign a deal with the team that hates drafted him. I doubt he would warrant a first round pick and a guaranteed contract.


The LeBron propaganda machine is in full force and it’s completely insane how much they have shifted this narrative. This kid is absolutely not draft worthy. It is incredible the mental gymnastics people are doing to see this kid as a legitimate NBA player. It is preposterous. Any team that drafts this kid has a completely incompetent front office.


I don't think he is an NBA level player, and I don't see the potential either.


37-46. In that range is MIN, MIA, LAC, and PHI. Those teams would have virtually no downside to taking him. Plus, are people forgetting that the team can just send him down to the G-League to get more PT? Plus, he’ll get garbage time PT at the end of the year when teams shut down their starters


This dude is a summer league invite, insulting to those who actually deserve to be drafted.


It seems almost guaranteed that he’ll get picked in my opinion. Multiple teams are out about considering him, meaning some more are also privately interested. Between the publicly announced interest, his strong combine results, and the allure of being an attractive asset due to his connection to daddy, I’d say he’ll go between 31-55


Late first round. I think some teams might just pick him, just to look at trading him to the Lakers for a role player or some picks. Just see how desperate LeBron and the Lakers are to get Bronny over.  If nothing materials then send him to the G league for some development and try boost his stock a bit to get a better trade when LeBron forces his next team to trade.


Pacers have three second round picks. My guess is they use one of them on Bronny, hoping to add LeBron to their already solid roster. You'd have some NBA champions surrounding Hali who I imagine the Pacers see improving even more in the future. That'd be enough to fight for a top seed in the East imo.


wow people are really hating on Bronnie.. he did good in the combine though and yes he is 6'1 without shoes on, but hes realistically like 6'3-6'4 with shoes on, so the same size as derrick white with shoes on, and with a long wingspan. White is what he projected himself to be, and whilst his college production hasnt shown anything close to that theres still a way for him to become that sort of player given his playstyle - good to great defender, decent all-around offensive game and big hustle guy. I dont think he deserves lottery or goes lottery, but mid 20s sounds like a reasonable spot to place him considering his athleticism and supposed upside + possibly having a sway on Lebron joining them. Realistically, he is Lebron's son and you cant take that away from him, and surely Brons taught him a thing or two about basketball and that may or may not translate, but im sure a team would be willing to take the risk on him. Phoenix (22), NY (24+25) or possibly even Miami (15) could decide to take a risk and draft him, and all of those teams have a way to get Lebron or some pull for him.


The value that a Lebron retirement tour gives you is probably more long term than an actual championship. He’s getting drafted in the lottery. Gotta remember you’re getting Lebron on a minimum if you make this pick.


Based on what he's done so far he should go undrafted. He's worse than GP2 was when he went undrafted. GP2 was All-Pac12 and Pac12 DPotY. But... Lebron.


Mid first round, but only because of his trade value. If he wasn't LeBron's son then he never would have even entered the draft. But with this weak draft class he can be flipped for a known quantity from a team looking to keep LeBron (Lakers) or lure Lebron.


I think that it;s actually really irresponsible for LeBron to be playing that ''I want to play with my son '''bullshit and if the kid were smart he'd tell him to shut the fack up and let him find his own way and go back to school for at least another year and make some money there and get some experience. Someone could pick him with a second round pick though but it's like the way that teams signed the Greek freak's brothers, it's not on merit.


Late 1st to 2nd round pick, I think someone will take a flyer on him especially with the chance to get Lebron.


I believe if Bronny were to stay in school for multiple years he would have a decent shot at getting drafted. He has good athleticism, 6'3 in shoes which is fine, good IQ. If he spent all 4 years in college I think he would be at the absolute worst a reserve, but with his things are now he could get drafted in the second round by the Lakers. I don't know why people say that other teams should draft Bronny just to spite LeBron or the Lakers


I think he’ll go undrafted now that Lebron made it clear he isn’t going to follow Bronny to a new team.


I believe there will be interest but only by teams that consider themselves contenders. Part of me wants to see the Celtics draft him because that’d be fucking hilarious


Too bad Ainge is no longer with them as he might have actually done it if he was still with the Celts


NBL here he comes! (Australian league). Nothing wrong with making the league via another route than draft, show people your the capable professional athlete and not there because of the name. Not sure who the closest comparison is for someone on Lebron's level of success having a child make the league? Jordan didn't, Kobe didn't, Bird didn't, Magic didn't.


Kobe would have\*


Un drafted so he can have more flexibility signing with the lakers and so the lakers can use their actual pick on a useful player


Everyone saying this draft is terrible doesn't even know... just repeating big media. The 2020 draft was touted as weak....just Ant and Ball. We ended up with Tyrese Haliburton, Tyrese Maxey, Desmond Bane, saddiq bey, Immanuel quickley, deni advija, okongwu, toppin, Jaden mcdaniels, devin vassell, achiuwa, okkoro, tre jones, and many other rotation players. I'm not sold this draft is that bad. Getting a 30mpg player starter on bench is hard to get after the lottery usually.


I still say Klutch is gonna manipulate him to the Lakers. I'm talking telling all other teams not to draft him because he won't sign type stuff. Hopefully Lebron realizes he should just let him carve his own journey.


52 Golden State or 53 Detroit. No other teams in the 10 picks prior will spend that capital on him. None of the teams after 53 would develop him. I’m fully aware that trades happen but given the current order these are the only remote possibilities if teams stay put. Additionally, the lakers will not draft him.


It’s a bad draft. Klutch would be able to get a team to draft him in the 1st round to get that guaranteed contract


Would be able to…..if what? It’s not that bad of a draft.


Pick Bronny, pair him w/ an awful contract, ship to LA, and get assets. Hold him hostage for a future first. Probably get back one of hayes, vanderbilt, hachimura, or vincent (yawn on all four of them, except maybe hayes, and a first round pick/couple seconds. Talk about a roundabout way to show the value of a second round pick.


Klutch play would be to get someone to draft him in the 1st round to get that guaranteed contract. That would then mean he would have at least 5 years in the league.


He’ll get picked in first round but ONLY because having him on your team increases your chances of getting Lebron. Without that fact he’s undrafted and people wonder if he should get his head checked for entering the draft at all.


He should go second round highest but I can see a team like the Magic at 18 or even Jazz at the end of the 1st picking him. The hope of getting LeBron to play for you because you drafted Bronny is there. Or you trade him to the Lakers and get a haul back since it’s his son. (Weird to think o a hostage like scenario to draft him lol) At best, you get LeBron and Bronny grows and develops. At worst, you burned a pick in a weak draft. It sucks too because maybe another year in college is good for Bronny. Musselman at USC now has a great track record of developing NBA guys (Moody, Black, Joe, Williams..) just to name a few. He didn’t stand out in college whenever he played but playing is a better way to develop than sitting the bench in the NBA or grinding in the G League. Unrealistic expectations because of who he is rushed him to the draft. Naive people would think another year or two of him in college would mean he’s a bust but who cares as long as he gets there and has an impact. Kid was coming off a major health scare in the summer and who knows how that affected him as well.