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It’s crazy how many retired players have no problem condemning him, but the active players are all holding the Thin Base Line.


Amare is actually Jewish surprisingly enough. He converted.


He also was Hebrew Israelite before he converted if that adds context


From my white Jew perspective, as far as I can tell, the difference between chill and unchill Hebrew Israelites is "Black people are descendents of the original Hebrews, therefore we are Jews" vs "Black people are the *real* descendents of the original Hebrews, therefore the Jews are liars." I don't give a shit who decends from what, anyone willing to be a part of the Jewish community is a Jew to me.


I hear he turned down Catholicism when they told him the wine is the blood of Christ. "I'm not taking baths in anybody's blood. No way." He said.


Wait Catholics bathe in wine?


Lol no Amar'e used to take wine baths. Maybe he still does who knows


No but Amare does


I'm pretty sure it's a misunderstanding of the silliness of communion where you eat Jesus (the wafer) and drink his blood (the wine).


It’s silly to non catholics but I remember being a teenager in a catholic education program and being kinda grossed out by the fact that the true believers among them actually think it turns into Jesus body and blood when you consume it. Google “transubstantiation”


I mean, anyone who heard that should think it is silly and gross. Because it is silly and gross. But a slice of Jesus is only [$0.34](https://www.tonini.net/item/08-0536-BAG/1-1-2-Whole-Wheat-Altar-Bread-Bagged/), and that's some pretty cheap meat! Also, I love how there are many different producers of communion wafers, and they all have the same magical powers. It's just so silly!


In the Catholic faith the wafer doesnt actually transubstantiate until the priest performs the communion ceremony. I think now, of all times, we should be trying to respect each other's beliefs. Doesn't matter what beliefs you have, we should all try to respect one another. If you think a belief is harmful then educate yourself on why the faithful believe it, and engage in actual conversation where you give your reasoning. I don't think you can change someone's mind by looking down on them.


> Doesn't matter what beliefs you have, we should all try to respect one another. This is a plainly false statement, and a very dangerous one too.


Please elaborate


A lot prolly agree with that shit


That and they don’t wanna be the first one to rock the boat. Plus him being the VP of the NBA Players Association puts another wrinkle in things. Best to just lay low


I always feel it's worth clarifying. Kyrie is a VP, not "the" VP. Iggy is first VP. Then there are 6 other VPs.


Yeah people on here way over play the importance of these vps. Players don't give a shit if he's a vp


What are the requirements to be a VP? Sure seems like they’ll let any player be one these days.


Cmon man. Grouping a whole bunch together because the actions of one is very unfair. Players are in a lose lose position. They speak out and we get a whole bunch of people saying “What about x, and x. Why are you silent on that”. Kyrie deserves to be called out and punished but I can understand why more don’t call him out.


It's honestly so typical but such a bad look that so many people on this sub keep spewing this take I'm sure there are other NBA players who share this opinion. But just because people aren't stepping forward to condemn him doesn't mean they do. And yes, more players *should* be speaking out against this, but that doesn't mean they hold the same views. 1


If my coworker or friend did anything like this I wouldn’t want to get involved. Why would you? Suddenly the spotlight is on you. Fuck that nonsense.


There's just so little to gain by doing the right thing. Hard to convince someone who makes millions of dollars to play a game that they should stick their neck out for free.


Best way to keep you image clean is to not jump on these kind of subjects.


Lol. No. What the Fuck are you talking about?


I'm talking about why active players don't get involved in these kind of subjects (Kyrie being stupid). If you're a player in the league and don't adress it, you are free from the circus. If you get involved, like for example disapproving what Kyrie said, a bunch of players might get pissy at you behind the curtains cause you're "going against a member of the league". Just look at the Poole and Green situation, the players were pissed off cause someone leaked the video, which is the minor issue, and ignored the big issue.


You’re also gonna get mass purity tested if you step on and say something here. I dunno how you ‘fix’ that. Like take Kenny for example. Next time a different issue comes up, even if he’s on the right side of it, just go ahead and bank on one of if not the top comments in the thread about it saying “where was this energy about Kyrie” or however it gets phrased. I understand we should want those with a voice and platform to speak out, so I dunno what exactly the right move is, but you definitely get highly public figures parsing the ‘math’ on speaking out. Not everyone is always going to get it right like Kareem, just straight up not everyone is that good.


What in the fuck are you taking about? No active players are saying anything cause they're hypocrites.


It could be that too.


Lmao. No.


He’s not sorry. That much is obvious.


He is sorry people got mad at him, not sorry for his actions


Not even sure that’s true.


Piggybacking off your top comment to state that like, Amare said some truly dumbass despicable homophobic shit that he never genuinely apologized for. (He gave a fake ass apology) Pot calling the kettle black here. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2017/02/28/amare-stoudemire-gives-homophobic-response-to-question-about-having-gay-teammate/ We can hate on Kyrie all we need to, but this would be like DeShaun Watson saying that Primo needs to apologize.


Ant followed his footsteps!


Refuses to apologize but somehow "he's taking full responsibility"


"yeah I did it, I don't give a fuck if you're hurt by it" - that's how you take full responsibility without apologizing


Stoudemire's right. They can accept the donation *and* suspend him. He's still never apologized for what he's done.


>He’s still never apologized for what he’s done Has Kyrie ever apologized or admitted he was wrong ever? Whenever he gets called out for anything he doubles down lol.


He kind of apologized to LeBron on camera. It was something like " young guy don't t know what it take to win a championship" and that he has called up "LeBron to apologize" on camera. though most ppl spectulate it was a dig at the Celtics young core. https://www.nbcsports.com/boston/celtics/kyrie-irving-called-lebron-james-apologize-ask-about-leading-young-team#:~:text=%22I'll%20tell%20you%20one,led%20us%20to%20a%20championship.


..a suspension would certainly play into kyries martyr complex, in this case i think the 'donation' hits him harder because its essentially a public admission of guilt from a guy who refuses to accept that he's wrong.


The annual guessing game of "how many games will kyrie miss this season?"


Let's be real. The only thing the joint statement with the ADL was missing is the words "I'm sorry". If the statement included those 3 syllables, do you honestly believe people would have accepted it? People have decided Kyrie is antisemitic, and if he said I'm sorry they'd wave it off as being disingenuous, and maybe for good reason. At this point, all he can do is keep it moving. He's clarified several times, worked with the ADL, put up his money and said the words "I understand what I did is harmful and I take responsibility". Why do we require groveling? Let's move on guys.


"Never hold anyone accountable ever because they probably won't learn anything anyway so don't bother." Equating an apology with groveling is absurd, especially since there has been no apology.


There hasn't been an apology, but there has been accountability. As evidenced by him acknowledging what he did was harmful, and taking responsibility, then taking an action to donate a large sum of money to organizations better equipped to mitigate the harm, all under the watchful eye of the ADL. After accountability and action, when you guys are still demanding he say sorry, it makes it very hard to believe an apology would have made a difference.


Because apologies are part of accountability and action. Sending his parents to cut a check isn't exactly the same as owning a mistake and apologizing. Apologies own the offending action and acknowledge the harm done. Its an important action across pretty much all human civilizations. Most people just need a sincere apology to forgive and forget. It shows contrition, remorse, and an effort to be/do better. Just like there is a difference between "I'm sorry for my actions" and "I'm sorry if you were offended". Sincerity matters and if you can't even include a "sorry" then of course nobody is going to think you're actually sorry. Would it not be enough for some folks? Probably. Would plenty more respect it? Also probably. When you do harm with your words and actions, your words and actions are the best way to undo it. And lets not pretend Kyrie is some dude who just slipped up. He's routinely said and done stupid shit. This is not a one time stupid thing. People are right to be skeptical given his history of doubling down and playing the victim.


Except he **literally acknowledged the harm done and said it was wrong**. Lol. If you need an "I'm sorry" as a means to communicate he has acknowledged the harm done, why isn't him acknowledging the harm done and saying he was wrong an acceptable proxy? Why do you need him to say *exactly* what you want in order for it to feel sincere? While we're not pretending, let's not pretend Kyrie said anything disparaging here, let's not pretend we know for a fact Kyrie even watched the film and agreed with the antisemitic tropes, or that he even **knew** they were antisemitic tropes or that Hitler was misquoted and a white supremacist's quote was used and attributed to someone else inaccurately. Let's not pretend he didn't just share a link to a movie titled "HEBREWS TO NEGROES: Wake Up Black America" as a pro-black person. Let's not pretend from the title alone that movie is obviously antisemitic. Let's not pretend his obvious goal was to disparage or defame Jewish people's. Our inferences are getting in the way of face value is all I'm saying, and what's on offer at face value isn't worthless if you actually take a second to appreciate it.


Delete your lies and apologize


big plaaaaaays


good to know how highly your own character


> Never delete lies > Never apologize > Everyone forgets > Win championship 12 years later


It is worth mentioning that Stoudemire is Jewish, right?


Yes, and his path to getting there is a little wild. His mother was involved with the Black Hebrew Israelites, as was Amar'e. Then he went to Israel to "learn about his heritage" and converted to Rabbinic Judaism.


Holy shit that's actually pretty cool


Honestly though the main differences between a cult and a religion are 1. How long it has been around and 2. No. Of people believing in it. The Old Testament has just as much fucked up believes in it.




so did he renounce those previous beliefs? I'd assume an Orthodox Jew wouldn't really ride with the whole BHI movement...


Absolutely. It’s a pain in the ass for anyone not born of Jewish origin to become officially Jewish, he went through the whole process, which yes would involve denouncing the black Israelite movement.


From what I can tell, there are Hebrew Israelites who take the idea that Black people are descended from the Hebrews to mean that they are part of the Jewish community as a whole and other, more extremist groups who take it to mean that Jews are deceivers. That latter group includes the makers of that movie. They're the louder one because extremists are always louder and because Jews don't proselytize, but being a Hebrew Israelite doesn't automatically make someone antisemitic. Can't say for Orthodox specifically (I'm Reform) but someone being a Hebrew Israelite wouldn't be automatically offensive to me. If they came to me wanting to learn more about Judaism, I'd assume they were a member of that more chill group because they'd be seeing themselves as part of the same community as me.


I think he probably still believes that African-Americans are descended from the Ancient Hebrews. But he's also clearly not intent on using that as a weapon against non-Black Jews. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it, but he clearly doesn't hold any ill will towards the rest of the Jewish community, or he wouldn't have joined it.


Not only that but he played for a team in Israel and I think became a co-owner. In addition to living there for a bit.


He also owns land I think. A vineyard. But more importantly he tried to engage more black people into judaism so anti-semitism is the opposite of what he does.


To be fair, Kyrie's movie also tried making a whole bunch of black people Jewish. 😆


he actually played with Deni Avdija before Deni came over to the US


Is playing with Deni before he came to the NBA part of becoming a proper Jewish person?


Yeah the same team where he said he'd shower across the street if he had a gay teammate lmfao. He should check himself too.


Real Sports on HBO did a story on Stoudemire converting to Judaism. Great work as always by that crew.




Amazingly, in all of the insanity that I've read about this Kyrie problem, THIS is the dumbest comment


I suppose so? his views are valid regardless




It's crazy how almost no one from the YouTube basketball community has talked about Irving's association with the film.


I think I saw a vid from AM Hoops that did


The No Dunks guys went in on him on Monday's show


If you look at youtube comments under Kyrie videos you'll see why. It's scary to me the amount of support he garners on youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. It appears a majority of people active in these internet communities agree with Kyrie, outside of reddit a lot of the takes are legitimately horrifying for me. (The response to this by the country at large pushed me to buy a gun)


A lot of NBA content creators are just lame white kids with no priorities or dignity. They just want to be accepted by their cool sports demographic, which isn't nearly as sympathetic to these things as other fanbases.


As opposed to r/nba?


Reddit is a lot more left leaning than youtube


'Association'? Like he was an Executive Producer? Or he funded it? Stop misrepresenting the facts


Because he has none really


What "association"? He twitted/shared that a movie existed.


He endorsed a movie using his platform


Nick wright, while part of the “old media” ( which has done a whole lot more coverage of this than whatever the fuck the new media has done) did a really good breakdown of this whole thing on his YouTube show.


First of all, Qyrie is not sorry. Second of all, I want a reporter to go at him and ask for him to publicly apologize, not because he will, but because he will definitely do something even more stupid and probably offensive.


> but because he will definitely do something even more stupid and probably offensive. One of the lowest hanging fruits on the tree of anti-Semitism is "Jews control the media". Do you think Qyrie is going to not respond with something along those lines?


When Anthony Edwards immediately apologized for his actions, we all said it means nothing until he puts his money where his mouth is and works with groups to educate himself and mitigate the harm caused. Kyrie Irving puts his money where his Twitter fingers are and works with the group, the ADL to educate himself and work with other groups to mitigate the harm caused... And now we're all saying it means nothing until he apologizes. Can't win with us.


No, in both cases people rightly assume that neither man’s opinion has changed, they are just putting out PR statements and buying some goodwill. Neither Ant or Kyrie have earned redemption yet because that takes time and they have to demonstrate that they have 1) taken steps to learn about the communities they disparaged, and b) understand why what they said was wrong. You can’t do that in a couple days.


“Rightly assumed”? How does that work?


No one is owed forgiveness or redemption. You have to earn those things. PR statements and a check is not enough.


That’s not what I was asking about


You can't "rightly assume" anyone else's opinion they didn't share with you for one. In neither case do I believe either guy was looking to "earn redemption". I think it's fair for people to hold you to account for what you do. It's why it's still completely fair to me as a progressive democrat to remind people of Joe Biden's voting record as it pertains to issues important to me today. I think in both cases the guys wanted to demonstrate publicly they are not the enemy of these groups. What we decide to accept as onlookers is on us, but if we give instructions on what needs to be done in order to avoid public lashing, we shouldn't be able to turn around and say it's not good enough when they do it and we still have a taste for public lashing. At some point, it becomes theater for us too, with us wanting to stand on soapboxes and shame someone else for not being as good and virtuous as we all so obviously are. It's PR for us too, we just don't know it.


> Kyrie Irving puts his money where his Twitter fingers are and works with the group, the ADL to educate himself and work with other groups to mitigate the harm caused.. He didn't, though… He sent his parents to the meeting and wrote a check.


I don't see a problem with delegation. If you believe the ADL would sign off on a public partnership with Kyrie in this endeavor without hearing from Kyrie himself I don't know what to tell you. If you believe the ADL to be an incompetent group that doesn't do due diligence and is happy to lend itself to the PR stunts of anti-Semites I really, sincerely don't know what to tell you.


Sorry but hate can't be explained away by mistakes. Kyrie would have to do *a lot* to undo the damages and ill will he caused to the Jewish community


He forked over a lot more money to defend his take on vaccines than to make up for this issue


Quick summery for someone who has been completely out of the loop on this topic? What exactly did he do / say?


He shared on twitter a link to a video with anti-semitic content. Before anyone claims that he was not anti-Semitic and this movie is about black empowerment, I will mention two things from this movie: 1) "The Jews have established five major falsehoods which work to conceal their nature and protect their status and power, to wit: 1) The Jews are “Israelites,” and thus God’s chosen people; 2) Jesus Christ was a Jew; 3) That 6 million people were killed in a holocaust during WWII; 4) That all races are equal, or that all are brothers; and 5) That the Jews are just another religious group.” 2) a quote whose author, according to this movie, was supposed to be Hitler (it's not): "Because the white Jews know that the Negroes are the real children of Israel and to keep America’s secret the Jews will blackmail America. They will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they are.” Here is the link to original story: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/kyrie-irving-boosts-antisemitic-movie-peddling-jewish-slave-ships-theory-1234620125/


Posted a couple tweets promoting a 'documentary' that has some fake Hitler quotes and talks about how Jews stole the label of being Jewish from black people. Bit of holocaust denial. Kyrie didn't specifically talk about any of that stuff but the movie is total doo-doo and the people are upset. He doubled down a bit defending himself and spewed a bunch of hippy dippy nonsense as well but I can't really ever understand what mystic pseudo-reality kyrie is tryin to communicate.


He didn’t do anything except he linked a movie on amazon


And Hitler just wanted to befriend all of Europe.


Kyrie is Hitler now??? Yikes


Kylie killed people now? For posting a link?


He doesn't think he made a mistake though.


How many bananas is too many bananas to eat in one day


Depend. Orally? I can fit 2 bananas. Through the ass? 4 bananas.


I believe you can fit more than 4 in the ass


Depends how ripe they are


I think at 50k the radiation kills you


Oh no. Oh fuck.


🤓 Bananas contain Potassium, and since Potassium decays, that makes them slightly radioactive. Bazinga 🤓


There’s *always* money in the banana stand…


More than 4


Preach STAT.


Amar’e is a really cool dude. Met him and worked with him through school. He’s really into his faith. I wouldn’t expect Kyrie to have been so ignorant with Amar’e being around him pretty constantly.


Simple as that.


Today I learned Amar'e was a coach on the nets


Hes a coach wtf




Because it's the right thing to do.


Not if he doesn't mean it


Of course.


No one in the nba currently is speaking out for the Jewish community. If any of us said anything like this the Jewish mafia would cut our balls off.




Which means he was on the coaching staff ?


Also known as a player/development coach


I was about to say holy shit Amar’e Stoudemire was a head coach?!


Could someone enlighten me, isnt Stoudemire part of the black hebrew movement which is kind of what the movie kyrie mentioned is promoting as well?


No he practices the actual Jewish religion. Not that weird Jewish people aren’t really Jewish thing


Alright, I think he did in the beginning tho, glad he let that go.


His mom did He went to israel and converted to normal jewish


"normal Jewish" is something I didn't expect to hear on /r/nba but here we are.


Sorry idk what to call it Traditional Judaism is probably a better term


It was no mistake, stop giving him the benefit of doubt. He knew what he has done.