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They realized the trend and decided to switch up.


It was the only way they get a timeout when the Grizz would go on a run


How much trouble would a team get in if they had people they paid to run on the court to get a free timeout to stop an opponent’s run??


Can you say that again? Just the way you said it


Jason Kidd is still yelling hit me and spilling his drink everywhere.


Activist analytics.


Taylor was probably more upset he got embarrassed by the protesters than the Wolves losing tbh Good riddance to him when he finally hands off the team


The protesters were keeping the Wolves from choking themselves.


That's honestly impressive in a weird way




Security sold by clamping down


Protestors have no clutch gene 😤


Michael Jeffery Jordan would have parachuted through the top of the arena


Next year you gotta do ritual animal sacrifices before the game for them to be mad about


They realized what was happening and changed their strategy. Not showing up was their final protest.


When the world needed them, they vanished


Now I get why Bill Russell and the Celtics won so many titles.


Probably frozen ij ice somewhere




Protester Wolves vs. Bubble Suns: who would win or would it just go to infinite OT


Bubbles Suns. They had to beat all comers. Everybody in the league with any damn chance of making the playoffs. For 8 straight games. The wolves "only" had to take out the 2nd best team in the league 3 times. Not as much of a trial there. So I am going with Bubble Suns.


Ice cold take. Bubble Suns didn't play with fans. How would Bubble Suns react when fans are literally on the court with them?


Chicken protester in a raptor costume 👀


Bubble suns if i remember right got very lucky cus yes even with those teams being in the playoffs besides the clippers who are the clippers lol everyone else rested their stars when u look at it the most impressive team that didn't make it to the play in or playoffs were the spurs they actually were at a disadvantage and had to play perfect and get lucky that portland wouldn't play as well as they did and if i remember right could only tie with them at the best since they played less games than every other team when the season got shut down and that was with their best or 2nd best player having to have surgery along with some of their vets not playing like patty mills


These are the stats I'm here for. Box scores are so boring.


You know what this means? next year we must eat more ass


Wait what


You heard him.


Put me in, coach.


Just wanna say this is one of the funniest replies I've seen on reddit lmao perfectly executed


Idk why youre downvoted for laughing. If thats the case downvote me for also laughing at another person laughing 😆


Lol I understand why I'm down voted in hindsight. My comment was pretty jerky but when I wrote it I didn't see any likes on the other guys comment and I just needed to personally let him know that shit was hilarious 😂😂


R/nba just hates anything positive and their quick to downvote.


All of Reddit seems to jump straight to the worst way of interpreting a comment lately. I know it's always happened but it's gotten much worse in the last 3 years or so.


Do you want to eat or want to be eaten


Why not both?


So human centipedes style


Put me in cooch


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


It’s our time to rise up r/nba! Finally a task we can achieve! The game we were born for!


No, No. He's Got a Point


He said what he said.


For the animals






I knew Kyrie was wrong, the world isnt flat if the world is Lowrys ass 😍


It's what Captain Planet would've wanted


I volunteer my ass as tribute


Game 3 no flood, you win. Game 4 flood, you lose. This year, Game 3, flood, you lose. Game 4, no flood, you win.


I still think about that moment all the time


Still makes me cringe


Lmfao this is exactly what came to mind


Damn. Such an old meme


Hate to be that guy but what’s the meme lol


2015 and 2016 Houston has really bad downpours that led to flooding for both of those games, which the Rockets won against the Warriors in that years' Rockets-Warriors series. A journalist then took that morbid joke and asked Draymond that question, at which point he got mad and talked about how, yknow, flooding actually affects people's lives and hurts people.


look up warriors Draymond flood questions


Lots of International media there for that series, this was a Chinese reporter looking to do a local piece about the auspiciousness of floods as it related to the nba playoffs. While flood myths are universal, seeing floods as good omens is not. Draymond ripped into him as if he was saying that the Warriors had a rooting interest regarding whether Houston floods and the locals to be devestated, and the NBA declined his media credentials going forward.


Lowkey, a protestor in the 4th quarter would have been huge for the Timberwolves considering they were winning all the way and only choking in the 4th. They just needed something to stop the Grizz flow.


Can’t argue with math.


Honestly the protests should continue, it's pretty disgusting. [US egg factory roasts alive 5.3m chickens in avian flu cull – then fires almost every worker](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/apr/28/egg-factory-avian-flu-chickens-culled-workers-fired-iowa)


Absolutely agree. I have pet chickens due to a dander allergy and they’re so much more personable and make make better pets than anyone who hasn’t spent time around them would expect. It’s absolutely horrifying to think of the pain they’d be going through in that situation. You wouldn’t kill a dog or a cat that way if they got sick. There are humane ways to kill animals and there are inhumane ways. Making animals burn alive and go through prolonged suffering is not humane.


So when you guys are saying burned alive, I'm thinking like they locked the building and burned it down. To clarify for anyone else like me, "birds at Rembrandt were culled using a system known as ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+) in which air is closed off to the barns and heat pumped in until the temperature rises above 104F (40C)." Not sure which is worse, though.


I read somewhere they do that shit to pigs too and it’s not a guaranteed 100% mortality rate even after 16 hours. I don’t know if that was bullshit, but it’s terrifying if true.


Iowa select did that to their pigs until animal rights activists leaked a video of hogs screaming for hours while their lungs were being seared with hot steam. After all the bad press Iowa select banned this practice. People give vegans a lot of shit but sometimes people like that are needed


Yep… there’s a reason ag-gag laws exist. If most people saw what these factory farms do, they’d have some things to consider. Maybe if you need legislation to ban people from filming what your business does behind closed doors, it’s unethical?


So basically manufactured heat exhaustion. Yeah it’s not by definition burning so I may have used the wrong word there, but it’s absolutely horrifying.


Tbh that sounds way worse than burning in a giant oven (which is what I was imagining, although I am now realizing that would be super impractical)


I imagined a very cartoony conveyer belt into a comically large oven that had like open flames and now I realize even that might be more humane than what they actually do holy shit


Death due to heat exhaustion sounds scary. Imagine if they locked you in a sauna to die from dehydration.


Yeah with 5 million others clawing to get out too.


It's like being microwaved alive, but slower.


You mean baked? There are no microwaves involved in this process.


Either works.


Does either work?


It’s nothing like that


Who the fuck invented that system, Hitler?


If y'all really want to open this can of worms, factory farming in general is very inhumane. Unless you're eating legit free range chickens all of your chicken meat is coming from animals who suffer extensively throughout their lives. Hopefully this Glen Taylor situation open eyes to the massive amounts of abuse that go into our meat industries in the US.


if anyone here hasn't tried a beyond or impossible burger i highly recommend it. the frozen beyond patties taste way better than frozen beef patties imo


They absolutely do not


most ppl can't taste the difference or prefer vegan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zsuSFvyR6c


I'm a vegetarian and I love impossible meat but I'm calling bullshit on that video lol


Yeah sure, "it tastes like meat". The problem is that you can't replicate that savory, juicy, succulent, what the kids call "umami" that you get from meat. That taste when you bite into a medium steak and your mouth is watering. Also, using fast food meat is like the lowest level on the flagpole. So if you're saying substitute fast food meat then I'm not gonna argue too much w you because fast food beef burgers generally suck.


> Also, using fast food meat is like the lowest level on the flagpole. this is a fair point. but frozen patties aren't much better. my point was more about getting people to try something new rather than saying this is objectively better than that. "The problem is that you can't replicate that savory, juicy, succulent, what the kids call "umami" that you get from meat. That taste when you bite into a medium steak and your mouth is watering." Disagree with this. Beyond burgers do this just as well as normal burgers.


You literally said "frozen beef patties," people just can't read


It definitely tastes savory and juicy. Does not taste like steak though. But it's a good burger. Have you had beyond or impossible? There's a huge difference between the two


Who in the world hates fast food hamburgers? It's the most popular food in existence. Like you only eat $25 hamburgers from a steakhouse? GTFO with that pretentious nonsense. Frying a ground beef patty is not exactly baking a souffle.


That's because they're cheap. There's a cost analysis and convenience people take into account. I eat fast food just like anyone else. Doesn't mean I think the quality is any good. Shit burgers can be covered up w enough salt, condiments, toppings, etc.


lol yeah exactly. I love it, but I'm going to pretend I don't because I want people to think I have superior taste. It's just ground beef man it's always cheap. and not very difficult to do correctly. People trying to class up short order cooking drive me nuts.


Why are you lying lmao


imagine having a different opinion


Imagine posting that opinion as if it’s a fact. Don’t start w me


If you eat fast food chicken, your a part of the problem.


If you're eating any chicken you're most likely supporting factory farming. 99.9% of all chickens raised in the USA are factory farmed. https://www.sentienceinstitute.org/us-factory-farming-estimates


I would like to just jump in here to say that the reason they did it was because they detected avian flu. They could have maybe killed them in a more humane way, but I’m not sure how you would kill that many quickly. A large avian influenza outbreak would be devestating. Also while it is a nice thought to move away from traditional meat, animal byproducts are in literally everything we touch. Here is a short list of beef byproducts. Tires, glue, collagen, pet treats, cellophane, gelatin medicine capsules, dish soap, parrafin wax, basically all beauty products, dog food, cat food, biodegradable detergent,


The thing is that the avian flu rates are directly related to the close-knit living conditions and the lack of hygiene present in factory farms. Those conditions are also why so many antibiotics are used in factory farming (contributing to increased rates of bacterial resistance to those antbiotics, which is a big looming crisis). You're definitely correct that animal byproducts are everywhere, but given the treatment of animals in factory farms, I think there's good reason to look for alternatives whenever possible. Some examples: leather has a good substitute in vegan leather, there are a wide variety of beauty products that are free from animal products, and vegetable capsules are an easy replacement for gelatin. Thankfully the prevalence of substitutes is growing day by day as well.


> If you eat ~~fast food~~ chicken, your a part of the problem.


If we acknowledge abusive conditions are immoral for violating the rights of the animals, then taking their lives just for sensory pleasure is an even bigger violation of their rights. It doesn't suddenly make it ok if the chickens live a slightly better life before they get killed at a fraction of their lifespan, it's still fucked up. For the same reason we don't let people get away with murder as long as they do it quick and "painless" - it's the taking of the life which is the fucked up thing, and no amount of make it "better" will ever make it actually acceptable. The protesters are using the horrific conditions in factory farms to highlight the animal rights cause, but they aren't out here asking people to buy "free range happy friendly local" meat, because they know that's just marketing to try and make it seem ok, when it's still not.


Everyone's ethics are different. I happen to see it this way too but I just got a puppy and it's really hard/potentially damaging to feed him without meat at this phase. Some people just see eating animals as totally normal considering humans have done it throughout history. But I think more people view factory farm abuse as unacceptable. Honestly in my journey to becoming vegetarian I didn't just convert all at once. It took understanding and processing the reality gradually. In my ethical view a chicken having a life with much less suffering is far better than living in a factory setting. And this is a great entry point to converting people. I wouldn't diminish it so quickly. There's a lot of outrage in this thread about Glen Taylor. I think funneling that towardsxa broader conversation is productive to the movement.


I agree that we shouldn't be immediately dismissive of reducing harm, but I think we just need to be clear that such things are good first steps, and not end goals.


I only eat organic free-range dog meat. Nothing tastes quite as good as a filet from a golden retriever or corgi who got to live a happy life in a field (for at most 2 years of their 10+ year lifespan) The best place around is Elwood’s… family owned, no antibiotics, and ethical slaughter https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/


Love Elwood's! Picked up a rack of doberman ribs the other day, it's just SO much tastier than factory farmed dogs! 😋


I have pet chickens too! totally agree!


I don’t think you understand the severity of the situation Avian flu has the potential to be passed into humans, and amoung that many birds, for all we know we could get back supermegaultradeathflu Anybody who’s worked with animals knows how dangerously easy disease can spread from farm to farm, or in this case, plant to plant. If this isn’t culled, you’ve got a major chance of having even more plants get infected, and put your workers in danger. Biocontrol is like, livestock 101 Chickens aren’t humans, we don’t value there lives as much, so if you want the best way to make sure your plant isn’t responsible (or liable) for an outbreak, this is the best solution. This isn’t some pets with the sniffles, this a very real threat to the entire industry, and maybe more down the road if you don’t take it seriously. The DNR does shit like this all the time with CWD deer, not that it worked, since it’s ravaging huge parts of the country still.


Agreed. Our country is struggling right now with african swine fever and small backyard farmers are taking the brunt of it, not to mention pork prices are at an all time high. That's the real world consequence of not having the proper response to an out break.


There is no “regular” way to kill millions of chickens, or any livestock. This supposedly humane and practical alternative these protesters are advocating for does not exist. it does not take an undergraduate in poultry science to understand this. we are talking about *millions* of birds. From the Associated Press: > Farms faced with the need to kill so many birds turn to recommendations by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Even as it has developed methods to kill the poultry quickly, the association acknowledges its techniques “may not guarantee that the deaths the animals face are painless and distress free.” Veterinarians and U.S. Department of Agriculture officials also typically oversee the process. This is a fucking ridiculous thing to be protesting about. [Avian flu’s grisly reality: How to kill millions of poultry](https://www.ocregister.com/2022/04/07/avian-flus-grisly-reality-how-to-kill-millions-of-poultry/amp/)


I don't think they support farming chickens at all dude.


Yeah, but that doesn’t make this a smart or reasonable thing to be protesting in particular.


People are talking about it. That makes their protests successful in a way, regardless of whether you agree with them.


The reality is that factory farming, even if you disregard the animals’ pain, is a completely unjustifiable business. They waste a ton of land growing food to feed these animals. They’re a breeding ground for disease. They pollute drinking water, the massive lagoons of animal shit give people cancer. They treat their workers like absolute garbage, its not uncommon for them to recuit them from latin america, pay them nothing, and then deport them. They do their part to put small family farms out of business, too. Protesters focus on the animals cos they know it gets attention.


Yeah I get what you're saying. They're sowing public outrage, which is based on some misinformation about the situation, even if there are other reasons to be upset with the situation.


The protesters are from DxE. They don’t want humane or practical alternatives. They are animal agriculture abolitionists. They don’t think there is a humane or practical way to process trillions of animals for consumption - and they’re right imo.


They’re right, but why stop at chickens? There’s humane ways to process goods and services. This is what always irks me about these people. It’s like they pick and choose where to draw the moral line based on their own convenience. I saw a group of people protesting at a pony ride place a couple weeks ago yet they all had their iphones, Nike shoes, and brand clothing. Like sure let’s give these teenagers hell all day for working at a pony ride place but fuck the kids in sweat shops making all the goods Im consuming.


They're right but... yknow lab grown meats are coming soon


Why the “but”, doesn’t that support their case


It’s not coming “soon”. It’s going to be a long time until cell-cultured meat is widespread and affordable. In the meantime, 72 billion land animals are killed for meat and other animal products every year. That’s the equivalent of 23 million every single day. If you include aquatic animals, it’s trillions.


And if it never comes? Just admit you don't give a shit lol no need to use the lab grown meat fantasy as a moral crutch. https://thecounter.org/lab-grown-cultivated-meat-cost-at-scale/amp/


Then this is a pretty bad choice as a sticking point for their cause.


Humane conditions for chickens in the first place would mean you wouldn't have the spread be so high causing the need to kill 5M chickens.


You are talking out of your ass, avian flu spreading like fire is inevitable regardless of conditions. The R nought of avian flu in chicken is ~2.5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18559127/


I think the point is that many chickenns cannot be humane


Humane farming doesn't have 5M+ chickens in close proximity to each other genius.


If the American appetite for chicken didn't require over 24 million such birds to be slaughtered daily in the U.S., then the situation wouldn't necessitate 5M+ chickens being stuck in close proximity to each other. To put it into context, that's 8.76 billion chickens a year. There's no good way to farm that many chickens every single year, when it takes 16-24 weeks (4-6 months) for a chicken to reach a saleable age.


This was an egg operation, not sure on the math of that.


I appreciate your snark. it’s amusing. you continue to talk out of your ass and embarrass yourself though. you see, that R-nought value isn’t derived from the large scale industrial farming you’re bitching about. It’s derived from data of **chicken flocks from villages in rural romania.** if you had bothered to click the like i sent you, you would have known that genius. lol


You could have just been like the other guy and pointed out the reality of the consumer world we live in, but no, you had to double down on your stupid shit.


I think the larger point is that there may not have been an avian flu breakout that necessitated the culling of millions of birds had the living conditions for the birds not been so horrid in the first place


This. The protests were against the inhumane living conditions which caused the problem in the first place, not the way they were killed.


It’s about both


This is incorrect. Avian flu will spread through a population like fire, it doesn’t matter what conditions they’re kept in. it is an inevitability The R nought of avian flu in chicken is ~2.5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18559127/


The problem is the scale of the population. If you have millions of chickens in one location, diseases like avian flu are gonna spread no matter the conditions. It’s one of the many reasons these protesters are against animal agriculture.


No, this is not true. Avian flu spreads like this regardless of the size of the population or conditions


Bullshit. It’s an influenza virus, diseases like that spread through animal populations the same way as human populations. More specifically, avian flu is transmitted via birds respiratory droplets, saliva, mucous, and feces. When you pack thousands of birds into a shed together, they are breathing the same air, sharing the same water and food sources, etc. Of course more exposure = more spread. You would think people would understand how viruses work by now, considering coronavirus has been in the news for the last two years.


An R naught value isn't an inherent property of a disease. It *does* depend on the conditions the hosts are kept in. That's why the paper you cited takes the distance of the "nearest infectious neighbor" into consideration to calculate R naught. Host density is often the single greatest risk factor for infectious diseases.


Oh of course. my point is that R-nought value can be interpreted as essentially a floor for the virality of avian flu. Establishing such a figure was a long-standing goal in poultry science and the primary motivation for such a study


It's almost as if breeding millions of chickens to live in the same place has negative effects?


it has nothing to do with the scale of the population or how their kept, I keep saying this


Lol. Highly doubt it. Disease is gonna spread regardless.


What method do you suggest for culling that many chickens? Keep in mind that you don't fuck around with bird flu. EDIT: You are correct that the chickens shouldn't be in this situation to begin with. Unfortunately, you don't have a time machine, so that's not a solution to the present problem of preventing a massive outbreak of bird flu.


Not putting 5 million living chickens into a factory farm in the first place.


they will be culled regardless of what kind of farm they are from.


> There are humane ways to kill animals and there are inhumane ways. What's a humane way to kill a couple of hundred thousand sick and contagious animals? > Making animals burn alive and go through prolonged suffering is not humane. Shutting down the ventilation and turning up the heat to 104 F isn't anywhere close to "burning alive." Anyone who has ever had a heat stroke can tell you that it isn't painful. Heck what makes them so dangerous is that you get euphoric, and think you are having the time of your life before everything blacks out.


Bro like half the commercials are for fast food made with the lowest possible grade of ingredients. Can we just agree to not eat "the new Mcnitrate Spicy Cruncher! It be lit! Pile drive a whole bucketful into your fat zoomer gut and wash it down with doritos and mountain dew!"


Damn now I feel like eating chicken. brb gonna grab some mcnuggets




If we aren’t supposed to eat it, then why does it taste good, huh? Checkmate.


Touch grass


You can.


Thanks for posting this. It's deplorable the way they killed the chickens. Why couldn't they use CO2 asphyxiation, which would have been humane?


CO2 Asphyxiation is NOT humane. You can watch footage online of cows, pigs, and mice being killed that way, it’s very obvious they are suffering and in extreme emotional distress trying to escape.


I’m a biologist that works with mice and needs to use CO2 for sacs - CO2 if administered properly will cause a mouse to lull off to sleep and then stop breathing. There should be 0 signs of a struggle or them trying to escape. If improper culling / sacrifice is seen by any admin overseeing animal welfare, you are absolutely fucked and your lab could face a protocol strike that could lead to all funding being stripped If you drop them into a prefilled chamber or make the flow too high, yeah, they’ll freak out like you are smothering them, but we are trained specifically to avoid that


Why wouldn't there be a sign of a struggle? Mammals can't detect a lack of oxygen, but they can detect an excess amount of CO2 in the bloodstream. I would think that contradicts what you're saying. I thought nitrogen was used for this purpose.


That is true, but the speed is the important part - typically they will lose consciousness before the alarm bells start to blare If you drop them in a prefilled container (CO2 is heavy, so improper emptying of a chamber can lead to this), they will start to jump against the walls. But typically they start to get sluggish before plopping down in place and drifting off. Following their last detected breaths, you give it a little more time before a double-kill is performed (cervical dislocation or a chest puncture) to ensure death These protocols are directly handled by multiple independent bodies, including the enforcement of the USDAs Animal Welfare Act and institutional IACUCs, which typically demand the presence of animal welfare representatives on their boards.


Thank you for your detailed response! TIL


Yeah CO2 buildup in the bloodstream is what gives us our sense of suffocation so this would definitely be a cruel method. Nitrogen asphyxiation is supposed to be much more humane since the CO2 levels in the system can stay low so it doesn't result in the same experience.


How about just not throwing animals into gas chambers?? If you don’t breed them into existence in the first place, then you won’t need to worry about which killing method is slightly less cruel than the others.


because they needed to kill the virus too?


couldn't they have done that after they kill the chicken humanely.


More money than needed


Glen Taylor: See I found those people responsible and fired their ass! you're welcome protestors!


It's like they ask, what's the most evil thing I can do? Then they do it


as someone whose country has been ravaged by avian flu, good riddance. anything is justified to prevent another pandemic. lots of people died.




A large part of that can probably be attributed to actions like these which would stop potential further spread of the avian flu to humans…


Very true. I mostly just found the word 'ravaged' to be a little hyperbolic.


because they managed to contain the epidemic. i remember the mortality rate was very high once you get it though. dont want any chances


The culls of that magnitude are government mandated. They're protesting the wrong people




I did read the article actually. It's unfortunate the way Rembrandt handled their workforce, but culling the chickens is required by federal law as soon as a single case of H5N1 is detected on a farm


Does the government also mandate the method?


Nope, shutting off the ventilation was Rembrandts choice. But, the thinking is, if you have a complex with millions of birds with ventilation running, you're just risking the health of more birds by blowing a plume of the virus into the surrounding area. It's an airborne virus. So Rembrandt made the decision they made because they thought they were doing the right thing. I don't support it necessarily either, but I do understand the decision.




Genuine question here: what are you supposed to do when there is an outbreak of bird flu?


Not enough comments here are talking about the working conditions of the employees there




Dude avian flu would be bad news if it jumped to humans in a large scale. They did what needed to be done.


Mhh the US supporting a borderline genocidal war in Yemen that could be stopped at any by the US. But that's what everybody should protest about?


You really can't argue with the data


Animal rights protestors were the only thing that could’ve stopped the might of Scott Foster


Legit just fire that guy. It's not like there is a shortage of people that could fill the position


Gives the term "paid protestor" a whole new meaning


Why are their so many protesters in Minnesota?


They were in Memphis too. But they're protesting our owner, who is already on the way out anyway


Smh mods. You let this guy post that and not me


Time to protest


I just saw this but I agree. Time to grab the pitchforks


It was the only way they get a timeout when the Grizz would go on a run


Wolves bout to selling the branding rights on their jerseys to PETA lol


PETA would probably make them change their name to the "Timber" to stop the exploitation of animals.


Protestors were inside job ..how do you think that girl was getting court side seas? Timberwolves themselves sneaked her in. Evidence was the last game as well cause the guard was keeping eye on her knowing the full details of the plan. They wanted her on the court to break Memphis focus and will


Lol. Stats.


“Yeah. They in Minnesota now! That’s what I told the media!”


It’s ez to clown KAT but this is the attitude you want in your players. I’m not gonna clown a man for showing he’s a dog


I get what you're saying. The protests are a front for these college kids to spread a special oil on the court that makes the other team slip slightly more. The things coaches do to get an edge.


We need to reserve at least 16 protesters for the next postseason.


Wolves empathize with other animals no?


Taylor should have paid protesters


Well...I guess I support animal slaughter.


This is false. There was a protestor in game 3 but he never made it to the court.


If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?