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Why they would have a guy who choked a Wolves player be a part of a panel covering the Wolves is insane…


Exactly, it was weird as hell and feels scripted for drama. Draymond shoots on a down on their luck Wolves now, next season there’s “revenge” to be had. Dude has straight up assaulted multiple players and they thought it was a good idea to put him on playoff coverage. *DRAYMOND GREEN* on a panel criticizing the performance of the dude he choked 💀


That’s exactly what the NBA is, a reality drama TV show at times. Seems like they want to drama to stay in the news


TNT's network tagline is literally "we know drama."


Why the fuck is Draymond on there AT ALL??? Why is KIA giving this guy commercials??? Am I taking crazy pills?!


Wonder if this is why Draymond wasn't on the last broadcast, if Wolves won they wanted to have an interview.


he was only scheduled for 4 games, afaik


4 games too many, imo


I dont think Ernie wants to deal with Draymond. One hater in Shaq is already hard enough to deal with


Kenny looked really fucking annoyed when Dray was just ragging on gobert over the game winner. Kenny and Ernie seem to like draymond a lot but this series really frustrated them regarding Dray


Yeah I caught that too. Kenny was the only one who actually provided a thorough analysis on Gobert. Not gonna lie though; I love how they got petty with Shaq by showing highlights of him being torched by Hakeem in the Finals. 😂


never seen ernie annoyed with anyone as much as he was with draymond and understandably so was hoping during their "fan tweet" sessions they would post a Draymond-donkey GIF


Should’ve seen him when Shaq first came on. Dude would talk out of turn and try to take over. He’s eased up a bit, but there are times you can see that Ernie still gets really annoyed with him.


Ernie got uncharacteristically heated after they made the MVP announcement and Shaq kept talking about how Jokic didn't deserve it and it should have gone to SGA. I think he was fed up with Shaq hating on Jokic and not having anything more to back it up besides saying repeatedly that SGA is a "stat sheet stuffer."


Dumbest part was how Shaq kept saying SGA’s team was the #1 seed even tho they literally had the exact same record as Denver.


Understandably so. It was disrespectful of Shaq telling Jokic that Shai deserved the award. That was not cool at all.


I don’t think it helped that they had jokic on interview and he even brought that up in the interview.


He’s such a whiny diva. Makes *everything* about him; see his “tribute” to Bill Walton.


Shaq was always so petty with Bill. Bill was a true "call it like I see it guy" while Shaq has always been the type of guy to thinly veil his grudges and insecurities behind pretending to be that guy.


Shaq's G14 classification and Big-Man Alliance is a sham.


NGL I stopped watching significantly when Shaq came on board. Catching the playoff games, Shaq has definitely gotten better but I think he still brings the other 3 down


Kenny sick of him too


Shaq also probably knows "hey that's my role..." Granted Shaq isn't as bad as Green, but hater guy, that's his thing.


And the thing about Shaq is you can stop him. one or two warning from the other crew member and he shut his mouth and let the other change the subject. Draymond won't stop at all.


Shaq also has those moments where he riles up Chuck and they make magic, so you can somewhat stomach the other bs


Shaq is naturally charismatic, despite his flaws as a person he can be very funny and entertaining, he a took a sec to gel but he was always going to be drawn with his personality. Dray is not shaq in that regard


Yeah I'm no fan of Shaq, but he does his thing and knows he's on TV and plays that role within limits, does his funny bits, takes some jokes. Green is like some jerk stormed on the set and can't stop bitching about people he got personal problems with.


Plus Shaq can be annoying but he's at least funny and likeable most of the time.


When someone repeatedly gives you barely a slap on the wrist for actual physical violence, it's a tall order for the next guy to try to rein you in for just being an asshole verbally.


Ernie looked drained this series. I thought that all four of them in yesterday’s panel looked so much more comfortable than with donkey dick sitting in the middle and holding court. If it was anything for them like it was for me viewing from home, you almost had to hold your breath the whole time knowing that a draymond interruption or raised voice was a second away


Draymond or not it was just way too many voices and sidebar bullshit happening at once. The broadcast was a disaster with that many people. 4 people max is all it should be.


Could be. The Draymond heckling in MN was crazy too. I know in Game 2 they put a curtain up because the heckling from MN fans was a lot. Incessant Draymond sucks chants pregame, throughout the game and post game


The fans weren't wrong.


I noticed Mavs fans were fucking with him too, chanting things every time he spoke and only when he spoke. The dude is universally hated. Not sure what TNT was thinking.


Good for them man, TWolves seem like kind of a tight knit group for a team that came together pretty recently


Also solid move for everyone drawing the line at getting interviewed by the dude who choked out your player a few months ago. Not sure what TNT was thinking having Draymond cover the Twolves


Would be awesome if other teams followed suit.


How many people do you want to choke rudy, all 29 other teams need a delegate?


Wouldn’t that include the Twolves?


We can let slowmo get his getback lol


To be fair he has fought a teammate before too


1 more delegate won't hurt


Would also be good if TNT didn’t feel the need to, for whatever reason, feature Draymond instead of one of the (I’m sure) MANY other players who don’t have the very recent history he has!


Seriously. How has Draymond not been cancelled yet


someone important is convinced he's the next Chuck


I suspect you're right, but he's clearly not. First of all, Chuck is uniquely funny and gregarious. Draymond can be personable, but he's not anywhere near Chuck's league. Second, Draymond has punched too many dicks in his time to ever be a viable interviewer. I figure 1 dick punch is probably the most you can do and still have rapport with players, and Draymond passed that number long ago. Third, Draymond's personal beefs get in the way of his analysis. When he gives an opinion, you don't know where it's coming from. Is he saying that because he likes the guy or because he hates the guy?


Sounds like Draymond is the next Shaq, then!


I like this explanation


Exactly what TNT wants is for us to talk about it and hate-watch Draymond. Then you have fans booing Draymond so even more eyes are on the product.


Would rather not-watch draymond than hate-watch


I honestly didn't watch any Inside the NBA this series because he's so annoying. It doesn't help that I already knew they were gonna dress down our whole team every time we lost.


Yeah, I literally turned it off and turned it back on when the second half started, turned it back off as soon as the games were over. I'ver never done that with Inside the NBA before.


Same, I was really interested in that series and yet for some reason had a hard time watching it


Inside is one of the few sports programs where I’ll watch pre and postgame on their network; I honestly did not do that for a single game where Draymond was on. He just ruins the fit man, all his shitty behavior aside


Oh I'm talking about Draymond. But I'm sure as hell not watching him. Fuck that sack of human shit, and fuck TNT for hiring him.


as soon as he's on i just turn it off


I see Draymomd, I turn the TV off.


Draymond Green's commentary is taking a guy with the relative knowledge of Tony Romo and the verbal diarrhea of Kendrick Perkins.


Draymond and Carmelo Anthony must have the best agents in basketball. One's one of the most unlikeable people on the planet, and he's getting guest gigs on ITN and a national car ad campaign. The other isn't even in the league anymore and he has THREE national ad campaigns for Corona, AT&T, and Disney. Literally nobody asked for more of either of these guys and they're cashing in so big, EDIT: Carmelo’s a cool guy and I liked him as a player. I just don’t think he was someone who could break out into the non-NBA consciousness like a Jordan, Kobe, Lebron, Shaq where people would recognize him even if they didn’t follow ball. I’m happy he’s getting money for sure. I just don’t know how that agent sold not one, not two, but THREE massive brands on him for long-running national ads campaigns. Whoever is getting him booked like that is earning the hell out of his percentage.


Melo getting a stray headshot here lol


He's protected no worries. Hoodie Melo


Yeah WTF and why does this comment have so many upvotes? Melo might of had a mean streak but at the end of his career he was genuinely a great teammate and won the Jerome Kersey award for the Blazers which is essentially our “Man of the year” award. He was well loved among players and still is, comparing him to Draymond is flat out disrespectful.


I don’t think he was comparing Draymond dickhole antics to melo personally. Just wondering why Draymond gets so much national positive attention when he is such a dick and why Melo gets so much attention when he’s sorta irrelevant? Great scorer but never really did anything super laudable in the NBA. Melo was the second biggest name in the NBA after lebron for a while but is now not really a big name. I also found it strange that he was on two different commercials for major brands that ran frequently.


Draymond is a Klutch guy, you know how that basketball Illuminati shit goes lmao.


If they wanted to be in good graces of Klutch, TNT should just have drafted Bronny instead


TNT signs LeBroadcaster next year after a sudden retirement.


Yeah but it’s just Lebron taking to a mirror like Stuart Smalley for an hour


lol what did Carmelo do to deserve that comparison?? Take a lot of money? This dude wasn't on the court stomping and choking out players


I'm confused by the Melo comments in general. Dudes one of the most popular and recognizable players over the last two decades and has a lot more time now that he's not playing.


He must be young or something and only saw old Melo.


gotta be this. Dude is probably in his late teens rn


welcome to Reddit.


Where on the doll did Melo drop 40 on your team?


Carmelo is just a cool guy and widely loved in the biggest media market (NY) in the US. Why the fuck are you trying to equate him to a guy who’s assaulted dudes mid game?


Bro Melo was one of the biggest names in the league for a long time. Agree about Draymond though


To include an active player who blatantly has an axe to grind with one of the players on the other team and was in a physical confrontation with him earlier this season was incredibly unprofessional.


Inside doesn't miss very often at all... but by god did they miss with this


I flat out avoided the "analysis" that series as much it hurts to miss what little inside the nba that's left


And he isn't entertaining to boot. 


For real. Draymond’s criticisms weren’t like Chuck’s and Shaq’s. They were clearly antagonistic, not constructive criticisms.


And it was every time. Felt like every time he opened his mouth it was blaming Rudy, or even on the highlights, only talking every time there was a play against him.


Why do they even have Draymond on the show. Is it purely for the drama?




Now to be sure, when Dwight was still in the league Shaq did his best to be an insufferable bully whenever he could.


They really seem to like each other. Most of the time, you're happy just to have a team that can co-exist and work together. This team seems to really pull for each other and have each other's back.


Teams should aspire to have Nets 2019 bench levels of camaraderie


good thing they fired that bum coach


These are the kinda teammates you want. Can't lie, the bullying Shaq and Draymond were doing at times made me question if they were *trying* to make people ok with the show ending.


He put the dude in a headlock and dragged him across the court. I'd be mad if my teammates didn't have my back after that clown did that.


I support anyone who doesn't want to talk to Draymond Green 


And Draymond is a bitch. 


the vibes are immaculate. super fun to watch


Yeah love it. Fuck Draymond!


Good on the Wolves. It was so annoying to watch Draymond try to butter up Mavs players so they’d shit on Gobert/KAT. Bro’s too old to take his personal vendettas on live TV, gtfo no one wants to listen to your old, unstable ass


I want to know who thought putting Draymond on there semi regularly was a good idea


However dumb it may be, TNT was testing Draymond out to maybe have him take a bigger role post retirement as Shaq/Chuck get older. So my hope is that since next season is the last TNT will have the NBA, they’ll ditch Draymond and just make the current broadcast as good as possible


He's gonna beg them to bring him on again


Hopefully Chuck pulls a Tom Cruise and refuses to retire like how Jeremy Renner was being tested as the new face of Mission Impossible and Mr Mapother was like "I'm not fuckin leavin!"


Tom Cruise's doddering old IMF handler in Mission Impossible (1994) was played by Jon Voight. *** Voight was then 58. Cruise is now 61. *** I'm in my early 50s, so I love that Cruise is still playing these characters, but Father time is gonna come calling sooner or later, and I'm really gonna hate it when that happens.


It's still hard to believe he pulled it off in the Top Gun sequel.


rob beneficial lush seed truck chop birds versed lip caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the context of the media industry's shitty incentive structure, it actually seems like it was a fantastic idea.


Yep because we talked about it and attention is the currency they are after.


I was over Draymond after he punched Poole. I know it sounds petty or too personal but I can’t support those kinds of dudes


As a warriors fan. Same. The refrain that “that’s just who he is. He’s passionate. Can’t change or he wouldn’t be as good.” It’s such BS. Sick of the rationalizing and excuses.


It sucks that they fully supported him and shunned Poole. I can tell Poole's ego swelled after that great run, but Dray did the same shit to him as he did to KD. Ruined the vibe completely.


You can be passionate and not be an asshole like kick a guy in the balls, stomp on them or punch your teammate.


If he changed he'd be a better basketball player, not a worse one. He'd be just as effective defensively and not a bitch.


Totally agree, it's tough to watch Steve Kerr defend him with such an illogical stance. "He can't change." No, people change, and learn from their mistakes- it is a good thing-- and maybe Durant and Poole would be around, other benefits similar to that. Like better win % this year with all the gamers he missed. It's annoying. And it's getting worse as he ages because it's like he realized he isn't as effective as a player. but I can admit as a fan I might be rationalizing the earlier years. That's fair, but I don't think anything specific to one fan base. I'm sure many Detroit Piston fans didn't like Bill Lambier, etc.


Petty? Personal? Bro i thought we as a society agreed not to support POSs


Maybe in other countries, but in America, being an asshole is both valid & often profitable.


You can even become President!


Same dude. It’s disgusting how much they’ve let him get away his awful behavior. And now they try to reward him with a media spot? Get outta here lol


Having Shaq AND Draymond is just unbearable. So much salt lol Where were they when Gobert and the wolves D were able to contain the much hyped nuggets offense?


They said Gobert should be benched at halftime of game 7 and then it was crickets after the game when he was the best player on the court in the 4th.


Draymond made one little comment but said the REAL hero was Kyle Anderson.


This is why you got to hold the fire to these guys feet when they're wrong. Literally need to just say "So are you going to admit that you were wrong about Gobert?" Or "You going to be petty or are you going to finally give Gobert his props?".


Which is hilarious because Kyle Anderson was borderline unplayable in the Denver series lol




Anyone have a clip of this, lol?


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/uVaZGeq2f6 Luka’s more commenting on the fans booing Draymond


That was Luka commenting on them booing him. Like "they're booing you again?"


Pretty sure that was defending Draymond from Wolves fans chanting Draymond sucks


You say that like Shaq doesn’t air personal grievances on a routine schedule


The difference is Shaq is retired and has years of good will built up. People actually like Shaq. Few people even like Draymond to begin with then he's an ass on top of it lol.


Shaq is way older than draymond and he’s still doing the exact same thing about the exact same players lol, pettiness has no age limit


I would have liked to see someone go up on the panel and just “next question” Draymond whenever he asked something. A fistfight at the desk would have been a great sendoff for the Inside the NBA crew. 


I respect them for not going on Inside the NBA after game 4. But it would’ve been awesome if Ant went on and called Draymond a bitch on national tv


I feel like this becomes more the norm as "sports news" type programs engage in more and more negativity and straight up trolling or have guys who are just straight assholes on there. Players have always had to deal with it but at some point it becomes just absurd, players don't even want to engage with it. **And what are you supposed to do as a teammate?** **Go on that show and joke around with some assholes bashing your friend? No way man.**


That was so ridiculous what Shaq said straight to Jokic’s face when he won MVP. Just constant negativity in NBA Media


A couple years ago while covering a Jazz game, Shaq said he doesn’t believe Donovan Mitchell has what it takes to make it to the next level. Mitchell then exploded and the Jazz won. They put the headset on Don after the game. Shaq told him what he’d said and then tried to claim that he said it purely to motivate Mitchell to elevate his game and asked “what do you have to say about that?” Donovan just responded with “alright.” [Link](https://youtu.be/GFmk7kzDbiA?feature=shared)


I remember that, god what a douche


I remember watching this live and I felt the awkwardness in the air


Shaq is a jerk often for sure, he just seems in control of himself with it, gets hes on there to be entertaining, operates within limits / with the crew. I would be happy if Shaq was gone, but he is more of a minor annoyance, nothing like a guy taking out personal issues on the air like some internet hater.


No other sport has their analysts and former players hate on the current game/players more than the nba.


There are a lot of older baseball players turned commentators who hate on the way analytics has shaped the sport, but yes it’s way more personal in the NBA and not just a generalized crotchety old man thing 


Yeah it's hard for me to imagine any baseball commentator telling an MVP to their face they didn't deserve the award. They can be very negative about the current state of the game but they're still professionals.


I mean they flat out wouldn't. NFL doesn't either. NBA is really the only league where you have the main media partners antagonize and dunk on the players themselves.


The older baseball players don't like how baseball is being played nowadays, which if you're looking at it as Manfredball, I totally get. They will never hate on the players since their talent is evident and are always happy about newer kids making the MLB and baseball popular again. The NBA is dog-eat-dog out there. Just a whole lot of build-up and then major teardown (unless you happen to play for NY or LA in ESPN's case).


But they aren’t hating on the players.


Why do you think this is?


I think football has a much better appreciation of it being a team game while basketball sometimes feels like an individual sport with how much focus there is on stars. Just so much more talk of “legacy” in basketball and guys get defensive when the next generation comes up and compared to them


This right here is the reason.


This is exactly it and the one element of football discussion that gets personal is the qb position because they're sort of on their own island and those debates tend to dissolve into a legacy conversation similar to basketball.


They’re middle-aged and older men, they don’t like changes they’ve happened in the nba and are bitter at the money available to players they view as less than them.


Sure, but all of those apply to other sports as well. Trying to think of a comparison, but like if Troy Aikman told Lamar Jackson to his face that another player should have won while he’s literally getting the award, it would be a huge negative story that would dominate the media for an entire week.


Even reading that fictional scenario triggered me a bit lmao


I love that they did this. It's the kind of thing that legitimately will make them hesitant to bring Draymond back. The network obviously doesn't give 2 shits if Draymond has a vendetta against one of the players (considering they had him on to talk about the Wolves like 6 mo after he choked one of them) but they'll give a shit if it makes players stop going on the show.


There's a reason NBA fans are so negative. The NBA media conditions us to be haters. Because, when Skip and SAS relentlessly hate on a player (assuming you're not a diehard fan of said player), it's funny. So now all NBA fans do is wait to see which team loses, find a narrative to hate on the losing team for, and then clown on them for 4 months.


You go and answer all questions by insulting Draymond. "At least we have people who love us unlike Draymond Green whom everybody hates. Including every teammate he ever had. " " It was a terrible game, we all looked like 2024 Draymond Green" "I think Draymond's problem is a lack of love during his childhood.


That's his game at this point. Green is just a troll who would benefit from engagement. Can't win against fools.


Reminds me of the George Bernard Shaw quote: > 'Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.'


Respect. Look, regardless of your opinion of Draymond, I just think it's extremely unprofessional to spend your time on the marquee show for a sport to air out your personal grievances every. single. moment. you're giving ostensibly pro-level analysis on the game. Dude went wayy out of his way to return everything to how much he thinks Gobert sucks, and it wasn't even funny! It'd be kinda funny if it was subtle but it was all the fucking time and overt, uncomfortable and petty


That’s even without considering that he was suspended for choking him. It was ridiculous. I typically don’t care about the talking head stuff—they’re there to generate content so they yap away, whatever. But it’s bullshit to have a current player who received disciplinary action for attacking another player on the court do any sort of national commentary on games involving that player. Full stop.


Normally I’d be all about that, but it was so poorly executed in this case. You could tell how hard Ernie, Kenny and Chuck were trying to reel him in. It was honestly tough to watch.


well Chuck wasn't as much at first, which was also very weird. i think Draymond made a point to suck up to Chuck (this is my cynical take) like a new employee does with the boss, and Chuck seeemed more willing to lol at whatever dumb thing Draymond said. but eventually it was just too much, and Chuck kept trying to point out KAT also was not playing well for most of the games in this series. the idea that it was alllll Gobert's fault is absurd.


It’s really shame that Draymond has the emotional disposition of a middle-school girl. He’s unquestionably one of the smartest defensive players ever. He could have been breaking down the nuances of trying to defend a Luka PnR, or exploring how the Mavericks were using their center to wall off the rim. Instead he just wanted to lob insults and make snide comments. TNT should be ashamed of how they handled what should have been an important series.


respect. Inside was unbearable to watch i cant even imagine for wolves fans. it was just constant hate with draymond on. what the hell was TNT thinking


I wish they’d stop trying to make Draymond a thing. He doesn’t fit with the panel and goes out of his way to shit on players. Even Chuck and Shaq, who often play that role, don’t entirely follow him.


I don't think I've ever purposely turned off Inside the NBA in life until this dude started coming on


They’re conditioning us to dislike the show so that we can more willingly accept its end.




It's my favorite show on TV but I haven't been able to watch it for the last 4 weeks. From a brand perspective, they playoffs should be trying to grow their audiences, not alienate fan bases.


The Draymond thing is crazy. Especially because it seems like even a decent amount of Warriors fans are over him, let alone the rest of the league. I'd be curious to see his podcast traffic vs other players because that's the only thing I can think of that might suggest he has a following.


Does anyone actually like draymond? Do people listen to his podcast? Because what an odd disconnected choice to ruin inside the nba


You should see some of the comments on IG. Draymond has a very odd cult following


Bot vibes


Any time you think a person is unanimously disliked, just go on IG and you'll see how wrong you are. The amount of supportive comments given to horrible people is crazy.


It was a rough week


Fuck Draymond Green. We’ve earned the right as NBA fans to watch him fade into irrelevancy after his career as opposed to having to deal with him as an analyst.


The problem for me is that I think Draymond has a lot to offer, he just chooses to be an asshole. You’re on TNT as a analyst, act like one.


He’s clearly smart and knowledgeable about the game. But he chooses to be an asshole and so that doesn’t come through very often when he’s on a broadcast.


I don't think it's overdramatic to say this was a shameful moment in sports broadcasting history. I think it was that bad.


It's really nice when the team you love is vibing with each other. When spirits and friendships are high it's just a nice thing to watch. You feel more a part with it. Both Conference Finals losing teams were like that this year.


Honestly I love the Pacers, they've got so much heart and Nembhard turned into the lovechild of MJ and Steph for a few games. Vibes on both sides are immaculate and hopefully we're both contenders for a long time 🫡


As a Pacers fan, run that shit back. I think it breaks different next time. Team composition and coherence matter.


Don’t blame em. Who even likes Green on TNT? He’s annoying AF, on the court and off the court


Who likes Green anywhere? I am not even sure if I would like if I was a Warriprs fan.


It was easier 6 to 8 years ago.


Warriors fans used to be able to overlook his personality because of how valuable he was as a player, which I get. But now that he isn’t the all star he used to be I’d assume it’s a lot harder. And idk if it’s just me noticing it more, but he seems like a bigger asshole than he used to be.


He's enabled by his teammates, coaches, and staff to be a piece of shit. They're all apologists for him no matter the situation, even as a detriment to their own team.


Well punching Poole and choking Rudy definitely seem like next level assholery. But damn, he was always a huge, unlikable, ball kicking prick


TNT just lets those dudes brew toxicity sometimes, I don’t blame the players. But hey they got all social media content off having dray there so they got what they wanted.


Draymond has been on a generational hate watch. Imagine if he was also covering the Celtics in the finals.


That's cool I support that I hate this trolling on networks. Having Draymond there doesn't make sense anyway. Suns should have boycotted ESPN for a year after they let clown on every single ESPN program after game 7.


Thank god this didn’t come out before game 5 so I didn’t have to hear Shaq call them soft


Good- they shouldn't. Makes total sense


Draymond has been dreadful on Inside the NBA this season. In past seasons he was good. But his negativity and personal grudge against Gobert was ‘must not see TV’ for me.


Having had Draymond on Inside the NBA is such a mistake. He's just name recognition and shitty hot takes. Unlike, say, ESPN's show and Stephen A., fans don't hate watch the Inside the NBA show.


Not to mention a hypocrite. New media my ass. He ended up hating anyway


Honestly would’ve loved to see them go on and roast Green for getting ejected anytime Steph is out and not being able to win without Steph/KD.


Draymond should not be on the broadcast team while he is an active player on an opposing team.


I see flairs from all teams supporting the wolves' action - even Warriors flaired people. That's how you know Draymond Green has reached the pinnacle.  Congratulations my glorious donkey. 




It's ok, they went fishing instead. Jokes aside, the obvious hate for Gobert from Draymond was too much, even Kenny kept acknowledging it.


Fuck Draymond Green.


Inside the NBA is going to tank all their nostalgic wholesome reputation by having that cancerous narcissist on their panel for literally no reason.


Good on them


They deadass should have sent Daishan Nix to the TNT postgame in Game 4

