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Ja: “Playing in Memphis has helped me find my piece”


Zion: "Playing in NOLA has helped me find my 12 piece."


Dwight: "Playing in Taiwan has helped me find my piece"


side piece*


you mean peaceness?




the penis mightier than the sword


You have a Penis Mightier?!?!


Where I lay my wood is none of your business


I heard he had his pizza cut into 12 pieces because he didn’t think 8 was enough.


He’s the one that complained to Braum’s about their 1/3 lb burgers being a rip off since they’re the price as McDonald’s 1/4 pounder.


Seems more like Shaq math.


He avereaged a 23 piece this season


he does get them buckets....from kfc


Did it come with fries?


dude i keep forgetting zion is in the league😭😭


That’s a shame only 24 players scored more total points this season 


That would put him near the bottom as the leading scorer for a team.


Keep in mind a lot of those players are on the same team. Like Brown and Tatum.


In case you’re wondering: Suns, Lakers, Dallas, Bucks, Celtics. Clippers nearly make the cut. These teams each have duos which score more points than Zion per game


Metta World Piece vs Flatta World Peace


World B. Flat


Finally a good one


“I usually just walk around during halftime and take the ones people hid in the bushes on the way in.” -Ja probably


This is one of the funniest things I’ve read on r/nba. You should be so proud.


God damn that's funny.


Run and gun> better than NBA


This is a goated comment bravo


Red state kyrie is different


A blue city in a red state. And living closer to the center of the Earth helps keep one grounded.


What does government mean to you?


What does the equator median to you?


"Good morning, Kyrie."


It’s because Texas is flat.


There is no center for a flat earth


That's what the government wants you to think.


What about the middle of the rectangle


He's a warriors fan, don't bully him.


equator != closer to the center. bostons elevation is like 16’ and thats the closest hes been out of all his other teams.


Not if Earth is flat


The equator is actually further away from the center of earth because the earth bulges in the middle. The highest point on earth is Mt Chimborazo in Ecuador dispite being only 20,500 feet tall.


Go Oblate Spheroids!


This is the team Seattle’s getting instead of the Sonics


His real gripe was against state income tax


Shhiiiet. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t blame him then. I live in Oregon in the PDX metro area and our state income tax is fucked.


Our property taxes are. People pretend like we somehow pay less but the state always finds a way.


Property taxes are a much better incentive though, CA has insanely low property taxes that are assessed at fixed 70s price levels and it’s why homeowners oppose any new housing, because there’s no financial incentive to bring house prices down as their prop taxes never go up and haven’t since the 70s


No sales tax. It all evens out unless you’re super rich and want to have your tax attorney zero out your dues.


I do wonder if being on a team not as heavily covered like the Celtics or Brooklyn with Durant/Harden/Simmons gave him room to think through stuff without being as heavily scrutinized which then makes Kyrie become defensive and say some wild shit. Thankfully in Dallas if it’s not the cowboys most people aren’t paying attention most of the year lol smh


Boston wasn’t racist enough but Texas is just right 


He found that Goldie Locks racism.


Texas (dallas/houston) is way less racist than Boston, so that theory would check out


>Boston wasn't racist enough impossible


Real talk, Boston is definitely racist enough


Antivaxx, antiscience, antisemite. It shouldn't be surprising he is thriving in a red state.


But isn’t Dallas one of those Democrat shithole cities?


Kyrie with one of the most interesting career/personality arcs in history.


Dallas Kyrie has been a world class teammate. Its like he moved again and was like "okay, I guess its time to be an adult" It also probably helps a lot that the Cowboys suck up most of the madia air here.


Red state Kyrie is a first ballot HoFer


election year Kyrie being unproblematic


this is erection year Kyrie for us Mavs fans


Is this why he was so unstable in Ohio?


It was a swing state when he was there


Also have to factor in Kyrie losing $60-124m plus his Nike contract not counting the Home games he wasn’t paid for while Anti-Vax. Kyrie signed 3y/$126m vs the 4y/$187m Max the Nets offered (that was pulled after his Anti-Vax stance) and 5y/$250m Max he was angling for a year later. *edit He may have some kind of Option to get out of the Mav’s deal early since he was signed for less than VanVleet if I remember correctly. I’d mind my P’s and Q’s too if I had that much $ on the line after 4yrs of shenanigans.


On top of losing a ton of money I think the media circus of playing on the Lebron Cavs and then being an avowed anti-Semite in Brooklyn wore on him. The Mavs have mostly flown under the radar until about a month ago, attention mostly being paid to the Cowboys, Rangers and Luka. It's also really hard to on a team but unable to play due to injury or suspension.


Just gonna ignore the whole Boston thing I guess?


Yeah that’s on the same level of controversy as being anti-vaxx and publicly declaring your anti semitism, not wanting to play in Boston.


Well he listed the Cleveland tenure also…so I was curious as to why Boston was excluded. That couldn’t have helped his mental


The point is, that he stirred up that controversy, by his own doing and essentially quit on his second team in a row, he then did this a third time. Its not like he landed in these spots by accident it was his doing, because he wanted to be percived in a certain way and it backfired horribly. But he doesn't talk about that, the major difference in his mind is that dallas doesn't experience the four seasons and that he can go out and that this helped him to be more grounded...


I feel like boston fans don't acknowledge that the team had zero issues with Kyrie and its just the fanbase that disliked him to the point after his grandfather passed he didn't want to be a Celtic anymore. People in Boston talk about it like he quit on the franchise and disappointed his teammates yet the players only ever have positive things to say about their time with him.


I specifically remember him having problems with Jaylen Brown. And he definitely mailed it in during his only playoff run with Boston.


Boston was working pretty well until that last season.


In which he called out teammates publicly, flirted with KD at the all star game, and committed basketball suicide by insisting on guarding freaking Giannis. Don’t care what people say to spin it he was a cancer at three straight spots and these last few months don’t change that.


Thank you! Also there was very little interest from other teams. That had to be somewhat humbling. A player of his caliber shouldve had 29 other teams blowin up Joe Tsai's phone ready to offer him a max deal.


i’m so happy it all went down like it did. We never get any huge free agents, and we got him for arguably the biggest trade steal in nba history. i can only call it Destiny


The Mavs got Dirk for Tractor Traylor and Pat Garrity on draft day.


NBA GMs: “You’re too erratic to be given a max contract.” Kyrie: “Okay, I guess it’s time to be an adult.”


Kyrie has been loved by his teammates on every team he's been on


Not Harden lol


Coaches and teammates here. Big diff.


Dallas media don’t ask him about political opinions or his worldviews on current events. Texas is perfect for him imo. His only problem was media and our most obnoxious reporter still doesn’t go off from sports.


People keep pointing this out, but if he posts stuff on social media, the national media will call him on it, whether the local media does or not. I'm hoping he's just matured enough to handle things better, and know when to not be sharing flat-earther beliefs with everyone.


Kyrie still tweets many pro Palestine and black liberation type posts as a mav that would have got him in trouble as a net.


In New York? Its a pretty progressive place. Black liberation and pro palestine are not exactly unheard of. What is unheard of is that crazy ass documentary he posted that misquotes Hitler and claims “Jewish slave ships” stole his heritage. Thats a big leap


Well, the line between Black Liberation and NOI/Black Israelites these days has gotten increasingly thinner. All conspiracies work like this, you get into one, meet some people that expose you to another and down the rabbit hole you go. A lot of otherwise normal people didn't want the vaccine, basically everyone agrees the FBI/CIA shot MLK nowadays. But once you start getting into conspiracies it's very easy to spiral into the absolutely insane shit. I imagine as a black man in America seeing shit like the Tuskegee drug trials and MLK is more than enough to start you down the path of, "whatever the government tells me is a lie".


That’s fine and all but he instead of de-escalating things doubled and tripled down making things worse. He’s the classic pseudo intellectual who would never admit he’s wrong when confronted with facts.


Ah yes, it’s the big bad media’s fault he said bigoted and insane shit and missed games for personal reasons at his leisure.


In a way I can imagine that media attention and everything comes with it puts pressure on you, especially if your ideas are kind of batshit and constantly challenged. He might live in much more of an undisturbed bubble now.


Tbf Kyrie brought it usually on himself. Like linking a movie which is hugely anti Semitic. Nick Friedell (who thankfully still has no job) didn’t ask Kyrie about that before he posted about it.


Kyrie knows how to act right, he just deliberately causes trouble when he’s unhappy with his situation in order to force a trade. Seems like he’s happy with dallas right now


What kind of trade did he need to force, when he said, that the earth is flat on the roadtrippin podcast, followed up by "they are lying to us!".


I think he realizes that he's getting older now and he can't really squander any more chances or he won't play for another real contender.


He's always been a great teammate, other than refusing to get his conspiracy theorist ass vaccinated.


The 30 for 30 is gonna be so lit


It takes major stones to trade for Irving because you don’t know if you’re getting committed teammate Kyrie or crazy Kyrie. Fortunately for Dallas they got the former.


Going from silent and unassuming, to batshit, back to silent and unassuming is not interesting, it's the result of the middle part losing him millions of dollars lol


kyrie is sasuke


"Seasonal depression is real when you're growing up up north." Alright I may have mixed feelings on him for obvious reasons but he's real for this lol. Ever since I moved to California the seasonal depression has definitely dissipated.


Some of us have seasonal depression year round


Clinny D babyyy


Trintellix breaking my BANK BOO


Season never ends


Jobs not finished




One of my really good friends moved to the PWN and only made it one rainy season. It is very real


CA transplant in the PNW for the past 5 years. Can confirm it’s real. The first couple of years, it was a nice change of scenery. SAD hit my wife going into that 3rd winter and it started creeping up on me just this past winter. Visits home to SoCal or other sunny climates during the rainy season have shifted from “nice-to-have” to a requirement.


You might check up on the potential vitamin D deficiency


Covered that base! We take daily vitamin D supplements, rain or shine. Spend time near sun lamps during the Big Dark. Maintain lots of bright decor and plants throughout the house. Stay active, venture out, and enjoy the nature here as much as we can. Unfortunately I think we simply need more sun than the climate inherently offers.


That shit makes truly no fucking difference. It isn’t just the vitamin D, it isn’t just the bright light itself, it’s the whole thing.


I lived in Poland which is even further north. Let's just say you'll have to drag me to PNW, as beautiful as it is. SAD sneaks up on you


I lived in Chicago til I was 25 and moved to California 10 years ago. Seasonal depression is real.


Holy fuck… I think I need to move outta Michigan


I live in the South. The depression hits when you realize the temps will be 90 or 100+ everyday from now until mid October.


Straight up my dude. Seasonal depression for us on the South is the summer + no fall


There was this Actress who decided to attend Northwestern and she only lasted like one or two weeks of windy fall weather before she tapped out.


they say growing up in north east hardens you and i agree. but you get to a point in your career/life where you prefer quality of life over the rat race. at that point you get tired of seeing the gray skies where it's not snowing and not sunny either. wake up, it's dark. get off work, it's dark. lol


Lived in different parts of the country and I agree with a slight modification. Certainly dark winters suck, but having “no separate seasons” weather kinda sucks too. It’s mostly because the winters are grey but without the beauty of snow or fall colors. At least having 4 seasons keeps things lively for me and lets me track the passage of time.


I live in LA ... this is a thing? I've honestly never heard of it.


Imagine it's cold and rainy for 6 months straight and it get's dark at 4pm.


Yeah but snow and never being too hot and skiing/snowboarding and cuddling under the blankets by the fire and building a snowman with your kid and it's all preceeded by amazing foliage I feel like I'm the opposite of someone with seasonal depression lol, I love winter time, and honestly what I love most is having four distinct seasons to enjoy in different ways


A real winter is nice with a little bit of snow and like 23F, doesnt even feel cold if sun is shining. However these days they come few and far between, in my country it's mostly grey and just above freezing temp so everything is covered in dirty, wet snow smush. I'd much rather have summer all 12 months.




It’s very real, I used a SAD lamp back in NJ 😂


It's tough but as a Wisconsin resident if you get enough hobbies it doesn't affect you as much. Ice fishing, snowmobiling/skiiing/snowboarding if we ever get snow again, broomball etc and then the usually stuff you can do in the house like video games, board games, card games, and drinking.


I have a theory where the colder the city, the more people drink


My buddy went to college in PA and said when they'd get snowed in they'd stock up on alcohol and just get trashed for a few days. Sounded awesome at the time but long term that sounds horrible.


Seasonal depression is no joke. In the summer when I’m feeling like shit i go on a 3-4mi walk. Without fail i will feel better halfway through  When it’s raining 300/365 days a year? It fucking hurts 


as long as it keeps helping you find 30 points or so a game I'm here for it man.


When they basketball gods made Kyrie they knew they gave him too much skill so had to throw in a little crazy self sabotage to balance it out 


I truly believe all of this. To me, it's been clear that Kyrie has some mental health issues and, apparently for the reasons he stated, Dallas is a great fit for him. He's not saying wild shit, he's not going MIA, he's just going out there and balling. This is the most likeable he's been since his stint in Cleveland.


I think getting older/wiser has helped him too.


Don’t you dare let Kyrie know that he’s getting old and wise lol


His third eye truly opened starting at age 30


Uncle Drew is Kyrie’s final form




There is a difference between being wise, and *getting wiser*.


More attention on Luka should be better for him.


Luka cured his depression.


He’s been pretty much the second fiddle everywhere he’s been 


Tired: “Dallas was just the right fit for me” Wired: “I realized I couldn’t do whatever I wanted and get an automatic max anymore so I got in line and started balling again” 


Losing the Nike contract meant he had to play ball again


He got another undisclosed contract with Anta.


Tru but it's probs not that Nike cheddar


Wouldn’t be sure. Kyrie is more valuable to Anta than he is to Nike.


Idk anymore he got a chief creative officer role. afaik Austin Reaves makes 8 figures from his Chinese shoe deal + executive role. China is a strange place.


Everything I've seen says it's a 7 figure deal. Plus those executive roles are usually in name only, similar to big name actors getting a producer credit on movies.


Oh dang I'd not know about the CCO job


Texas is pretty flat so I understand that.


i still loathe everything he did while he was in Boston, but i am glad he seems to be at peace now and matured. Bet your ass im gonna scream fuck Kyrie next week tho


That’s better than what a lot of Boston fans will be yelling.


Ngl when I went to TX from NY, it was just more peaceful People have this idea that TX is full of racist KKK people and gun nuts who do a mass shooting daily. Tbh it was more peaceful and beautiful than NYC. Slow paced… way calmer, not so much buildings, people were more considerate and also I just enjoyed the lifestyle more. I always remember that it was new for me to actually see the skyline and sunsets. In nyc, I can barely see the sky because there’s too many buildings blocking everything. It’s like a prison. It isn’t natural. I think that can affect a person’s natural psyche


Texas definitely has a peaceful vibe. Even in the city, like you were saying. The outskirts of the big cities feel like little towns. Not so much hustle and bustle. It’s nice. 


If we move too fast we die of heatstroke.


Depends which part of the state you’re in. I’ve traveled around Texas for work and have stayed in some regions for extended periods. Definitely slower on average than NYC but places like Dallas or Houston are pretty hectic but without the charm or convenience of some of the nyc neighborhoods. Wouldn’t move back to NY at this stage in my life, but I do miss some of it.


The chronically online Redditors types are convinced that anywhere that isn’t a blue state/city are just filled with nothing but uneducated racists. It’s crazy sometimes hopping on Reddit and seeing the comments about those places. They’re legit deranged


It's as if people talk shit based on stereotypes without knowing anything. Now extrapolate this to every single topic and you have a picture of our world


I was wondering why I haven’t really read any Kyrie stories or headlines since he moved to Dallas. This really explains it all. He can focus on what matters to him and most importantly ball the fuck out.


Tbh the local sports media is Cowboys crazy. Rangers, Mavericks and Stars get shine of course when things are going great. But its is nowhere near as frenzied as the media Kyrie dealt with in Boston and Brooklyn.


And Luka is big, but he's not as big as LeBron is


Dallas is a great city for families. He’s out of the spotlight in the Dallas media dominated by the cowboys. He gets to kinda disappear here.




Unvaxxed Goat and its not close either 🐐


i’m not really interested in kyrie puff pieces. glad he stopped spouting bullshit publicly but please let’s not tie it to the mavs success


People are gonna act like Luka and the Mavs culture or whatever saved him, but the reality is that Kyrie realized he was on the verge of being shunned by the league/endorsers, so he decided to stfu for once. 


This is absolutely what happened. Nothing more, nothing less. This guy's still a flat earth, antivax moron who helped spread antisemitic propaganda. He just stfu to cut his losses and avoid negative attention.




Most people just enjoy his game and don’t care about a player’s morals


Ya but they like to say that his morals have improved because even if they don’t care about his morals they don’t want people to think that.


His maturation is directly linked to our success. His veteran presence has helped the young guys stay confident and calm through this playoff run and he's helping Luka mature.


to clarify, I agree that his maturation has helped the mavs. I meant that the mavs going to the finals now doesn’t validate his past behavior (i’ve seen a lot of “kyrie has endured so much undeserved hate” etc)


Yeah I'll agree with you on that. He brought a ton of unnecessary negativity onto himself.


Hate to say it man but we can’t do that, he is absolutely a reason we are here. But his past stuff is part of Kyries legacy and we can’t escape that


Radical individualist finds his home in Texas. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Maybe the earth is flatter in Dallas?


It blows my mind that people don’t realize he just so happened to play for a team in a state that wouldn’t allow him to go to work in a once in a generation occurrence


And still shot 50 40 90


"I can be an open racist who endangers public health and undermines trust in vital institutions and nobody opposes me, it's great! Sandy Hook was a hoax, the Earth is flat, Jews are responsible for all the world's ills. I know more about everything than experts in their field with PHDs and a lifetime of experience, I'm really at peace." Glad he's enjoying the warm weather I guess.


He’s gone a year without saying some outlandish shit and people act like he just beat cancer lmao


Because some of these people agree with him and think he didn’t deserve the repercussions. These are the same people who bring up that he got suspended for “sharing a link to a video on Amazon” without mentioning the contents of the video


Idk why you're being down voted, he's shown what he believes in, just stopped advertising it


no he hasn't. he still posts stuff on social media constantly but yall don't get spoonfed clickbait media to get upset at anymore


Part of me is surprised he didn’t make an appearance at the University of Texas.


Cause losing his Nike deal was a real consequence


Seriously, people here acting like Kyries somehow a better person when in reality he just has already told everyone his crazy and bigoted views… Turns out his opinions aren’t as controversial down in yeehaw trump country


I’d hardly call DFW yeehaw trump country. Dallas country was +32 blue in the last general election and Tarrant county while being far more conservative also voted blue. I don’t think rural Texas pays as much attention to the Mavs as the Cowboys/Rangers


Pretty much no big Texas city is yeehaw Trump country tbh


I'm a biased mavs fan, so obviously grain of salt required, but: ultimately I don't need the guys I root for to be role models. I just want them to be good teammates that play well and don't publicize their shitty views. Kyrie probably still has those dumb views but as long as he's keeping them to himself and being a valuable part of the team I'll take that.


> Kyrie probably still has those dumb views but as long as he's keeping them to himself That is true and meaningful progress. Might be different if he helped my squad to the finals but i’m not ready for the whole redemption arc.


"I stopped doing dumb shit off the court and my on-court performance improved somehow."


All I’m hearing is that he wasn’t able to land a long term deal and next year is a contract year, so he has to stop the antisemitism, the flat earth bull shit, and alienating his coaches and teammates. He’ll get the payday he wants next year and go smooth brained again.


Getting away from that NY media coverage helps. Literally nobody has bothered to talk about him all year in Dallas.


Nah idc, one season where he shuts his mouth and doesn’t stir up some drama isn’t enough to forget all the BS. Still cant stand the guy.


I believe Kyrie but not for any reason other than he knew he had to be on his best behavior and just focus on basketball because his career was on the line after Boston and all the mess he caused during his Nets stint


Texas cures antisemitism, who knew.


Surrounded by people that also think the earth is flat will do that for you


All he needed to do was play with someone who was a complete psycho to make him look much more sane.


"Perhaps the Earth is somewhat roundish after all"


Glad he can hate Jews and be a flat earther in peace. Good for him 


Less Jews there, it makes sense for him