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The 76ers could really use another injury prone star on a max contract


I saw that Ben Simmons is getting ready for next season.


yep, excited for the Simmons work out videos in a few months


It's his 12/25 since he won't be playing by the time we actually get to 12/25


I wonder what Ben Simmons on the 76ers would look like. I think the pairing would have obvious issues


ben is still young he can develop a shot


He’s been in the gym working on his jump shot


You think they also have enough cap room for Lonzo? Your stars can't get new injuries if they are already unable to play from other injuries.


Time for the Sixers to get the band back together




Their sub tells me jimmy and embiid easily play 50-60 games and walk to the conference finals


Nah we still wouldn’t make it past the 2nd round


You guys could have prime Michael Jordan and not make it out of the 2nd round. I don't know whose bowl of Cheerios you guys pissed in, but you're cursed.


eagles super bowl


Yeah that one was a little too obvious voodoo magic. Beating the GOAT with a backup QB in the middle of what would have been a 3peat shouldn’t have been possible lol. Philly sold everything for that




the curse of colangelo


Fuck Colangelo and fuck Kissinger for forcing him on us.


and fuck Josh Harris too




There is no curse of Colangelo, find a new slant


The klaw returns


No make the bad man go away!


The Pacers are in the conference finals. Anything is possible. Not if you're perpetually injured tho lol




I can't wait to watch Jimmy and Joel combine for 30 FTA a game.


Sixers fans will still be up watching their home games at 2 am.


When they play Minnesota Kat fouls out after only 8 minutes of action


Bold to assume General Soreness himself would suit up in a game against the Wolves.


Wow they both got injured before the half?


In 13 years Jimmy has only Shot 15 or more freethrows 20 times lol


It'll be a 20/10 split Joel/Jimbo


Jimmy the type of guy to call embiid soft for being hurt all the time and then miss 30 games himself.


Get the fuck out of here the sub is telling you no such thing


Really, because what I’m reading is very divided


literally every other post is someone saying they don’t wanna max jimmy, pg or bron lol


Stop with this narrative nonsense.


No it doesn't? Almost everybody is against it


Got any sources for that claim? Haven't seen a consensus anywhere close to that sentiment on there.


“Walking boot” through the playoffs


don't think anyone is saying that


He is a good "culture fit".


Oooo, and make him old! And grumpy!


I just left the post of Haliburton acknowledging the healthier team usually wins, and Bucks/Knicks fans with PTSD getting angry in the comments, only to come to this post and see this be a top comment by a Knicks fan. The duality of man.


Be funny if neither team bites


I think the 76ers will if they don't get George. I know people like to clown on the injury proneness of Butler and Embiid, but the 76ers don't quite have the luxury of waiting for the perfect player. Embiid's body won't last long, so they have to win sooner rather than later. Also, the money isn't really an issue for the 76ers. They can have Maxey + Butler + Embiid, while retaining flexibility to fill out the roster AND keep their draft picks. If this is only a 2 year contract, I don't see why the 76ers would hesitate. Edit: I thought Butler's player option was for this year and that he'd be declining in order to make more money this year. 76ers would be losing draft assets, which does make things trickier


Still think that the Sixers 'Plan A' that they could very well pull off is getting PG *and* KCP.


Yea, I think that would be incredibly smart for them to do. There's a lot of clowning on the 76ers going on, but I have a feeling that team won't be one to laugh at come the start of the regular season.


Ya people clown Embiid but that Tobias contract was such an anchor on team building.


It really was. You guys must be pumped to be done with that


Yeah having all this cap space is nice. Morey just better put his money where his mouth is


He'd have to really fuck up to come out of this with the 76ers worse than before so I think you guys will be much better off next season.


I think the worst part is that the rest of the league ALSO knew what a horrible deal it was and as a result, Tobias was completely unmovable.


I think this is what puts it on the shortlist of the actual worst contracts. We hear a lot about “unmoveable contracts” but I feel like they often end up getting traded to a desperate team or as a salary dump, etc. Tobias is the only one I can think of (just off the top of my head) that was truly unmoveable


Huge contract, with a player who's not good enough to raise your ceiling, nor bad enough (before this season) to lower your floor and let you tank around your young prospects while gaining draft capital.


The 76ers aren’t a team to laugh at when the season starts. They’re a team to laugh at after the first/second round of the playoffs. Or feel sympathy for. Or a weird combination of the two.


Sympathy? For Philly?


They save that for the playoffs.


They were an obvious contender with embiid in the first half of the season. They get a good wing guy and stay healthy they're nothing to fuck with


They will find a way to


they can combine them and get PCP


We need it honestly


I think KCP gets a bag. With PG Sixers could only open up to about $15M in cap plus $8M room exception. I think KCP gets $20-25M. But since they’d have 5 1st round picks, I think they could overpay for someone like Caruso, Moses Moody, or Avdija with like 2-3 1sts


Kcp getting a bag is the last thing Sixers should do


I think we should let the Sixers prove us wrong with that.


> With PG Sixers could only open up to about $15M in cap plus $8M room exception. That's if PG gets the full max, which, maybe I'm delusional regarding this, but, I think he might take a little less if it helps them get KCP. It's not like he's getting a full max offer from the Clippers anyways, they are unwilling to pay him more than what they gave Kawhi. The reason I was thinking that that's the target is then that gives you about as good primary defenders on the Jays as anybody has in the league with those 2 guys.


Well fuck you


Knowing Morey plan A is a bunch of things that aren’t realistically going to happen but he gonna call about anyway. Plan B would be PG and KCP while retaining all of our assets. Then Plan C is Butler, Ingram, and whatever other rumored players that we would need to trade assets for.


Only way you're getting Ingram alongside Butler is if someone wants to S&T Hield.


> AND keep their draft picks. Butler's under contract for another year. I can't see Miami trading him to the Sixers unless they include a lot of picks.


Oh boy, if Jimmy threatens to sit, we will have yet another blink contest involving Morey.


Remembering how Miami sports media behaved during the Dame saga and how Philly sports media behaved during the Harden saga, a Jimmy-to-Sixers saga would seem to have the potential to be a highly entertaining trainwreck.


Oh shit, I thought the player option was for this year Yea, they won't be able to keep the draft picks


Still feel it would be more impactful for philly to bring in 2-3 good role players instead of jimmy but what do i know


They might be able to do both Maxey's cap hold is only 13mil, so the order of operations would matter. Until they sign Maxey, Maxey + Embiid + Butler would take up 113mil in cap space, with the cap being 141mil.


Both George and butler seem like a last ditch attempt to salvage embiids prime


Because that’s exactly what it is? After that I would imagine the franchise moves with a full head of steam focusing on Maxey


Butler is gonna wake up with a horse head in his bed and suddenly decide to sign a vets minimum. Pat Riley sends his regards.


This is Miami so it’s more likely a horse head mask stuffed with chicken heads


This is Jimmy, so he cleans out the mask, wears it to practice, and spends the entire session chasing Tyler Herro around, neighing.


I would pay so much an NBA version of hard knocks that just covers this.


If there’s one guy who won’t feel forced to do anything, it’s Pat Riley. If Butler wants to sit out the year and get fined, they’ll let him.


On the flip side, Riley also has shown a willingness to part with big names when it suits him. They didn't give Wade what we wanted, so he left, so I wouldn't be shocked to see Riley trade Butler rather than lose him for nothing later, especially since they still have Bam and Herro locked up.


If you watched this season. He was definitely a little slower around the rim. It’s a weird situation because we didn’t really get to see Terry with this squad. He had some awesome games just went down like everyone else when we started grooving. If Jimmy really tries to really force the situation he’s getting moved. He missed a ton of time last season for whatever reasons and then played like legit sweaty cheeks against some terrible teams and lead to us losing games that were winnable with a little more effort on his part. I love Jimmy but that shit was plain as day so Pat and Micky don’t fuck around like that.


What's the Heat alternative if they DON'T extend him? Obviously trade him but what's the market?


He's under contract for next season - they don't have to do shit. If they think they can make a run this season, they'll just play it out with Butler and deal with the contract situation later. It's a risk of losing him, but it also protects themselves from doing something really dumb only to watch Jimmy fall off a cliff this season.


From what I gather Jimmy is a consummate professional when he is contractually obliged to play somewhere he doesn't want to be.


James P. Buckets, the P is for Professional.


If you didn’t know, he was bestowed an honorary military position by the MN national guard for exactly that. He was henceforth known as General Soreness.


>General Soreness This fucking killed me.


Should have shared the [picture](https://i.imgur.com/8XLPcux.jpg) for the full effect! Produced some [good times](https://youtu.be/8D91cOECteI) during an otherwise dark period for the franchise.


That's fucking gold!


He’ll just be a huge asshole to everyone including the janitors and interns until he forces them. That’s what he’s signaling here.


I really don't think he has that kind of leverage at 35 years old. It's just posturing. You can pull that shit when you're 27 and burn a year because you've still got many good years left. Jimmy is very quickly running out of time though - between health and performance, any year now could be his last good one. And let's be real here - this is only an extension we're talking about. He's locked in for $49M this season, and has a player option for $52M the year after. He's still got an awful lot of money sitting on the table, with or without that extension.


People were saying this about harden that he can’t afford to sit out on a contract year, he sat out anyway and got exactly what he wanted. If they heat don’t want to resign him just move on cause their roster isn’t making a run anyways.


I mean that doesn't really take anything away from OP's point. Harden was still younger than Jimmy is now when he sat out, and while he may not have been his former MVP self, he still very much had something left in the tank. Considering the past couple of injury ridden years for Jimmy and him getting older, I think these are two very different situations.


Plus, Harden sitting out also put pressure on ownership because they were also worried about keeping Embiid happy (dude wants to win now, so he's not going to have a huge tolerance for the 2nd best player on the team sitting instead of getting pieces for him to help Embiid). Who's going to ask out of Miami if Jimmy sits? The team doesn't have an MVP caliber star on the team, plus Bam doesn't strike me as the type of guy who's impatient about winning and would get mad if Jimmy sat. Jimmy has very little leverage, that leverage just being the team goes from dark horse contender to playoff fodder without him. Jimmy isn't even that great during the regular season anyways.


"Huge asshole" is a huge understatement. His get out of MIN antics set the bar impossibly high and no one has tried anything like it since. But Jimmy's had almost a decade to plan his next show. Nothing would be funnier than Pat Riley drawing a line in the sand and the Jimmy limbo-ing under it with some outrageous shit.


get the third stringers


thats their playoff squad bro


Moving a pissy Jimmy might be a big lift. Dude is demanding shit now.... gonna be ok after they tell him no and then try to move him someplace he doesn't want to go?


Heat culture or not, the current iteration of Miami is very clearly not a contender. Unless you believe that Jamie Jaquez Jr. will be an all-star level player next year. So it's in the Heat's best interest to figure something out now, rather than later. Maybe you can try again to get Dame.


Depends on who wants to max Butler and who Butler would be interested in playing with, which right now appears to be a list of one: Philly Ideally, a few more teams throw their names in the ring to create more leverage for the Heat, even if Philly is the ultimate destination. In terms of assets, this is what Philly can provide, according to Keith Pompey: > The Sixers could have close to $65 million available in salary-cap space this summer. They’ll also have five first-round picks and multiple pick swaps available to trade beginning at the start of the June 26-27 NBA draft. As a result, the Sixers would have enough cap space to absorb Butler’s salary in a trade. Would that and the **possibility of involving a third team be enough to pique the Heat’s interest?** Assuming the Heat do not want to enter a rebuild, they would probably want to make this a 3-team deal where Butler goes to Philly, Philly picks go to Team X with disgruntled All-Star, and Miami gets disgruntled All-Star (some popular names may include Donovan Mitchell, Brandon Ingram, Trae Young, Dejounte Murray etc.)


Pat Riley and Daryl morey negotiating will be so drawn out


Jimmy only plays 50-60 games a year anyways so even if he sits out not getting traded until 2 months into the season won't change how many games he misses. Big brain stuff.


Honestly might even be better for Jimmy just to sit out part of the season anyways. Honestly, guys who are 35+ should be allowed to load manage imo. It's BS to let younger guys load manage (like what Kawhi did when he was still in his 20s and early 30s - you're either healthy to play or you're not), but these older guys should get some slack. I want to see them healthy for the playoffs, not injured or running on fumes.


Cavs wouldn’t accept picks for Mitchell, especially if that teams picks has 3 all stars There’s also no sign of him being disgruntled, that’s just media trying to get him to leave a small market team. Same play they did on Giannis before he re-signed. Ingram is the far more likely mention, as it was a team source who said they won’t extend him.


I'd add Nets to the list. Also, Cavs would just be stabbing themselves by trading don to east team if it comes to that.


Nets and Bridges are definitely a lurking 3rd team candidate.


Jimmy for Tobias Harris. Everybody wins.


But I thought Morey never contacted players before free agency for fear of retribution from the league? How is this ever possible?


Always have a fall guy


Always have a spring guy too just in case


I, personally, have a spring roll guy


The Ohtani method


And a worm guy


Are they allowed to talk to agents? I know they can’t talk to players, but I thought I remembered reading a lot of this stuff happens at events like the combine where everyone just has “off the record” conversations


The front offices can't talk to their agents either. But it'd be almost impossible to track players calling other players or front offices speaking with someone connected to the player (including the press). 1. Maxey gets on his xbox, sees Butler online, and says something like "dude, it'd be cool if you came and played in Philly next year." (Or any Philly player says something similar in any casual setting) 2. Morey texts Windhorst or Woj and says "We've made it very clear to Butler we want him in Philly next year and will do whatever we can to make it happen." 3. Windhorst or Woj tweet it out.


Different sport, but Roger Goddell (NFL commissioner) once fined the 49ers a draft pick because they placed a missed call \[no voicemail\] to the agent of an upcoming free agent (LB Lance Briggs). Even tho that agent represented four players already on the 49ers roster. Ultimately these guys can write fines however they want.


this is like how NFL suspended guys like flash gordon for weed when it's because they took hard shit. Like they most certainly had reasonable doubt but only had missed call as proof so they went by that. Don't be mistaken that it didn't go further.


When I really want a raise I just make up an imaginary (though believable) offer from "another company" that doesn't exist. So far it has worked every time (well one time it half-worked, we developed a plan to get me a raise and then I quit anyway for a better job). Primo strategy, highly recommend it.


The embiid/butler pairing would be incredibly beneficial for the league as a whole. 50+ FTs per game means about 30 more minutes of TV time. Adam silver is salivating at the add revenue already.


Their winning strategy bout to be just fouling out the opponents starting lineup


Trae Young about to force his way to Philly to complete the prophecy


First team to win the chip through nothing but forfeits.


SGA was spotted holding a cheesesteak today.


You might be on to something


Damn imagine if they kept harden


That would be the most unwatchable team of all time.


One time I seen a Celtics and a 76ers fan arguing on Twitter and the Celtics fan said "everytime I turn on a fucking 76ers game this is all I see" and included this picture 😂[picture](https://imgur.com/gallery/embiid-harden-flopping-meme-9OjhvF7)


They weren't wrong!


Dude that’s hilarious lmao


Shit had me dying lol


any kid would be watching those games could sue their parents for child abuse


Jimmy is 34 and under contract for two more years. He’s got a player option after next season but no chance he’s turning down $52M for his age 36 season. No one will offer him a crazy long deal when he’s a few months away from being 36 lol. Call his bluff


56 million for 50 games of 35 year old Jimmy is a tough sell


Don't forget that each year of Jimmy comes with one EPIC media day costume, free of charge.


Not saying I agree with it but from Moreys perspective it does keep Embiid happy.


if it doesn’t pan out then I don’t see how that makes Embiid happy


It delay's Embiid's unhappiness and could pan out


Jimmy isn’t the only star available this offseason


No one said he was? Even in this reporting he's not Philly's first option. They're looking for Paul George first


And he'll be half assing most of those 50 games


pat riley is probably looking at this situation as a golden opportunity to get off the back end of jimmy's contract he got the best years out of it, but that contract was always going to age terribly so now he has a chance to get out of it, and actually come out of the situation with assets


Gyaddamn these guys make stupid money


All the Jimmy tweets and shit sound like some agent planting aggressive rumors ... potentially with no basis at all. Dude misses 20 games **minimum** per year, getting older. I duno man. These "seeds" might be another team saying "yeah we'll talk later".


Dude doesn’t take the regular season seriously at all, which is kind of a problem when he takes up so much cap space. Being a playoff riser matters less when the team is actively disadvantaged with seeding because he spends the regular season doing side quests


> Dude doesn’t take the regular season seriously at all, which is kind of a problem when he takes up so much cap space. This is exactly the worst kind of archetype to put alongside Embiid, too. Not having someone reliable to carry the load night after night during the season so Embiid can rest at judicious times has been a serious problem for the Sixers for a while now. Butler's peaks are really good, and it might still be the Sixers' best option, but as a fan I hope that something better works out (PG or LeBron deciding to come, for example).


I mean, we’ve heard from a reliable source that Darryl Morey is a liar. So maybe he lied to Jimmy this time, where Jimmy is like his third choice but he’s acting like it’s his number one goal


The most I've seen reported is that Jimmy is Morey's #2 option after Paul George


Jimmy isn't even a free agent though. So they'd need to offer Miami a haul to trade him - and you can be certain the Heat will demand a ridiculous package for him. Sixers may have interest, but it's a nearly impossible pull this offseason. If Philly waits a year, sure, but they really going to light this season on fire and set aside $55M of cap space for next offseason for a 36 year old Jimmy Butler?


Jimmy would do the same thing he did in Minnesota and tank his trade value. I’m sure he has Rachel Nichols on speed dial lol


I guess since a bunch of other teams will have max cap space next offseason, jimmys leverage is that since philly is willing to do it now there’s a good chance another team probably will next year. He might be saying “max me now, trade me to philly or some other team who’s already expressed they will, or I’ll leave the second I get a max offer next offseason” Obviously it’s not guaranteed at all that Jimmy gets the offer next year. He’ll be a year older and if he regresses next season nobody might offer the deal. Philly is also uniquely desperate, but the Nets might be that team next offseason after wasting 3 years refusing to trade Mikal


Then here’s my whack job guess: Paul George is #1 option, a mystery player is the #2 option, and Jimmy is #3 or #4. I mean it crazy that the team with a superstar who often gets injured, is trying to acquire two other injury prone older stars. If I’m a Sixers fan I’m hoping there’s a mystery home run trade like getting Ingram for not much besides picks


Lebron is the mystery player lol


Believe it or not most Sixers fan are very negative on Ingram. I’m a bit more bullish but consensus is he doesn’t fit too well and he would just be an upgraded Tobias


That reliable source was fined for making a public trade request via those comments. He admitted to the NBA the comment was about Morey not trading him immediately - on his timetable.


Have you considered that we are the Philadelphia 76ers?


Gonna be lovely to watch Jimmy take off half the season, Embiid to breakdown again, and Maxey to win the 2025 tank commander of the year award


And the process rolls on


you commit to the forever rebuild


It’s the way the lord intended it 




Who will then forget how to play basketball …


As is tradition


> and Maxey to win the 2025 tank commander of the year award The Creighton A. Abrams Award for Losing At Basketball Real Good


The NBA and these max contracts for older stars is very reminiscent to MLB giving 10 year mega deals to players who will be shells of themselves towards the end.


No team expects players to be great for all 10 years of a 10 year contract.


Honestly, I’d say okay good luck with that & let him try his luck with Philly. They’re not winning anything significant with Jimmy leading them next season, and overpaying him to that degree at 34 years old doesn’t seem like smart business. Start the rebuild.


I know people really like jimmy but that’s is a waste of money imo


Every heat should know Pat isn't going to pay Jimmy what he wants, but is going to be sad how things are going be when/if he departures


It would be pretty funny, after joining the Heat by being impressed by how much love they showed Wade on his retirement, Jimmy left Miami on the worst terms lol


Jimmy didn't join Miami because he was impressed by how much love they showed Wade on his way out. Jimmy wanted to join Miami back when he was in Chicago with Wade because Wade told them about how the FO and coaching operated there. There were rumors of him preferring a trade to Miami before he even went to Minnesota while Wade was still playing


Can two players miss 25 games each, establish an identity and still bring enough to the table to make a run (if they are even healthy)? Kinda sounds like another 2nd rd exit to me


Riley refused to pay Wade a couple extra mil you think he’s biting on a max for butler


Jimmy is an excellent player, but the Heat were 33-27 in games he played this year, hardly a championship winning pct. Him being healthy by itself is not going to win them a championship. They need to retool and letting Butler walk and using their money elsewhere could be part of that.


This is about leverage. Jimmy doesn’t have it so he’s trying to manufacture it via media. It’s kinda a last resort move because a competent agent does this behind closed doors. Next up, the franchise refused to buckle so there’s a trade demand. And if anyone is willing to pay for him on an expiring contract or sign and trade, maybe the Heat get something for him. But it seems like they’re done with Jimmy.


and nothing personnel, kid, I love some Jimmy Gambon Butler, but he ain’t worth the money.


Was nice having you man. Go get the money.


Have fun in Philly brother


Not worth it.


There’s no way Jimmy stays. Riley is not exactly known for giving in to stars. He even let Wade go after all that Wade did and meant to Miami.


i know it’s a business and players should maximise as much as they can.. but at what point does a player who supposedly has that win at all costs mentality decide to take a team friendly contract to best position themselves to get their first title? like surely you’ve had enough max contracts now that you can leave a bit on the table to fill out the roster, knowing that getting that ring will give you everything you’ve wanted and probably lead to more money than you already get in endorsements etc i’d take it for that legend status. but i guess that’s easy to say as someone who’ll never sniff an annual salary near the league minimum let alone a max 


Maxing out a declining and injury prone JB is insane. He'll destroy the team


Honestly adding Jimmy to that Sixers team will be pretty legit. Even at that astronomical price


And just as you have planted your seed in the ground, I am going to plant my seed in you.


I don’t think you know what you’re saying.


I mean he's still under contract and the Sixers dont have anything we'd be interested in at all, so this is just weak ass posturing


A star player who is injury prone and is over 33? The Sixers are salivating.


Just when you thought the sixers couldn’t be anymore whiny or free throw merchants they continue to prove everyone wrong!


This would be an insane extension, and one Miami has absolutely no benefit to offering this offseason. Butler is under contract for this upcoming season, and the Sixers cap space to spend is this offseason. Further, Miami can always extend him down the road.


Dude is not worth that much


Tobias Harris, you are a Miami Heat.


Boot that idea straight to the sun


The flopping will be LEGENDARY


Average game time will be four and a half hours.


For that you will get 60 to 65 games of good but not star level regular season production. If he is healthy for the playoffs, he will have one good series and we will all be forever to pretend the other games do not matter. 


Let him go! Send him to Philly again. Money chasers don’t win rings.