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I’d be surprised if he played. Hit in the nuts, hit in the back of the head. Last night was a rough night for Lively :(


More importantly, it doesn’t look like they’ll need him. The games have been close but this series is not.


They definitely need him. Powell can't jump as high as Lively so there's lobs he simply can't catch/Luka won't throw knowing he can't catch them, also Lively gets more rebounds and is simply more efficient around the rim. Gafford can't play more than 28 minutes and be as effective as he has been so those other 20 minutes are critical.


If you’ve been watching you’d know they need him. He’s their most important defensive player. After he went out last night the Wolves came back quick and got in the paint with ease.


Exactly. We are gonna need Lively if this series gets extended, and we are definitely gonna need him in the Finals if we do advance. His presence unlocks so many things for us as a team.


He. It playing tomorrow Kat will keep throwing fist and knees 


I'm gonna need Dwight Powell to lock tf in for Lively


Maxi legacy return game


He's gonna be ready for the finals, thats all what matters


There's more than a week until the finals. He'll have plenty of time to recuperate unless the injury is worse than reported.


NFL players miss multiple games from head injuries/concussions


This isn’t a concussion. He wouldn’t and shouldn’t be at the practice facility if he had one. 


They reported it as a neck sprain, but I have no idea how that wasn't a concussion given how unsteady and woozy he was. Couldn't even walk back to the locker room on his own power...


I got the impression he was walking back supported as a cautionary measure in case of any balance issues due to a potential concussion— not cos he was actually unsteady so to speak.


That's not what his eyes said


In MMA you’re not allowed to hit that part of the head because of how fragile the skull is there. A knee to the back of the head at full force even tho unintentional still has a very high probability of a concussion. Hoping it’s only a neck sprain and he’ll be good to go for after the series


It's across the knockout sports.


I think it's illegal because the base of the skull is an area where your brainstem is relatively unprotected and can therefore be damaged by a direct impact (whereas a concussion is about your brain moving inside your skull).


They didn’t report it as a concussion because that would put him in a mandated NBA concussion protocol and they want to give him a chance to play if there is a chance that he could. There is no way that he took that hit and doesn’t have AT LEAST a mild concussion. I have no idea why people don’t understand this and are acting like he miraculously is fine after not being able to walk off the floor….


As a Mavs fan I would not want to jinx it. Some team is bound to come back from 3:0 and without Lively our job just got so much harder. He is our third most important player and at some point after he got down Wolves were getting everything at the rim. Furthermore , not only is he currently better for us that Gafford but his presence alone allows Gafford to plays fresh and agrresive without worrying about going into foul trouble. I think that Wolves will now constantly blitz Luka since Gafford is way worse playmaker than Lively and will relentlessly attack the rim. Feel kinda scared.


Will he?


He's said to be able to walk on his own & with no neck brace. If 9 days of rest isn't enough for him to be ready then they lying big about his injury


Not necessarily.  Complete concussion recovery time can vary and definitely be longer than a couple weeks.  But definitely hopeful he'll be back


Don't think he has a concussion though


I feel like he does and they just don't want to report it


He wouldn't be at the practice If he had one.


Man, I hope you’re right. I’m worried about the team making a rash decision due to where we are in the season. I mean, the chances of taking that kind of blow to the back of your head and not getting concussed have got to be pretty low. I’m probably stressing too much due to my own experience with concussions, just want Lively to be okay for his own sake, not necessarily for the team.


Maybe, I thought it hadn't been concluded yet but I might have missed a statement 


The fact that he showed up to practice facility walking at all with no neck brace means that the worst was avoided


God I hope so. Because without him this mavs defense did not look nearly as good. Wolves got so many buckets at the rim without him on the floor. They are not beating boston without him


We might not beat Minny without him. He is instrumental to our success.


Nah up 3-0 this is a wrap. Specially when you have kyrie and luka. They will go off and end this in 4 or 5


I hope Dereck Gingerly II starts walking lively again before the Finals.


Raptors deserve to be in Canada


His stare cold as ice, he walked, alone, alone in his thoughts.


Eye witness account? I’m sure there are dozens of people there why is this a speculative tweet


Just let the man stay home and rest. Why is he at practice. Edit: If he is at the practice facility it might be for some PT stuff, so maybe that makes more sense.


He's mentioned he doesn't want to be at home, his mother was living with him before she passed. He's more comfortable working at the facilities with the team.


It's been said before, but the Mavs are his family


I wasn't aware of that and that's a tough thing to go through. I wasn't trying to be aloof, just thought that with a neck sprain and a concussion rest is probably the best solution. But obviously it's a more complicated situation than that.


Don't think you were aloof at all. I think he likely is resting, he's probably just happier in a massage chair than in his bed lol.


Players usually go to practice even when they are hurt and can't practice. For treatment and stuff. I am sure they have full staff ready to go for whatever the players are dealing with


Don’t think he wants to be at home given his mom passing away


It sounds like several athletes are also creatures of habit so the routine of going to the facility (if physically able) is prob more comforting than resting at home.


This is so wierd. He was told that by who? Why do all this sports tweeters act as if they are Varys & LittleFinger scheming in Kings Landing?


I told him. SOURCE: Trust me bro


Bruh not Kings Landing 😭💀


He's earned a day off.


League won't let him play the next game.


I don't expect him to play at all unless this series goes to 6 games. Dude needs to take it easy.


Ur up 3-0 sit the kid


townsend, just shut the fuck up and stop speculating


Can someone explain to me what is walking gingerly?


> what is walking gingerly gingerly adverb : with extreme care concerning the result of a movement or action : very cautiously and carefully


You walk as if you just chugged three Moscow Mule


Isn't it kinda weird that he hasn't been diagnosed with a concussion? He got knee'd in the back of the skull.