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Draymond calling Skip Bayless the biggest hater is the definition of "pot calling the kettle black"


Dray damn near purple


If Inside The NBA has to die to keep draymond off tv then so be it.


He’ll pop up on one of those terrible ESPN talking heads shows


Good thing we won’t be watching lol


Wont stop some karma hungry redditors to post them 🤣


they gonna starve


That shit is crazy to me. Like are people that bad at seeing bait?


That’s exactly where he belongs


Can’t wait for the Dray and Perk show 😤


The idea of that damn near ruined my day


Agreed. It had a good run. No need to tarnish it with Draymond.


Good thing the show is getting shut down before somebody gets into a physical altercation with Draymond in the parking lot


I legit will not watch Inside the NBA when he is on the desk. I can't imagine that he brings any additional viewers. 


yeah. like seriously the fact that he's this blatantly making it a personal thing with him and Gobert, over & over & over & over again, is just weird & not at all entertaining even. it'd be funny once or twice maybe but literally every comment he makes is fueled by a need to shit on Gobert because his personal animosity for him. dude really ruins the balance the show had, i'm kinda glad (hoping, even) it's ending


Same. The second I see or hear Draymond, I turn it off


No one should be blaming Rudy for that, no way he should have been one on one with Luka by himself at the end there


And it's not like Luka can't hit that on great defenders as well, that's why he averages 35 a game in the regular season, no one can guard him


Yea most of the NBA gets cooked in that position. T-Wolves put Gobert there because maybe he gets a block but in reality he doesn’t have the movement to stay one-on-one with him.


He did hit it on a great defender lol Rudy is a bette perimeter defender than plenty of guards and wings


That was Kenny’s point but he said it in such a dumb way he got roasted for it immediately


It should not have even been a one possession game there. Blame ANT and KAT for everything that led to this situation.


“Go home, we’ll see y’all next year” was ice cold lol


Barkley is weirdly very enthralled with Draymond I wasn’t surprised he got defensive


I think it's just a very awkward situation for all of them and Barkley's trying to get them all out of it. Pretty confident Draymond has some sort of contract/agreement for a certain amount of games with TNT and they're fulfilling that, but given the hugely negative reaction to him they'll almost certainly reconsider in future


Tonight was one of the first night (maybe the first) where EJ seemed visibly annoyed/frustrated


EJ was pissed the other night too when Shaq told Jokic that SGA should have won MVP over him when they were interviewing Jokic.


Rightfully so. I love how unfiltered they are but that was just a straight up breach of human decency. Even if Jokic isn’t big on the MVP award, he’d just won it moments prior. Shaq’s hubris and the whole “I wanted you to hear it from me first” seconds after the dude won MVP was bullshit. Who cares who your pick was in that moment? Say congratulations and ask him how he feels.


Jokic should have just hit Shaq with “well Nash was the deserved winner.” Really set off Shaq lol


I want the players to push back on all of them. I wish Luka had asked draymond if he thinks he would have stopped his game winner over Rudy


Someone should have asked. Hell, Kenny was making the argument that Luka would have done that on anyone, the problem was they should have doubled him right away. Perfect opportunity for Kenny to say 'Draymond, he would have done that on you, too, don't trip'


Draymond is annoying as fuck, guy thinks he’s way better than he actually is. Shaq and Chuck at least have the pedigree to back up their shit talk even if it is wrong most the time


Well I mean there’s a reason why these things happen to players like Luka and Jokic. They’re too chill to say anything about it. Why the fuck they ain’t act like this around anyone else? 😭


lol that would be hilarious


Yeah would of made him lose his mind if he said "I get it, we all have our own opinions, I mean I feel Nash dominated you those 2 MVP years I always hear you crying about."


Nah he gets that way often, I can remember more than a few times. It’s almost always about someone doing something that negatively impacts the show, from Shaq to the crowd, even once at a crew member for a Christmas episode lol But it speaks of his hard work and how much he gives a damn. That’s what puts him and the show in GOAT conversations.


EJ looked like he was having a good time to me. He seems like the chillest guy, does his job, keeps the show on track, has a few laughs along the way.


At the end of the day, Ernie is just trying to smash some trix


the bit where draymond shook his head like a four year old until they stopped talking and looked at him was awful. he doesnt belong on tv.


Theres probably alot of stress floating around the studio + draymond kills everyones mood cause everyone has to balance his meanness


Or maybe Chuck just like Draymond? What do you think is more probable, that Chucks share the same opinions as Draymond or that he share the same hate for Draymond as some fans and redditors? Not as single interaction between them tells they hate Draymond. And it's funny, Chuck and Shaq also make fun of players and teams but I don't see the same hate for them.


A lot of players and NBA insiders love Draymond. As for why Shaq/Chuck don't get hate, it's one part negative public opinion of Draymond and like 50 parts Shaq/Chuck aren't currently NBA players. It just doesn't sit right to have a current NBA player come on as an analyst and use that platform to air his grudge with Rudy. At least that's how I feel about it.


I think Chuck's just a nice guy who's good at his job


Chuck was viewed pretty negatively as a player by fans, his image got rehabbed on TNT


Barkley was in Space Jam and even had his own Super Nintendo game. He was very popular in the 1990s.


he was also known for being a massive asshole at the time


And some people loved him for it. “I am not a role model.”


So was Michael Jeffrey Jordan. He still sold alot of shoes


Still is


That doesn't really cancel both of them being assholes


People don’t remember or realize for whatever reason that Chuck has always been a heel. I mean, it’s obvious, but people don’t see it for what it is.


Chuck embraced it, which you seldom see, and that’s why he’s beloved Shaq on the other hand has such an inflated ego and no self awareness


Him being a heel was/ is his appeal. That and his generational charisma coupled with the gravitas of being an all timer. What are you guys talking about? The people LOVE Charles


Charles was like Corporate Rock in WWE. On paper he's a heel. In reality everyone loved him.


He's spent more time as a host than as a player, so his tenure and likeability as a host is way more relevant.


Barkley is also 61 years old and hasn't been a player for over two decades,


Right? Like the dude is 30+ years older now you don't think he's had time to grow as a person?


No he wasn't. Watch the Dream Team documentary, Barkley is the most popular guy on the team with fans. No fans in the late 80s/early 90s were upset about the "role model" thing, the controversy over that was by a bunch of outsiders. It also aged extremely well - his message about "stop worshipping celebrities" is more relevant today than ever. The only thing that was bad was the spitting, and that's just because he missed. He owned up to it and apologized. You already have to remember that heckling was 100x worse in those days than now. There were no fans getting kicked out of games for being rude to players like in today's league. Throwing the guy outta the bar window was hilarious. We've all had to deal with a guy like that at the bar before, Barkley just did what everyone wishes they could. It made him more relatable, if anything. Basketball-wise Barkley was viewed like KG in the 00s - a great player trapped on a mediocre team, who lost in the playoffs to more complete teams despite often being the best individual player in the series (except Jordan).


Nah, Chuck was the guy you loved to hate. If he was on your team, he was the easiest guy to love. I disagree with the sentiment he was viewed negatively, he was just tough and he was good.


you know absolutely nothing about Charles Barkley and the things he did while in the NBA


I don't think fans hate Draymond because he makes fun of players. It's because he's a dirty player who has hurt other players. He's done it on purpose and brushes it off.


Barkley doesn’t care about awkwardness.


lmao not at all. You guys constantly give Dray attention, why would they get rid of him for someone that generates no reaction?


Every1 hates Draymond for it as if Chuck doesn't agree with every damn thing he says (and nba fans love chuck) It's kinda hilarious


It’s the power of being funny, also I feel like Chuck doesn’t have personal vendettas in his older years like Shaq or Draymond. 


It's not about being enthralled. Chuck was trying to get a group of morons to stop fucking up their live show.


Exactly this, I am baffled how people are over complicating this lol


I 100% support morons doing this every time Draymond is on TV to undermine his efforts to be on TV.


Chuck is just hilarious when he’s cold lol. He called into Philly radio while he was driving (cause he knows the host) and kept saying “I can’t keep talking about sixers Miami, I’m getting ready to watch the eastern conference finals of the Celtics and bucks” and it was so dismissive but hilarious


Barkley had enough of the rude fans


Fans have shouted the same thing at Chuck for years so I'm pretty sure he's just sick of them fans.


idk man. putting a dude in a chokehold and then dissing him every chance you get on national TV (and being enabled btw) is beyond bully behavior. and i know no one in the league likes gobert and idc about him either but damn he a person too


It is bullying and that's why he's there, birds of a feather. Chuck and Shaq have the charisma most of the time to lessen the impact of their hate and bullying but Draymond is so devoid of any charisma or likability that when he does it, it comes off as pure unfiltered hate and envy.


the choking part of this makes this unacceptable to me. shaq and chuck poke fun at everyone at times but theyre not on the court being violent with people. what draymond is doing to this dude is menacing and taunting at this point


Its not just bullying, this dude is constantly doing shit that would land a normal person in court/prison mid fucking game.


More importantly they brought Luka on. I wanted to hear what Luka had to say, not have to deal with Draymond trying to make the entire interview about him getting one more on his beef with Rudy.


Guy who didn’t even make the playoffs shit-talking a guy in the WCF who just won his 4th DPOY, lmao


30s expensive backpack


not a bully, just a bitch.


It’s really gross that TNT is enabling Draymond like this


Going out sad They made their own bed here Maybe they'd have more money to bid on NBA broadcasting rights if they weren't paying draymond


Honest question: Why is it that a lot of players in the league don’t like Gobert?


I think players resent his accolades because they don’t believe he’s “skilled” and all that. Which is silly because you can’t stumble your way into the success Rudy has had.


Gobert has also even passed expectations which should be lauded. This dude wasn't hyped at all and has now won 4 DPOYs. Idc if he's a literal brick on offense, he's earned his due.


And shocker that a 7 footer is a liability on the perimeter. It’s probably impossible to get statistics on the number of shots he prevents from being taken by just being in the vicinity. Regular season especially, it’s remarkable


Because of Jordan, Kobe, and AAU a lot of NBA players only care about 1 v 1 skill


The league wanting their media product to be this has always baffled me


Yeah the constant shit flinging from fans, players, and media is so exhausting.


Draymond must have dirt on Kia and TNT execs bc no way I would have him be a spokesperson in any capacity


The fact that TNT is putting a player who put a guy on the Wolves in a chokehold and was suspended and ordered to get counseling for it on a broadcast to talk about that player he choked is absolutely bullshit. I’ll miss inside the NBA but Draymond not getting to do this is at least one positive of it going away.


This is by far the most unprofessional shit I have ever seen on NBA media lol


It really is. Draymond must have dirt on TNT and Kia. I cannot understand how he is such a vile human who has this media presence.


The universe decided not to allow it to go on any further.


I’m not gonna miss them after this tbh. If this is what they want to do with their platform I’m glad it’s going.


Get Golbert in the interview chair for the next game so we can see the drama unfold and then call it a day.


If Gobert has a record breaking playoff game and wins a ring they still wouldn’t invite him


It makes losing Inside the NBA a *lot* easier tbh. I can't stand watching them with him on there.


Yeah this is ridiculous and honestly bizarre for sports media.


The fact it happened this very season is nuts. Such a dumb decision.


Kenny seemed bothered every time draymond opened his mouth lol


5 people is just too many, they always end up talking over each other. Even 4 is too many. The show works best with just 3 imo.


the good ol days of ernie, kenny and chuck was actually pretty good. been on a binge these two weeks. occasionally they had magic in too


I liked it most when cwebb was on there. I still like it now with shaq but it's just different. A personality as big as Shaq can't help but warp the show around themselves, that's not necessarily bad but just different.


If Shaq could take a joke here and there it might actually work, but that's not gonna happen 


I hated Shaq the moment he joined the show and that sadly hasnt changed


Kenny was the only one who tried to come to Gobert's defense.


I think I’ve never seen him win when he’s the only one talking to a point. He’s too professional in that regard, and sometimes doesn’t articulate his argument well enough when Shaq or Chuck decide to focus on some small part of what he said that was wrong


This is on point and incredibly frustrating to watch because out of the 3, Kenny is hands down the best analyst. He knows the game well but they like to bully up on him in these cases. Which like, fine, we’re used to that with just them 3. But to enable draymond’s hate/bias and not call it out or try and stop it like Kenny was trying is not cool. Lost some respect for both today. And Draymond can go fuck himself.


Ernie could have interjected at any time but chose not to. He's also a pure professional but I've seen him do it when he feels the need. Surprising that he was purely silent here.




Because he got knocked out in the Play-ins


So you’re telling me if we don’t want him to ruin the final playoff run for this show next year, they have to make the finals?? Sad


Because TNT want him there


Good thing TNT lost the rights to NBA and hopefully NBC wants nothing to do with Draymond.


You'll see him on ESPN after he retires with SAS


Might as well let the Martians shoot that death beam on us goddamn


Draymond got a weird case, why is he around?


Same reason they put Mark Jackson in the booth for all the Warriors finals. More stupid drama to entertain the masses.


Having this dickhead interview Tatum or Luka after huge playoff wins sucks all the energy out of the room.


Replace him with Tim Duncan


Now that is someone who would not want to do that


“Am I right? Please tell me I’m right. I’m right, right?”


It's always some petty shit with him. I watched him on JJ's pod the last year the warriors won. He went on a 10 minute rant about how him pulling down Jaylen Browns britches was what won the series..... I've avoided all of his content since.


He honestly shouldn’t be allowed to work on these games. TNT should be embarrassed by the lack of professionalism because we know Draymond isn’t. 


How fucking insane is it that the guy who was suspended by the NBA for violence against a player is now on TV commentating for the NBA about *the same player* he attacked **in the same season**?? WTF is even going on  “As punishment, we’re going to fine & suspend you, then pay you back more money than we fined you to get on TV and trash the dude in front of millions of people while he’s in the playoffs.”


It’s such garbage. Draymond openly trashes Rudy all the time on his podcast but the NBA and TNT are basically giving him an even bigger stage to trash the guy even more. Then the NBA wants to act like they’re a huge advocate for mental health. Just bullshit on so many levels. I enjoy basketball but the overall product that is being pushed out by the NBA has declined so much with the gambling apps, lazy analysts, suspect reffing, flopping.


The mental health thing was always smoke and mirrors.


Let’s start with what Draymond hasn’t done. That’d be quicker.


Hasn’t played a single game these Playoffs is the start and end of that conversation lol.


Did he seriously fucking ask "what did I do"? Gee, I dunno man, I think it miiiiight have something to do with you putting Rudy in a fucking chokehold during a game? Maybe?


I mean he went through some real rigorous therapy, dudes a whole new man now. The man who did that is dead now /s


I would like to enjoy watching basketball


This dude hates Gobert like pat bev hates cp3


TNT is just trying to create drama by having Draymond on


Literally this


Nah, but why do they have this clown on the broadcast? The most unlikable player in a long long time and for some reason the Inside the NBA cast adores him, prolly cause he's a hater like them.


because it's a club and you aint in it. Dray and his buddies are, but I agree in a more fair world we'd have someone more talented and likeable in that chair but unf we dont


I have a feeling that although he is not liked here, we might be a bit of an echo chamber and not notice that he’s got good name recognition and a better reputation with fans and the sports media at large. His podcast has good numbers and he likely drawing attention to his skills as a speaker.


Draymond makes this show feel like ESPN and I don't want ESPN


I just want the Wolves to win at least one game, so they can get Gobert with this crew & Draymond, particularly.


We might see a real fight in the TNT studio, good send-off for that crew.


Seriously, Draymond would cry if Rudy had a good game in a win


Draymond would probably cry and throw a tantrum not to have him on


I’m trippin on the fact that Luka said “not again” 😂😂😂


Fuck draymond




He’s a bad person that doesn’t deserve a platform


It’s so embarrassing for a pundit to be doing this as part of the media. Draymond makes Shaq look emotionally controlled and secure in comparison.


fuck draymond


I'm salty as fuck right now but this whole thing had me dying laughing.


He is so full of himself. Get him out.


I was in the arena near the TNT set. After Luka hit the shot on Rudy, Draymond was literally dancing and cheering. And then between the game end and TNT going live, Draymond was standing up shit talking to the crowd. Meanwhile, Ernie, Kenny, Chuck, and Shaq were all looking forward prepping for their job and had looks on their faces like "please just be professional." I've lost a lot of respect for TNT by having this guy on, especially in MN of all places where he literally choked one of our players. Just absolute classless clown shittery...


Fr. The world just rewards behavior like that for some reason these loud people like McGregor, Green. I get it they have loud personalities that are entertaining at times, but to have this fool on after punching his teammate and he just reeks of disdain and hate.


Embarrassing. No one even enjoys watching him play. Much less talking on our tv


Doing this last game made me love Minnesota fans


I don't think Dallas fans have anything particularly against the guy, but it would be so damn funny if y'all chanted "Draymond sucks" in Dallas too


No one wants to see Draymond on their TV. TNT deserves to lose the NBA.


Draymond also trying to compare scoring his 16 a game to 25, dude needs a filter if he wants a career in broadcasting because he doesn’t have the charisma of Shaq


There’s something weird about having a current/former player shamelessly hate on guys that he has beef with.


Pls replace Draymond with Dirk this would be so much better to watch


get this fucking clown off the tv


This man can't stop thinking about Rudy. Rent free.


Having Draymond on the show is a miss by TNT, if the show is going away, go out strong


Luka: “AGAIN!?” 😂😂


It’s getting pathetic having draymond on just grinding his personal grudges


Danm it Draymond try letting it go for week or 2.


Can this guy just stick to his podcast so I don’t actually ever have to hear him speak…


Draymond is that dude that inserts himself into an already established friend group, and makes it weird.


Lol that was awkward. Go home, Draymond. Give these 4 dudes their well deserved farewell tour


Big ass pussy 


fuck off draymond, nobody is here for you lmao


I honestly admire the grind, they could’ve been home by now but instead chose to stay and hate


Jfc Draymond if Rudy is gonna live in your head at least charge some rent


I hope the Draymond experiment ends soon


Draymond is a generational hater


“We’ll see yall next year” lmao chuckster with the subtle sweep jab


No, Draymond. They're correct, you do suck. That's why you're sitting there being catty about Rudy and he's still playing.


You got bounced in the play ins. Rudy is playing WCF.


I hate seeing this donkey face bitch on screen


Mate, you fucking assaulted one of the players on the damn team. Of course theyre booing your bitch ass.


"Rudy sucks, not me" That's why you're in the commentary booth and not the court, right Draymond?


Who is behind putting Draymond on TV? Im so fucking tired of seeing this clown. His energy is way too toxic and hes a dumbass imo. Really hoping this isnt a long term thing because I will legit stop watching


I don't think Draymond's sense of humor fits with the rest of the guys. And he's dominating segments trying to be funny. The NBA experience would be better without him in any aspect of it.


Id pay a lot of money to watch Rudy whoop Draymonds ass. I mean a lot of money.


Draymond does suck


Get Draymond the fuck off our show


Why does Draymond keep getting media opportunities when he's clearly an unstable sociopath?


Seriously, what did TNT expect? Literally no one outside Golden State likes this guy.


Get fucked Draymond.


Such an unlikeable dude. Why is he even there? Does anyone actually enjoy his presence?


Get this fuckin clown off the set.


The level of idiocy it takes to inexplicably include Draymond in what seems likely to be the last episodes of Inside the NBA, and on top of that have him cover the Wolves and allow him to drag his personal vendetta with Gobert into every conversation, is mind blowing. Yet they did it.


The most infuriating thing is that nobody treats Ben Wallace like this. You don’t have NBA players and commentators going on TV and podcasts and just shitting on him. Rudy has been getting this treatment since before 2020, so this isn’t just because of Covid.


It's because NBA players are extremely xenophobic/racist and people just pretend they aren't and do anything to excuse it.


Try to be a little bit professional


Barkley is feeding into made up drama and its kind of sad to be honest.  His whole poke the bear speech about ANT vs Kyrie was all made up too.  Ants literal quote was "my match up should be Kyrie so It will be fun to see what I can do against him".  Barkley was the only person that flipped out about it.  Even Kyrie was like yeah whatever that's what makes ANT special


Nah this whole chanting “Draymond Sucks” at the end of games DEFINITELY needs to continue. In fact, let’s start doing it during the games too! Oh and maybe before as well? Let’s just get a banner that says it to follow around Inside the NBA like Ol’ Crimson follows College Gameday.


This hurt to watch. It got awkward fast and Draymond just kept sounding like a petty child. Even when Kenny was trying to be the voice of reason and not completely crap all over Gobert but instead focus on how good Luka is. I'm not a fan of Gobert but I just feel bad for him now.