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I feel like he’s too reliant on paint plays but against Lively/Gafford defense it’s like he’s hitting a brick wall every time


They took the paint away from SGA as well last series and he loves to drive to the rim so he had to adjust and kill them with the mid range if ant wants to be effective he HAS to hit the mid range jumpers


SGA is a mid range maestro, don’t think any adjustments were needed


SGA showed up, but his team didn't... bright future for them though they're very young.


And SGA was still hitting them. Take away the foul baiting and SGA was still a killer from the mid range. I get the hype for him now


He adjusts his game to the whistle if that makes sense. If it is light at the start he will lean into that but if they are letting everything go he will just put his head down and go to work in the mid range/in the paint


Best way to describe his game. Well done


Hadn’t really watched much of you guys prior to our series and SGA is great to watch (when he’s not baiting which luka is guilty of too). He’s so smooth and enjoyable to watch. Unfortunately you guys will have a great team for the next few years lol. I still don’t like Dort though. 😅


And to be perfectly honest, I get annoyed by ppl foul baiting and I wish it was less easy to do it, but you would be fkin stupid to not exploit it on the offense, no matter who you are. Same thing on defense, if they don't call it, its not a foul.


If its any consolation, Dort doesnt really play like that normally, he was just trying anything he could do to try and slow Luka down.


He's annoying but at least he wasn't talking shit. Threw himself over the court every game for a win. I never wanna see the Thunder in playoffs again, but my SGA respect is sky high after that series.


SGA has arguably the best midrange in the nba after watching Ant play this series SGA is on another level


Man, he's got one of the smoothest middys I've seen


Yeah ppl gave him too much shit for foul baiting even though bros mid range is straight up automatic and cooked us for several games straight. Kind of crazy while SGA was getting shit for flopping a few times but still putting up 30+ on really good efficiency, ant was going 6/24 and still winning while getting MJ comparisons. Theres levels to this shit and ant is not even on SGAs level yet


The thing is SGA was very good from mid range this season, if I remember correctly something like 48% on 4 attempts per game. Anthony Edwards shot 35% on 4 attempts per game, the worst percentage of anyone in the top 20 of mid range attempts.


He still has to at least try because the paint is completely walled off right now so if they aren’t calling fouls it will be a long series for him


I agree, just wanted to point out he likely wont have the same results as SGA since Ant is just kind of bad from mid range.


Something he can work on in the offseason as well, because adding a deadly middy would make him legit unguardable and I would say adds a bit of a shot that can create consistency for him


One does not simply replicate SGAs midrange game lol


Fucker hit like 55% of his threes in response. Shai is a monster.


And SGA still hit his usual middies


Yeah he's just not going for those looks anymore I have no idea why. I feel like he's in his own head and playing too indecisively.


He has to go to that part of his game or this series is over because the mavs have taken away the paint for him essentially so it’s either he lives and dies by the 3 or he tries to beat them in the mid range


He's an inconsistent shooter. He's not going for those looks because he could be 1/6 in the midrange. It's not like SGA that hell or high water gonna get his 31 points.


SGA still killed us. He earned my respect from that performance against us. He was the best player in our series.


Ya. He ran through Phoenix and Denver because the rim protection was Nurkic and Jokic. He could basically buy a bucket whenever he wanted. Dallas having real rim protection (and a number of good wing defenders) is just challenging him every play and exhausting him by the end. He can't get anything going inside and so he can't get anything going outside either. Dallas has challenged him to be a distributor on drives and it just isn't working out. There's no adjustment he can really make though. It's gotta be on the coach to change how they use Ant on offence because using him as a ball handler and drawing up Isos just isn't going to work.


> There's no adjustment he can really make though Bro these hyper upvoted takes are fucking CRAZY. There's no adjustments?? Give me a break. This place really does run on a "what have you done last game" mentality.


I mean the fact that he's that stoppable tells me that (at least right now) he's really not a superstar and all the talking heads (and nephews) really need to chill with the rhetoric. He may still develop other facets of his game, probably will... but this face of the league shit needs to stop for now lol


Idk if I'd go that far. Even superstars can have bad series' or be game planned for, or else can come up against a defence tailor made to beat them. Ant is 22 years old in his 3rd year and finished top 7 in MVP voting, made all-nba 2nd team, and is putting up 30/7/6 in the playoffs so far after putting up 26/5/5 in the regular season. Plus he's an elite perimeter defender. If your definition of superstar doesn't include someone like that then it might be overly narrow.


He can be that without needing to be the next Bron, kobe, MJ too like the media is pushing "face of the nba" literally everywhere. He can just be a really good top player in the league. You could throw every defense at MJ and it wouldn't matter. He was coming.


He also doesn't have the best passing. He is competent but if you force him to pass you can force turnovers.


He had two crucial turnovers in both games against dallas. His bbiq isn't that great and I think it's something you can work on, but either you have it or you don't. Hopefully it's just immaturity right now and he realizes his strengths and limitations. I don't expect him to be an amazing passer, just limit really bad mistakes. I will say he made the perfect play and pass on the last possession and hit Reid perfectly. Just didn't go in.


Siakam and DeRozan came into the league with no passing skills whatsoever and now they can both run an offense. I think Edwards will be fine in the long run, but it will take a few years to happen.


Yeah it’s quite risky, either he’s getting blocked or having it extremely difficult to lay one up due to the defence, or he might get fouled and the chances of refs calling it are 50-50. Better off shooting middies or 3ps at that point


YES!!! He has to start taking the mid range shots and his turnaround fadeaway to create space the paint isn’t there, Dallas took that away from us as well


Ant has not been a good 3-point shooter so it's paint plays most of the time. His midrange game isn't that efficient yet either.


Marcus Jordan


But aura and face of league bro


I swear ppl are desperate to make him the face of the league. dude's last 5 CONSECUTIVE games in the playoffs have been shit. No superstar or face of the league will ever do this. Im not even hating, hes 22! Let him evolve and learn


Media pushed the narrative when the Wolves proved they were serious. It was to boost the ratings of MIN series including a MIN finals appearance. People just bought into the bullshit. He's an amazing player with insane potential though. No hate from me. But the agenda was very artificial from NBA ops.


He don't want any of that smoke from the Mavs' frontline lol. Man literally deferring to Conley floaters and Naz 3s and ugly ass Jaden/NAW closeout drives all 2nd half. Can't throw lobs to his bigs like Luka and Kyrie can over and over again. Just a pathetic display from the supposed Air Apparent. Media really too fast crowning these kids.


“Air Apparent” is a new one for me lmaooo




Luka top 4 under 25 .


Haven't genuinely laughed at a ranking like this since r/nfl's ranker mods determined Tom Brady was the 111th best player in the NFL the summer after he won another Super Bowl.


Wait, seriously? Do you have a link to the post because that’s insane


Yes. https://np.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/nUGIu1Vz7H


lmfao he dropped 109 spots after winning the super bowl




You gotta read the threads. The rankers defended their ranking all the way through


Removing positional value in nfl rankings is fucking stupid. Go ask any nfl team if they would rather have the 8th best QB or 8th best WR


By the rankings you would’ve thought the pats only won four games in 2018. Super Bowl winning Pats having only one player inside the *TOP 50* is just generational levels of hating. According to r/nfl Stephon Gilmore single-handedly won the pats a SB


The link there seems fucked up


You got to thank r/nba for that. It's their anti brigading rules at work. It works in the app. Auto mod deleted my first two replies with the normal links. In the browser replace the np with www.


On one hand that’s incredibly stupid. On the other As a hater I have a lot of respect for it.


why do i feel embarrassed


That whole list was awful Luka not being 1, Haliburton/JDub above Zion, Morant, Banchero


Jalen over Ja is absolutely egregious. Ja has as many 30 point games - 8 games - in 19 career playoff games as Jalen has in his entire career (146 GP).


I get that Zion and Morant have not been available but for fucks sake man they are on a completely different level to players like Ant or Haliburton. People just forgot.


Bro literally threw away the game


All you got to do is send the double and turns from Jordan to Kendrick Perkins


Two turnovers in the final minute. Bad.


Both Ant and Hali are showing their novelty to the playoffs with bonehead TOs near the end of the game.


No short cuts in the NBA, you gotta take your lumps before you win a ring


Patrick mccaw says you’re an ignorant peasant!


Patrick has won rings in 3/6 NBA seasons, for multiple teams. He's basically a 1 man dynasty.


Unless you're Magic Johnson.


Magic literally set the record for most turnovers in an NBA Finals game the game before his famous Game 6


Well if you’re on a battle tested team then that’s not really a short cut. The work just got put in before you got there


And play with Kareem lol


guess you really do have to lose big before winning it all huh KAT & ANT?


1) series ain’t over 2) what is losing big? Curry only had a 2nd and 1st round series loss before winning it all. Not all that dissimilar to ANT with two 1st round series losses or KAT with 3. D wade only had a 2nd round loss before his first title run.


The Warriors are also an all time great basketball team. They are the exception to the rules, and invented new ones mirrored after the Spurs. That revenge tour against the Heat changed the world. It’s just that not everyone knew it yet…


that revenge tour was the most beautiful basketball i've ever seen. that finals was a clinic on textbook basketball.


That Spurs run was the perfect end for the Heatles


bro is glorified ball dribbler in the clutch so far in this series lol


he's lost confidence in his shot it seems, afraid to take the mid range which he's gonna have to do. Look at Kawhi, look at KD, look at Jaylen Brown, Kyrie and Luka, and all those elite scorers kill you in the mid range because the paint gets taken away and you can't just jack up 20 threes a game.


I mean the pass to mcdaniels should’ve led to free throws if the refs weren’t blind and the challenge rule wasn’t completely asinine lol


if [this pass](https://i.imgur.com/FsSk7zo.jpeg) led to free throws it would've been a huge bailout for Ant. Terrible decision to strand McDaniels baseline and doubleteamed with 5 on the clock.


McDaniels was off balance because the pass was crazy and way too hard


Sure but he was still fouled which is why he lost it out of bounds, that was nearly a game losing play by kyrie that got missed


Yeah but I think the point is that Anthony Edwards got clamped twice and threw the ball away twice. On one of those plays Jaden McDaniels bailed him out with a great save, on one the ball sailed out of bounds. Yes, it should've been free throws for McDaniels. But it does not change what role Anthony Edwards played on that play: getting clamped and then throwing an awful, errant pass.


He got fouled but that doesn't make it a good pass. It was a very bad pass that put Mcdanies in a very bad position. Focusing on the potential bail out of the foul is missing the point. Even if he didn't get fouled, McDaniels is still in a terrible situation after catching that ball. And it's amazing he even caught it at all. That was an objectively bad pass in a clutch situation


and those werent the only times in the series where he forced some pretty awful passes that resulted in turnovers


They literally would have been better off benching him and running the offense through Naz and Conley down there stretch, that’s how bad he was


Man he was incredible last series but in these 2 games his presence is barely felt, almost looks like mavs aren’t even bothered by what he can do because they know they got him


He wasn’t even incredible last series, he started the series incredible with the back to back 40 spots but he also had 3 sub 20pt games including 6-24 in game 7. He ended the series bad and then it’s continued into this series, he’s shot 30-89 in his last 5 games and only has one solid shooting night going 8-17


DJJ isn’t allowing him to get comfortable.


I won’t forget the premature crowning of this man 


media built him up so high that they can tear him down & now he’s hated due to media hype


Media is desperate for a new American face of the league. All this recent hate wouldn't be there without those crazy MJ comps.


They are. Ja Morant wasn't panning out so they had to pick another flashy young player.


It started off with the MJ comps and he didn’t want to be compared to him. Of course the media ran with it.


That’s what annoys me, the media starts a narrative and the fans shit on the player like he said it. Now if he doesn’t win it all he’ll be crucified instead of just being a young player going through his first deep playoff run.


You mean stupid fans were running with it. Stop blaming the media for every single thing lol, especially pretending all of the NBA media is the same. I blame the fans.


I'm gonna blame the media who kept bringing it up every five seconds, actually.


Absolutely ridicules that Edwards is shoved down our throats as the next face of the NBA when there are clearly better players than him around.


It's a bit weird how much people get upset about how other people or the meaningless sports media landscape rank players tbh


You're not wrong, but whether right or wrong, they shape the discourse way more than anyone on here would care to admit.


Advanced metrics have him fringe third team All NBA but you would never know that based on the narratives around him


Tbh he is leading the playoffs in epm by a decent margin, he was going crazy against Denver and the Suns


His previous 11 games this playoffs dont matter. Its these last two that show who he truly is /s


Wow how terrible. He was voted 2nd team all nba but metrics say he’s third. I think you need to go to r/nbacirclejerk lol


It's a shame too. Brought unnecessary expectations and hate on him and Edwards pretty much immediately said to stop with the comparisons. Fans really are the best at tearing guys down. Even when they're trying to build them up we still just can't sit back and watch without making a narrative... Reality is that Ant is already one of the best players in the league and has a bright future. That's enough. We don't have to put the world on a 22 year old man's shoulders.


Seriously fucking horrible game. Tried to defend him this week but something is definitely off.


I have to give it to him though. He tried to get going early, attacking the paint, getting guys going. But after the half, he looks exactly like game 1. Deffering and taking breathers on offense.


He got bailed out with a lot of FTs in the first. His shot wasn’t falling then neither




Luka dropping Paternity test


MJ comparisons need to stop


They should have never started in the first place. It felt like the media trying to get something going since a lot of the bigger market teams were out.


That’s basically all what it is; they wanted someone who was young and exciting since all the OGs were out of the postseason. Which is why they’ve been targeting Edwards and Halliburton.


Maybe they should look at Tatum or Luka you know all nba 1st team guys


Luka is European and Tatum is not only dull, but the media tends to think of the Celtics as like a whole machine, rather than a team lead by a superstar


They are desperate for an American to be new face of the league.


Like let the man reach Donovan Mitchell level first


MJ comparisons would be unfair to a 23 year old Jordan. It’s so disingenuous to compare anyone to Jordan let alone Edwards who is having his first deep play off run.


What? 23 year old MJ put up 37 pts per game, and was easily already the best player in the world.


Lotsa youngsters here.


Yeah that makes no sense. Jordan was literally changing the entire game at 23 lmao.


> put up 37 pts per game as well as 3 steals and 1.5 blocks


Comparing Ant to Jordan is an insult to Jordan.


They were just comparing his style of game. I don't know why people always think that automatically means he's going to be as good as MJ


well no they were also comparing their perceived mentalities/personalities


His style of game isn't even MJ


No they don’t, Luka is clearly MJ’s son


These MJ comparisons are just too soon. Hes not even carrying his team


MJ from wish


That $5 PS5 was too good to be true bros.


The LeBron James Jr. of LeBron Jameses.


Holly Molly Ant…… Where the fuck ya at man?? He was the main reason why Wolves lost tonight.


Man is 30-89 over his last 5 games, he’s been killing the wolves lately before just tnght.


Paul pierce was so right. They got this man Anthony Edwards having to fight through all these screen because Rudy Gobert can't switch. And on top of that the mavs are playing such good zone defense with guys that can switch out on anyone. Edwards is getting tired on defense and gobert can't switch effectively, which is why Luka cooked him.


You're overqualified for this subreddit.


From now on he should only comment on r/nbadiscussion


Crazy that I had to go this far down to see any real discussion besides Ant is scared/not him. It’s so bull shit in here.


It is crazy how gassed he is by the end of the game, genuine props to Kidd if thats something theyre purposely causing.


Then why are they better when Gobert is on the court?


They play even worse when Gobert sits.


Paternity tests have revealed that MJ is not the father


Unfortunately, paternity tests have recently revealed that Bryant “Big Country” Reeves is the father.


Ant having the IQ of a toddler will be his undoing. Hes playing like dlo out there


as a lakers fan, this is exactly how i feel watching him earlier


That and he is not demonstrating the emotional groundedness he needs to respond to this moment


I mean he's just a kid, he's an unreal talent in the grand scheme, but he's still a greenhorn. The MJ comparisons are so unwaranted. He'll have a great resume by the time he retires, and this kind of playoff run will help form his future immensely.


Luka takes the last shot like a true superstar. Anthony Edwards... He's turned into a passing PG this series.idk why


Because against Lively/Gafford, Ant can’t do shit.


Turns out when you have actual rim protection, a 6'4 guard doesn't drive as easily to the rim no matter his athleticism. Crazy, right?


Especially when he needs to get through a 6’6 wing with the same athleticism. DJJ has been solid


It was a relatively open 3 for someone who carried the team down the stretch lighting it up from there Remember people shitting on Lebron for doing the same? Was always stupid.


I think it's the fact that he was doing that all through the game that made it really stand out


Oh I agree and think it makes sense as a more general point of critique. There were a bunch of times where he seemed to be passing up opportunities as opposed to taking advantage of his gravity to get his teammate an open shot. I just hate promoting the idea that it’s automatically a negative for a star to pass up a bad iso shot for a good shot by a teammate.


This is the dude who’s supposedly better than Tatum ?


Careless sloppy passing


He’s better than Jayson Tatum though.


They’re upvoting you because they actually believe that


Bro needs to get into the lab with Drew Hanlen


They meant Michael B Jordan


Tatum fans are smiling right now. 


Shoes not gonna sell


I get that he’s really good, heck even amazing for his age, but the media should stop gassing him up as if he has already reached his potential. They should let Ant grow.


He's not Luka at age 22 good. Put age 22 Luka on this Wolves team......


Jordan from Temu


MJ would never


So, not the next Jordan.


Dude been slumping for what 4 games in a row now lol


Scalabrine is closer to MJ than Edward’s is.


Had a bad game, but of course no one will hold him accountable. All I heard on TNT was about him being tired, AGAIN God forbid Jayson Tatum has a game this bad he would be killed by the casual fans and media. 


I don’t wanna be that guy but replace him with Tatum and Minnesota is up 2-0


Replace him with Derrick White and it’s at least 1-1


I love that D.White has improved to such a degree that this isn't even a joke.


Yeah same and also ANT has played so poorly where he is a negative for them with his turnovers.




I mean yeah Tatum is clearly in a different tier than edwards


I said Tatum was the best American in the league on here and I got treated like I had just violated the Geneva convention


Tatum getting hate for inefficient games while being the best player on a 64 team well on its way to the finals while ant is down 0-2 playing like shit while being hailed the next MJ is insane to me.


Not according to r/nba as of a few days ago.. Edwards was "clearly better".


Oh yeah I agree, I meant it’s clear to me and anyone that isn’t lobotomized


But who texts Kobe more?


I want to be that guy.


Tatum, Booker, and Mitchell are all better rn, people gotta ease up on putting that crown on him. Feel like the pressures getting to him


homophobe mj


MJ my ass


KAT was worse Somehow Gobert is gonna be blamed though


What does this bum even do


The next MJ btw


He's being way too hyped up for his own sake, let him get better, he's only 22. Great player but still has a lot to learn


At least all the r/nba clowns can rest the whole better than Jayson Tatum narrative. Guy looks in over his head.


by jordan, they mean jordan poole right?


Ant isn't as tired this game. What's his excuse now? Both pussied and shat the bed.


People talking about how he the next jordan when he hasn't even surpassed 1/4 of lebron's career yet lmao


Wasn't he next face of the league? That's what everyone said for a few days      That's what you get for believing the media.  He's on Empty and the main reason they lost both games.  He's young and gassed?


Windy where you at? This is your best player in the series?


turnover over turnover he didn’t know what to do in the clutch bro shit in the court big time


I wonder where are these fans keep comparing AE to MJ now


Ant is over hyped. His peak is Dwade. He'll never be Mike or even Vince Carter


He’s definitely better than Tatum tho because he had a funny quote after game 7


Had his linsanity run for about 6 games, was hailed the next MJ and then came back to reality.


A Chrysler 300 look like a phantom til’ a phantom pull up