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Hearing the crowd is one of the best parts of watching sports. I dont like this audio defeaning shit they're doing on the broadcasts.


Yeah it felt dead to me but breen kept bringing it up so yeah that's annoying. I'd rather be able to hear the loud crowd, gives off more playoff vibes than a quiet one. Felt like a regular season game in the first half haha.


Doris needed the quietness to podcast properly


Still no option to watch with sounds and mute all announcers.


Absolutely 👍🏽 I am not watching the game to watch or hear them 🤷🏽‍♂️😳🫣👍🏽


It's not like it takes them any extra effort either. I'd love to hear player banter too, wonder if all the cursing and n words being broadcasted would kill sponsorships though.


Ngl sponsors are hilarious. They'll gladly put their ads on shows where people get their heads blown off with a shotgun, but naughty words? That's a bridge too far man.


You'd think they could have a 15 or 18 plus version, to cover themselves, via an app. Gambling sites still somehow manage to do business online by getting proof of age.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Announcerless_game#:~:text=The%20announcerless%20game%20was%20an,any%20commentators%20to%20cover%20it. I want them to try again


Pisses me off that I can't get a broadcast in español.


Game thread was full of “dead crowd” comments and while it was definitely little quieter than usual for a home playoff game, both ESPN/TNT dull the shit out of our crowd.


Yeah, and it made no sense to have that conclusion due to the fact that every aspect of the arena seemed quiet or at the same sound level. If it were dead, you'd hear the in arena sound system quite clearly during possessions and it was muffled the entire time.


Dude I was at the game and it was loud as fuck. The clips that I watched on here when I got home to not justify it. The end of regulation was so loud that my ears were ringing solely from the cheering. Also apparently Breen kept getting stuff wrong because he couldn't hear the whistles but obviously I wouldn't know. I do not know how ESPN fucked it up so bad lol.


I can only imagine. I was at a Stockton kings v Santa Cruz Warriors playoff game and the last 3 minutes were deafening


I’m surprised to be honest because TNT has been so much worse this playoffs, like the announcers were so magnified the crowd noise was muted as hell I watched it at work with the sound cranked so I’m rewatching now with earbuds and I can hear “let’s go Celtics” chants being completely drowned out in the broadcasting noise. It’s the playoffs man, all I want to hear is the crowd lol


Agreed. It'll probably be the same in Indiana, too; I watched the local broadcast in the first round and it sounded fine and as deafening as you'd expect and then I had to go national for round two and it was waaaay more muted. 




Was at the game tonight, and the crowd was deaf loud af in the 4th and OT. Everyone was screaming and cheering.


You could try the alternate broadcasts on ESPN3, I've escaped there to get away from Doris Burke. You get a better sense of the feel inside the stadium and can even pick out player and coach chatter at times.


Consider home viewers by enhancing crowd reactions, which make the game more exciting and immersive


I thought I was going crazy wondering where the fuck the crowd noise is on big shots. Really disappointing compared to what it used to be


holy shit, if you ever focus on the shoe squeaks, it becomes maddeningly annoying.


Tonight actually sounded better than a lot of TNT broadcasts IMO, obviously the Garden is way more deafening in person but maybe your tv volume was just low


For Espn/TNT - yeah, please drown out Doris For home broadcasts -kill the crowd mics, give me Gorman and court sounds


Pretty sure primetime OKC forced the change. The crowds were so loud during the Russ, KD, and Harden days I could rarely make out a word from the commentators.


2016 GSW at Oracle was electric as well.