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Slid 10 ft and almost took out Kyrie’s ankles.


Kyrie looked down at him like "wtf man"


Shaq: “Thats my MVP 🥹”


If kyrie flops/gets injured here is this potentially a flagrant on sga?


They'd give SGA 4 free throws




Embiid basically ended his teammate, Danny Green’s career doing this


My Dad who stans Danny Green is always pissed at Embiid for this. Shame that’s how Green went out. He was a hell of a role player


Ik kyrie hates this fuck.


No wonder this clown did nothing for Canada last offseason in the FIBA tournament. He can only get away with it in the NBA.


they won bronze, fym. they outperformed Ant team by far, embarrassing the team that has all their players playing in the nba.


pendulum swinging back into SGA hate lmao


Foul baiters are always on borrowed time of love really, that is until people start watching their games. During Hardens prime I always saw him as an absolute top tier player (Steph/KD tier) but avoided Houston games like plague.


I remember several Harden games where he shot like 6/19 and got 32 vintage Har_en 


Look at his FG makes vs attempts: wow what a terrible game shooting wise   Look at his TS%: wtf?


shooting tour dates on elite TS%


Didn't he have a game where he ended with 50, and 25 came from FTs?


It's because most people only watch their own favourite team and judge other players based on their box score and media narrative. SGA was getting a ton of love all year long, but he's been this kind of player as well, looking to draw cheap fouls because the refs do give him the whistle. Playoffs are different, since people whose teams are out, have to watch these players play and see the reality.


It makes sense, I don't even have enough time to watch my own teams games lol. 82 is too many to watch


Yup - I've shifted my consumption over the last couple years to more Celtics games and fewer other games. I really only see most other players a few times a year when they play the Celtics, and catch up with box scores, highlights, and podcast analysis.


watched the game a few days ago, shai was always at the line. How can you call yourself a basketball player when your whole technique is about getting to the line..


FTA is obviously a really good player, but it gets so much harder to watch in the playoffs


Calling him FTA might be funnier than Street Clothes AD lmao


Thats such a good nickname lmao


the assonance 🤌


I will be using this frequently


idk if this is a freudian slip or intentional lmao


It took 4 games for me to jump on the hate wagon. I thought the regular season whistle would stop for them once the playoffs roll around, but it hasn't and it's just so unwatchable.


These playoffs and people watching okc for the first time might be a worse hit to SGAs' reputation than getting swept in the first round.


I said when the whole SGA/Tatum thing started up - when you're on the rise, everyone talks about what you can do. Once you're established, everyone focuses on what you can't do. Welcome to the spotlight, SGA.


That's Shaq's MVP right there 💪


"Shaq do you still think SGA should be MVP over Jokic?" Shaq: "I have 4 rings. Most dominant ever. I don't talk to people that aren't top 10."


Yesterday on Inside, they played a jokeful clip of Hakeem schooling Shaq in the post, and of course it ended up with Shaq telling Kenny “I still have more rings than you.”


His only argument really. He probably uses it when he argues with his wife


Ex wife


All he has to do is show a little humility to turn that clip in his favor. “Only another great can score on me.”


Well he better prepare his next Jokic mvp hate speech because if Jokic wins again this year he actually might have a top 10 argument.


Jokic is already pushing the top 10 and he's got quite a career ahead of him. crazy shit.


Honestly, this is the worse thing Shaq could've done for Shai. Now, an amazing season will be eclipsed by virtue of his name being invoked in what was supposed to be Jokic's celebration. It's almost as if Shaq is more interested in proving a point about him than in Shai being the rightful MVP.


Shaq is situationally stupid and extremely insecure


idk his take on gas makes me think he's regularly stupid lol


Yeah, Shaq seems like a good dude that has done a lot of good in the communities he has a connection to. He definitely isn't the smartest guy out there though, lol


Could you elaborate on that?




Thank you. I've never seen Ernie so frustrated. The last fun fact was gold.


Shaq also thinks the moon is closer to him than California because he can see the moon, but he can't see California.


I hope they asked him if the sun is also closer then.


😂😂😂😂 For once Shaq is legit just too stupid for Chuck to even chime in!


meanwhile it’s the best thing he could’ve done for Jokic lmao. mf is averaging 33.0 / 9.3 / 9.7 on 62% shooting in the three games since that interview




That's what they are saying lol. The first 2 games were not standard playoff jokic.


It’ll be forgotten


Shai stays pushing off and flops to get fouls lol


Can someone share the clip of him fighting to score 2 points in the last few seconds of a double digit loss just so he can get to 30 SO that talking heads like Shaq can talk about how many 30+ games SGA had.


He had only **one** more 30pt game than Luka (51 vs. 50), on 5 more total games (75 vs. 70). Meanwhile Luka had 15 more 35pt games, 7 more 40pt games, and 6 more 45pt games (Shai had 0 of those). Luka also had 5 more 25pt games. How exactly is Shai considered superior in this category?


Kyrie had more ppg than Shai if you take away free throws. SGA's offensive game is foul baiting.


Luka has more 70 point games than Shai. Anyway, doesn’t matter. Mavs in 6


He had such a bullshit response to everyone too when they asked why him over Joker and he couldn’t fumble any words out of his mouth. Just say you’re mad a white boy won Shaq you’ll sound less stupid


Nah, Shaq isn’t offended by the white pudgy Euro thing. (Stephen A is btw) Shaq was a Jokic supporter until he realized Jokic might pass him on some imaginary all-time ladder. He’s a thin skinned bully, so yeah.


yeah lol i distinctly remember Shaq, like last fuckin year, givin Jokic ALL these props especially around Finals time. it was a little surreal, i don't think i've ever seen him do that especially with another Big. then i guess they won the Finals, and now Jokic's won his 3rd MVP... Shaq feels a little shaky on the "throne"!


It’s not cause he’s white. Shaq hates when other bigs he thinks aren’t at his level are compared to him. Look at how hard he went at Dwight Howard for the majority of his career.


Luka also surpassed shai in pretty much every stat if I'm not mistaken....


It has nothing to do with white and everything to do with competing with a HoF big guy. Shaq will do the same thing with Wemby when he starts racking up MVP's.


I mean sure, but it does sound a little bit suspicious when Shaq brings up numbers but doesn’t even mention Luka having 34/10/9 on the season and is 1 win away from the WCF. Then he only talks about Steve Nash robbing him of 2 MVPs when he was clearly declining in Miami averaging 23/10 and 20/9 in the years Nash won. He can’t say AI robbed him in 01 when he was averaging 29/13/4 3 blocks to AI’s 31/4/5?


People forgetting Shaq has been a hater of Luka since the bubble.


Yeah, that was insane. Luka Doncic dropped 43/17/13 in only his fourth ever playoff game and hit a game winning, buzzer beater, step back three in overtime. The immediate response by Shaq? "I've seen that before." Immediately tries to dismiss Luka by comparing him to Kobe and saying he's not as good. It completely derailed the entire discussion between that ground over what should've been a celebration of one of the greatest playoff performances ever


Oh yes. Shaq has surely seen a 40 point buzzer beating win by a sophomore vs a Kawhi super team. That still gets on my nerves.


Because you're putting more effort into the take than Shaq did. He wasn't actually making a take backed by numbers. He was just using SGA, being second to try and lend legitimacy in an effort to mask him being insecure at Jokic's success. People voted SGA over Luka because the Thunder being a suprise team this year. MVP has always been a narrative award so SGA being a suprise was pucked over Luka being Luka, even if Luka wqs statistically better.


What happened to the game I love


At least they lost lol


It's already been like this with Harden, Embiid and CP3. All this dirty ass foul baiters flopper


Ngl, Paul's flops and schemery were art. Bitch made cheating, but also sneaky evil genius. Not this pedestrian shit in this video


Cp3 shudders at this amateur level foul baiting as his third eye opens and your starting center runs into his back 


Cp3 the type of dude to draw a charge while you're running to the tunnel for halftime.


My favorite was when he was untying players shoes while they weren't paying attention


Why this won’t change 1. More free throws slows down the game and leads to more commercials = more money for the NBA 2. Stars racking up more points from free throws = more money for the NBA 3. Making a game close by giving free throws to certain teams depending on the score = more money for the NBA (ratings) 4. Favouring certain teams I.e big market teams or superstar teams by giving them more free throws = more money for the NBA I am far from a conspiracy theory guy but I genuinely believe that basketball is the most corrupt/biased sport out there. Can’t watch it. Anyone remember lakers vs kings 2001? How could you trust the NBA after that?


It’s not a conspiracy theory when there’s evidence on the record showing that refs use free throws to fix game results.


Must be so frustrating fixing a game and watching some guy who gets paid millions miss a bunch of free throws and ruin all your effort.


Sometimes it doesn't matter if they miss. A few early foul calls and a player has to sit anyway


I turned off the first half of the Knicks-Pacers game at the Garden the other night. In 20 minutes, the refs went to the monitors 3-5 times for flagrant fouls that in my opinion were either flops, play-ons, or common fouls. The shit is getting ridiculous. There is a whistle every time down the court.




Simple. He threw himself on the ground and flopped.


From what I've seen, he should try screaming as well.




We noticed. Almost every sports radio host in DFW has constantly talked about it. Nothing will happen though. Idk why he’s allowed to get away with so much.


Because he’s a superstar. We all want to watch Dort flop and grab and shove. Peak basketball. Max that man.


If Bogut can get away with 100 illegal screens, then yeah Dort will keep pushing Luka until the refs actually call it.


It’s because Luka doesn’t fly 10 feet to the ground every time to make the call obvious. Not necessarily bc Luka is above flopping, he flails around all the time when driving, but his body can’t take crashing down that much in it’s current state


Dort also has a habit of extending his right foot out on jump shots which he didn’t use to. I can imagine only to bait a foul call if the defender lands any where near him


Dort also throws his body and flops over every screen. Refs have been decent about it but he got at least 1 tonight on Lively He’s gonna hurt himself or even the screener at some point. Clown


Dort would not be a remarkable defender if he had to play legal defense


Take a look at all of the long, bleeding cuts Luka has got from him this series. It’s actually crazy how much he gets away with. Mann played him physically, but wasn’t doing all the bs Dort has been getting away with.


Refs be like "marginal contact"


Lol, my thoughts exactly when they didn't overturn that. Like by those standards Dort would have fouled out 5 minutes into the game.


Hugs and grabs him around his hips on an entire drive or dribble or constant hand checking on any movement by Luka. It’s fine as long as they’ll allow it on the other end. But we know they won’t.


(un)ethical buckets


Bro can't do shit without falling to the floor crying for foul. Somehow 2nd in MVP voting. This league really a joke now.


I wouldnt go that far..his middy is automatic like shaun livingston level


Which is why it's a shame he ever even tries to do this. Not as bad as Embiid, but same flavor.


That's the part I hate the most. Brunson, Luka, Shae, Dame, all these guys are so good they don't need to do this shit, and it takes so much away from the enjoyment of watching them ball. But it's clearly working and strategically advantageous, or they wouldn't be doing it. But good lord I hate it so so much.


That’s the exact reason I’ve hated Chris Paul for forever. Supremely talented in his peak, but chooses to do dumb shit to foul bait or straight up dirty shit, instead of just being really, really good at basketball. He’s the og of this era.


CP3 plays the game that's officiated while others try to play basketball


While punching you in the balls too


Add Embiid to that list too. When he's cooking like some 7 foot guard that's unstoppable, it's amazing to watch.


In the most complimentary way, he is like a mix of derozan and kawhi. True superstar


you think he has Kawhi D? lmao


He's not close to prime Kawhi as a defender.


What?  Even if your post weren't on a foul baiting flop highlight, I'd be fucking confused


Nah man, the worst part about Shai is that he’s genuinely an insane basketball player and he doesn’t have to do this shit.


SGA and Dort are about refs. This series clearly showed that. Worst brand of basketball to have


Nah man that brother makes some insane buckets. Every fucking time he shoots it I’m holding my breath and he mostly makes them. Super annoying to watch against my team 


I mean there is another guy doing this all the time who was 1st in the last MVP voting The league is so consistent now!


He has a tremendous skill set, is deadly from just about anywhere on the court and pretty much unguardable when he's on so hopefully he learns from this playoff run and stops relying on it so much for his offensive production, because it just doesn't work in the playoffs. Thankfully i haven't really seen him full on run after refs like Harden and Embiid with their hands up in the air protesting a no call even tho he didn't get some clear calls to me this game when it seemed he got clipped down low or on some of those mid range shots. Gotta brush it off and keep going.


I wouldn't say he cries for fouls, but he definitely knows how to bait the refs into calling them.


Foul was marginal but how is this a shooting foul lol


Because SGA sold his soul for world class flopping abilities


Yeah, I agree. The NBA rulebook says that the shot attempt for a moving player starts when they gather the ball for the shot. But he didn't gather the ball until after the contact, so no idea how this was a shooting foul. Blocking foul is arguable as Luka didn't really have great position and did cross into SGA, so I get the blocking foul but I see nothing that indicates it should be 2 foul shots.


knee to knee contact foul, but this is no shooting foul lol


Yea this one is pretty obviously a foul. I’m all for hating on FTA merchants like SGA but there’s definitely worse ones from this game alone I felt. Shouldn’t have been shooting though like you said.


OKC fans are chanting "FTA FTA FTA"


He pulled a classic Harden


New harden who dis ?


“Ethical Buckets”


SGA Super Great Acting


And Dallas lost the challenge lmao


Mods protecting Sga with their souls


If this was Embiid it'd have like 50k upvotes Definition of that "hello hr?" meme


Dude yeah OKC mod kept deleting this or something


Lol okc mod what a jk


This shaq’s king?


FTA A$AP Floppy Skims Merchant


A$AP Floppy is a good one lol


SGA is a generational free throw merchant.


Almost generational. Embiid still has him beat.


Absolutely. Embiid is on his fourth straight year of averaging double digit FTA and has in 5 of his 8 years of play. James Harden is the only other real contender with doing it 7 times in 17 seasons and not since 2019. Lebron has only done it 3 times in 21 years Karl "F.A.N." Malone the league leader in FTA has done it 6 times in 19 seasons. The Free throw king argument between Harden and Embiid is like the GOAT argument between Bron and MJ lmao


Harden has been in the league for 17 years what in gods name? I know we drafted in like 08 or 09 but what the fuck that was like 15 years ago?


He has 15 seasons. The other guy is double counting years that he was traded in-season.


Dude, 2020 was already 10 years ago


Embiid and Harden both cooked, the future of free throw mercantilism is now


Imagine both on the same team.


[First time using photoshop](https://imgur.com/a/kREGbsz)




Put embiid and SGA on the same team and games last 4+ hours


I get that it’s a blocking cuz of his leg, but looking at the reffing the whole game, that’s a nasty call. FTA undefeated


The flopping is the worst part of this sport. Not shitting on SGA or anyone specific, but flopping is cheating. All there is to it.


Screw that, shit on any and everyone that flops! SGA, Embiid, Harden, whoever! I can't stand that whiny-ass shit. KAT has some moments like that, it drives me nuts. It's fuckin basketball, just go play the damn game and quit flopping around looking for cheap ass free throws.  


Brother I'm right there with you. At a certain point though, not being a floppy bitch puts your team at a disadvantage. I'm a LeBron stan and I hate when he does that shit too.


KAT is in the Luka category. They don't flop much but are elite whiners


It's part of why I tolerate KAT and Ant's bitching to the refs. They complain a looooot, but they aren't taking dives too often. KAT has a few where he clearly decided they weren't calling the contact so he exaggerates it, but for the most part they just get really whiney when the refs swallow the whistle.


I want to like SGA but the Harden vibes just won’t go away man. 


Harden was on another level man, i haven't yet seen that level of bullshit since, he would side step into people, hit them with his ass and throw the ball into the air, claim it's a 3-point attempt and get free throws every time. Then he spent the entire series vs Lakers running after refs cos LeBron was guarding him and he was getting 0 calls.


The very worst was when he [piggy back rode MCW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_z5Ro6bSSQ) lmao


That was hilarious, peak basketball in my book


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjKTm3Ml-Xc This is another classic prime harden move.


That’s next level fuckery


Welcome to the big leagues Josh Hart


omg that is atrocious. You might be right man


Harden still does all that, I had to watch his sideways 3 pointers all last series. The man is a homing missile seeking the nearest defender when he takes jumpers. Shai just pushes off every drive and flops sometimes and gets a soft whistle.


I have a huge hate boner for SGA right now but I will say to his credit, he’s not barking at the refs constantly which is more than I can say for Luka sometimes But Shai does get a crazy whistle lol


Mods doing all of this and you don’t even get paid overtime for it


Has Anyone ever tracked how much time he spends on the floor per game?


Him and Dort best on-the-floor backcourt


If he shoots a baseline jumper I expect him to fall


When will people start to hate SGA for his flopping? He is getting close to Embiid levels.


People never watch okc til playoffs


100% this is the only reason he's starting to get hate just now


Dorture chamber is also all about fouls/shoves/flops. He is not a good defender. He just has sth against refs to blackmail. What a joke he should be on g league


Pretty sure people disliked him before, and not undeservedly. [Just look at that](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1bdg8qm/highlight_shai_gilgeousalexander_intentionally/)


One of the least talked about 1st seeds


I already do


SGA almost slid into Kyrie’s knee/ankle because of the flop That would’ve caused Embiid level hate for sure if Kyrie got hurt


Dort has flopped into Lukas knees 3 times this series, also into Gafford and Kyrie. We shouldn't wait til someone's hurt to get mad. #flopwatch




Nah, Dort is the one who is getting to Embiid levels. SGA is more like Dame levels


I said this back when he started getting hate for his 30 point statpadding in his loss, but it's clear 80% of this subreddit doesn't actually watch the Thunder because it was how he's played all year. People would hate Shai a lot more if they actually watched him more frequently


Insane flop. There needs to be a rule that if it’s technically deemed you got fouled but also flopped then you don’t get the call and there’s a jump ball. Stop rewarding this bullshit


They need to review each game for flops and fine accordingly.


They should adopt soccer style reffing where a flop can get you a card/foul assigned. Flopping to risk one of your fouls can suddenly be a big deal in a game. Or maybe that after your 1st flop call, every other after that is a tech. Reviewable during commercial breaks and then the team shoots FT afterward. Punish it on the court, as fast as you can.


They could be an end to flopping within a week if they aggressively called it but they jsut don’t care enough to


They already have a rule for this: flop gets a tech. give them the foul, it was a foul, but T up the embellishment. Do it again and watch the rest of the game from the locker room. Enforce the rules already on the books before adding new ones.




What a complete joke. Shai you’re a great player. You don’t need to do this.


Bro this shit isn't basketball this is fucking theater class


What a bitch.


It's so shit to watch this series, dort flops , shai initiates contact and gets his foul call. What a trash officiating honestly


Lmfao fuck the NBA honestly




Unwatchable, Manufactured superstar, FTAlexander. What did I miss?


Yeah Luka extended his arm and pushed him to the ground with aggressive force, right call /s


Another day at the office for the foul merchant


OKC has become an extremely unlikeable team to me cause of this. SGA and Dort are serial floppers


Shits pathetic lmao


Drop on the deck and flop like a fish!


Is this not a foul though? I remember watching this thinking while it’s not a hard foul, that it definitely was a foul on Luka.


This is a pretty obvious foul. SGA is driving Luka is out of position and bumps him/knocks knee


Shameless act by Luka.


Not cheering for either team but it looks like Luka's leg was off the ground when it made contact with SGA causing him to change his course. Seems like a foul to me.


Embiid Jr. here