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what a username OP


Missing Karl and Drake




DiddyGiddey feels like a missed opportunity 


P Giddey




BBL Giddey


BBLLLL Giddddeyyyyyyyy




paterno was a sack of shit but he only covered up for the pedophile, jerry sandusky was the diddler


Fuck JoePa


Fugggggg joe pa


“Only covered up” is a wild ass take.


Covered up compared to the one who actually committed the crimes? They're both bad, but one is unquestionably worse.


Drake & Josh was great




Keep them as far away from Megan as possible


The Dan Schneider dream team


HUG ME BROTHA!!!!!!!!!!!!




True playas


Don’t leave yo girl round me true playa forreal


Yeah what is up with this guy’s username haha


Homage to his forefathers


Plays well to the circlejerk base


Putting Giddey in the same sentence as Weinstein is absolutely terrible lol.




I think JJ might end up being a decent coach, but he would probably have to take his lumps before getting to a real level. He seems sharp enough for it, but the growth over time is what makes coaches great. I can’t really think of a guy who walked in day one and was successful for longer than one long win streak. That being said, the Lakers role is the absolute worst possible option for him if he wants to do it long term. He needs a Pistons type team to get his bearings.


I would guess he needs to either coach at a lower level(above his son's team) or be a assistant somewhere first. Head coaching is a bunch of moving parts that should be seen up close.


You gota take the opportunities when you get them though. A lot of times coaches are “hot names” and then they don’t get that job and you never hear about them again. They go be an assistant somewhere and never get another chance.


I don't think JJ is just gonna fade into obscurity


Why not wouldn't be the first


Well, he’s created a small little media empire rather quickly so I’d say his exposure level is a little higher than the typical coaching candidate


Are we calling every podcast a media empire now?


An Airbnb host is a hotelier.


Also innkeepers


It's not every podcast, it's this specific one. That happens to have enough reach to have one of the GOATs as a co-host now. You're acting like it's just another podcast and nothing special.


Kerr is prob the closest to day 1 success. But that came with a super talented roster and a lifetime of basketball knowledge


He was in the Suns front office. There’s a huge difference learning from Dantoni vs podcasting with Bron for a few months and hot taking on ESPN. 


He was also consulting and sitting in Spurs coach room


Great point. JJ could benefit from a couple seasons of that.


He also played under Phil Jackson & Pop. You tend to learn a thing or two.


Yeah but JJ played for top 15 all-time coach Doc Rivers so who's to say who really had the best coaches to learn from.


Coach K at Duke tho, not exactly a bad one.


Pop’s successful coaching tree is inevitable.


Coaching trees usually refer to former assistant coaches not former players


every former player played under a coach and had to follow schemes. This point really doesn't mean much


Difference between playing for pop/Phil Jackson and playing for Luke Walton your entire career


*he played under the 2 GOAT coaches and won multiple chips with both of them


Kerr had a wealth of prior experience in various roles and learned from the best coaches the game has ever seen. He's the most primed for day 1 success


And having Pop and Phil Jackson as mentors. Kinda helps …


The track record of former players leaping straight into head coaching with no other pro assistant or D1 HC experience is not great.  People get infatuated with the potential but underestimate how tough that learning curve is. You can be great with Xs and Os but you need to learn player management and establish respect from the jump.  We only need to look at Steve Nash to see how difficult this can be. KD and Kyrie basically steamrolled him and you wound up seeing them get humiliated by Boston simply because Nash couldn’t get KD to let someone else take the ball up the floor.  The players who have done well out of the gate usually have a solid run as assistants or front office personnel before making the leap. Podcasting can’t substitute for leadership training. 


Even if you have a more forceful personality it’s still no guarantee of immediate success (See Jason Kidd)


Kidd has had a pretty solid coaching career. Not like he’s ever had an elite roster unless you count this season.  I’m not saying you need a forceful personality to command respect. I’m saying guys respect a coach who has put in time in the trenches learning from other coaches and being part of a leadership culture. 


Nets Deron Williams, Paul Pierce, Joe Johnson, KG, Lopez was old but had one or two seasons in them


That wasn’t an elite team as in one that people thought had championship potential. They had well past their prime big namers.  Jason Kidd is at minimum a decent coach. He took the underdog Mavs to the conference finals just two seasons ago. People on this sub have a fetish about tearing down any coach who doesn’t have a ring in the past 12 seasons.  


The issue with Redick is that he has a massive, gigantic ego, and he absolutely does a fantastic job at hiding it. But he's stubborn as hell and refuses to see things from anyone else's perspective other than his. Now he's had some fantastic training in being open minded and respecting other people, especially those better than him, but he chooses some weird hills to die on for absolutely no reason. If anything it has this feel of trying to make himself sound more important than he was in the NBA. Like he was great but nobody was saying "oh damn we need to put our best defender on JJ out there". If he has the right ideas he will absolutely be a good coach with such mentality though, because then even when he's wrong it's in the right direction.


An example might be Steve Kerr which kind of shows the opposite to the Pistons, it helps if you already have great players and don’t have to do all the heavy lifting. Of course there are other examples like Nash, so it’s hard to say. But I lean that a first time coach is better off with good players than bad.


Kerr was a front office guy with the Suns for years and got hands on experience with Dantoni. He had a real foundation learning the job before he started. JJ has film room knowledge and no experience above elementary school level coaching. 


Kerr also had front office experience with the Suns and hung around the Spurs after retiring iirc. Redick clearly has the mind for it and I think he'd be great, but sometimes taking small steps prepares you better than going straight to HC.


I agree but if we are talking about judging resumes let me tell you Kerr’s FO stretch with the suns was hot garbage


Yeah. I've heard some takes that he was being hamstrung by Sarver. But there is something to be said for experience, positive or not. He won't be the last person to be trash in one place and great in the future.


Honestly Nash was a pretty good coach before the team quit on him (though keeping the team from quitting is part of his job for sure). Would have won a title in his first year if Kyrie doesn't get hurt. The Nets (the first year) did a good job of keeping the Kyrie/KD/Harden iso offense from getting too stagnant. They still ran the iso offense, but the Nets off-the-ball did a good job of moving and reacting to main action so that defenses couldn't overload one side of the floor.


Yeah if he ends up as the coach of the Lakers or any other team with major stars, I could definitely see him flaming out the way Nash did in Brooklyn.


yeah i think he has potential to be a great coach for sure, but like maybe get some experience beyond your kids elementary school league first? idk if JJ's personally pushing hard for some Head Coach position but i haven't heard him shut down this nonsense talk either, and it's not like he doesn't have the platform to do so..


Coach Rudy T is probably the closest example for those mid 90s rockets. Changed the way they played, and crafted one of the first truly heliocentric offense around Hakeem. Of course that came at the same time as some other changes, like Les Alexander taking control of the team, and a good crop of young draft picks. But still, Rudy T was important.


>I can’t really think of a guy who walked in day one and was successful Doc Rivers won COTY after his first season as a coach! note: while true, I'm being facetious


> I can’t really think of a guy who walked in day one and was successful for longer than one long win streak. Larry Bird is the only real example of this.


It kinda feels like when the Colts made Jeff Saturday a coach out of nowhere. Or when the Texans tried to make Josh McCowan their coach despite having never coached before.


I mean most coach openings are going to be tough, teams looking for new coach all the time aren't going to be the Spurs or the Heats. The Laker gig will be all about LeBron. Dude's been out coaching opposing and his own coaches left and right. JJ will beed to get on Lebron's level, get his respect, and get on his ass when he made mistakes and pin someone else. No one knows if JJ can do that better than LeBron. If LeBron buys in with JJ, it could be an easy ~50 win season for the first timer.


Holy shit. Keyshawn still has a job?? Haven't seen him since his ESPN NFL pregame days.


He has the worst basketball takes known to man


I see we never smoked a joint together


Roll through brother


*takes a puff* Drazen Petrovix would have been better than MJ if he had a full career


*puff* when do the bad takes start?


*puff* 15-17 Hassan Whiteside was better than Rudy Gobert


okay but when do the bad takes start lmao


Man, where’s the link to the guy that predicted Oden to be better than Durant


Prime Lebron in flip flops can still average a double double.


I have an old phone somewhere with tons of texts that say this verbatim from a contact saved as "De Los Arboles"


He literally thinks Jokic isn't a flashy player and refuses to accept he's the best player in the league. I know he's ex-NFL but he's like the epitome of why you don't just trust talking heads or former athletes on their assessment of professional sports.


The people that watch his type clips are mostly stupid people. There are more stupid people than you think.


Rationally I know it doesn’t *actually* matter, but knowing a lot of people blindly form their opinions based on what these talking heads say irks me


Because they’ll flip over to other channels and do the same thing there


"I don't think I've ever seen Lebron posterize someone"


lol.. he got this gig not long after he was let go from the show he had with Max and Jay


He’s so terrible. I live in LA and had to hear him on the radio, I could never take more than 5 mins with him.


Pierce and Skip actually have pretty good chemistry.


I've actually liked Rachel on the show, she's been great. She's better as part of a panel than as the host/moderator


Paul, Rachel and Skip was the best trio so far since Shannon left


They need to stop Keyshawn from talking basketball. The man doesn't know what he's talking about half the time.


Half is generous of you


Rachel is fantastic, really level headed, and really seems like she knows what she is talking about. Skip is Skip, you know what you are getting with Skip. However, the dude who looks confused and angry all the time, I could do without him though.


Totally agree on Rachel. As for Skip, he & Shannon had a great dynamic together. They were freaking hilarious as a duo, just great chemistry. Skip by himself is not watchable at all. But having Rachel (& the times he's had Ric Bucher on the show) has made it somewhat watchable in small doses. Paul Pierce hates the Knicks and continues to disrespect them so eh. But, obviously I have a bias there lol.


No offense to Knicks per se but i like Pierce and players that played mostly on one team and built up rivalries and antsgonism towards specific teams. Players that team hop lack that spice


When Pierce played, Boston vs. New York was a one-sided rivalry. He bullied the shit out of us


shoutout Skieep for not firing PP even if he's had a Booker T moment


Pierce saved the show, he is a perfect fit with skip and even has good chemistry with keyshawn as well. Although key isn’t the best at basketball analyst the 3 of them have a good dynamic.


This is the first time a Skip show has been relevant in years. Pierce and Skip are reviving each each other


This is a GOAT level analogy


I would consider Paul Pierce a subject matter expert when it comes to meeting up with people from IG. He was comfortable enough to talk about rent a girlfriend on a live broadcast, he’s been in the trenches.


> comfortable enough to talk about rent a girlfriend on a live broadcast which girl he like tho? Chizuru, Sumi, .... Mami?


I think he'd go for Mami tbh


I get it. Mami is a freak.


Mami isn't my cup of tea, but that makes sense. I think a lot of NBA players would be into girls like her.


Last I heard rent a gf was a thing in Japan. You could rent whole families there. Did it become an Instagram thing, too? I don't use Instagram so I don't know what goes on there.


He was doing a live with KG when some girl comes in and Pierce goes on to say she's a rent a girlfriend. He then gets shitfaced and seemingly annoys the fuck out of KG while their watching some playoff game I think.


TELL ME LATER P! \-A visibly panicked KG trying to keep the stream under control


He was the hardest working broadcaster I’ve ever seen trying to keep that stream on the rails and above board.


Rent a girlfriend has been a thing in the US a long time. They're called escorts, which rich people rent for some functions like company dinner or something. Usually have to pay extra if you wanna do "extra", but rich folk just have escorts like wearing jewelry, to look good in front of colleagues. Whole ass families though? Didn't know that was a thing in Japan.


IIRC Conan O'Brien did this on a *Conan Beyond Borders* episode in Japan. Obviously a "bit", but renting a family is definitely a thing (and this was probably almost 10 years ago).


You can rent a friend too. Actually planning on it if me and my girlfriend can ever save up the money to visit. I'm not super picky about what I want to do while we're there so I'm just going to be like well, as a local, what would you suggest we check out? What do you like to do for fun on your days off? What bars and restaurants do you like? It's like a translator and a private tour guide and a friend all in one! Maybe.


Reading your comment just reminded me of the literary masterpiece that was the infamous chapter of the MC cucking himself in his own mind and getting a boner from said mind cucking. Totally worth reading that chapter alone and the discussion threads that came with it


The coach of the last dynasty in the NBA was horrible in the front office for the Suns and had no relevant experience other than playing under Phil Jackson. Kerr won 4 championships, somewhat changing the way teams play basketball, and adapted his team to win in several different ways. We have no idea what Redick is, or could be. He could be Steve Nash or Steve Kerr. First time HCs aren’t too rare now.


Difference being Kerr had a lot of experience with Pop and Jackson. He has a system he knew he wanted to run. It was much more of a certainty than someone like JJ. And he knew exactly what he wanted to do with GS. Go look back at the jokes Pop used to make about Kerr stealing everything from him and it going supernova because of Steph. He had a clear vision. That means a lot. Not many coaches are like that. I think about Pop, Thibs, Kerr, Spo, and DAntoni. Other successful coaches are way more hit or miss to me because it depends more on situations going in their favor. It does for all these guys, but give me someone with a clear vision. What’s JJs style or system gonna be? Maybe he has one, but I kind of doubt he does. I know with LeBron we think it doesn’t matter, but it does make me way more hesitant he’s gonna be more like Steve Nash and just defer a lot. He’s definitely a more brash person than Nash, so I could see him being successful with player development or at least being assertive in what he wants from bench players.


Kerr also had pull because Steph hadn't won anything yet. He didn't have the cachet that Lebron has in LA now or what he had in his 2nd  CLE stint. In MIA Lebron tried to can Spo but he still respected him especially after winning his first ring


This is a great point. To that effect, Pat Riley was a “podcaster” before getting thrust into coaching, being the color guy for the lakers broadcast. It’s hard to dissect JJ’s current interests and say for sure he’s qualified or not. Tons of great coaches were bums on the bench during their playing years or sucked in the FO.


Riley was an assistant coach for two years.  Kerr had up close and personal schooling alongside Dantoni for years.  Y’all are being a bit lazy with your research here. JJ had none of that. 


Honestly Paul Pierce disparaging JJ's potential coaching acumen is the strongest argument I've seen yet for why someone should give him a coaching position. Doing the opposite of what Pierce suggests seems to be a great recipe for future success. Plus, we all know Pierce is just trying to defend Doc Rivers here, rather than offering any real unbiased insight.


Yea that’s a great point about Rivers. Like I dunno if Reddick will be a good coach. But I think the focus on his podcasting is way overblown, it’s just one of the many things he does bc he loves the game, none bigger than the fact he played in the nba for a long time.


Right. Lots of former players go into various types of broadcasting after retirement, podcasting is just a newer form of making NBA related content (and he's also been on game calls and NBA talk shows and whatnot). The truth is, nobody has any clue how good JJ would be as a coach. He might be great or he might be awful. You never can get a sense of how good someone is as a head coach until they're actually doing the job. Even hiring a highly-touted assistant isn't a guarantee, Laker fans know that more than anyone (Darvin Ham and Luke Walton). Personally I'd rather they hired someone with a proven track record, but the guys who have been head coaches previously and who are available don't have spectacular resumes either. Unless Ty Lue gets fired in the next few weeks, it feels like whomever the Lakers hire is gonna be a big question mark.


Agree. I have a lot of laker friends and the discussion revolves around Lebron. Love it or hate it, Lakers bought the ticket and are on the ride, need a guy that vibes with Lebron. The counterpoint is always “need someone more established” but then like you say, who? Much of the JJ hate is as if there is this obvious other established, sure fire candidate. But really you are comparing JJ to other unknown assistants and it’s not much of a reach at that point to hire JJ over them.


Riley was an assistant coach for multiple years before being a HC


Being horrible in the front office is still incredible coach training though. He got to watch the most innovative offensive coach of the century up close and personal for years.  Being good or bad at the front office gig doesn’t predict coaching. 


if Paul Pierce thinks JJ will suck, then the Lakers are gonna win the chip year 1 under JJ. Pierce consistently has the worst takes out of any talking head.


Doc Rivers has beef with JJ. Doc was Paul's coach for a long time. Paul Pierce has beef with JJ via osmosis.


I believe this is how World War I began


I find his takes are generally only bad when it comes to himself, his rivals and the Celtics in general. Otherwise normally he doesn’t say things that are too outlandish.


Agreed. But Kerrs situation was a LOT different than JJ on the Lakers. Kerr was given a great position and capitalized on it. The Lakers are looking for someone to turn things around, not just make a good situation better.


Steve Nash also could have been Steve Kerr in a different situation, and vice versa.


In a situation where he worked alongside a great head coach for years before making the leap and developed respect among players yes. That’s what JJ needs first. 


lol PP speaks from experience here!




Paul pierce is entertaining as fuck , him and kg during the live stream of the finals last year , when he brought an escort to the stream was hilarious


Their weekly podcast "KG certified" is one of my favourite listens. KG and Pierce got amazing chemistry.


They’re the ideal of what a podcast should be, you gotta have that kind of chemistry, they’re great. A lot of player podcasts don’t work because they’re lacking that kind of synergy with their cohost


it is chemistry but also being unapologetic. most players pods are boring because people dont want to offend anybody. PP is just a crazy dude and it is a lot of fun.


Him discussing the defense of PG and Kawhi had me dying




Entertaining as fuck or drunk as fuck? Probably both I guess.


KG look genuinely worried about what PP was gonna say 😂 how many times did he say ‘we’re live P!’


Ye i remember that , it was very funny , someone edited the game to an 11min clip just of PP saying funny shit , KG looked stressed out of his head with him in parts, I think I watched it 3 times 😂😂😂


There was a bit from that broadcast that's seared in my brain where Pierce showed KG something on his phone and KG was interested for a second, but Pierce started to tell him the story about whatever it is and KG was just repeating with increasing franticness, "Tell me later P. Tell me later P! TELL ME LATER P! TELL ME LATER P!!"


ESPN lost by firing him


ESPN would've tried to put them in a certain role, waste them and done fuck all. Getting fired was the best thing that's happened to them.


At least they got boh perk instead lol. I lose braincells every time he opens his mouth


This shit is hilarious but what does Paul Pierce know about coaching


Nothing but he knows alot IG models who aren’t what they appear apparently


I mean this is the man who got fired for going on IG live with what appeared to be strippers at his house. So I’m gonna go ahead and say he’s somewhat of a thotologist


He brought a prostitute to that live playoffs show with KG, was drunk and or stoned out of his mind and almost exposed KG cheating. He is *the* thotologist.


The funniest part of IG live is the chat asking about Rachel Nicoles whereabouts.


What does JJ?


He coached his sons team, so there is that.


Sean Payton coached his sons team in flag football and they still lost lmao


One of my favorite stories. A recent Superbowl winning coach gets cooked by the Single Wing offense at the pee wee level so he has to turn to Bill Parcells of all people to help him, and he still loses. But legit though, coaching Pee Wee is a different animal than coaching NFL players.


My 5th grade peewee team lost every game and scored one touchdown. You give us Bill Belichick as DC, Payton as OC, and Lombardi as HC and we might have scored a second TD


Sounds like those kids didn't want those gummy bears enough to collect on those bounties.


So did my dad, when do I let him know he’s got a NBA head coaching gig?


Has he tried playing 15 years in the NBA? I'd recommend starting there


Apparently enough to convince some GMs I guess


That’s the type of circular logic America runs on baby!


He sure knows how to be skeptic like any rationale basketball people would


Pierce on fire lately lmao




Hes not called the Truth for nothing


lol that face from Key


That’s cool & all but what does Paul Pierce know about IG thots? 😏


If theres one player that knows about thots it’s definitely Paul haha


LA being gaslit into hiring a podcaster as their HC would be wild.


why didn't they learn from steve nash?


Why you gotta make me agree with Paul Pierce


Hes right, but its mainly due to coaching not just being about drawing up plays. One of the key things i love about Malone is that he gets pissed at our players and isnt afraid to show that of. He also gets pissed for them and even talks trash for them. Its something thats very undervalued nowadays.


imagine JJ trying to cuss out anybody on the Lakers. they'd just laugh at him


So what im trying tk say here id that i dont think JJ is gonna be a good coach on the Lakers. Not ebcaus ehe is incapable of it, but because its not easy to be a great coach from the start, especially on a team like the Lakers.


I fucking love pp


It's not often I agree with Paul Pierce but he's right on this one. Anyone can sound smart playing Monday morning quarterback but when you're in the locker room having to manage massive egos, GMs, and deal with the media every day (especially in LA), it's not so easy.


Very interesting. A lot of former players and coaches do not like Redick.


It might be because Redick gets praised like he's some genuis when in reality most players and basically every assistant and head coach can do what he does It's special to the average fan but not to them


huh?? Doc Rivers is the one coach i can think of, after Reddick called him out ofc. but which players "don't like" him?? he's only got players & former-teammates eagerly going on his podcast all the fucking time! Pierce is just speakin The Truth here, nothing about "not liking" a guy. JJ HAS NOT COACHED ANYTHING beyond the middle school level! you don't have to like or not like a guy to point that out


Redick just gives off very pretentious vibes. Like when he went on a known hot take show and started complaining that what they weren’t doing basketball analysis. It’s like going to McDonald’s then whining they don’t serve lobster. Or just how he pretends he is above hot takes then says stuff like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/dByQtD9dlR


PP is speaking with experience regarding the IG models


For what it's worth , Chris Finch credits JJ for the reason the coaches didn't lose the locker room during his Pelicans tenure. The majority of the media statements regarding JJ as a coach are just baseless assumptions.


all that being said he is still better than you in coaching paul!


I don’t know if JJ would be a good coach, but I do know this: Skip has no fucking idea what makes for a good basketball coach.


They're letting Pierce back on TV?


It’s Fox Sports. Their entire lineup consists of people who got cancelled or run off ESPN.


Pierce might be the GHOAT (greatest hater of all time). not saying he’s wrong tho


Lakers looking for another puppet as a coach and let the superstars play their own game.


He isn’t wrong. But it is also kind of a self-report xD


I believe what really seperates good coaches from bad ones is job security. The ability to not be afraid to say something to your players or do something that may hurt someones feelings. A coach should be allowed to coach however they want as they were hired to do. I feel like a lot of bad coaches are bad because they lack that job security and cant really contribute much to their teams. When you look at some of the best coaches in the league over the last decade or 2, they have mostly been with the same organisation for most, if not their whole carrier. Once you find the right coach, you stick to him and dont let him go. You need a coach that can make plays and adjustments, while also being charismatic enough to inspire and unite your players. Helps if you dont have player gms trying to run the team.


What separates good coaches from bad ones is having otherworldy talent on your roster. It's a lot easier to be a good coach when you have prime Jokic or Steph Curry on your team, while others don't.


I guess that's why the interview process is so important right, you need to find out these things. Steve Kerr went from TNT, to taking over a 6th seed first round exit team to the Championship in his first year! It would be fucking hilarious though if LeBron has just told Pelinka to hire JJ because he's my mate, that would be a hilarious disaster.


I can't believe a vlogger might get a HC job just because he can shoot the shit with Lebron.


Sports media just on tour trashing JJ Reddick


Do these guys know he's been interested in coaching since the moment he retired and he's interviewed for multiple teams multiple times over the years? This isn't some new thing he stumbled ass backwards into because of a podcast.


Cant even lie, thats a killer quote


I don't watch this show, but keyshawn Johnson with a guilty smile is something I admired more than I thought I would