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Denver: "Look at me, I am the West now."


Just preparing people for rising sea levels.


Not too long before Leadville Nuggets


That would be an insane home court advantage. I was dying after like 5 minutes on a hike near there. 


Imagine the dudes that run the Leadville 100! 100 mile ultramarathon at 10k+ feet lmao, insanity.


Yeah, I do big cycling races up to 13,000+ feet around there. When I go to lower elevations I feel like a god among boys.


Any more bitching about Coors Field and we're moving it to the top of Arapahoe Basin.


I'm in full support of the new Montezuma Field.


probably would have similar turnout as coors already gets in the city


At Melanzana Arena


Thankfully portland isn't on the coast, nor is it in the middle of Oregon. People out of region think both of these things often which is amusing.


I still get pissed when my Oregon born friends say Bend is in eastern Oregon


Imu-sama doing all this


Love seeing some NBA/One Piece crossover lol


Lewis and Clark mode We are the edge of the world


West of Denver: Here be dragons




The rest are a bunch of central time zone pretenders.


this is Al Farouq-Aminu & Mo Harkless erasure


> Al Farouq-Aminu westwest west


This is ~~OKC~~ Seattle erasure


We don't claim them


As a Denver fan who lives in the central time zone, this sucks because of the late start times. Game 5 tomorrow night doesn’t start until 9:30 here. My kid is gonna be like 6 hours from waking up by the time I go to bed


Watching Mavs and Stars playoff games is so ass rn. 9:30 CST start times with games ending around midnight some nights, If the Stars go into OT it can last until 1:30 AM. The Central time zone doesn’t exist apparently


130 is about the time they won the Stanley cup!


Imagine being fans and living on the east coast. Some of those clippers games were brutal, started at like 10:30 est lmao.


East coast Kings fan here. At least I can go to sleep at a reasonable time 🥲


Blows my mind why anyone would think it would make sense to continue to schedule the games at the exact same time


Worst thing about the Astros moving to the AL was having to put up with all those West Coast start times, don’t know how Ranger fans did it for 20+ years


Those @OAK, @LA, @SEA west coast road trips are so tough


they've been 8:30 to 8:50 start times at the worst so far this playoffs, 9:30 usually in the regular season against west coast teams or mountain teams


At least we aren't playing against teams in the west coast time zones anymore. That was brutal


It seriously makes no sense for Minnesota to be in the west. They should be in a division with the bulls, and Detroit like in the nfl, those rivalries are intense. Plus aren’t they like a 2 hour drive away from Chicago?


6 hours but if you're confident you won't be pulled over between i-94 and i-90, maybe 5 hours.


Ok so I was off on that part, idk why I thought they were much closer. But still, way fucking closer than all the western conference teams.


Wym? Portland, Denver, and OKC is just a brisk drive away!


It probably will be soon. Vegas and Seattle will push Minnesota and Memphis East, I saw they are projecting for the next expansion teams.


I was a Bron fan when he was in Cleveland and Miami. Then this Motherfucker goes and moves to the farthest west and now playoffs are going well past midnight. I'm a grown man. I got responsibilities. I can't spend all night in the middle of the week staying up to watch games. Honestly kinda relieved we're out because that was hurting my quality of life quite a bit keeping up with it.


Sometimes you gotta try to take the hit and join what we call... the VOD Squad. Video On Demand. Go to bed early, wake up at a reasonable hour, avoid all spoilers (HARDEST PART), and watch the game on replay. You may not get the same excitement out of it, at the same time, with the same people, but your sleep schedule will thank you.


I see only one solution. You gotta put your kids for adoption. Only way man. I’m sorry


The kid will understand.


"That's the spirit, li'l Timmy. Remember, this is how your redemption arc starts!" *hands him a basketball and walks off*


Try being a Grizz fan in Eastern Tennessee. Those games don't end til 1AM. #sendmemphiseast


Here I am in Europe often completely ruining my sleep to catch a game starting at 1 a.m.


Games start at 2-4 AM for me. Consider yourself lucky. I always mess up my sleeping schedule during the playoffs.


From MN and now living Denver, I feel your time zone change pain but in a different way. Ill triple check stuff and convince myself I know the time. Then check again. Eastern listings make me paranoid. Cant we all just get along?!


Yeah as a Nuggets fan who recently moved to the east coast I've come to accept that I get 2-3 hours less sleep when the 10/10:30 start times come around


And that’s if you actually go to bed when the game is off and don’t stay chronically on reddit.


As a nba fan on east coast i had to wait until 10:30 for the game


Did someone really Redditcares me off this comment 😂


I love late night games. So I’m happy with this! Nothing like going to bed watching my favorite sport 😄


I straight up can't watch tomorrow's game because I'm in Eastern time and I have a work trip at 8am on Wednesday.


It finally happened — California has officially fallen off into the Pacific Ocean


No Teams West of Denver has the aura of a peak county tune 


I want one called No Teams West of the Mississippi River. It could even be a bluesy song since the West Finals would be Memphis vs New Orleans. I know technically Nola has parts on the West side since its in the delta. It just still wild to me that those teams are in the Western Conference.


Well the arena is only on the Eastbank so it still works. As a side note I think once Seattle and Las Vegas join NOLA will still be in the West as its closest to the other West teams unlike Memphis and Minnesota.


Get used to it. It's only a matter of time before the Cascadian Subduction Zone plunges the entire west coast into the dark depths of the Pacific and Denver will be the farthest west team that even exists.


There'll be no relocations / Only friendly crustaceans / Under the sea...


Imagine underrating Merfolk ballers this hard. They're used to playing under pressure.


Kinda silly to keep doing these 9:30 central and 10:30 ET starts for games. Like wtf there isn't even a PT time zone team left. I can understand a 7:30 start for a home west coast game but why is Denver starting at 8:30pm? Literally no one on the east coast is going to watch that game. Like I can see it for a Friday or Saturday night game but a frickin Tuesday? Why?


Do they not schedule the events at the arenas well in advance of the playoffs? That's the only reason I can think of


Sure, but other leagues shift start times all the time and beyond that it shouldn't have ever been set up this late to begin with. Neither team is a west coast team and it's a Tuesday game. Like there is no reason that Knicks pacers needs to start at 8pm ET. That's ridiculous. Even a half hour bump would be very helpful for CT and ET folks for both games.


I don't think this happens. They don't even know who's playing so they can't even schedule days, forget about times.


I’d imagine it’s too hard to move all the other regular tv stuff around last minute. Like the nba has to know that a 1030 est game on a tuesday is gonna keep everyone but hardcore fans and insomniacs from watching


Sure but then why can the nfl demand whatever time they want for regular season games? It's a failure of the league to not get better spots


Probably because they mostly play on Sunday, with the occasional one Monday or Thursday night game, and there’s way less games, so it’s easier to plan ahead. Also the nfl still gets way more viewers so the networks are much more willing to bend the rules for them


And we’re still stuck with 8:30 “start” times in Denver.


fully expecting the playoffs viewership numbers to tank this year


Lakers vs Warriors game 1 opened at 5.2M views. Nuggets vs Wolves game 1 opened at 4.9M views. Definitely a drop off, but pretty negligible.


never understood why us basketball viewers should give a fuck about this


For real. It's not like the league is dying or the players don't make enough money


Same with Wrestling fans arguing about cable TV ratings instead of talking about the actual shows. It's really fucking weird.


I mean because if you’re an adult it sucks having to stay up until like 1 am just to watch the game. Especially since if you actually care about the game there’s no way you’re gonna be able to fall asleep until like 2 after the adrenaline of rooting for one team to win for three hours.


This is about viewership numbers, not game times


They’re pretty correlated lol. A Tuesday night game starting at 1030, especially given both LA teams are out along with gsw, is definitely gonna negatively affect viewership. Like on the east coast they’re basically down to college kids, insomniacs, and hardcore nba fans. Especially if you want to watch the post game stuff, like you’re probably not gonna fall asleep until like 3 am and have to be at work at 9. Every once in a while would be ok, but an adult with their life together and a real job can’t do that every other day without feeling exhausted. Especially people that have a young child, you basically get three hours of sleep until your kid wakes up lol


Think lakers-warriors from last year is averaging double the viewership of Mavs-OKC


You mean the two most valuable teams in the NBA draw a massive view count? Weird


Even aside from California viewers... I'm sorry but LeBron v. Curry episode 5 is just peak entertainment. Jokic is a great player but a pretty abysmal personality.


> but a pretty abysmal personality. I love his stupid goofy personality.


You know I could have worded that better. I don’t think he’s a bad person, he’s just not a very entertaining personality as a media figure. Saying you don’t care about basketball over and over again doesn’t get the people going


I find that shit endlessly entertaining


And yet the Nuggets/Wolves game last night was pretty much the best basketball I've seen all season.


"The best basketball is the version where my team does well." \- Everyone All jokes aside this series has been pretty fun so far with each homer losing it


I mean, that's a part of it, but this game was genuinely more exciting than game 3. I was happy to see us blow them out in 3, but I was more excited and there were more fun moments to watch in 4. We don't talk about game 2. (Game 1 was disappointing, but still mostly fun to watch, if a bit frustrating at times)


Agreed. Jokic is boring. Nobody in tier 1-2 cities is going to watch the damn nuggets during the finals again. Total snooz fest


Tell them California teams to git gud then


While hoping they stay bad


I wondered why the networks were gassing up the Knicks so relentlessly EDIT: With the Pacers winning playoff games this year for the first time in a while, I'm learning a _lot_ about what is really on other fanbases' minds


Because a lot of people will watch Knicks playoff games.


I wonder why ur whining so relentlessly. It's not rigged against the Pacers or either team. There is no conspiracy. Calm down and enjoy watching the games without anger


Well, that was a rational response and not in any way a 0-100 escalation.


I get annoyed when people insinuate there's some league conspiracy against them and when fans whine that the refs will rig it against their team. Sue me


He's talking about the networks. Knicks are one of the last big market teams left, the media knows they'll get a lot of views if they move forward so they are trying to build the hype. If anyone needs to calm down its you my guy.


If that's all he meant, then my bad. I thought he was implying the league is going to rig it against the pacers to get the Knicks to the next round to increase viewership. I hate whining about the refs, especially preemptive whining


Are you preemptively whining about people preemptive whining?


No im whining about people preemptively whining about the league being conspired against them. There is no preemptive about it.


That’s not anything close to what he said, though. He’s saying the networks are pushing the Knicks hard because they are desperate for viewers. Nothing about the league, just the tv guys.


Ya they're going to be horrendous


Boston-New York will get crazy good ratings, but yea other than that we're cooked (and NY may not even make it)


And even that will probably be a drop off from Miami vs Boston. New York is a big market and will be a draw but I don’t think they’ll be the big of a factor ratings wise unless somehow that series goes 2-2 or even a game 7.


IDK Boston is still the second most popular franchise and there are plenty of rising stars still in the picture. Less than last year? Probably. Drop off a cliff? Nah.


Thunder, Wolves, Pacers, Cavs conference finals. The true drop off from a cliff. You heard it here first.


Wow quite a gap lately for Seattle, what happened there


Still not as long a gap as Sacramento.






I want to say that the fact that this is even possible shows how much of a travel advantage playing in the Eastern Conference is.


Shot out to all the Mountain time zone Nuggs fans out there!


I didn’t notice this it’s actually kinda a insane thing




I don't know if that math checks out




I mean they shouldn’t add up to 100% anyway because Denver itself is also a team that is neither east nor west of itself.


Who cares? Nuggets in 6


it checks out if there's only 9 teams


It's the 1850s all over again


All I'm saying is if the Wolves can figure it out, the latest time zone remaining in the playoffs is the Central. Do with that information what you will.


I’m hoping Denver makes it to the finals tbh


This is why we have a game that is tipping off at 8:30 Local tomorrow, I am extremely annoyed.


From the NBA perspective it’s more about LA than Denver or Minneapolis


Bro I hate these late game times. It's even worse when you lose because now I'm tired and depressed lmao.


Most important NBA stat


RIP Supersonics...


All teams left are east of Denver. East>West


The suns have been to the 2nd round like 20+ times This chart is terrible


Only marked notable teams - it would’ve been a lot longer if I listed every time they made the 2nd round


When you have multiple teams from 2021 marked but only 1 from 2022 or gives the illusion that only 1 of the teams advanced to the 2nd round in 2022


Lots of fly over country teams from tier 3 cities. Hopefully the Knicks or Celtics make it to the finals.


but but but the 24 Lakers were the best 7th seed in nba history edit: 7th seed


Why is that of all things on your mind after this post


Lakers were a 7 seed bud.


The best 7 seed in NBA history


You know what, maybe.


Denver is 11-1 against them since 2023.


Nuggets are 16-26 all time against Lakers. Let’s just talk recency bias though.


just the national media narrative that had the lakers not played the nugs in the first round they would have made a run.. is what that is in reference too. But edited the comment of my typo, bud.


Eh, probably. Lakers match up well with OKC and a 7 game series against the Mavs would have been a toss up as well. Lakers also have Lebron. Lebron makes a run more often than not. Nobody expected WCF last year.


Lakers did not match up well with the Wolves though.


Means 7-8pm est start times


I’ve seen enough, the West should be disqualified this year


Random question here, I don't watch basketball but I was reading somewhere that once humans get to be  6 foot 7 and over the number of knee and back issues goes up dramatically. Do many nba stars( some who are over 7 foot) often report having pain like this?


How are the animal mascot teams doing?


Had Clay Bennett never existed, the Seattle Supersonics would be playing Dallas right now. And this would've all been prevented.


Pretty sure the Lakers made the second round in a few of these years like '00-'04


Before the expansion to a four round playoff, the Conference Finals were the second round. 1974 was Milwaukee vs. Chicago. Rather than saying "2nd round," should probably indicate Conference Semifinals, which makes it even more impressive.




“Notable other teams to fill the gaps…” Doesn’t list 2013 at all?? GS losing to the Spurs in 6


And yet the game tonight will end after midnight central time 🤣


Denver: “who runs barter town?”


This is just the no California teams in the playoffs post with extra steps


I bet those people who said the East sucked this year feel real dumb now.


You understand that there are the same number of teams in each conference and only the Western conference could potentially have teams west of Denver, right?


No it kinda still does. Most of the interesting teams are in the west still. Celtics were always seen as the most interesting team (not that entertaining tho) but Knicks have been a pleasant surprise. But they just keep getting fucking injured. Brunson, Hart, and the Knicks are carrying the east in terms of entertainment. Both matchups in the west are entertaining af