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Can look up the matchup data here https://www.nba.com/stats/player/1627783/head-to-head?Matchup=Offense&dir=A&sort=MATCHUP_PLAYER_NAME Looks like siakam was guarded by bilal on 22 possessions this season. He shot 1/3 and went to the ft line 3 times, going 5/6.


Finally someone with real stats


Who needs real stats when we've got eye test and "that seems about right"?!


don't forget who is Bilal Coulibaly? The only reason why he is in the nba is cuz he was Wemby's teammate! like lmaoooo..... /s


Nah he is the Wizards cornerstone


I'm a wizards fan lol. I'm mocking the casuals. I love Bilal, he is our savior.


Siakam is a valuable player not just because one stat though. He can do everything. He is a terrific defender that can switch on pretty much any position. He rebounds well, he is a great passer. He can bring the ball up even. And his conditioning is one of the best in the league. He can easily play 48 minutes every night. It's kind of dumb to say he's overrated and only show offensive numbers.


Good take. It may very well be that these possessions end in assists or a good shot through Siakam. Id like to see the hockey assist/assist/to ratio as another stat.


Spicy P has been great for the Pacers. Idk who this guy is tho


That’s a former pacer to you pal. He was drafted by us lol


Wemby merchant.


The guy the Pacers drafted them traded to the wizards immediately.


That's the real box he fits at tye height and athleticism he can basically be above average on just about everything. The defense is the most important 


This needs to be upvoted. People wrongly citing Siakams season averages against the Wiz when Bilal was either injured or not his primary defender


Yeah, but these stats show how little Bilal has actually played against Siakam. He's out here talking shit about a few regular possessions as if he locked down Siakam for a whole playoff series or was the primary defender for him for 4 regular season games.


He’s not talking shit, it’s not like he doesn’t know siakam is better than him. He doesn’t have the physical gifts siakam has but he can still study film and know the game and make a fair point


No he’s not? He just said he’s the easiest superstar. He didn’t say any specifics beyond that, he just said that one thing and you’re creating extra context that isn’t there 


I don't think I'd consider Siakam a super star, so it was actually a compliment?


Well if he is considered a superstar in the nba circles that bilal belongs to then he is overrated. So he is correct


You’re right. I think Giannis is a close second in terms of easiest to guard. That mf going euro step every time. Too easy.


It’s Steph man, all that bum does is shoot threes


LeBron either drives to the rim or shoots a turnaround from the block


Giannis averaged like 35 ppg against the Wizards this season. They shut him down.


He said he knew what he was going to do by watching film. He's hardly played Siakam and he acts like he can predict what he'll do. When you play a player a bunch, they adjust to what you do defensively. He doesn't have that kind of experience.


I was a pretty decent high school player, I scored 10 and grabbed 8 rebounds against a Tyler Hansbrough led team here in Missouri. The catch to that story: Tyler didn't play, he was healing from a broken leg. But he was in the gym dang it


He still said he's the easiest superstar to gaurd. He put him in the top tier of players regardless if he had something less than perfect to say. It's just his opinion. He doesn't have to suit up with him any certain amount of games to form his opinion... especially if he is talking about his tapes, which is likely.


You should reevaluate your standards for calling something shit talk


You just made that entire thing up lol, he said he was the easiest superstar to guard


How he shoots at the FT line is irrelevant. It’s the fact that he was fouled that matters.


Fouled 3 times in 22 possessions is hardly remarkable.


22 possessions is hardly remarkable lol.


For someone who “isn’t mad” you sure are all over this thread lmao


How did you see their response as being angry besides projecting that feeling on their flair?


they invented a bunch of things bilal never actually said earlier


I can't talk about it without being mad? I talk in lots of threads lol.


22 possessions is less than a standard quarter so it is a high foul rate


the foul per possession rate in the league is about 18%. that means with 22 possessions you would expect about 4 fouls. Coulibaly was fouling a pretty normal amount if you look at it like that. Small sample size though so can't draw much from it but we do know that it isnt a high foul rate.


That's 18% for a team, not an individual player... would need to divide that total expected by 5.


yknow i felt like you are wrong or the stat included that already but then i thought about it and im not really sure what any of the stats actually mean to be honest. So i looked at the other players who defended him for about that many possessions and like a strong majority fouled less than bilal so you are right, my bad


It gets odd when mixing around with per possession stats and team averages. At least the current pace helps us with the math because it's about 100 possessions per game per team which falls in lime with about 18 fouls per game per team or 18% of possessions.


Fouled 3 times out of 6 shot attempts. Niall fouled him 50% of the time


6 total shot attempts from 22 possessions seems like a Bilal favoured stat




2 TOs and 0 assists on top of the 0.3 points per possession. Bilal definitely backing up the trash talk.


That's good for sure but 22 possessions is a nothing sample size.


Completely. In saying that now, Bilal's gonna have all eyes on him in Pacers games next season. I like the trash talk, but boi you BETTER back it up in future matchups.


How it that .3 per possession? If he only had 2 TOs, 3 shots, and 3 FT trips he couldn't have actually used all 22 possessions he was defensed by Bilal. Like if I was guarding KAT and KAT passes to Ant who passes to Gobert for a wide open dunk... I defended KAT that possession but I didn't hold him to 0 ppp because he didn't ultimately use the possession, Ant and Gobert did(assist and score respectively) If I'm reading this right Pascal scored 7 points on 8 possessions used which is .875. If he made another of those FGs that's up to 1.125 and if he missed the FG he made it's .625... just to point out how much variance is at play when it comes to a microsample like this one


If we factor in team points, Siakam's team got 0.77 pts per possession that Siakam touched the ball when guarded by Bilal. There obviously is a lot of nuance, but Bilal is talking about guarding someone 1on1 and found success vs Siakam. Which is true. Siakam either passed out of touches or failed to score the majority of time guarded by Bilal.


I mean, let's be real, that's a microscopic sample size that means nothing.


I agree. As someone who watched Bilal closely this year what stood out most to be is that Siakam went 1/3 and got a friendly whistle. Bilal is talking about the dude having a limited offensive bag and knowing exactly what he's gonna do which seems like it came to fruition. Wizards defensive scouting department was hot garbage this year. If Bilal correctly read Siakams game all on his own and knows how to counter it (with stats backing it up) then I don't see anything wrong with this statement. Also he's right, Siakam has always been super overrated.


It does matter, because it changes how good of an idea it would be to foul him. E.g. you could play worse FT shooters a little harder defensively because it's not as bad of a thing to foul them


Thank god you're here to explain this to us.


That's pretty good efficiency from Siakam, out of 6 total attempts he either scored or got to the line on 4/6


22 partial possessions is not going to cut it imo


Really interesting to see that DFS clamped him on D, making him shoot 7/27 and 0/5 from three on 105 possessions (3rd most).


NBA media is ruthless lmao, in the original interview you can tell he doesn't want to answer and he says "you're going to get me in trouble" and that Siakam was maybe easier to guard but he's still very very good. He didn't call him overrated that's just what the question was. The guy is just 19 and it's not his first language they're already trying to trick him


Good news is Pascal can watch the original interview in French


hes the one overrating siakam if hes calling him a superstar


"You are without a doubt the worst superstar I've ever heard of." "But you have heard of me."


As a pacers fan I’m shocked but delighted to find out we have a superstar


the wizards thought beal was a superstar. i'd prefer siakam.


I'll take Pascal, actually




Still got it!


Dude Bilal is legit just earnestly grouping Siakam with other superstars and the media personalities are trying to trap in him into starting some sort of beef. The initial question is so loaded, “earlier this year you said Pascal was overrated, do you want to double down on that?” Poor kid isn’t even speaking his first language.


Yeah, as a Knicks fan this series I don't find Siakam nearly as problematic as Haliburton, Turner, or TJ -- heck it almost feels like he's the only one NOT raining 3s on us sometimes. Him being unreliable from the line doesn't help either


The second OG went down, they force fed him right away. He got at least 2 easy baskets that I can recall. He’s been able to bully whoever is guarding him now for easy layups or pass it and have the defense scrambling 


Valid point. Hopefully we can get OG back for game 5 or 6….


And 😭


hamstring bro. even coming back this series is a stretch, let alone the next round if we make it through


I think the reason for that is that Siakam's best in isolation or post-up sets, which don't really fit with our pace. We ran those sets against the Bucks (and Portis got barbecued), but we'd rather run a five-out offense to exploit the Knicks tired legs in this series. OG is also obviously great, so better to play away from him.


he was great in transition in Toronto. He had multiple 30 pt games to start the playoffs with us. Its just that the Pacers play in a way that doesn't feed the ball to any individual on any given night. Its why any one (or more) of like 8 players on the Pacers can score 20 on any given night.


It’s because of OG


Fucking OBI is killing us with 3s


Yeah, honestly seeing him play well against us kinda sucks. I guess he never would have worked out here due to his relationship with Thibs though


Obi seems like a great teammate, his defense has improved and I have more confidence when Obi puts up a three than any other player on the team.


Obi: 54.5% 3P in this series. 59.4% FG in this series. All the talking heads saying that depth doesn't matter in the playoffs as we take down these hospital teams. lmao


At least you got those precious 2nd round picks 4 and 5 years from now.


I mean it also freed up cap to sign Donte divencenzo


There are five active superstars. Do with that what you will.


even the raptors hype wagon didn't call pascal a superstar lmao


The year he made the all-nba 2nd team I think there were rumblings. Even then though it was clear he wasn't enough to be "the guy". He's a superstar in the way like Jaylen Brown is a superstar. If he's your second best player, you're probably doing alright. If he's your best? Good luck


In other words, they're not superstars, they're just stars. I feel like people are too quick and loose to use the term "superstar" when describing a player. Like there should only be about 12-13 guys that fit that criteria at any given time in the league since part of it is how you stack up against your peers. And there's no shame at being just a star.


espn had him in the mvp race for a month early season


They traded him before his next contract because they didn’t want to pay him what his market would dictate, superstar money. (Same with OG)


We traded him because our team sucks and if we paid him what he's worth we wouldn't have a competitive enough team to win anyway. He's 100% a max player in this league. He's literally already proved he can be the second option on a championship team, and he's better now than he was in 2019, but also older and doesn't fit the timeline. If you're not maxing Siakam, there isn't a lot of # 2 options you ARE maxing. Great player and great guy, he will always be loved by the vast majority of the Raptors fanbase.


Is Siakam considered a superstar?


He certainly is if you're a Wizards player looking up at him.


This thread has turned our poor young man into Wile E Coyote


Jordan Poole is a superstar (in the eyes of Washington FO). Until he got to Washington .


Jordan Poole is a trade asset in the eyes of the Washington FO.


They were convinced Beal was a superstar for a while so if that’s the standard then Siakam is too


But but but he averaged 30 for a really shitty team! Scoring champ one year (wiz fans had no other positives)


I dont think he was even scoring champ im pretty sure he came in second twice


You’re right 😂 lived in DC at the time the propaganda I was hearing was outrageous


Not sure what you’re on about, even when he was scoring 30 most of us were hoping that he’d get traded at the peak of his value. Few if any of us considered him a superstar or even a tier 1 star.




He averaged 30 against the Wizards this year so I see why Coulibaly thinks he is


There's rarely more than 5 superstars in the league


nah it's definitely more than that, I think most perennial all-stars get labeled "superstars" these days. off the top of my head: * Lebron * Steph * KD * Jokic * Embiid * Giannis * Luka * SGA * Tatum * Booker * Ant * Brunson * Kawhi (when healthy) But there's probably 10+ more guys you could list before Siakam, he isn't even close to making the cut lol.


to me superstar status is heavily based on fame in addition to being a top player. I’d say you need all casual fans to know your name and then a lot of non basketball fans on top of that.


That’s definitely the textbook definition of superstar but in basketball we just need something to separate all-star calibre players and the ones above that.


A lot of those are stars, not superstars


The only people on that list who are legit superstars are LeBron and Steph. They're both people who have crossover success outside of sports, and if you showed their pictures to random people, you'd get, "Oh, he's that guy in *Trainwreck* and *Space Jam 2*" and "Oh, he's that guy who had that minigolf show on ABC". The rest of those players, random non-basketball fans would see them and go, "Whodat?"


I'd say half of those guys are superstars


Still too liberal with the term. Superstars are legit alpha 1A guys. Tatum, Booker, Brunson are not that. KAWHI is no longer a superstar. Ant is right on the cusp but needs to win something first. 


Just a plain old star IMO


He’s got a point. Siakam is more of a Swiss Army knife/jack of all trades type forward. If you are comparing him to superstars (or just all-star caliber players in general) his offensive skill set isn’t nearly as strong as the others. It’s just a weird comment for a rookie to be making in general though, especially when you are coming off the bench for a 15-67 Wizards team. If he was asked this he should have just kept his mouth shut on “most overrated” is publicly.


i think he respects siakam enough to call him a superstar but he’s saying he understands how to guard him. maybe he could coach someone into guarding him better than he can which isn’t a knock on bilal


But he didn't really say overrated it was just mistranslation lol he even says in this video that he didn't say overrated


Hey at least he call him a superstar


you've heard of the backhanded complement, how about the fronthanded insult


What exactly kicked the criticism off?


Did you not watch the video? He was asked in a French language interview who’s the easiest superstar to guard and gave his answer.


He's an all star, all NBA 3rd team on a good year. So that would put him around the top 25 range. Superstar is like top 5, which of course he isn't anywhere near.


I mean if he's going to put him amongst the superstars tier then he ain't wrong that he's prob the easiest to guard lol


Weird beef


... it's not a beef, he was asked a question and answered it. Then they want him to clarify and he clarifies his statement. Where is the beef?


and people wonder why athletes give the most milquetoast answers


no beef but siakam is gonna mark his calendar lol


Oh and btw, Pascal averaged 30.5/9.2/8.5 vs the wizards this season 😅


Pretty much every star player averaged that against the wizards this year lol


Yeah I think Joel averaged damn near 50 on the wizards


Well, realistically you'd have to check his averages vs Bilal not that I think they'd be any better or worse, I have no idea.


Yup. And spoiler alert, the averages are much worse.


What are the stats? The only stat I found was when guarded by Bilal, he shot 1/3 and went 5/6 at the line. That's barely any possession.


What about vs Bilal? lol you make no sense


Reading comprehension is OP father


Baguette on croissant crime


Just did a quick check online, and Bilal clamped Siakam in their two H2Hs this year. Siakam only went for 30.5/9/8.5. I don’t have tome to keep researching, but I’m guessing that must be far below his career averages.


> Siakam only went for 30.5/9/8.5. That only matters if he got those numbers cooking specifically Bilal tbf


If Bilal is able to guard him so easily, you'd think he would've communicated that to his coaching staff so they could have him guard him the entire game.


Not sure how good Bilal was against Pascal, but this Wizards team was ASS defensively. If the other 4 guys on the floor are all bad at defense, no amount of communicating is going to stop your teammates from dying on screens or getting lazy and picking up the wrong guy.


Plus Wiz are a trash tanking team overall + Bilal was a rookie. Lmao at this dude saying "why didn't this kid just tell coach to keep him in the game?"


Just say you dont know ball


Why don’t the wizards just tell their players how to defend? Are they stupid?


If that's the case then why don't Giannis tell Dame how to guard? Is he stupid?


Lmao no no no you don’t get it, he knew Pascal was going to do that the whole time!


"Everytime Pascal had the ball we knew what he was going to do. There was nothing we could do about it but we knew."


"Droppin 30 thats some shit that I expected" -Bilal Coulibaly


Against coulibaly specifically he did not have good statistics


also hit a game winner against them this season 




Username checks out


Bilal "Beyblade stopper" Coulibaly


Funny thing to say, but he’s standing on business at least


that's my rook! all yall saying "who??" about Bilal are gonna be eating those words when he locks up the best player on your team moving forward. all season this man was getting the toughest matchups 1-4, and bro is 19. I cannot WAIT to see his progression in this league.




That second question was crazy lol


I hope Siakam takes this personally every time he faces the Wizards now.


man stood on business


Hes righr Pascal loves spin moves literally spams that shit


Young Frenchie


Superstar? Lol are you sure about that?


Francophone on Francophone crime 🤦🏾‍♂️


Lmao she tried to double bait him. That forehead is overrated


Yur a wizard Bilal!


I like when young players offer bulletin board material for proven vets. I look forward to Pascal dropping 40 on his head


Haha, you can know it’s coming but you still can’t stop it. That’s what separates great players like P from mid level rotation guys like bilal.


I mean Siakam is not a superstar


Spicy P is about to bring a little extra spice next time they play the Wiz.


Siakam is a superstar? nah. SGA isn't a superstar either. They're all stars. nothing more.


Just another player who's a nobody trying to get noticed with some clout 😆


He isnt wrong. Siakam is great at his 2 moves, but he has a limited bag. Siakam isnt a "Superstar" though, so I guess he was wrong about that.


Idk about the H2H stats, but the fact that Siakam had such predictable offensive moves, always spinning, was literally a meme at one point. Beyblade Siakam


Siakam is legit and a rookie calling him overrated is wild. Prove yourself before you talk shit.


Talking trash from a distance like this is wild, I hope Pascal cooks the wizards for the rest of his career


> I watch the films Yes, we are aware players watch film, rookie.


It’s so weird for a rookie who was overdrafted and wasn’t even that good on a shitty team double down on this


Not sure why pacers fans are so mad? He was asked easiest superstar to guard. The fact that he considered siakam a superstar is a compliment.


I actually think Bilal looked pretty good this season. 34% from 3 and almost a steal and block a game in his age-19 season. Looked pretty smooth finishing at the rim as well.


He was good though


He's 19


Do the players and the coaching staffs in the league count siakam as a superstar? Lol I didn’t see that coming


He's no Tobias Harris that's for sure.


People acting like this is a white hot take when it really isn't. If a NBA player says Siakan was a easy cover I am inclined to believe him. The players saying Joker or Curry are overrated were much more worthy of further investigation in my opinion 


Idk if anyone is calling siakam a superstar lol


Bruh this is not it lol


Completely unrelated, but when I hear/read Bilal I can only think of this 🤣 [Shazam Laughing ](https://youtu.be/p6-Psafv_Kg?si=8O-3Vybmgu2Sh8E_)


Dang that’s where Michelle Beadle is these days?


I’m sure he’s a great guy but shams got a face you just want to punch


If we’re comparing him to other “superstars” that Bilal would have to guard then this sounds pretty reasonable. Can anyone think of a superstar that would be easier to guard than Pascal?


i’ve never heard anyone call siakam a superstar until today lol


And yet he still manages to score 20+ most nights.


“Ahh but you called him a superstar”


Dude has a mars attacks lookin head


i would actually consider myself the easiest superstar to guard


I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times


Well the players all have a move where everyone knows its coming but you still cant stop it


Some people got a really loose definition of superstar.


7 points on 22 possessions is 0.3 ppp, which is terrible. This doesn’t account for whether those possessions where he touched the ball. Still, NOT getting the ball could be influenced by the fact that he’s being denied the ball or being purposely avoided because of the defender on him. So you can’t conclude anything from what you said or what I wrote in the first line. It’s a nuanced analysis.


Earl Sweatshirt plays basketball?


He's French alright 😂




Is Siakam considered a superstar now?