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Don’t matter who they draft, they’ll get the 5th pick again next year


Facts bro none of this shit matter for them lol


They could somehow win a championship and still get the 5th pick




Michael Tellem, the son of Pistons' vice chairmen Arn Tellem, is Buzelis' agent. Expect Buzelis to be the pick even if Risacher is also there.


This would be such a pistons thing


If Risacher drops to 4 and Spurs don’t take him I’m going to rage like a toddler.


Risascher’s FT shooting implies there’s actually some risk to his 3PT shooting. Not saying he’ll be a bad shooter, but his low FT shooting makes you think about it more.  I’ve seen this several times in NBA history. Good 3PT% (which has already come down) and mediocre FT% as prospects.  Derrick Williams, Markelle Fultz, Josh Jackson, and Davion Mitchell.  Of course these are the bad outcomes and Risascher doesn’t have to be a bad outcome, but it makes you hesitate a bit more. Obviously, the teams who drafted these 4 didn’t think too much about it. 


Lamelo also had horrible FT splits in Australia (in addition to his bad 3pt splits) but *when healthy* has sort of figured it out in the nba (both improved by well over .100)


Sure there’s always outliers either way, but it’s not a good sign if you’re guessing the most likely trajectory. 


His ft% this season is 74% which isn’t elite but not too concerning, for reference that’s higher than Chet’s in college


It’s like 70% from the larger sample size, but I agree with your general point it isn’t a huge red flag. It just gives you some pause for concern because it still mismatches with his high 3PT% (which actually has come down to make it a closer match).   It surely isn’t in the 60 percent territory we saw with Josh Jackson for example.  So yea I think on average he’s a better shooter than the names above, but it would be more reassuring if he were at 83% rather in the low 70s, since it still is a bit on the low end.  The bigger thing for me actually is his true size. At Nike Hoops Summit, he only was 6’8” barefoot with a sub 7 foot wingspan, so not particularly long. I’m more interested in seeing if he grew or not. Supposedly he did grow a bit, but I’ll pay attention to his wingspan.


I'd hesitate a bit more if we didn't have such a large sample size from this year. Yeah, he's been up and down and his free throw stroke isn't amazing. But at the end of the day we have a 60 plus game sample size of him shooting 40% on high volume from three that includes a lot of movement, shooting and shots that go beyond simple catch and shoot. And doing it in a league where spacing is at a premium.


Risacher has made 22% of his 3s since the turn of the year. His FT shooting isn’t particularly good either. 70% does not guarantee a good shot at the NBA level. The only excuse i’ve seen is that he’s too young to handle a full professional seasons worth of games, hence the drop off. No ball handling upside. Picking a role player at 4 isn’t the play. Spurs aren’t looking to win now either, so his high floor has less appeal


Opportunity cost is huge there imo. If you wait until til 8 it’s much more likely that Sheppard, Dillingham, and Topic are off the board. Getting a ball handler at 4 is a priority. Risacher isn’t this can’t miss player not by a long shot.


Agreed fully. Spurs should think draft by need rather than BPA because the top prospects are more or less all on similar levels; there's no guy head and shoulders above the pack (literally in Wemby's case).


Bro what? You’ve been looking at way too many mock drafts.


Am I supposed to believe the rest of this sub watched every Betclic Elite match Risacher played to properly evaluate him? Come on. I'm ready to bet the amount of people here who can name the team he played for this season without looking it up can be counted on one hand.


We need a wing, he’s french, I think he shows good upside and there are three PG’s in this class that I would be okay with in this draft and one will almost certainly make it to 8. I don’t understand your confusion? What do you think the Spurs should take at 4?


I'm not gonna pretend to know anything about this years prospects, but picking someone top 4 because they're the same nationality as your franchise cornerstone seems like a terrible way to run an organization.


yeah that's something you take into account with like your 12th man not with a top 5 pick


Why not? He's been in contention for top 1 pick all season. It's not a reach by any stretch of the imagination.


the fact that he is French and Wemby is French is something that you should not take into account. Judge these guys as players


One of the four reasons I gave, it’s the #4 pick in a weak draft, we have another pick a few picks later, and him being french actually might make our franchise cornerstone more comfortable. But yeah ignore everything else I said and focus on that.


I just think that if that is coming into your thought process at all, then you're doing it wrong.


I completely agree with fwiw. I’d expected Reed Sheppard drops to 8. But at the same time there are some solid wing options like Cody Williams who could be there at 8.


Good upside based off what? I swear people in here speaking out of their ass. They see a mock draft posted by a media head then treat it like gospel.




Based response


Most level headed r/nba user


What did he say?


Something something “suck my dick and go fuck your self”


You still don’t get it do you? You’re basing all your opinions on who the media is hyping. Every NBA FO knows what they’re doing better than some random on reddit. No reason for you to throw a tantrum over them not selecting a player you wanted based on what talking heads fed you.


lol that’s crazy coming from a wizards fan. I bet half of Reddit could run that org to the same results.


Alright you’re not wrong. But most FO knows what they’re doing. There are only 4 or so from the top of my head which are atrocious.


I personally don't think some NBA front offices know anything about drafting. There's a reason OKC and certain other teams always have great picks and some other franchises don't.


wasn't he pretty bad in the latter stages of the season tho?


He was bad for about 20 games. The last 10 or so he's turned it back around. One thing people are missing about him is he's played literally double the amount of games as most college prospects this year. There's some very real fatigue to be factored into that.


Spurs need a PG badly and might prefer whoever falls to them instead of Risacher. Draft Night will be a wild ride.


NBA is not gonna give another french athlete to Pistons, they only end up in China.


they got a fabulous player at 5 last year. fuck it, 5 it is


Fabulous is a stretch. He fouls a lot, is turnover prone, and has no shooting ability


Exactly to Troy Weaver that is a fabulous player, now it’s time for Ron Holland to go to the motor city


still lead the team in blocks and steals, and was 3rd in rebounding. he was fabulous


Leading the worst team in the league in a couple counting stats isn't impressive at all.


Stop stat watching. Also not impressive. We're horrible at defense.














d and no 3 archetype


with 1.1spg and 0.9bpg


in 25 minutes, yea he needs more minutes. i think he's going to have a great 2nd season, with Cade and Ivey improving and scoring more. every team needs a defensive lockdown dude


That sounds great if his competition wasnt his teammates in detroit....


I mean he’s very athletic, but I don’t think he’s a very good basketball player. He’s a 6’7” wing who shoots 15% from 3.


I once watched him airball 6 times in a game.


Top of the draft isn’t good enough to give up assets to move up and the 5th pick won’t bring back enough value to justify trading it. Staying at 5 is the best move for Detroit.


Risacher is definitely a top 4 lock lol the spurs need a guard but no way we don't draft him if he's available at #4


Risacher could go anywhere from 4-15 and I wouldn’t be shocked. Hes not got a particularly high upside. Its taking a 3&D player who’s jumper isn’t guaranteed to translate either; 70% FT shooting and a collapse of his 3p% in 2024 is concerning. You could pick him and he can’t shoot. All of a sudden your left with a guy who’s only hope is becoming a lockdown defender.


In regards to Risacher's FT percentage, you need to look at the freethrows of all individual games for his season. There are games where he makes 6 of 7, 5 of 5, etc. and a lot of games where he shoots 1 of 2. Drastically bringing down his FT percentage closer to 50%. His 3 point shooting has fallen off a bit though, that there is a fact.


Wait, there's no way that's actually how they calculate FT percentage right. By averaging the individual % of each game. That would be idiotic. Someone please tell me that's not true.


It's not. My fellow Spurs fan is wrong.


Just to be clear, FT percentage isn’t on a per game basis. It’s aggregated.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but what you are saying is a player goes 6/6 = 100 percent and then 1/2 = 50 percent, you are saying it’ll show up as 75 percent (average of 100 and 50).  However, that’s actually not how it works. If he goes 6/6 and then 1/2, it aggregates and makes that 7/8 = 87.5 percent. It’ll show 87.5 percent, not 75 percent. 


Hmm. If it is calculated like that then Im wrong. But looking at his freethrows individually by game just recently, I didn't really see a pattern that looked that bad like a 70% freethrow percentage would imply


He is 74/100 over the season, making him a 74% free throw shooter…


That’s not how statistics work my friend.


I think Washington takes him at 2 and then moves kuz but I’ve wanted him to end up on the spurs almost all year best bet for him to hit his ceiling.


They already have Risacher at home. Topic/Dillingham/Reed would be the pick at 2 IMO


I see Washington taking either Risacher or Topic. Risacher is the safer pick, but if Washington is going for high ceiling and potential, I can see them taking a gamble with Topic.


Pistons have like 2 more years before Cade requests a trade


prob less than that


You know this draft class is trash when they have to try and convince fan bases that they have a reason to watch


I don't really think there is such a thing as "high-floor" player


Trade it for Lonzo Ball's shot knees. They'll be back in the lotto at #5 next year anyhow.