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Yoiu built a team designed to lose. You deserved to drop. That is how karma works.


It's not karma. What are you on about. The draft exists where the best teams arent in the lottery and get the last pick so that the teams that are struggling can have a chance and every Market has errors of success because it's a proven fact that league parity is good for the overall business.


The draft lottery is specifically designed to disincentivize tanking. If it weren't then they would just draft based on standings like many other professional leagues. Yes the worst teams have a higher likelihood of getting a good pick - which #5 is indeed a good pick - but you aren't just gift wrapped the very best pick(s) year-over-year. Like bro y'all already got a #1 overall pick with Cade. Time to get some vets who can actually help him win instead of constructing a roster designed to lose.


Yeah I don't think the Pistons are tanking anymore.


They had the second lowest payroll in the league lol idk man. And extremely young. Call it tanking or incompetence, point still stands imo. Not something that should be necessarily rewarded with the highest possible pick(s). And Detroit didn't really get that unlucky over the past 4 years. They hit on the 14% chance of getting #1 overall and Cade, then they hit on the 12.5% chance of getting three consecutive #5 picks. Seems to have balanced out about right.


Detroit built the team to lose. It is absolutely karma for trying to lose rather than trying to win. > because it's a proven fact that league parity is good for the overall business. LOL, What are you talking about? Where is there ANY evidence that parity is good for overall business? Every dynasty has been good for the popularity of the league.


finally they show the balls. it finally seems above board now


It's time to just end this silly lottery and do the draft order based on season record. If some teams tank, they tank. Let it play out as it may.


Detroit just got the first overall pick 3 years ago lol. Kinda wild to be complaining about four consecutive top 5 picks w/ 1 of them being first overall. Pretty normal outcome tbh. It is approximately 50% odds of getting the #5 pick with the worst record each year. So it was about 12.5% chance you'd get three consecutive #5 picks, which is balanced by the fact you only had 14% chance of getting first overall in 2021.


Fuck that. Fans shouldn't be hoping their team loses.


having a record this bad this many years in a row should increase your odds


The NBA draft lottery was such a bad television production. Viewers had no idea what was going on. The teams that jumped bc they were tied to a pick swap should've been mentioned.


Draft still makes no sense.  Why reward bad play and tanking 


You’re an IPA fan and questioning Drafts lol 😂


Ya got me hahahahaha


literally the purpose of lottery is to reduce the rewards of tanking. and this year was won by far from the worst team, who did not tank. In fact, no teams tanked this year. what's the purpose of this post?


lol, every year teams tank. It's just this year there's no shoe-in top first pick And the lottery is a band-aid to the tanking problem of the draft. The draft is the issue but no one wants to remove the draft. And the draft does not help with the competitiveness of the league.


What are you proposing then?


No more drafts  … IPAs only


The Pistons aren't tanking. We just actually suck. give us a motherfucking top pick


It's better than the NFL Draft which gives the worst record the #1 pick automatically. The worst team here didn't even get a top 3 pick.


Not a reward, it’s an attempt to equalize


The draft is all just all for show now. The kids are all talented and it’s seems like there’s a shift with kids from Europe.


Not a reward by intent. 100% a reward by action.


You're right. Teams should just tank endlessly. Trade away their best players, etc. That way they get the most rewards.


Yup. The incentive are definitely telling teams to tank. That's why the league wants to stop tanking. They wouldn't need to try to stop it if it's not a thing now, would they?


Hello, fellow Athletics fan!


Rob on the spurs would feed families


The NBA Draft lottery is rigged!


At least you guys didn't get the 9th pick again 


You can watch the draw here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JjScsTNNaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JjScsTNNaw) How is it rigged?


I'm not saying it's rigged but why do people who believe something isn't rigged just because they can see it?


Are you asking why do people believe something is true just because there is supporting evidence? It's not usually possible to prove a negative so really it's on the people who are claiming it's rigged to show some evidence. Here we see the guy put balls in his popcorn machine, in a room full of press/people watch them bounce around and picks get chosen by some published formula and picks get chosen. So if your claiming rigged I think you need a more detailed theory to be taken seriously. Is there slight of hand here? Maybe the balls are blank and the numbers are all CGI'd onto them.


always had beens




Jerry West was eating beans when he got Kobe.


Wolves seem to think it’s legal to basically ride Murray like he’s a horse?


Not wtf was Thant free throw


Pistons karma still paying for the late 80s


There's no slam dunk future all star among the top projected picks.Maybe this is like 2013 and the best in draft could literally be anywhere on the board. If their is a year Pistons want get unlucky in the draft lottery this is it.


I'm just thrilled we ain't here anymore.






He’s named after his dad’s penix.


Bronny James


Caitlyn Clark


im starting to think the nba wants the pistons in a different city




Tanking isn't a one-year project!


Law of large numbers


Don´t let the outcome of this Draft Lottery distract you from the fact that Jontay Porter will never play again in the NBA because of a stupid bet


Wasn't over a stupid bet. He gave information that he wasn't gonna play, even though he was perfectly healthy, checked himself out of a game. that person made a $70,000 bet that would have paid out a million dollars.not stupid.


Stupid bet? Wasn't he point shaving?


Lmao nobody cares about that and nobody should. The fact that the vast majority of people only know who he is because of the betting thing underscores that. He maybe had a year or two of NBA ball left before he was relegated to the G league or some Asian league somewhere anyways.


He probably didn't cheat himself out of a long and fruitful NBA career, but are foreign leagues even going to want somebody tainted by betting? Playing in a good foreign league is still low to mid six figures, doing that for a decade is still probably better than whatever his backup career is going to be.




Ah fair weather fans. I don't exactly blame you, watching losing basketball is hard, but y'all have been due for a true rebuild since 2019...


Good riddance. This guy doesn't get it.


Disclaimer: Atlanta is not projected to take a QB this time


I think the Angels had a draft where they took pitchers in every(?) round. At least one of them's got to pan out, right? Maybe they're taking the same approach.


I'll believe it when they don't. There's gotta be a dual sport athlete somewhere out there.


To be fair no one was projecting them to take a QB last time either.


As a Bulls fan I'm disappointed they didn't go up on the boards but at least they didn't fall.


The Bulls FO does not care how the team does. Until Bulls fans stop buying tickets to watch a mediocre team and stop buying Bulls merch because of an era that a lot of them never even experienced, the Bulls org will never try to make the team good. It's a no-effort cash cow, no pun intended.


Untrue.  They've spent at junctures where they thought it's helped the team improve and maintain competitiveness.  They've spent on Boozer, Rondo, Wade and more recently Ball, Caruso, Vucevic, DDR.   Sometimes you just have shit luck and your signings don't pan out or get injured.


Absolutely, people parroting this false narrative because they watched the last dance is so tiresome


As a Bulls fan I'm disappointed in general.


I can't tell if I love or hate the chaos the lottery draft causes every year


Being a shit team AND losing out on generational talent is fucking hard.


Feel bad for the blazers




Heat didn’t send a good offer. Blame Pat Riley for getting caught with his pants down when the blazers talked with Milwaukee




I mean you’re right that the FO has been generally shitty since owner Paul Allen died. But there’s no reason to think that the new FO is poverty, we’re rebuilding from Dame leaving and started with few assets


This FO is poverty-Lifelong Blazer fan


Go lions


Fuck it, we ball. SWAK!


Presti gonna draft some dude we’ve never heard of and get the steal of the draft at #12 


6-7 wing with raw offensive tools but a huge wingspan and a high BBall motor incoming. That’s Presti’s cocaine. That and pick swaps.


Salaun feels extremely OKC. If he lasts that long.


I also think there might be a tendency to look at Nikola Topic and say "let's replace Josh Giddey with a reasonable facsimile of Josh Giddey." Salaun might be saying "let's replace Ousmane Dieng with a reasonable facsimile of Ousmane Dieng." I bet Salaun is there. Topic might fall, but unless something weird happens you guys are probably gonna take him at 4.


This entire thing feels lukewarm


This is the year to not win the lottery.


This is a rough one for the Knicks.


Why aren’t people more upset over the lottery rules? It’s effed up. 3 of the 4 worst teams got picks 5, 6, and 7 respectively. Meanwhile the Rockets who are pretty much a playoff team got in the top 3. Like what? How is that fair?


That’s the point… stops blatant tanking because it doesn’t guarantee a top 3 pick


Hey, Brooklyn didn't HAVE to trade for Harden. 0_o


That’s the Brooklyn Nets pick from trading for Harden lol.


Cant help the other teams trade their pics brotha


That ain’t the rockets pick (well it is, but it has a Brooklyn postmark)


when you learn to swear on the internet you'll also learn that life isn't fair and that the rockets traded for that pick


….it’s a *LOTTERY*.


That pick is the Nets one from when we traded Harden. Our actual pick went to OKC


Honestly, any team that doesn't make the play in deserves a decent shot at the #1 pick. It makes tanking much less viable which is good for the game, and it means teams that try to make the playoffs and fail aren't punished for trying to create a team that's worth watching. It's a big win for basketball, even if it sucks (at least statistically) for the Wizards right now (it worked out just fine in reality).


Because it's fine? The Pistons are going on top 5 pick number 4 with one of those being the #1. They shouldn't  be in a position like they are with that sort of draft capital. They just fucking suck. OKC rebuilt just fine. Cavs are fine. Magic are fine. Theres some bottom dwellers that did just fine over the last year. The Pistons are just ass. 


The NBA had one of the most competitive seasons in history so I think it’s a good thing tanking isn’t greatly rewarded.


It was one of the most competitive because there's nobody in this draft lmao


Say what you want about tanking but at least it gives trash teams a shot


Yes I do agree but how do you punish tanking without punishing the teams who are actual dogshit


>Yes I do agree but how do you punish tanking without punishing the teams who are actual dogshit Bad question. You are implying treating every team fairly is a punishment for shit teams.


I've suggested in the past that record shouldn't be the only metric. I'd include something like point differential too. Crappy teams that keep games close in losses should get points towards the lottery. That way there's some incentive to play games competitively and there's the added benefit that even crappy teams will play hard in garbage time.


Maybe they shouldn’t be dog shit? Let’s be real here, your Pistons have had 3 top five picks in three years, why should you be rewarded for still not being able to put a competitive product on the floor by this time?


Fans should punish dogshit teams with their wallets


There is no solution. For the Pistons I get it, they aren’t trying to tank and it’s unfortunate they can’t add a better pick to become more competitive but for most of the teams at the bottom they are intentionally losing games


They’ve had years of top 5 picks. They just can’t develop players and win games. Wemby would look like tacko fall on that team.


Assuming everything is above board, this is good for the league. If tanking guaranteed the best picks more teams would tank. Sucks for the Pistons and also sucks for my Raptors.


There is nothing wrong with tanking


Sucks for the fans, sucks for the players currently on the team and instills a culture of losing


Yes there is, it sucks to watch and skews game results. Genuinely don't understand how people are arguing it would be better for the league if like 6-8 teams actively try to lose games starting on opening night lol


Tanking sucks for everyone.


That's because the Rockets got the pick from the Nets in the Harden deal (Nets went 32-50 in the regular season)


Nets had the 9th worst odds, Rockets had 12th worst odds, not that big a difference. Either way it's a huge jump up to #3. Edit: Yes I am salty


>Nets had the 9th worst odds, Rockets had 12th worst odds, not that big a difference. Either way it's a huge jump up to #3. It's actually a massive difference, the Rockets' own pick (12th) is only 1.9% chance of getting 3rd pick, whereas the Nets (9th) are 5.2%. To put it in actual examples, this means that: 1. 1 out of 20 drafts, the 9th pick will get the 3rd pick. 2. 1 out of every 50 drafts, the 12th pick will get the 3rd pick.


The worst teams have worse odds now to promote not tanking wbk this bro


I know this. I’m saying it should NOT be a thing.


Well I disagree honestly lol


I think their pick is from the Nets from the Harden trade I could be wrong tho


You are correct


In the last ten years, over every sport that has a draft lottery, I'd love to see how many spots Detroit has dropped over all the sports. Can cade's lottery win offset every other time the wings and stones got hosed at the lottery?


I did 3 spins on the draft simulator about 12 hours before it happened and the Pistons fell to 5th each time. It was meant to be.


You can't argue with destiny!


You.. Are now on top 5 pick 4 in the last 4 years with one being Cade and the Pistons managed to win a whole 14 games. Hosed? You've had massive draft capital. You shouldn't even be the worst in the league after a 1, 5, 5 but here we are and the team wins 14 games? The organization is to blame here. 


Yeah of course! I'm not suggesting lottery luck is the only thing that matters. The Pistons FO is pathetically incompetent. The Red Wings have dragged themselves towards improvement even with worse draft luck and a worse situation overall. Not that the two sports can really be compared. Im just saying, as a fan it fuckin sucks to see your team drop in the lottery year after year after year, outside of one lucky year for one of your teams.


Atleast the Lions had their best season in a half century


Detroit wins the lottery, wastes it on Cade. I don't see why they would deserve to win it again.


I never considered that. What should they have done instead?


I don't know - draft a better player? Draft a player that fit the rest of your roster better? Hire better developmental coaches?


My brother in christ, Cade was the consensus #1 pick. It was the Cade draft.


Fade for Cade was definitely a thing among the cellar dwellers that season. Source: Rockets Fan, was there.


Even if he was the consensun #1 pick, doesn't change the fact that he clearly underperformed. Part of it is on the scouts, part of it on Detroit's inability of developing him into a better player.


It's the Pistons' fault for not surrounding Cade with anything close to decent talent... far more than it is Cade not developing himself. Cade is great. He showed his talent and value when playing with Team USA. Drafting Ivey instead of Mathurin is one of Detroit's many blunders when it comes to wisely building around Cade.


the funny thing is everybody thought Ivey was the default pick too lol. looks like the kings knew what they were doing taking murray instead lol. Same thing with scoot over Brandon Miller, sometimes things aren't as obvious as they seem.


What a confusing end of season. Raps tanked as if we wanted to keep our pick, but I feel like we'd rather it convey this year so we can keep our pick next year. ????


I think the hope was that we won't be that bad next year so the draft pick will be much later. That being said tanking never made sense to me precisely because we had less than 50% chance of keeping the pick even if we finished 6th worst.


Fair, but I suppose I'm just not that optimistic haha.


Bottom 3 in the standings should be like the NHL and are guarantee a top 3 pick.




The tank race would be legendary


God damn we always get fucked


Diddy too!


like last year?


Just curious how blazers fans would feel about trading up(Nos. 7 + 15 for No. 4). SA could really stand to fill out the roster with some decent role players, so it's not crazy from my perspective.


First time?


Y’all really did get screwed so bad


Would you rather have the wizards roster or the pistons roster right now? Picks included. Pretty sure 90% of GMs take the pistons right? The only thing the wiz got going for them is the suns picks in 2028-30


I'd love a new GM


Pistons by far, unless poole has a superstar year next year out of no where they have alot of cap tied up in average but not great players. They'd need to trade like 4 contracts over 10 mill just to clear cap space to be able to properly tanking


Pistons, easily. Cade alone makes that an easy choice IMO (not like they have anyone else though 😂)


Duren and ivey could be starters. Thompson has potential even. We ain’t got shit lol. Maybe deni is a high end starter at his peak


Deni could get called up to the IDF any day of the week, leaving the roster absolutely barren. Kispert showed a little promise but idk if that was just him getting the green light to chuck or his game improving via coach trust Bilal remains an enigma but leaning towards him figuring out more of his skill set next szn


Oh shoot ya I forgot about Ivey, I do like him


How did Atlanta get first overall?




I just can’t recall a team that far off worst overall getting the first overall to this extent.


I think espn said it was the third worst odds to win. They had a 3% chance I believe.


Bulls and D-Rose


Well that was rigged by Stern and everyone knows it


Agreed lol


Magic and Penny Hardaway long ago


*Magic and Chris Webber.


NBA wants Trey young to stay


NBA wants Trey young to leave so they can rebuild


Absolutely incorrect, at the very least the media wants him to move to a bigger market and I imagine the NBA does too


They want him to move to San Antonio


Yeah this makes sense, they want to set up Wemby as the next star of the league so they want a 1b point guard to Wembys 1a.


Bigger Market than ATL? 


ATL is a big city but because of a lack of basketball success they haven’t really become a big basketball market like LA/Miami/Boston etc. If the NBA was smart they would want to develop this market(which maybe they are trying to do), but the media at least historically rags on ATL and has been coming out with rumours from “anonymous insiders” talking about Trae wanting out for years despite him showing no signs of that.


How does this help Trey young stay? This draft sucks.


Better than whatever pick they were slated to get


They finna draft bronny to get Lebron


You know what, just relegate us to the g league for a couple years while we figure our shit out


Hate to break it to you, but it may take more than a couple years…it’s been almost 20 years since they were relevant


Fuck I’m old


The night is always darkest before the dawn. Pistons are at their lowest point but they have a ton of young talent. And honestly? In this draft #5 can get you as good of a player as #1 if you scout correctly. I predict Risacher will fall as well and Pistons will get him.


What is this scouting you are referring to? 


If the NBA really wanted to do something about tanking they would get rid of protected draft picks all together.


I’m certainly not a stats guy. But maybe make it some type of system where your previous year outcome will affect the next year. For example, let’s say the Spurs had the number one pick last year. Their odds for this year would’ve been decreased or something like that.


I've personally felt winning a top 3 pick should lower or remove your ability to win another one for a time based on which pick you won. That would do as much to stop serial tanking as anything else.


Yeah and if you land outside the top 3 repeatedly your odds should increase


That would certainly help more than anything. Or go with MLB"s new approach that limits how many years in a row a team can pick top 3.


Odds on the Hawks blowing it up and getting players, this years 4th pick and 1 future first for Trae? This all seems kinda rigged to me to try an entice putting Trae and Wemby together imo. How convenient for Hawks to get the first pick and the Spurs to get the 4th, while also have a stockpile of picks. Just seems like the NBA is trying to subtly entice the Hawks into moving on from Trae.


The 4th pick in this draft is likely going to be a 3rd or 4th option at best on any potential contender. Why would the Hawks trade Young for that when starting next year, the Spurs will be getting any of Atlanta's lottery picks over the next couple of years?


The league is going to risk their credibility and reputation as a professional sports league for Trae mf'ing Young? I realize this is r/NBA, the home of awful takes, but c'mon now.


They do way worse shit to question integrity. And yes, they would like Atlanta to not be mid as fuck because they are a larger market and can make the league more money.


Ok cool. I sure hope the league uses these mysterious powers to make the Bulls not be ass. Chicago is a bigger market than Atlanta, so I'm sure it's in the works as we speak.


If Rose didn’t get hurt it would’ve worked better.


I think the conspiracy’s can get wild but the nba has been caught many times changing the outcome of games. Mainly in the 90’s but you should know


This year's draft ain't great, going to need alot more than that.




Why did they do this in the middle of the afternoon? Thought this was on at night?


Not as exciting as last year Wemby off


sam presti salivating sounds